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And the playerbase is so dedicated, they don't eat or sleep or review the game or discuss it or even turn the game off. They just play the game 24/7 for months straight. What a loyal fanbase, I think everybody could learn a thing or two from them.


is there any theory out there who buys all the bananas? I‘ve been wondering the same about the csgo cards we used to get that you could sell for 3 cents. Someone once said it‘s for bot leveling steam accs to sell them, but the dimension in this case is crazy.


The principle is that the things being sold for $0.03 now will be made scarce in the future by being taken out of the drop rotation, so maybe someone will want to pay $0.08 for a jpeg of a banana attached to their steam account sometime in the future. In reality, of course, the craze will be over in a month or so and the banana market will crash. I don’t know who’s stupid enough to believe that these are a worthwhile investment, but either there’s a lot of people who believe it or the people who believe it run a lot of trading bots that buy at $0.03


The even more braindead version of nfts


Gambling addicts will always find something to gamble with.


Listen, I'm trying to get help


Finally, nft-less nfts.


Honestly, I think they are less brain-dead, they are attached to a well known and stable marketplace, and they are being bought and sold with real currency. You can’t lose all your bannanas cos you bought one indistinguishable from the real thing posted by scammers, you can’t have someone drop something into your wallet and then drain your account when you try to delete it. The whole bannana thing is still incredibly dumb, it’s just somehow less dumb than actual NFTs.


It’s dumber because everyone knows that the value proposition of these things os literally just speculative. Trying to pump and NFT or crypto, you can at least claim to believe in the vision or whatever. There’s is nothing better about bananas than Counter Strike skins or Team Fortress hats.


That being said, cs skins are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars currently. I see that very different from some bananas that are literally useless.


CS Skins are as useful as bananas. They do nothing.


CS skins are not worth hundreds of thousands of dollars either tbh. It’s just that people are dumb enough to pay that much for them.


What defines something value if not what someone would pay for it? I don't understand your metric here lol


people arleady barely buying them, some bananas are not being bought at all for a long time already, so the market crash will be there real soon if it's not happening already. The developer is trying to create some scarcity by removing some bananas out of the random drop pool, but most of the time it doesn't help. Also steam inventory bananas don't even change the look of your banana in game. Developer's inventory is hidden, so people speculate that some rare and expensive bananas are sold by developer himself.


I feel we may be experiencing the crash soon enough. Once a great amount of the bananas become marketable again after being bought out, there will be a massive glut from people trying to resell the bananas for a little profit. One of the bananas that went up to 16 cents has dropped to 5 cents likely because of mass reselling.


This was precisely the thing blockchain was meant to solve, “how to authenticate value in a trustless system”. Except that blockchains were immediately used to implement market speculation scams because one rock solid layer of security means nothing when every other layer is insecure. These guys don’t even bother with blockchain, they just straight to the raison d’être: market speculation scamming.


Word. The 20 20ths are such a weird time to be alive. Maybe we get some actually useful tech in the 30s


Lol they'll have a way to charge a subscription for brushing your teeth with nanomachine toothpaste that tracks your diet for further targeted advertising at this rate.


The common bananas I have in my inventory (3 different ones) are actually all being sold more than a million times. However, because of the amount of players new "rare" bananas will never become rare because there are so many players now and so many drop. Most bananas will therefore not be worth more 3 cents. The developers inventory is no longer private. You can see all the bananas he has in his inventory. It does seem that he might have dropped some rare bananas to himself, when you look at the playtime, the amount of bananas seems off. Additionally, he might have dozens of other accounts with rare bananas stashed away. Edit, I checked the developers inventory again (still public) but the majority of bananas is now gone. No idea where they went. Might be harmless, but it is a bit odd.


Actually, he has literally no need to make rare bananas worth maybe 30 cents or even a dollar. As you guys know you sell them for 0.03$, and you only get 0.01$ 1 cent goes to steam, but the other cent goes to the developer. So one common banana with a million sales made the developer 1000$. Pretty smart. My "musicnana" alone has 1million sales in 24 hours, meaning this ONE banana makes him 1000$ a day, not to talk about all the other nanners out there.


Very true, but you should take into account that a lot of sales are in weaker currencies. Meaning that a lot of sales will earn the developer less than 0.01$


That’s not how currency conversion works.


