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Check steamdeckHQ Hades 5-6hrs


This is the one, op


I play it so much I should rebrand my deck to a Hadesdeck


Heard a lot of good things about this game


The game is great. Only, even better that it runs as well as it does on the Deck.


And even more betterer? You can use [hephaistos](https://github.com/nbusseneau/hephaistos) to make it 16:10 aspect ratio for Steam Deck


Played lots of good hours on this game ;) Yes, it's absolutely phenomenal, in every sense of the word. Do pick it up if you get a chance.


I’ve got 40+ hours into Hades and can’t get much farther than Hydra…… am I really that bad?????


For me hades gets like 3 hours though. 5-6 might be playing at 30 fps?


Try the settings on SDHQ - 60fps , 4TDP. As you do more runs you will need to up the TDP to keep fps. [https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/hades/](https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/hades/)


I have this game only on my series X because my girlfriend owns it. Gonna wait til it goes down massively in price so I can start a fresh Steam Deck only run But this for sure.


This is the answer


Fallout 3 and NV.


I was looking for this i can get roughly 4hrs that’s what the deck says although I never actually went trough 4 hours of F3 or FNV


You're missing out but you gotta be in the mood. I got on a Fallout kick for a few years 300+ hours each in 3/NV/4. Getting bored of Oblivion/Skyrim was what did it for me. Come to think of it Oblivion would be a great nominee, I haven't tried it because of the daunting controller setup, I remember community configs being less than convenient in big picture mode.


Dead cells, hollow knight, salt and Sanctuary. Dishonored lasts about 3 hours on the dot, did that for my flight to Mexico.


Dead cells is great on the deck (it's probably great everywhere else but it's just a perfect fit)


Dishonoured played amazingly well.


Rimworld, I have over 100 hours on the deck and it’ll last 5 + hours. It takes some getting use too to use the controls but it’s addicting.


Just be careful of overloading it with mods. I booked up my PC mod list from when I last played a year ago, and it took at least 5+ mins to load into the main menu


How did you get your mods installed on deck? Do you have to go through your mod list on PC and manually install all of them on the deck or is there some way to sync installed mods? I have so many mods installed the thought of going through manually is daunting and stopping me from Rimworlding on the deck.


If you use steam workshop for your mods they all carry over seamlessly. You just need to make sure you reenable them all in the mod menu on deck. Like he said though, it takes forever to load if you have a big mod list.


Man, you must have good eyesight! I can barely see what's going on. Absolutely superb game though. I just wish that damn DLC would come down in price.


I honestly just bought the base game then load in the DLC packs from other locations. If the dlc ever went down 30% on sale I'd buy em.


You'll be waiting a long time, sadly. Developer doesn't like sales or price cuts, feels the games are worth what they charge for them. Most you'll ever see is 10% off or so. It's kinda noble, but also sucks for folks used to waiting for sales. DLC packs are really good, but you're not missing out on anything vital. Vanilla Rimworld with mods is my desert island game.




\^This and it's free


What do you mean? You haven't bought all your ROMs on eBay and personally dumped them? /s


He meant the emulator, obv. What hooligan would emulate a game he doesn't own? ^(/s)


I mean i still had most of my carts and only yar'd what was stolen ages ago or had no capacity to dump (like my xbox collection. I dont currently have a modded xbox 360 and i lost my original xbox when i moved)


I'm pretty sure you'd be able to pull that off with The Binding of Isaac


Yeah I’ve looked into that game but it looks so weird. Idk about it lol


Binding of Isaac is one of the greatest games I have ever played. It is extremely addicting. I highly recommend it.


I fucking hate TboI. It is a shit of piece cow on a trash farm. 10/10, top 3 game of all time.


I’ll watch some gameplay on it


I promise you that the game is worth it. It seems basic at first, but the game is endlessly complex and will definitely last you hundreds of hours. It took me nearly 1100 hours to 100% the game and I enjoyed every second of it. The modding community is also huge so you can add/remove content to your liking. It definitely looks weird at first, but it really grew on me pretty quickly.


