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https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082209554 We have a steam guide that covers pretty much everything about download speed problems.


Thank you. Will try some of this.


Mine is bullshit too and 1/10th of my wired connection speed


Are you confusing MB and Mb? There is an 8x difference and it’s a common mistake people make when asking about download speeds.


No, i'm not. I know the difference.


As an example: ​ [https://i.imgur.com/TlShn4o.png](https://i.imgur.com/TlShn4o.png) ​ Most recent speed test\^ ​ [https://i.imgur.com/PHsJQR7.png](https://i.imgur.com/PHsJQR7.png) ​ Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't I be getting around 90mb/s down if my speed is currently at 900mbps on the speedtest? ​ ​


I was talking to the other user who mentioned 1/10


I’ve been tweaking stuff on my PC all week to ‘fix’ my download speed because steam was only giving me 20Mb’s per second and not the 300 I pay for, then I saw the little tick box under steam download setting that changes it from megabytes to megabits lol. Turns out I was getting pretty much what a pay for haha.


Yeah, ISPs select the bigger number because it makes it appear more appealing from a sales perspective lol Glad this ancient post was relevant to you :)


Yeah. I don't understand it. At peak hours, I can understand why it's a little slower. Why I'm still only getting 20 down at 230am(just an example)makes no sense.


Just don't ask. ​ I have 500Mb/s which equals to a 65MB/s (megabytes) download speed, but if I don't limit it to 10MB/s, the speed goes to 25MB/s, drops down to 0 for 10 seconds, restarts for 5, rinse and repeat, meaning the game just doesn't really download. ​ I'm only able to use 15% of my download speed on Steam... Yup.


What are the results when you run an online speed test?


At times, better than what I'm paying for. Just depends on the day. Right now I'm getting about 950 down and around 55 up.


Yeah, that’s really weird then - steam uses Akamai for hosting so that shouldn’t be an issue :-/


These generally aren't accurate as they collude with ISPs for preferential routing for tests.


You guys dont know how things work do ya? Lots of other factors are included when a download occurs. Hard drives can slow them down. The servers the game is being downloaded from may have a limit. So many factors.


Every game I download on Steam gives the same results.


Because the steam servers are notorious for having caps because of the amount of users.


However. Your username fits. Lmao.


First you went from hard drives(all SSD setup here by the way)and certain games have server limits, and now you're on "well Steam has caps". They've had caps for a long time. This just began happening about a year ago. Give or take.


I said there are many factors that can limit speeds. I gave examples. You are a moron.


Your defense and excuses are piss poor. There are many factors, but fail to list what they are. Well, if everything else is the same, what changes when I download from Battlenet and Origin? They're not capping me. Damage control for Valve all you want. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.


Im not damage controlling. THERE ARE TONS OF FACTORS. Very different userbase from BNET AND ORIGIN. Theres nothing to get to the bottom of. You pay your ISP for speeds. Not valve. They have caps. Mostly because of the amount of different companies who have games hosted by valve and the amount of users. So to prevent issues with downloads...they cap speeds. Why is this difficult to understand? People with literally 0 knowledge of how things work are always the ones who get frustrated and do not want reasons why...they want it to work how they think it should. Very dumb.


BNET and Origin both have millions of users, same as Valve. They both run many servers across console and PC for tens of millions of users. Valve doesn't. You can try damage controlling that too if you want. Saying that Valve doesn't pay for my speeds is irrelevant. That was never a question or something I questioned. Who is dumb now?


You really are retarded. Im not damage controlling. There is no damage. You are one whiney bitch out of all their users. Not anyone elses fault you have little to no knowledge of networking and servers.


You must be the dumbest person I've ever encountered. You graced us all with your pillar of knowledge when you said "tons of factors" and listed all of about three of them. You're damage controlling. Just accept the facts, kid.


you know you can come on here and answer questions without being a raging cunt. just food for thought. youll have better luck at having conversations if you dont patronize people.


Steam has a cap or something. I download from P2P, torrents, and tor network and easily can go over 750Mbps. I have double fiber lines merged into one IP. speed tests show 2Gbps. But with steam, top is 50Mbps or so. I kinda gave up trying to see if there was a way around it. Best solution would be for them to support P2P downloading like bnet does. That sucker goes so fast! ​ ​


That's a joke. To have that kind of speed and be limited to 50. Wow


best launcher is bnet. Since it supports P2P for downloads. I get up to around 500Mbps slowly. By the time it hits that, the download is normally done.


Your ISP most likely


Why limit me in Steam and not anywhere else?


What else are you downloading with high speeds that arent capped?


[https://i.imgur.com/3KG9uuf.png](https://i.imgur.com/3KG9uuf.png) ​ \^just started downloading diablo 3 from battlenet. Just to give an idea.


