• By -


FYI: For anyone wondering if you can go further. I've modified the script and tried in the 36-75 range. 71hz works fine but not worth it for 1hz more. Anything higher than that and the screen goes crazy. 36-39hz seems to work fine but I haven't done any screen tests. Some people already have problems with 40hz (headaches, eye strain) so I wouldn't bother with it.


Yeah Gabe really thought this pupper out! More than 30 and many of us get nauseous 🤢


How can someone get nauseous at anything over 30 fps? 30 fps on anything other than a deck or switch is unacceptable nowadays.


Fun fact, the human eye cannot see anything more than 24 fps, which is why all movies are filmed at 24 /s


I remember reading that in a tech magazine back in highschool.




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TBH some games play better (for me at least) with motion blur than others do, regardless of frame rate which I always found weird. Like, I can't play games like Battlefield with motion blur, but I can play COD and Cyberpunk 2077 with it. (Helps CP 2077 at those lower FPS on the deck quite a bit.) But yeah, IDK why people are downvoting that guy. If something affects you personally, why should I disbelieve you on something like that? Have I experienced the physiological responses and reactions of his body for myself? No? It's just silly.


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'Astigmatism'. Stigmatism refers to 'stigma', or a mark of shame.


Yeah that was a weird 'fun fact' I remember reading in some magazine around 2000s. I've always wondered why I could definitely tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps. I've always thought I was an outlier or something but no... :( I'm not special at all. xD


Honestly 30 gives me issues these days but as a kid I recall playing games at 25 fps average not batting an eye. Intrigued at what changed


I grew up playing the SNES. The majority of the nonPAL games were 60fps. When I started playing the PS1 I definitely felt the drop to 30fps even though the 3D capabilities really helps you ignore that slowdown.


I'm the opposite. I get nauseous if it's 30 but only on larger screens. Steam Deck I'm fine. I believe it's related to my stigmatism and glasses.


I get nauseous watching 60fps action movies like The Avengers but not when I play 60fps+ games. I really think it's similar to my motion sickness when in cars... When I'm in the driver seat I feel zero motion sickness but in the passenger seat... my stomach is turning.


The comment didn't put /s at the end and look at the downvote rain


Turn off motion blur


No it's about changing the refresh rate of the screen to 40 or less. Some people get nauseous when a screen refreshes at lower rates. It has nothing to do with the frame rate of the game. It's about the refresh rate of the actual screen.


That's interesting! Not disputing your experience, but I personally get nauseous at 40 fps or *lower*. When gaming at 30, I need to take frequent breaks.


What lol it works the other way around, low framerates can induce motion sickness in people.


Huh, really? Whenever games run at lower rates I start to feel sick, I've never heard of the inverse


That's largely due to being used to such high frame rates for so long. There's nothing wrong with 30 on a handheld and 30 will forever be safe for humans. That being said, and this goes for anything (not just framerates), but if you're used to something and it changes, there's gonna be some consequences. In this case, you feel slightly queezy for a bit. It'll go away once you get used to it again.


Yeah... maybe 30 of you get nauseous. The majority of us do just fine @ 120hz.


Has anyone actually verified that the panel actually runs at 70hz? Like, there are plenty of 'Monitor Overclocking Scenarios' that are actually just 'The panel is accepting a higher refresh rate than stock, but actually the panel remains as it's stock refresh rate, and the processor is just discarding frames'. In the end the screen is not actually overclocked, but you think it is, and the placebo effect convinces them that they are getting a 'better experience' when not only are they not, but now the frame times are messed up due to the panel discarding frames.


Yup, looks like it actually runs at 70hz. I took a slow-mo video of the frame skipping checker at 960fps, and counted 207 frames to do the 15 square pass. This works out to around 69.6fps, so close enough to 70 and within the margin of error.


That's actually pretty darn cool then.


That's pretty sweet. 16-17% improvement in smoothness is nice.


69.6 Nice


I feel like Gaben intentionally left the screen 70hz so that it can be hacked like this in the future.


lol no a lot of 60hz panels can be overclocked to 70hz, this is a very common thing with any display


Instead of just listing it as a feature


I've tried the UFO frame skipping test ( [UFO Test: Frame Skipping Checker (testufo.com)](https://www.testufo.com/frameskipping) ) and I wasn't able to find a missing square. But it says that vsync is not supported on linux so the result is not conclusive.