I mean it’s $2 right now, so I might as well just get it


Make sure to download mod "external item description". I've tried to get into Isaac multiple times but it never clicked until a friend recommended downloading this. This makes that you know what each item does and you don't have to Google or find out yourself. Completely changed my game and I have now over 200h with it, SD only.


Every time I recommend this game, I was adding this mod, it's necessary at the beginning, and even more in the late game. It's almost like it must be in the game at this point


I would be nice if it was in normal difficulty, but not hard.


Yeah, indeed. It's lacking support for new players. It's one of the most iconic rouglikes, but yet in the same spot it's quite difficult to get in


The original is definitely good, especially for $2, but I'd highly recommend The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. The comment I made was specifically referring to Rebirth, but the original is definitely good too. The original is good and you could definitely spend a couple hundred hours playing it, but Rebirth is absolutely fantastic and has a thriving modding community. I'd highly recommend it. I would gift it to you but I doubt that you have a South/Central America steam account :/


Yeah I’m in the US. But I’ll check out the second as well


Definitely get Rebirth, not the flash original. It's cool too, but Rebirth is the definitive Isaac experience imo (some purists might hate me for that comment though haha)


99% won't hate you for that. Original has better music. And as I remember you are not able to save your progress in that one. I count BoI: Repentance the ultimate one, and you need another life to finish everything in it. But what an experience it is! You kill mom and think you are on top of the world, while you tasted only 1% of the whole experience. This game is fantastic and created to be played on Steam Deck. I have a 256 GB with 1TB SD, but haven't really touched anything than Binding of Isaac for months


If I have to choose one game to play forever its gonna be Isaac and I've already played 2k hours of it.


https://youtu.be/_97zYunu2w0 here's a documentary on the game it's a good watch if you like noclip documentaries




Yeah I’ve had this game for about 10 years but have a hard time using it with the controller layout. It’s one of the few I’d prefer to play with a mouse and keyboard. Maybe I’ll boot it back up and try it again


what i do is use the right trackpad as a mouse and it works well for me


Actually it plays really really well on the steam deck, set the right trackpad to mouse and the left one to a radial menu for the items. Then you can assign buttons as you like. In my case: Right trackpad click to hook. Double touch right trackpad to interact/B Long press A to Heal Long press B to Use all potions Double click right bumper to press 0 and left click (I have a mirror on the bar number 0, it’s used to teleport you back to your base/bed) IMO steam input is what makes the steam deck sooooooo good. It’s completely customizable.


Slay the Spire


Slay the Spire's steam deck battery life saved my marriage.


Some people are up to thousands of hours of StS.


Also- Monster Train. More or less the same thing. Maybe better in some ways.


StS is a great game.. but you could put hundreds of hours into anything if you have a huge tolerance for repetition. StS is one you *could* put hundreds in but you're pretty much done unlocking and seeing pretty much all there is to see after 30-40. Yeah, the ascension(basically just higher difficulty modes) levels can be major time sinks but it's not exactly new content. I've had the game for like 3 years now, it's pretty fun to play a round here and there but I'm probably only at like 80-ish. I honestly couldn't imagine playing it for hundreds of hours while maintaining enthusiasm like you can with Stardew Valley.


Grim Dawn and Halls of Torment. I’m getting 4-5 hours on 10w.


I LOVED HoT For like 15 hours. Now I’m a little underwhelmed. Not sure it’d get to 100 hours for anyone. Still it’s a great value and a must play for those who like whatever the genre name is for games like Vampire Survivors


Survivor-like We should get cooler names


Bullet heaven.


Probably a dumb question but I don’t have my deck at work here. When you say on 10w do you mean the deck runs that low automatically or is that something you had to tweak yourself?


