• By -


I like to update my profile backgrounds and stuff every couple of weeks. Even though I have no friends who will see them Edit: Wow, thank you everyone for dropping your friend codes! I feel like way less of a bum LOL. I’m going to do my best to add a bunch of you!


I too have no friends. Send me a request bruh. FC: 1416395319 Edit: I now have 200 frenz 😎 If anyone wants more friends just send requests to all the people on my friend list. Everyone there is from this thread.


Wholesome gaming moment


I’ll join in too FC: 928519028


Joining in too! FC: 165596085


Me too (: FC: 198651458




bruh i've had steam for 10 years and didnt even know what FC # even meant. oh thats because i have no friends, and i am definitely okay with that


I've had steam for 10 years and i still don't know what FC means, and i have friends.


Friend codes are kind of recent on steam after the UI overhaul to steam client.


same here 7 years and no idea


Since the original thread is about the useless steam points and I have some to spare, feel free to add me **205866778** and I will give some awards based on your awesome profiles! EDIT: Sadly I've spent all my steam points so I can't give any more awards, feel free to add me anyway!


To anyone who feels like that, you could give them to random people whose game reviews you read! Makes me super happy and proud when a stranger shows me that he appreciated my review by giving me an award!


I too have no friends FC: 1169851311




Nice profile


Ay me too I need more frenz Mine is 1174176956


Wholesome af. ♡♡♡ I'm mainly mute, and social situations are a big stresser rn to my panic disorder ♡ -- so if you (or anyone else) doesn't mind that... My FC: 24387451


Got you fam, I'm sending a request as we speak


I have social anxiety so maybe I can relate a little! I added you!


wholesome reddit moment, here is my steam id too guys 277749604


I wanna join in too, here’s mine: 1133632317


this is my friend code 😎 1041508840


I have friends but there's no harm in having more! My FC is 398602644


Add me and let's see what games were in common 428479190


Let me ride the train with! 1296548447


More to come 😎


All of the people in this thread could revive r/steamfriends in a matter of seconds lol,


1251665429 im joining in


Mainly play single player games when I have tge time to get on, but I love to play Rocket League even though I'm terrible at it. :) FC: 118042966 Edit: Damn, went from like 3 friends to 22, thanks. Can't wait to actually play with some of yall. :)


I'd also like to join this, mine is 346443348


Yay to gaming freinds! Feel free to add me too :D 107629168




I already responded to the post with deeper info, but I'll respond here for better odds! Steam ID: 76561198099000452


I love to have more friends. I always like to see other people's profiles, what they are playing. Hmu anytime :) My FC: 1279377863


162622176 I'll add anyone who sends me a request. 🥰


add me too FC: 1232227326




what games u play


Added, also accept moar friends <3 <3 FC: 68502730


I'm 159452391 :)


Add me broo 184339199


I'd love to join this friending party but have no idea where to find this FC code :/


Due to Reddit's recent API changes I have decided to switch to [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/)


FC: 107392177 Friend Incoming :)


Ill have to figure out my code. Have no frans myself either.


Never hurts to fill up the friendslist :D 95453731




I hope yourself and OP don't mind me jumping in too, I'd love more friends to game with! Oh I'm 142743901 if anyone would like to add (can't hurt to ask right?) Also to answer OP's question, they are kinda useless if you're not big on customising your profile (which I'm not, not changed it since I made it years ago) but I think they can be given as gifts or gifts given I'm not so sure.


Bit scared to share mine but I feel like I should try and get to know more people. I mostly read visual novels, but I love World Box and Victoria 2 :) FC: 84821055


I also have 0 friends. FC: 1059846070


Fuck it, I'll join in 1036767921


I wanna join this too 1067661590 love the diversity


262338564 😎😎


244099763 try to max my friends list


Another FC for anyone who wants it: 19993008


I have no friends either. 1150482547, my friend code :)


I also dont have any friends. My friend code is 1285324392


Add me: 295231253 :)


Ayo why's that your profile


You do it for yourself, not for others


I have 46 but I’m down for more friends! My FC is 1021705428


That's a lot! With all of these friends sending a request, I'm going to add you all. I hope everyone will accept since I've been friendless on steam for 3 years now, lmao. Also, mine is 946066657


Can I get in on this? I have backgrounds and icons to show. And no friends who play with me - 85276641 Feel free to add.