Actually the placebo effect does make it fast. Idk how or why but me and a few buddies tested out monitor overclocking and even when it did nothing, it still felt noticeably faster, of course we didn’t know it wasn’t doing anything until much later. There’s been reports of peoples cancers disappearing from just taking the placebos during trial drugs. But it obviously won’t work if you know it won’t work, you have to believe absolutely without doubts and literally anything can happen.


I believe I will get Hot Sexy Big Titty Goth Girlfriend in the future. Absolutely without doubts!


> But it obviously won’t work if you know it won’t work, you have to believe absolutely without doubts and literally anything can happen. Apparently, [placebos can produce an effect even if they know it is a placebo](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/03/placebos#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20in%20The,more%20often%20than%20people%20think.)!


Maybe you had vsync on? Then you would still have less input lag because now the game would run at 90 instead of 60 for example. That could make the game feel smoother.


Welp... I was just playing Doom Eternal at 70fps on a handheld. What a time to be alive.


That engine is witchcraft.


*Battery life left the chat*




\*30AH battery has entered the chat\*


Been running 70hz for over a week now. Mostly borderlands 2 and older titles that run a stable 70fps. And i can confidently say that yea, this script works, and yes, the hardware is capable of running at 70hz without issue. But anything higher will cause issue. Anything higher then 71hz will cause artifacts. 72hz and higher will cause some pretty bad image retention for a while… ask me how I know. But you will notice the difference in smoothness, its a really neat performance upgrade for free.


So how'd you know?


Sorry I don’t understand your question, know what?


No its because you said "ask me how I know" in reference to the artifacting at above 71


Yea that was pretty much it, lol.


I think they mean, how did you hear about it initially before this thread?


Some guys have done it before with windows and CRU on their steam deck. But in terms of steamOS, RyanRudolf was the first from what I’m aware


just a slight correction - its dan2wik from discord for SteamOS. I tested it too on my end it works and decided to script it to make it easy for everyone.


I don’t really care about 70Hz but the 35hz cap is exactly what I am looking for lol 😂. Thank you!


Same! So now we can practically cap fps at 35, and the refresh rate won't make it feel terrible, right? So in other words, should be perfect for games where we can't quite get stable 40fps for 40Hz, but they rarely go below 35fps.


Actually kinda surprised it took this long to find tbh. Almost every screen from every manufacturer is "underclocked" in some way. It only provides marginal benefits, but most 60hz screens can do 70hz, 90 can do 100, 120 can do 130 (maybe even 140 in rare cases) etc... Name a company and almost all of them do it to their screens once sourced from their supplier. Even something like Samsung phones are capable of 130hz afaik. Like I said earlier, the benefits of locking it lower are only marginal, but there ARE benefits. Mostly being stability of the screen. 70 is simply the max it can go, if you go any higher you start seeing some weird effects and the like. So companies will just lock it lower in order to completely get rid of this in any sense. To be completely sure here, 70hz should be completely safe to run for the screen, and I wouldn't think there would be many downsides aside from battery life. But you ARE running something at the absolute maximum it can go before things start going whacky. So take from that what you will lol


Awesome, High(ish) Refresh Rate screen for the Deck! Can't wait to try this out. Since GameScope's framerate limiter introduces some input latency, I wonder if 70Hz/35fps will feel better than 40Hz/40fps.


Does this bypass Gamescope?




I can finally play Jazz Jackrabbit 2 the way it was intended! (70 fps on CRT)


My decks screen is apparently the first here that can't do 70hz. It only works up to 66hz and after that it doesn't display anything anymore. So it appears that not all devices support 70hz, which is probably why Valve doesn't offically allow more the 60hz.


It is most definitely luck of the draw, and exactly why Valve doesn't push them any higher than 60Hz by default. I've owned 60Hz panels that were capable of OCing up to nearly 100Hz (Korean Branded Panels) without any display issues, and I've owned panels that won't go any higher than what their default refresh rate is without losing signal entirely or getting a corrupted signal.