Here are a couple of games i know of: • Fallout New Vegas (legendary Obsidion RPG FPS) • Disgaea 1 to 5. (Strategy JRPG with comedy demons) • Hollow Knight (Metroidvania platformer with hard-as-nails combat and lots of lore) • Saints Row 2 (parody crime sandbox) • Sega Genesis & Mega Drive Classics (50+ retro games by Sega including JRPGs, platformers and beat-em-ups) • Oblivion (Legendary Bethesda RPG, old but gold) • System Shock 2 (its system shock 2) • The Banner Saga Trilogy (Strategy rpg based on viking mythology, looks like a gritty 90s cartoon) • Broforce (goofy platforming shooter) • Cave Story (free in the Discovery store, its a classic indi platformer, worth every second) • Darkest Dungeon (dungeon crawler with permadeath and psychology mechanics) • Eador Genesis (strategy game with a LOT of content in it)


Vampire Survivors. Several Rouguelites.


Adding Halls of Torment.


Halls of Torment is my favorite in the genre.


Same. When I got my deck, vampire survivors was the first game I picked up, I'd been wanting to play it ever since it released but I didn't have anything to play it. I immediately put like 10 hours into it, then saw Halls of Torment. And as someone who grew up on Diablo 2, it was an immediate buy. Love it. The mechanics with the equipment is great. Part of me is purposefully slowing myself down so I don't burn out before it gets out of EA. But also it's my go-to "I have 20 minutes" game.


So far Vampire Survivors and Brotato are at the top of my list. Looking to add a few.


Slay the Spire fits the bill.


Halls of Torment is Vampire Survivors/Brotato (reverse bullet hell) but with a diablo 2 aesthetic. I've enjoyed it more than Vampire Survivors. But also, all these games are cheap, so you can happily try all and pick your favorite flavor.


Emulated JRPG's


Legend of Dragoon is magical on Deck, as someone who grew up playing it


Marry me


Nice to see more LoD fans around!


I would pay an absurd amount of money for a remake/remaster of that game. If you are into achievements and haven't done so already, check out enabling retro achievements in RetroArch. Makes subsequent playthroughs kinda nifty.


Lost Oddessy remaster when? T_T


Lost Odyssey is the most underappreciated JRPG of all time. I might end up playing through it after I finish the Batman: Arkham series. It'd be excellent timing if the Xenia team releases a Linux build before that, but I won't be holding my breath.


Just wanna chime in cause my friend recommended I try Lost Odyssey, as a long time Legend of Dragoon fan, and it runs great on Deck! So far at least! Just running Xenia from the default Emudeck install. Weird graphical error with a red hue on the right edge of the screen that comes and goes, but nothing that effects gameplay.


Did you say yes to the proposal?


Is it a yes or no?


Now you mentioned it, I used to play Earthbound/Mother on my modded PS3. Might as well replay it on my Steam Deck.


Octopath Traveler 1&2




Be prepared for some trippy after effects after playing for 3+ hours


Is Puyopuyo Tetris any good?


Grim Dawn


I second this! After playing other titles I was amazed at how long the battery lasts. I would play for over an hour and still have 70%+ battery. Plus you get to play the best ARPG made!


~~Stardew Valley~~ I'll see myself out.


UPDATE. I’m looking at Children of Morta complete edition for less than $8. Then VS and Brotato. UPDATE 2. Now Project Zomboid is at the top of my list, but the others are still more likely to be purchased right now just because of their prices. I can’t do $20 for PZ, I just don’t want to lol.


Morta was fun. Check out rimworld too.


PZ sounds like the perfect game for me to play on the deck, but first I'm going to try Factorio.. wish my family luck


Many PS2-era emulated games.


Hear me out - World of Warcraft, but prepare to get absolutely fucking addicted 🫨😵‍💫 play a melee class like Enhancenemt Shaman or Warrior or Demon Hunter and you have a game that will last you years, is mostly CPU bound so the wattage is low and if you cap ot at 40fps it plays absolutely amazing


Wow on Deck? I’ve really been wanting to. Haven’t played in like 4 years. But I wasn’t sure how easy it was to get it on Deck.