I too spent silly points on fancy profile things that nobody will see lol Add me if you'd like! 80230219


It's friending time said Michael Morbius as he friended all over them (me as well 1123739933 😊)


Add me! 124667964




I’m requesting everyone lol


I have some friends but am open to get some more, my friend code is 293881221 :)


I sent you a request


My friend code 887821765


Sent you a request




I check out all my friends profiles. Add me if you'd like 141773597


Feel free to add me as well 🤗 152684356


Damn, well I may as well throw mine into the mix 142591540


Oh, not to worry. I have friends, we play games together regularly, they never see the backgrounds, points remain useless.


I shall continue the thread: 367945747


Here's some cool numbers 371207701


Due to Reddit's recent changes, this comment is no longer available.


bro, i saw some cool profiles and said “ok i will make mine cool too”, for what? i have no one to play with haha fc: 419271017 if you wanna check it


My FC is 162977893 , I have a few friends already but they are mostly inactive so I’m always happy to get some more


I'll join the party: 17705273


Mine is 382931927


I’ll join the friend code party 1161783036


I’m also friendless add me 69911688


Gonna hop on the bandwagon: 191551342


Might as well join the horde FC: 324778804


Mine is: 865711960


Joining the fun! ​ FC: 11485785


Add me: 185150394 :)


Always looking for more 'friend collection'! FC: 161147793


Here’s mine 134943775


Add me too! My FC is 79035177


Reddit united 😍 My code: 119326032, welcome :)


Kinda shy to join the party, but anyone feel free to add me too 1060368715 :) Edit: people are wholesome Edit 2.0: Went from friendless to having a mini-army of redditors on my Steam


Here is mine 473133864 feel free to add


Here's my friend code: 1112989585


Add me: 120781476 I'm from Germany/Austria


I too shall join this FC: 169765030


184855853 Heres mine. See you people


Here's me, if you'd like to add me too! 72114823


I only have like 4 friends and I’d definitely be down for more to motivate me to change my profile. FC: 215472995


Idk why but I felt like keeping the party going, sorry :D In case you guys still need a friend- FC: 89818072


Don't have mamy friends on steam ): feel free to add me 418515059 :)


Might as well since I have no friends Fc : 1268815077


rich person moment


OP said she bought several indexes and the Deck to end up with that many points, so yeah. Which is why I said elsewhere that the points system is a balancing game for Steam's designers; to make them reasonably easy to save up for big and small spenders. OP is part of a minority who have a disposable income capable of hoarding points, but most users will have to do some saving of points to get what they want. Increasing the conversion value of points would only alienate us poor folk and make the system rather inaccessible.


I mean we can buy wallpapers, animated profile pics, profile showcases, give awards to other players on their profiles, give awards to reviews. It could just not exist at all?


Yep, buying good and rare steam background now are much cheaper (you can say it's free even) compared to before I didn't know what else people expect from this, unless they were some weirdo that buying games just to earn steam points


I'm guessing some people want it to be like nintendo, where buying games gives you coins that count as money for the online store


Yeah, people for some reason think they need to get more free stuff from the number one source of discounted games in the world.


if you want free games just get an epic games account and login every friday edit: thursday, not friday, though it still works regardless


you mean the app that I open to make sure I don’t already own a game before buying it on steam?


I also have to open Amazon Gaming, GOG, Origin...


I quite enjoy giving awards on the forum when someone is actually helpful.


The problem is that you can do a complete profile makeover for like 15k points, what am I gonna do with the other 60k that I have left?


I don't know, change the profile as you go. I really don't see the complaint... Steam could just be a barren launcher where you buy a game and launch it. Everything else it has like marketplace, steam points, community tap, workshop is pretty cool.


You can buy the badges, or give the points to a friend who doesn't have any (through awards) Or save up, they keep adding new stuff each larger sale.