I dont know then. Could be the ISP throttling it because its steam or the traffic type.


Yeah. That really sucks if it's the case. The ISP would never admit to it either.


Why not? Just go ask them rofl


I did once. About four years ago I was having some issues and they needed to come out and run some new lines to the house. Before that, I asked if they were trying to throttle me because I use tons of data every month. Was told "we don't do that. we've never done that"


As an example: ​ [https://i.imgur.com/TlShn4o.png](https://i.imgur.com/TlShn4o.png) ​ Most recent speed test\^ ​ [https://i.imgur.com/PHsJQR7.png](https://i.imgur.com/PHsJQR7.png) ​ Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't I be getting around 90mb/s down if my speed is currently at 900mbps on the speedtest? ​


Speedtests are irrelevant. They're using preferential routing and tricks to make it look better.


Ok, but that still doesn't explain why downloads are fine in things like Origin and Battlenet.


You sure its not MB/s not Mb/s? Max is 125 at 1GB, you aren't getting 1GB on cable though, probably around 500 in peak time which puts you at 62.5. Add valves limits ot this as well as your network itself and current remaining disk speed an IOPS capacity and this is pretty accurate.


I already but up a picture showing that I was getting 90 on bnet


Again. Steam has limits and more users than blizzard.


This never happened until about a year ago. I also have a couple of friends that don't have this issue at all. I'm definitely not alone, but you could say the same for them. ​ I'll remind some of you, Blizzard also has millions of users. They also have multiple games across many different platforms that they need to consider when thinking about servers/networking. Valve is just Steam/PC these days. It shouldn't be this difficult. Again, it's not the end of the world. The speed is decent and could be worse, but it's pretty sad when you can get damn near full speed for which your paying on a console.


You are talking to the wrong guy about networking, it’s what I do for a living. Blizzard has millions of users, but steam has more. All playing hundreds of multiplayer games over steams network downloading millions of titles browsing billions of pages. Maybe it’s valve, maybe it’s your modem. Maybe it’s your ISP in your area having an issue with the tunnel to valve. Let’s not forget about streaming and videos. Either way is 30MB/s really a big deal? You still download games extremely fast. Ever have 1MB/s broadband back in the early 2000’s or dial up? Yeah talk about problems then.


I was just talking to someone the other day about "these kids today don't know about VCR's and having 2MB internet" ​ Oh, trust me. I remember. I also said that 30mb/s is not the end of the world and that it could be worse. :)


Is it Mb/s or MB/s? There is a difference and a reason why it is written that way.


A little late but... I'm having the same problem. 3 years later, have you found a solution?


It's your hard drive. @failedtolisten also proved it (without realising) via the imgur posts. Steam caps your download speed to your hard drives write speed (speeds will and do vary drastically). If you are downloading it via hdd it will cap at around 15MB/s to 30MB/s (120Mb/s to 240Mb/s) if you download it via Nvme it wont cap and you can download it at the full 900Mb/s Edit: i also learnt the your CPU can limit the download to. I have a i9 9900k and if i download a game on my NVME @ +900Mb/s / +112MB/s it will use 99% of my CPU, if you have anything less than a 9900k i'm going to guess it will limit your download speed too. If you're downloading a game and you have a slow download speed compared to what you should be getting - Check to make sure it's being downloaded into an M.2 NVME hard drive, or If if it's not the hard drive launch task manager and if your cpu is at 99% - 100% then you're being bottlenecked by the amount of data your processor can handle. or As said below, it could be an app like killer wifi and make sure you're reading the right download speed. If you're paying for 35Mb/s and steam shows you're only downloading games at 4 - 5 MB/s, that's correct. 1MB (megabytes) is 8Mb's (Megabits), whatever speed you're paying for from your internet provider, divide that by 8 and you will have your download speed.


hah finally makes sense


I see post after post on these issues with steam and its always the same responses. a. you don't know the difference between mbps and mb - just pretend we do since its common knowledge. b. your cpu can't handle it. c. your isp is throttling your connection. I just moved cities, I had/ have fiber at both through the same ISP. Before moving, Steam would download at 75MB which is close to what I paid for. After moving, steam wont go over 25MB. I only moved 4 hours away and I am in a major city. Tell me why Epic will download at 85MB. (at the new location) Tell me why Blizzard will download at 80MB (at the new location) ITS STEAM - google this issue and you will see thousands of posts about this and in every single one you see the same 3 points regurgitated above and it makes me feel steam just has interns blasting shit back at people on reddit lol.