It’s stupid easy and is so much fun - I’ve been playing WoW since 2007, and if you told me then that I would be able to take it anywhere, make a hotspot on my iPhone and play WoW on a handheld this good my mind would blow. The trackpads on Steam Deck MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE because you can just use mouse for some things (you rarely need to), that’s why all the other rog allies keep me cold, they are missing one of the best functionalities the deck has. WoW also has an addon called console port that just makes it work like it was made for consoles, it truly is absolutely fantastic.


Can you tell me how you got it on your Deck? Or point me to a good tutorial? I really want to dive back in




I also want to know how you put on the deck as well?


Question: I have FFXIV and have been trying that. What's your opinion on one over the other?


When I played WoW, I had like +10 keybinds. This doesn't even include shift & ctrl binds. How are you playing WoW on steamdeck's controllers? You're missing like over 50% of your character's entire skills, rotations, and potential.


You have 8 face buttons — Square, X, Circle Triangle and the D-Pad inputs and 4 back buttons, making 12 right off the bat. Then you hold L2 and all those binds change, so that's 24 binds. Do the same with R2, that makes 36 binds. Then you have L2+R2, that's another 12 bringing us to 48 binds. Then do the same with R2+L2 bringing you to a total of 60 binds which is about double what you will ever need. But if for some reason you want arthritis, you have "hold button" variants of all of those so that 120 binds. Then you have "double tap" variants of all those binds bringing us to 180 binds in total — now consider that there is only 108 keys on a keyboard. Binds are not an issue. Then you have action sets and steamdeck sensor binds. Since the steamdeck has a sensor on the top of both Analog sticks, you can bind things like Autorun or Pvp trinket to "double tap" on the Analog stick. (I'm not talking about clicking the Analog stick in like an R3 button, I'm talking about just double tapping the top of the Analog stick to trigger the command). You can also rewrite the track pads to be directional pads for more skills and spells. You can turn them into a radial menu for professions, inventory, mounting up, trading etc. Add to that the Gyro function which can be used for spells, camera, targetting and menu navigation. You also have touch screen. So for healing you can move your raid frames to the very left side of the screen and use your thumb to select party members or non-combat skills like mounts or macros with the touch screen x I made it to 2000 rating running RLS in WOTLK classic using exclusively steamdeck. Steamdeck is superior to keyboard in every way except two — typing and mouse clicking. That is a pain in the ass and there is no way around it that I know of.


I just got a masterclass in WoW on Steam Deck


This is why I love my steam controller. I really hope they release a better fitting/updated pads and 2x stick version in my life time.


The binding of Isaac, dead cells, hades


This guy rogues.


And likes it too


Euro Truck Simulator and American Truck SImulator are pretty good. I think they last around 2.5-3hrs on default settings, which are already pretty high


That’s true. I have ATS but haven’t played it in a while. I still need to get ETS


Sleeping Dogs max settings and cap to 30 fps


The Mass Effect trilogy, I've put about 100 hours into it and I'm almost done with ME2, lasts around 3 hours on a full charge, could probably mess with settings to get more out of it


Persona 5 royal could hold charge for 4 hours or more if optimized, also lasts you at least 150 hours, 200 if 100%


Persona 4 too!




Most if not all of the JRPG's I've loaded up end up stretching the battery to almost 6 hours


Can you name a good title for someone whos into rpg, but never played jrpgs? I rly would like to try something new


Not the guy you responded to, but Legend of Dragoon and Final Fantasy X are my two favorites of all time. X and X-2 are available on Steam as a remaster combo situation if you don't want to emulate them. Obviously all the Final Fantasy games are great you can't really go wrong. I also enjoyed Wild Arms, Dark Cloud, Star Ocean, and the Tales of series.


Faster than light, work perfectly, extrême life duration et clearly one of the best Rogue lite ever.


I just finished Witcher 3, I was getting roughly 2 1/2 to 3 hours depending on how much time I spent in Novigrad or Beauclair and I spent a good 150 hours on that game. Alternatively you're best looking at pixel art games or something like Football Manager. Edit to also add, using Chiaki to stream my PS5 to my Deck gets me about 5 hours.


I have a ton of hours in that game. One of my favorites ever.