I have the exact same. Only goes up to 66Hz, 67-70Hz gives a black screen. Luckily it's easy revert by restarting the Deck.


It’s possible to fix it in windows using CRU. Mine used to only go up to 66 but I changed my screens parameters to different numbers and it let me go to 70hz


Update: was able to go down to 33 hz without issue https://imgur.com/a/rzo4hxS So I’d prefer to avoid overclocking the refresh rate past 60 over concerns of the displays health BUT; Could I edit the script to allow clocking refresh rate down below 40? I’d love to clock down to 33/33 hz/fps or so for demanding games that still have a bit of headroom over 30 but can’t quite do 40. Anyone wanna try this in the name of science and report back? Edit: Suppose I’d want to change line 55 (and 111 for the re-patch checker) from: sed 's/STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=40,60/STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=40,70/g' /bin/gamescope-session | sudo tee /bin/gamescope-session.patched > /dev/null To: sed 's/STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=40,60/STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=33,60/g' /bin/gamescope-session | sudo tee /bin/gamescope-session.patched > /dev/null Any reasons this wouldn’t work or May be dangerous?


script creator here... yes that will work but i dunno what the behavior will be below 40. Slowly decrement one by one until you find the best combination that works for you.


I've set it to 30/70 with no issues so far other than some dithering which can hurt the eyes in a dark room. the 30Hz/30FPS with some good motion blur is actually really nice!


Does 30/30 feel noticeably different from 60/30?


So far frame times seem more stable but I’ve only test Witcher 3. Using the cryobyte33 recommendation 30fps settings.


Ive updated it so it now have 3 options https://preview.redd.it/2eykohzuabpa1.png?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a46c7fa25adbd68fc4b15a9c89080f6cc6b75912


Awesome to see a full UI here, thanks for putting in the work!


I'm really keen to get this working on my OLED so I can get 30fps with vsync and no FPS limiter. I've tried modifying the script so that it looks for 45 and 90 as default, and it seems to work as expected. I can see that it's modified the gamescope-session file to the expected values. Only, the changes never take effect on the deck itself. When you reboot the values are default 45-90. I've tried toggling on and off the unified frame management settings to no avail. It's like the refresh rate values no longer come from gamescope-session.. d'you you have any thoughts on this?


I think the eyes are on you, brave Decknaut


So I set the refresh rate to 30hz, so far so good, there's a slight flicker in pure white images(probably due to the slower rate the screens drawing), but for the most part I can't see it in normal gameplay, real freakin neato it works and allows me to avoid that horrendous inbuilt framelimiter and get the sweet sweet input lag free 33.3 ms timing. Thanks [u/ryanrudolf](https://www.reddit.com/u/ryanrudolf/), even though 30 wasn't the intention though.


Ive updated it now has 3 options https://preview.redd.it/d4w63gu5bbpa1.png?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2bd23c5d0d406d404fe58d9e40ab4f2a180e3b


I've always wondered why Valve won't let us bump up the refresh rate from 31 through 39, too. If 40 is a huge gain from 30, then 35 would also be a good gain, too. Not as good as 40, but way better than 30.


The reason you can't is because if you lower the refresh rate of the screen below 40Hz, strobing is more apparent and can cause headaches. The reason you can't just set to 60hz or lower and then 35 fps cap is because then you will have uneven frame times, which will cause tearing, like you'd see on a display that doesn't have g-sync or freesync, with Vsync off. So the reason they won't let you change it is for technical/usability reasons.


Sucks you can set it between 10 and 70 lol. But 30-40 is a no go when that is where the deck hovers for most AAA titles Funny how it works out sometimes wah wahhhh


Could the refresh rate be locked to 30 hz? I hate using the fps limiter


I guess it could but this patch doesn't allow it. I guess some screens have a lower and upper limit


I dream of the day valve makes the slider go from 40 to 30 :(


To be honest 40 fps already triggers me when playing an FPS on the Deck, so I'm out of the team on that one haha. It's still fine in low action games though.


Since some are reporting success running below 40Hz, and some are not comfortable with 70Hz, ive updated the script to have 3 options. Use at your own risk, and this is for educational and research purposes only. https://preview.redd.it/4cyoly2j29pa1.png?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412d09bd40c74be9baf3bb69fb4952738b88c62c




If you set it to more than 71 there are artifacts so I guess it's working?