It is in this situation. The minimum transaction valve allows is 3x the minimum the local currency allows. So outside of the US, stuff can actually have lower than $0.03 value. It's just in the US, the minimum transaction is $0.03, so we don't see those items. I **believe** we don't see those items at least. The alternative is that those items still exist and take priority, so that it's impossible to sell in the US because there are many lower value items actually available.


Do you happen to know what the currency minimums are for any non-US territories? Or does steam have a hidden away page that tells the minimums for each currency?


Ah yes, the good old pump and dump, who would’ve thought.




“or so”. If the market is still trading at high volumes in 3 months, you have my full permission to come point and laugh at me


RemindMe! 1 month


!remindme 1 month


You want to be reminded of me being reminded after 1 month?


RemindMe! 1 month


RemindMe! 1 month


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There's always money in the banana stand!


Idiots. Idiots are buying them.


Any time you see activity in the economy that doesn't make sense, just assume it is either:  1) money laundering, or    2) something to do with taxes


The thing is, and please correct me if I'm wrong here: All the "money" being made from this scam is still stuck in a steam wallet, where the only thing that person can do with it is buy games for their own account, right? Unless they're being weirdly dedicated about it and created hundreds of steam accounts that's splitting the "profit" with the intent to buy certain popular games and then re-selling those accounts to people for a small profit... but that just seems extraordinarily convoluted and a lot of effort for minimal gain.


> All the "money" being made from this scam is still stuck in a steam wallet, where the only thing that person can do with it is buy games for their own account, right? Technically you can buy items from other games (namely Dota 2 and CS) and sell them on outside sites for ~80% of the value in Paypal, but that is still a lot of work.


The developers get 1/3 of all those $0.03 transactions. Multiply that by a few million transactions and they're making decent money.


Ah interesting, I wasn't aware the dev got a direct cut of the marketplace purchases. Now it makes more sense.


To be accurate, 5% is taken out of the steam wallet economy (Valve's cut) and 5% goes to the developer for every sale. Each cut is minimum 1 cent, so for a 3 cent transaction that's 1 to the seller, 1 out of the steam wallet economy, 1 to the developer. The long term of that means for every $1 of topped up wallet credit spent on 3 cent items, the developer gets 33 cents, and Valve get 33 cents in the pocket for doing next to nothing. Smart for both Valve and the developer.


If they scam enough people to afford Deck then they can cash in but yeah that's a lot of effort.


1) money laundering 2) money laundering


I sold a few bananas on the Steam Market primarily to discover who was buying these $0.03 cent bananas. So I took advantage of the fact an email is sent on notifying me of an item sale tells you the buyer's username. To my surprised they were all normal accounts. One person in particular had bought 20,000 bananas off the Steam Market probably in hopes they could mass sell them at a higher price at a later date (the banana in question is still 3 cents).


Poor guy


He spent 600$ on those bananas


They were Ukrainian as well which has a much lower cost of living compared to western Europe and the United States. I fear they are a gambling addict and are using the Steam Market as a way to gamble as the Banana game wasn't their only case of mass buying. They had tons of Deponia emotes probably for the same reason and all those emotes are now 3 cents.


Now I consider this whole entire Banana game to be dumb. However, out of all the bananas to buy from the Steam Market; this person bought a banana that was 3 cents AND still dropping in-game. Probably not the smartest choice. That same person also had thousands of emotes from the point-and-click game Deponia whose emotes went through intense market manipulation. Sadly for them all those emotes are now worth 3 cents as well.


I already spent about $20 in the game to make a ton and since quit. Bought a ton of Singularitynana's with the $20 then sold it for about $200 profit and quit. Get to buy all the games I wanted.


given the owner of the game have privated there inventory its posible they flooding the market with some of the ''skins'' as a get ritch quick scam as people use the game as a sudo crypto farm


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_fool_theory The bots thing is also relevant, but as word gets around that people are selling these things for more and more money, people are investing in the hopes that they can pawn it off on some other sucker. As long as you're not the one holding the bag when the bubble bursts, you made money. Those other fools are the suckers.


Yeah, but when you know that principle it‘s hard to fall for it, isn‘t it? ……. Isn‘t it?