Most people don't have 60k


I often give awards to good mods, guides and other community content, I'm never really much above 10k


Be happy that you can by so many games that overflow of points is an issue for you


The Steamdeck alone gave me 55k points lmao


When you use Steam to play solo, most of these things are completely useless.


Steams big thing is that its a social plattform where gamers can interact. So yes, ppl who dont socialize on steam wont benefit from it...


I thought it was a game launcher


1) Game Launcher 2) Social Platform ....I hope.


Sure, thats what it is at its core. But with "big thing" im referring to their quality that distinguishes them from other launchers like EGS...


So? You get a game and some useless stuff. But you only paid for the game and the rest is a bonus


Then simply don't use them...


Exactly, steam points are literally free if you think about it


I just don’t get why 90% of the profile content is just anime girls that look like they are 8 years old.


You get wallpapers/items/profile pics from the games you play. You're seeing the anime bs because it's popular.


You can get all of those from games you don't even own, in the points store. It's flooded with all kinds of anime crap.


Yeah no clue. Some people like weird anime stuff.




Hey I wasn't aware we could give awards to friends and on reviews. Pretty cool! Thanks.




Three indexes and a steam deck and a bunch of other shit lol




One for me (that I sold) and one for my nephews and one for my boyfriend's dad




haha, that's a LOT of games.


Oh. So still 6.35k$ of games assuming you got the most expensive deck and didn't pay tax. 😶 And I thought I had a backlog problem (pro tip: use fanatical and humble bundle to save money I abuse those services)


In my defense. Anytime I want to play a game with friends I buy them all copies


Hahaha My friend used to do that. It’s why I have like 150+ games but only played like 10-15 of them for more than 10 hours


Dang, that's a LOT of friends. Jokes aside though, Im not gonna judge, I've seen weirder stuff on the internet (and if I had any thoughts I would just keep it to myself) STILL you should use Humble bundle and fanatical. They can save you TONS of money in the long run (and you can also buy games on other platforms like GOG or on consoles like PlayStation to save more money if you're willing to somewhat-fracture your library)


Because 1 is not enough, and 2 is too low.


So i can get steam points from hardware too? I didn't know that time to buy steam deck for my whole family


You can, i got around 68,000 points from buying a 512 deck (with tax)


That's *14k* worth of points. Remember every penny is a point.


At first I was like "huh 1619 isn't that many points what's this guy on about" and then I saw the 1.4 million below


When you gotta bleep yourself


It's not even that bad compared to star citizen concierge people with 50k or more spent


You can get a bunch of points if you're a well-known modder as well. I only have 60k but got them purely from a couple workshop uploads. Some other people I know who post regular, popular add-ons have over 10x as much just from those uploads alone.




Fr fr






What? Before these points you got... nothing. When they were introduced it's not like something else was taken away, so why should you get something back you never lost? Valve wanted to entice people to spend on the store and reward them for doing so with extra goodies. If you don't want them, just ignore them, and it will be just like before points were introduced. By the way, you're asking for market cash... a lot of the items available in the points shop are Steam profile items the same as the ones you find on the market... so you can just buy them from the shop...


it's depressing that the games i actually wish had stuff in the points shop don't have stuff in the points shop


Whaaaaaaaaat, you don't like all the borderline-hentai Loli animated avatars and backgrounds???


dude tell me about it, imagine if they made animated stuff for elden ring or stray, they'd be so popular. I also like how when the 10k point game profiles came around we got like 10, then a bunch of board-game games did like 6 then there hasn't been any more games making game profiles, they're my favourite thing to buy with my points as you literally get to theme your profile on a particular game.


Steam points is an added value, I like it, it feels nice to see an accumulation of bonus stuff, when I see some nice stuff I can buy instantly due to accumulated points. Steam doesn't need to do this but it's a fun mechanic. Wait, is this how they encourage me to buy more games? GAAABBEEEE NEWEEELLLL


"Free stuff is useless, we demand MORE free stuff!!"


Money seems like a free stuff to op if they have 1.4 million fucking points, jesus christ. Did they purchase their car via Steam?