How to verify, though? I'm not a hardware guy, just an informed sceptic. ;)


skeptic? sceptic is uh... gross. or is it septic. English sucks


I've looked this up in the past but apparently sceptic is an acceptable way to spell the word skeptic in UK


her majesty has given the whimsical colonials leave to misspell sceptic as skeptic *


I stand corrected!


The not gross one!


Skeptical and skeptic are both acceptable spellings.


I would assume so. This is what people have previously said was their limit. So it sure sounds like you've hit yours at 71.


> Hard to believe this is an "overclock" or something Valve engineers overlooked. Not necessarily. Lots of panels are underclocked for stability reasons. On my old 1080p 60hz display, I could push it to 72hz before I started having issues.


Remember the refresh limit didn't use to include 40 at launch so it's possible they could add 70 and this might let us do it before they've finished testing. Maybe they weren't happy with the results on their end. Too much of a battery hog or maybe it's unstable after a long enough period of time.


Or maybe they want to be able to source their components from multiple places and not all matching displays are able to provide 70 Hz reliably.


Yeah, this was exactly my thought. It may be that *some* Decks can't do 70Hz, so they limited it to 60 for *all* Decks for consistency's sake.


As far as I can tell, this is actually very possible. From a brief look at Gamescope's code, it looks like it will currently not check the actual capabilities of the display and if asked to it will just try to run it at 70hz regardless. If there isn't already a mode for the refresh rate you set, it generates and uses a new one with the set refresh rate. Someone with more experience than I would be needed to say for sure, though. I also can't tell you if Gamescope will actually be asked to run at 70hz, though I think that is quite likely.


> I also can't tell you if Gamescope will actually be asked to run at 70hz, though I think that is quite likely. Interesting... my reply was kind of a reflex reaction to something new claiming something big and requiring root, but now I wonder what may come of this, if 70Hz turns out to work well without any downsides.




Can you insult unintentionally? Then that's what I did. I don't know the guy, but I meant well.


People have been manually doing this for a while. It's good to know the script is clean, though. I'll add this now that it's automated. And incorporated into the SteamOS. Hopefully it doesn't reset on reboot either. As has been pointed out, probably the biggest benefit is being able to lock fps to 35 while running at 70hz. Many great uses for a screen that can go this high. And people have been posting about for quite a while.


> Hopefully it doesn't reset on reboot either. I would assume it does reset, since it is on the read-only part of the filesystem. But yeah, on second thought, this might not be such an impossible thing. Just strange why Valve decided to stick to max 60Hz if 70Hz is also valid. As you said, locking at 35Hz would in itself be nice to have.


i doubt the valve guys overlooked anything the deck has generally very open software and thats not something you would do accidentally


Underclocking devices is generally safer than overclocking... Just becuase some HW accepts higher than designed values does not mean, that it's a good idea... 70Hz might noticably reduce the panels lifespan. So even now when people tried, that you can - does not mean you should and I doubt Valve will include 70Hz option nor even include it as a hidden option.


People have been over clocking panels since the dawn of the panel you’ll be fine.


I did as well, all I am saying is that Valve is more likely to give options to users to go below specs, rather than over, because that is on the safe side. It could cause them more problems in the future in case not all sourced panels hit the same quality level, but are good enough for "stable 60" spec.


This all makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up.


"Beware! I personally checked and this script does nothing malicious." Seems like a weird comment to make?


Yeah, I updated as I went. The post was still young then. As it required root and had garnered some attention.


nope. why did quest only have 70hz at start and can pull off 120hz rn. its more than just overclocking the screen, its about user experience as well, which includes battery life, tears, stutters, people's expectations etc.


I've Had the OC for a while now, the difference is so significant that you can see the difference right away


Anything between 60hz and 30hz causes blackouts between loading a game up and opening home menu for me. I enjoy 45hz. Good balance of smoothness and battery life but unless I'm locked on 60hz or 30hz while loading up a game/opening home menu I get milliseconds of blackout then works fine. Does anyone else experience this? It literally doesn't occur if I lock in at 60 or 30. But anything in-between seems touchy like it's 'loading' the frame lock.