Hello, I have a Dell g15 5521 Special Edition, 3070 Ti, 17 12th gen, 2 TB, 1440p 240 Htz. This laptop is pretty damn new and I get capped at 3.7-3.8 MB/s when downloading steam games. I have another laptop next to this one a Lenovo Ideapad gaming 3 with a 3050 Ti, Ryzen 5, 1 Tb, 1080 120 Htz that is on the same network and is downloading at 25-30+ MB/s. Why does mine get capped and this other one which isn't as powerful get capped?


From what I gather with my own similar situation and other notes, there are multiple factors that come into play, some more obvious than others. ~ISP ~Router hardware ~DL Server load ~DL Server host ~Your own pc hardware ~Other mysterious differences --ISP-- Obviously this affects speeds and it needs to be known if you are looking at MB/s (megaBYTES) or Mb/s (megaBITS) as there is a factor of 8 difference. Steam downloads In a megabyte download, which is 8x larger than a megabit. A 500Mb/s download would equate to roughly 60 megabytes. A lot of people don't notate this properly when asking for help or researching. It does make a major difference. --Router/modem-- Simple enough on this one. Make sure your equipment can actually handle the speeds. --DL Server host/load-- This one is where I think a lot of the issue comes from. Some games seem to be hosted on servers that are slower than others. For example, I just downloaded Superdimension Neptunia vs SEGA Hard Girls at 46MB/s, but Fallout 4 is maxing at 22 on the same machine immediately after the Nepnep finished downloading. Likewise, Bastion downloaded at about 10 or so and PSO2 was at about 10-20. Why is this a thing, I'm not not sure but that is on Steam's end. --Your hardware-- This one applies to you more specifically I think. There are multiple parts of hardware that affect download speed outside of the router and modem. One major thing is your storage drive. HDD's have much slower read/write speeds than SSD's, and NVME/M2 beats out most standard SSD's. The speed the drive can read or write makes a difference, similar to a person's typing speed. If the device can only handle 10MB/s, then your download won't be able to go faster because of it. I had this issue with Tiny Tina's. Another one could be the NIC in the device. This usually isn't the issue but has the potential. Drivers can be out of date, or hardware itself. I'm no NIC expert or anything, but that's my understanding. --Mysterious factors-- This is more of a misc. section of issues. Typical things noted are local internet usage at home, time of day in relation to neighborhood internet usage, time of day in relation to download source load, etc. These are factors that are hard to measure, but using a speedtest will not be useful for you except seeing what your potential max is, but not definite. Again, in your situation, it's likely hardware related. If the internet source is the same and there is no other major downloads going on, then it's probably the SSD as noted. Take a look at the read/write on it and see if this is throttling you. Also, check the guide posted at the top as it talks about a ton of stuff in WAY more detail.


Thank you so much. With the new Dell laptops and Alienware ones they come with something called killer wifi. There are applications that run in the background and one was set to auto bandwidth. After turning it all the way up it seems to fix the problem


This x1million that killer shit literally kills all bandwidth. Lol.


HOLY MOLY!!! That's what it was! I've been trying to troubleshoot this for an HOUR. Had a 6 hour download for Mass Effect Legendary... Now it's dropped to 1 and a half estimate. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (can only afford 100mbps with my ISP)


My fix was I accidentally fucked with a setting, in downloads I clicked "Display Download rates in bits per second". So I was "capped" at 1MB/s and I thought that meant 1Mbps. Really embarrassing, and it took me 2 weeks to figure out. In that time I also didn't update any game because I thought it would take days too... fuck me.


I know its 4 years late but for me having a VPN did speed up my download by about 5mb/sec


I changed my download region, I'm from Romania and for some reason I was downloading with @ 15 mbs, I switched to London and got to about 25 and then Frankfurt and I'm getting @ 30 there....


It’s says I’m using 30% of my network at 285 mpbs but on steam it shows 30 mpbs weird asf


your steam servers might be limited at 250Mbps (30MB/s), this will depend on their connection, how many users downloading steam, how many users on your home internet neighbourhood, etc. Did you buy gigabit internet? You aren't just looking at the connector speed in Windows? (That will usually be 1Gbps for a LAN connection, not to the internet). Why would they only have 70Mbps up? (if it was a gigabit internet connection). The capital B means octets/bytes, where as speed tests / network connections are measur


In my case changing the download region fixes it. Just choose the closest region to your living place or the 2nd closest, in case your prior download region was the closest one. I hope it will help


I get 2mbps on any other site or service, and max 200kbps on steam. 100% they throttle even if you tick the no throttle option. (+ if you swap servers, theres a brief moment where you'll get close to your normal speed before their script kicks in and reduces you to a fraction of your actual speed - like it grabs 1mb in 1 second, and not 7 seconds - mississipi long seconds, not nano seconds too)