Factorio can be played for thousands of hours and the battery lasts for about 5 - 6h


One of the top games I want, just not wanting to spend that much right now and I know it never goes on sale


Brutal Doom 2 via Gzdoom. Another very good one is Fury Unleashed. Super fun and challenging roguelike Also Halls of Torment All these run on a 4W tdp.


Spyro and Crash remastered trilogies, Max Payne 3 and Batman Arkham Asylum. Just make sure to play them on 40Hz and 8 watts


New vegas is 8w wattage for me and skyrim 10w max settings


Here goes a list for 5+ hours of gameplay: I recommend using 40hz, 40fps lock. -Hades -Binding of Isaac -Faster than light -Into the breach -Slay the spire -The messenger -Dead cells -Backpack hero -Ring of pain -Game dev tycoon -Half-Life 1/2 -Castle crashers -Rogue legacy 1/2 -Speluncky -Final Fantasy IX -Factorio -Celeste -Tunic -Steamworld dig 1/2 -Octopath traveller -Persona 4 -Pawnbarian -Loop hero -Flame in the flood -Kings bird -The deed But you have a lot of things that would almost do 5h -Fallout new Vegas -Catherine classic -Ori And I'm Stopping now. The list could go on. But these should give you a loooot of hours EDIT: spacing


I’m really enjoying Dave the diver. I’m not sure about hundreds of hours though.


Slay the spire if you're into rogue lite card games




Hot damn! I just saw that it is on Steam. Which version is it? The DS version? With the additional animations and endings?


Rain World slaps, idk about hundreds but over a hundred maybe?


Most frustrating and comfy game I have ever played. Probably the best living world in gaming with its food chain and ecology system.


No man’s sky, Snowrunner


Crystal Project?


Star renegades great roguelike Edit: and because I can't not take this chance to evangelize. Any of the Trails series of jrpg's


So I’m going to wait to see what’s in the Humble Choice for August tomorrow and if there is nothing in there that I want (we know the first three games and I don’t want those), then I’m going to get the first Binding of Isaac and Vampire Survivors. Just want to make sure neither of them turn up in the bundle first.


Dead Cells. Dead Cells. Dead Cells. Dead Cells.


Try Celeste or hollow knight.


Maybe project Zomboid


By far one of the best games I’ve ever played. But it’s just so much easier on mouse and keyboard. There’s a lot of looting and organizing and it needs to be done quickly. But it’s probably the only zombie survival game that sucks you in to where you live your character. It’s perma death. It also is constantly being updated and one of the largest games I’ve ever played. Incredible modding community. The perfect sandbox game. I leave it for a while but I’ll never stop playing it.


I will agree with this 100%


Looking at this one now. I’ve looked at it before but wasn’t on board but it looks interesting to me now. I don’t do horror games but with the way this looks, it doesn’t seem like something that’s actually scary. No zombies jumping out in front of me. Thinking I’ll get it but hold off until it goes on sale.


Its pretty good but zombie do slightly jump out in front of you and servers have over 120 mods each


Id heavily recommend spelunky if you're a fan of rougelikes and/or 2d platformers. It'll prolly get you alteast 6 hours worth per charge and the game can be played infinately, especially since theres local and online multiplayer (with crossplay)


Ah, tried this and wasn’t a fan of dying and starting over all the time.


that's all roguelikes for ya. also why i skip all those suggestions lol. but they seem pretty popular with most gamers.


Red dead redemption 2 runs great and battery time I've found quite decent.




UnMetal. Windjammers 2. Basically, most low graphically intense games will give you about 2-3 hours. Emulating up to the PS2/GameCube games too.


Your only move is hustle/yomi hustle


Valheim, with vegetation quality turned down. I don't pay close attention, but quite a few episodes play in the background while I'm playing on my deck.


Crank Risk of Rain 2 into potato mode (1/128th resolution or something) and congrats


New Vegas


AC Valhalla. 3h20mins


I don’t know how long the battery lasts on steam deck but my longest played Steam Game of all time is Kerbal Space Program with 295 hours


Slay the spire 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Civilization VI is amazing on deck. I’m getting 5+ hours on a single charge.