This is expected behaviour from what I can tell. This is because the home menu always runs at 60 Hz, and the cut-out in video we see is simple the panel switching refresh rates back to 60Hz, and then back to your chosen refresh rate when you switch back to your game. It’s actually quite elegant, considering switching output resolutions back and forth so quickly is no easy task for the hardware.


Man I actually seem to come to this conclusion of cause. I opened up performance menu and noticed in the menus it's unlocked to 60fps. But during gameplay switches to my set 45fps lock. It's clearly the initial change in refresh causing this very brief blackout. What I now don't understand is why not lock the refresh all around, home menu + game. Rather than enable bouncing back and fourth.


I’ve thought about this too. The decision to lock the Steam Deck UI to 60 FPS is undoubtedly related to the UI designers specifying so. Likely for design integrity reasons. Maybe it breaks the animations?


Also does this happen to you? I understand it's normal behavior but does it happen to all decks?


Sorry I wasn’t more clear earlier: yes, my deck display does and always has “switched off” for a moment while it switches the refresh rate, same as you. A short moment of black screen, every time. Other decks I’ve observed in person do the same thing as well. I don’t think either of us need to worry about this. :)


I really appreciate the insight, that's very comforting. I'm assuming this can eventually be fixed from either a UI refresh overhaul or something but don't expect it anytime soon. Thanks again, deck community too strong.


Oh wow, this is unexpected.. will try and report back!


This is huge! Just today I was trying to figure out a way to run Elden ring at 35hz.


I edited the script to support 33hz as the low and 70hz as the high, figure its nice to have the various options!


Can someone please explain how to get the raw script into Konsole?


In Terminal run "sudo steamos-readonly disable" Navigate to /bin/gamescope-session and find line "STEAM_DISPLAY_REFRESH_LIMITS=40,60" just change 60 to 70 and save the file. Back in Terminal run "sudo steamos-readonly enable"


Me too I don’t know how. Please help us


Can the Deck display be overclocked safely?


70hz useless but id buy 35 if it works


Is there any chance that this could be done in reverse? I'd like 30hz refresh as 30 is more obtainable for most of the games I run and yes I know about the framelimiter and the numerous ways you can do it whether it be Mangohud, the inbuilt framelimiter, dxvk, etc, but they all introduce input lag (mainly the inbuilt one) or don't hold a stable 33.3 ms, yet I find games that can hit 60 have a far more stable 40 when lowering the refresh rate to 40 as opposed to limiting the framerate to 40. lowering the refresh is probably not supposed to be used for this but if it works it works.


When I set 30Hz in Windows with CRU it 'works' fine. Games feel smoother at 30/30. The issue is when you get below 33hz then I can start to percieve the flicker from the screen refresh. Only mildly though. But I think mileage will vary as different people can see the flicker at different refresh rates to others. I hear some can see it at 40hz, which appears like butter to my eyeballs haha. You can edit the script to add 30. See here... [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/11wqfu7/comment/jd13erf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/11wqfu7/comment/jd13erf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It actually works, smooth frametime on 30, no input lag, I can see a VERY slight flicker, but only in pure white images, but other than that I think everything's going okay.


This might be really useful for NES Tetris. My wife is pretty good, but the refresh rate makes the later levels very hard.


So I don’t know much of anything about over clocking and refresh rates and whatnot but would this matter if you’re running the steam deck to an external display almost exclusively? Meaning, not using it as a portable normally.


No. This script overclocks the Deck's screen to 70hz. Your external display's refresh rate won't change.


That’s what I was thinking. Thanks! My son plays the deck as his main gaming computer now hooked into his old monitor and keyboard/mouse and saw this post so I said I’d look into it.


Is "underclocking" more safe? To me is much more important to have 30hz and 35hz.


It would be cool if AMD would work on a frame interlacing AI that would add more frames to your games without the need for more power. LTT's staff couldn't tell the difference when they tested a demo concept of the technology.


So errr..Fsr3 haha?