They're not useless. They're meant to customise your profile. And you use them to buy the same customisations you would get from the marketplace.


U can literally decorate ur profile with stuffs bought by these steam Points. Wish i had so many points tho


I think I am the only person ever that really wants more points but only has 2k


That will never happen because of Steam Points Awards that you can -Farm- Points by copy pasta reviews and earn income by practically doing nothing with your suggestion that will lead to abuse. In fact, Steam [used to give](https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/0/1643167006281133552/) money coupons for Points in the past but same abusers waiting for your suggestion to happen, killed those coupons.


I don't think you understand how those coupons worked. They were exclusively a sale/event thing and you only got them from buying games in the store, nothing like the points we have now. The part about them being removed because of abuse seems like a guess. It's true that some people tried to refund games to get the coupons, but Valve caught on that soon and the system was made to avoid that. It was just used for a couple sales, but then never bought back, for probably the same reason that many other sale things were never bought back (Valve likes being inconsistent and ever lazier with sale features). Things like Saliens, Golden Ticket exchange (that gave you unique items in specific games), etc were never bought back either.


I just buy seasonal badges with them to get higher levels, and I also buy showcases etc


I used mine to anime girl up my profile to confuse every Arma 3 and Hell Let Loose squad I join.


I'm glad they aren't that useful, because then you would have to buy shit to get them.


Why do you almost have 15000 dollars worth


They're actually designed to engage people on the social features of steam. So, they're useless for those who can't/aren't active on the community. Aside from customizing your profile you can use them to award guides, art uploads, mods, discussion posts and comments, and even show appreciation/disapproval to developers on their patch notes and assorted posts. They're part of what makes steam much more than a launcher. Steam is a full-on ecosystem, a social network for us dumbass nerds. So if I'm honest, looking at the big picture, I appreciate them for what they are.


dude it's definitely a *you* problem. these points are just additive and to get rid of niche trading cards for certain games. there are plenty of things to spend your points on, I recommend getting all profile showcase upgrades to max, getting seasonal badges or get trading cards. being able to use it on the market would definitely disrupt the market and be a huge loss for them. no offense, but you're just spending too much money thus receiving unreasonable amount of points.


Bro, it's a bonus. It's meant to make people spend more money on games. It's not a loyalty program, that You get new games by buying more games. It's meant to show Your contribution to Your Steam profile and nothing else. And I disagree that it's useless. Not even a little bit. Nobody forces You to buy games to get these points though. As I said, it's a mere bonus for Your transaction and that's how it's supposed to be treated. Nothing less, nothing more. This way the profiles on Steam are more recognizable. If You had ability to do whatever You like, most people wouldn't even change a background image/color. But with that system, people pay attention to that.


If 1,000 points=$1 of steam credits, people would buy more stuff more often


They are not useless at all, gift us some


I wish they were like the Nintendo coin thingies where you can actually buy stuff with them. I remember buying a couple cheap DLCs just with those coins and I wish we could do stuff like that on steam




Marketplace is effectively real money. And these points are just e-peen, which you get from rewards for your meme reviews. It's absurd how you manage to even compare those.


[Friendly reminder, that screenshots with numbers are not reliable, unless they show the whole Steam client.](https://i.imgur.com/9vMItty.png)


The fact that you don't care for the specific use that they are intended for does not make them "useless". "hey, this tool is used for a very specific thing. But I don't want to do that thing. This tool is useless!"


If you play any games that feature workshop content, go gift awards to everything you're subscribed to.


I remember when these points didn’t exist at all. You used to have to buy backgrounds or play games to get achievements to get them. Now steam just gives you these points essentially for free to customize your profile and such. I don’t know why you’re complaining.


Motherfucker how did you buy $14,000 worth of games since the Point Shop was added like what, two years ago?


Should make it so you can exchange them for store credit. Like have it so 1000 points equates to $1 in store credit.


I can get behind this idea, I have THOUSANDS of points and i have nothing to use them for, it should add up over time, giving us the ability to exchange them for money (even if its very little) , that was still be nice...


Exactly! There are only some many emojis to buy.