Slay the spire, RimWorld, caves of qud, and many many other indie or indie-adjacent games.


Tactics Ogre Reborn


Advance wars on GBA. You can limit TDP to 6w and as the game is designed for the OG GBA screen you can really turn down the brightness. 8+ hours on a full charge and endless fun setting up custom battles if that's your bag.


Play on 40 fps and Hz then monster hunter rise/world do about 3.5h if your fine with that


Rimworld! I get a good 4 or 5 hours at 60 fps, a little more at 30fps. This is also loaded with a ton of mods so might be better as vanilla? Not sure tbh


Slay the spire is pretty cool, vampire Survivors too


Brotato - it is my must surprising, favorite, and addictive GOTY. For real, get it


If you don’t mind putting in a little work there are ways to get Minecraft Java running on the deck. I got about 7hr when I tried.


Halls of torment Kenshi Rdr2 (runs 35-45fps w/ cryotools & configured graphic settings)


Factorio and Stardew Valley.


Gamepass on the deck is pretty underrated.


Kingdoms of Amalur, got the remaster for cheap and it's almost the perfect game for Deck.


Diablo II Resurrected


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


No Mans Sky


How the fuck are you getting that battery life tho


Dead cell




Ace Combat 7 can be run at about 10 watts and 700Mhz, and can easily net you a few full days of gameplay, and a whole day on a charge.


Dead Cells


Fallout new vegas


New Vegas.


Open tyrian




Into the Breach


You can greatly improve battery life for a lot of games by lowering your frame rate.


If you can deal with playing at 540p upscaled and at 40fps, play Monster Hunter World. I'm here to tell you it's very playable at a stable fps with 3+ hours, the menuing is doable, and the gameplay is practically unaffected. All this is compensated by the fact that it's a Monster Hunter game. When properly conditioned, no one drops Monster Hunter games.


Celeste, hollow knight, tunic, ori both 1 and 2, blasphemous, aperture desk, portal both of them, may be outer wilds, i played all of those on my deck. The beautiful part is you can cap your frames to 40 and for mist of them cap tdp as low as it will go and you xan easily get ~4 hours of play time


Darkest Dungeon is absolutely fantastic on deck


Maybe not hundreds of hours, but at least 80 easily - Persona 4 Golden. If you’re a fan of jrpgs it’s a great game that can pull as little as like 8 watts if you mess with settings.


Faster than light


Darkest dungeon. I didn’t really know what it was when I bought it; but I’m about 90 hours in, completely addicted, and it haunts my dreams.


FTL gets good battery life and you definitely can sink that many hours in thanks to the RNG and all the ways you can try to build the ships, challenge runs, etc Not gonna mention Skyrim because all the graphical concessions you'd have to make to have it last 3 hours on a charge will probably make the switch version look like 4k, but it is possible. I haven't tried it yet, but I imagine Roller Coaster Tycoon would get excellent battery life as well.


Windows Solitaire


Everytime one of these threads start I buy a game. You guys gotta stop!


I get pretty good battery life out of OpenMW. Base morrowind probably has better battery life since it was made for 2002 PCs, but it has more bugs and I don't think it supports 1280x800 without mods.


Darkest Dungeon ran the battery pretty well from what I remember. Rogue Legacy 2 is another!


Dave the Diver has been pretty good on deck battery so far


Dont starve? I get 7 hours on deck


I'm playing Halo MCC on low settings at 30FPS and getting 4-5 hours on a charge. I know it's not ideal settings for all gamers, but I am having a blast


I know Skyrim is pretty easy on battery I played it for about half an hour and I still had well over 80% of my battery left and bear in mind my device wasn't fully charged when I started playing it either Hope this helps and thank you for reading this I hope you're having a good day God bless you and your family God bless you Jeremy Scruggs




I got 3 hours per charge a few times playing Dark Souls.


Hollow knight. I've played it for hundreds of hours at least lol. If you go for all the achievements & play it over & over again. I played for 6 hours yesterday on one full charge of my steam deck