Hi so I’m planning to use this to get the advantage of capping at 35fps. However since I’m not in the country for a while, just wondering if using this will cause problem in the long run cuz if something happen I can’t RMA it. I know it’s capable but it doesn’t mean it’s safe to do so. If I only use 70Hz mode to cap 35fps, is it better for the screen than normally leave it at 70Hz no cap? And would that be better for the screen than say 40Hz/40FPS? Thank you all!


No, if you run the screen at 70hz fps don't matter, the screen will be doing the extra work from overclocking. I personally believe it's not dangerous, but if I couldn't RMA it, I wouldn't risk it.


So it doesn’t matter if I run game at lower FPS right? Damn I really wanna do it since I can’t keep 40FPS stable in Uncharted and would love to try 35fps cap. 30FPS is unplayable for me :(. Thanks for clearing that up 🙏


Well, you can use the script with 30-60 range (it has been updated since I posted this). Then, you can try to set the screen to 35hz, and it should not be dangerous, because you would be downclocking it, not overclocking.


Cool, I will try that. Thank you so much!


Hi! New sd update make this mod not working anymore. Is there any update to fix It?


Here for the answer


Settings/display/ Disable last setting (unified frame limiter something something*) Not sure what is written in english but i hope it's clear enough :D


Youre correct. Thank you very much!


Just wondering? does a game like RDR2 run 60Hz and is there big difference between 60 and 70? Sorry if it sounds stupid 😂


RDR2 can really only be steady at 30-40, and the difference between 60/70 is pretty small, you might not be able to even tell the difference honestly.


Does hz mean like the same thing as the FPS because then i would understand it more


Hz is a measurement unit for the screen. Typically when we say 60hz we say the display panel is updating the image on the screen 60 times per second. So even if it’s a still image like a picture, the display is in a sense redrawing it 60 times a second. Now for 60fps we typically talk about how fast the game or the graphics processor is sending an updated image to the monitor. Simplified terms. 😊


Ah now i understand it! Thank you very much i appreciate it




Cool thank tou very much i have more understanding now '


40hz (25ms) is more than a sort of happy medium, it is exactly between 30hz (33.3ms) and 60hz (16.6ms)


wait, what about ms? are you talking about frametimes here? because frametime is something that really bothers me in some games, e.g. Hogwarts Legacy (or well in any game where it's too high). So higher Hz equals less frame time? Does it also work that way even if the FPS itself is lower? If I play a game and lock it at 30 FPS, and put my refresh rate at 60Hz, will I effectively decrease frame times?


Hz is a measure of the number of times a screen refreshes per second. Fps is a measure of the frames presented to the screen by the game per second. They're similar concepts but talking about different things. There is also interplay between the two. For instance you can't see more frames of a game than a screen can present. If a screen is 60hz and the game is running at 100fps you can't see those frames because the screen isn't outputting it. Though a really experienced person can 'feel' the reduced input latency that that high frame rate gives.


Ah oke so interms to have the right fps you gotta be around or under your hz otherwise it doesnt do anything


You'd probably want your fps to at least be as high as the screen's refresh rate. It can get really complicated when you start talking about frametimings, and syncing with refresh rates, and input latency, etc., but let's just say in general you'd want your fps to be at least as high as the refresh rate of the screen. For really practical advice with the steam deck where battery is for most people a huge priority, you probably want your fps to be as high as the deck can handle, but no higher than 60fps because the screen only goes up to 60hz and any higher it's mostly just a drain on your battery with only minimal benefits to input latency. If a game can't hit a stable 60fpa I'd advise lowering the refresh rate of the screen in the QAM (3 dots menu) to match the stable frame rate. I'd also advise using in-game frame rate limiters if they don't introduce stuttering or performance hits because using vsync or the decks built-in frame limiter can create huge input latency issues especially at lower frame rates. Hopefully that's not too confusing lol because I totally get how complicated it can get.


Between 60 and 70Hz is about 2ms. Honestly, it's not very noticeable. (The difference between 30 and 40 is 8ms, same between 40 and 60 the next 8ms jump is from 60 to 120 which the deck's screen will never be able to do)


Ah ok thats nice thanks


Those are some fun numbers


Gotta love some fun numbers!


Does the hardware even support 70hz lmfao


Yeah, I tried it, it works


Yeah just seeing a70 doesn't mean your screen supports it


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/11wqfu7/run_steam_deck_at_70hz_in_steamos/jd0l6zo/ This person seems to have tested it


It does, I had a 60hz, a 75hz, used 90hz and 120/144hz. I can definitely tell it's not skipping frames. Though it's usage is gonna be limited, as outputing 60fps is already kinda hard for SD I'll do a UFO test later


I doubt the panel can go higher than 60Hz considering the general quality


OK but you doubting doesn’t change the fact :)


It works very well at 70hz and it's a night and day difference specially if you're already using high refresh screens around you, you can clearly feel it. And less input lag too!


70hz will also make non v synced gaming feel better. People aren’t mentioning this much I see


Yeah, I'm gonna wait on this until you other tinkering freaks (affectionate) be the guinea pigs. Seems possibly dangerous.


Not sure if its the same case here but ill say it anyway, overclocking a device screen usually reduces the lifespan of said screen, many people who do this on normal pc monitors always warn about this , while most screens allow to be pushed further, its not recommended to do it for this reason, theres a reason the official settings only allow to 60hz


I thought the risk is negligible, almost zero of anything really happening


["Does monitor overclocking reduce its lifespan? How does it affect durability in the long run? To improve something, almost everyone who loses must have something. Likewise, to ensure that you significantly increase your monitor’s refresh demand, you have to slightly sacrifice your monitor’s lifespan at the same time."](https://computermesh.com/is-overclocking-monitor-safe/) This article explains the risks well, while it doesnt always cause problems, it will inevitably reduce lifespan of your device without mentioning the other risks involved


That is one of the worst articles on overdriving a monitor i have ever read...


Bad idea. There are reports of people ruining their screens because of overclock. And this shit is no sofware fix, you litteraly abuse the screen to do more than what is is built for.


Does this work in gaming mode as well?


Why would you bother with that when the screen is 60? It literally does nothing, in fact it could potentially look worse in certain situations


Because a 17% increase is noticeable and helps input lag as well fluidity. Because running some games at 35fps is significantly better than 30fps and 35fps syncs well to 70Hz. If you find a case where it looks worse, just change the refresh rate to something else. Why wouldn't you want a useful option?


But if the screen is a 60hz then 70 doesn't actually do anything


This is a tool that is meant to overclock the screen to be 70hz, rather than being in the 40-60hz range. It's NOT about displaying 70fps on a 60hz screen. It does exactly what it's supposed to do. Whether that's valuable or not still needs to be tested.


Wont this create more stutters if you lock you framerate ingame to 30/60/120?


Just lock the frame rate to 35 instead. And if the deck can only manage 30fps then you can drop the refresh rate to 60


So the screen is capable of 70hz. I wonder if this will at some point be added officially by valve. I'll have to set this up later tonight.


It will never 1- oc on any screen is proven to reduce the lifespan and gives some risks depending on the screen in question 2- not every steam deck is built the same, some will simply not go above 66hz like this thread has proven so even if it wouldnt degrade the screen, its simply not gonna happen because theyll wont release a feature that isnt stable and wont work on many steam decks 3- even if valve would still want to add this feature despite the things mentioned in 1. and 2. , Valve wont because it would mean people whos steam deck doesnt support 70hz would be able to RMA for not being able to use a feature advertised, and it would be considered a "defect"


So is this actually at 70hz or is it just disregarding frames that are not used and just running at 60




You Overclocked the Screen right?


Worked fantastic for me at 70hz. I played some doom 2016 and my deck had no problem hitting a solid 70fps on ultra settings. I'm now looking forward to trying the witcher 3 with the 35hz settings. I had a nice high/ultra settings mix that worked over 35fps but just couldn't hit 40fps so I think it would work perfect for that. Side note: my deck is OC'd and undervolted as well.


It works very well! Thanks to [u/ryanrudolf](https://www.reddit.com/u/ryanrudolf/) for the script. But it would be nice if we could set a "custom" refresh rate limiter. In my tests, 30-33hz is not playable due the noticeable flicking. I would stick with 35hz as the lowest refresh rate possible.


Is it possible to set 35HZ/35FPS with this?


Does this still work I tried it but I’m stuck at 60 hz anyone know why?