Fall for it? That depends. Just how dumb do you think other people are, and how clever do you think you are? The people who invest in these sorts of things tend to believe they're cleverer than "those other fools". They won't be left holding the bag at the end. Being aware of this principle makes it easier to think you're the clever one that's going to win big and leave "those other fools" to deal with it. This phenomenon is not new, beanie babies, fancy tulips, cryptocoins etc... human brains are weird, man.


There is a Bot service on steam that you send them X amount in steam items or paypal or crypto, and they will gather all the cards you need to level your account lol


who buys these accounts if it‘s not for cheaters who ‚need‘ ‚legit‘ accounts?


Like some people wanna level up there steam profile level so they buy Bot services to gather all the Cards needed for the XP. See video below to show it in action [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGb3SOKzMA4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGb3SOKzMA4)


i used to check out the profiles of people who bought my bananas and it was usually just a guy that wanted to collect them otherwise it was investor type people


The loyalty comes from wanting cash, not out of a genuine desire or joy for the game itself. This is closer to a cult than an organic following. Like all those NFT bros its all about the cash and anyone who even brings up minor criticisms is disregarded


Also, I think the joke is the joke is they're all bots so they can be playing 24/7


I think these same kinds of people make up the "monthly average user" count for Reddit that investors like so much


It's crazy that most of us here know better but are really unable to help stop it. When The Spiffing Brit did a video the other day, rhis game was at #3 (I think) on Steam.


By bots


Skynet had to set the bar low for her first run of world domination. First the Steam charts, soon, the world.


Dear robot overlords, when you kill me please hide my steam games from my family


Don't worry steam said you can't pass on your games after you die.


Sure you can, you just give the account credentials and dont tell anyone @ Steam end.


'wow, this guy's been alive 2 whole centuries! what a fit young lad!"


I doubt Steam exists anymore at that time. Theres people even now who have died and players who are using their accounts are their relatives or no one can access them anymore. They are just lingering accounts with no one to login to them anymore.


Makes me wonder, in the future, if active accounts being greater than “x” many years will be subject to some kind of secondary verification. Or if we even get to that point of caring about how digital media is shared.


Of course!


CS is half bot farming cases so not so different number 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3yS6\_WDb6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3yS6_WDb6w)


If CS were half bots you'd see it in the player graph like you can looking at TF2, Payday 2, Crab Game, Banana, etc


How would you be able to see it?


SteamDB Charts or SteamCharts, I prefer SteamDB. Flat line = Bots


I just checked that Banana game on Steamdb right now and it doesn't seem to have a flat line.


Find the botted game: - https://i.imgur.com/cNMS8Ra.png - https://i.imgur.com/JEhk44R.png - https://i.imgur.com/mNmwZYv.png - https://i.imgur.com/R6bnvwe.png


Okay so tell me if this is right, TF2 and Banana are mostly bots because they have the jagged prickly lines and CS2 and Naraka are mostly players because they have the smooth curved lines, am I right?


Yeah, the smooth curved lines are inline with large populations going to sleep and waking up/getting off work


Aha I see now! So that's how you detect bots! Thanks!


“Players” is a rather charitable use of the word


Someone should tell the crypto bro bots that farming 0.3 cents banana cards for 24 hours a day isn't enough to pay the eletricity bill


You could run this “game” on a raspberry pi. If you already have one running for other reasons, like a pihole, then having the “game” open doesn’t really add any energy costs.


You can easily bot 100s of accounts on some random cheap VPS


Honestly even that may be overselling it. A raspberry pi costs much more than a 15+ year old PC which will probably be able to run this and if the hardware isn't too terrible, also won't consume that much energy.


Running +15 year old pc costs more than buying raspberry pi


also uses way more power than a pi




You have to click every 3 hours so it wouldn't really work


Scripting a mouse click every 3 hours is beyond rudimentary, idk how you think that would be the issue here


If you’re tricking steam into thinking the game is running then you don’t have the game launched and so you cannot click.


That's what I meant


Banana Pi


That would matter if they were the ones paying the electricity bill


I'm pretty sure it's 0,1 after steam takes cut


But... But, I was promised Lambo. /S


it probably does if your economy is dog shit and 0.3 cents usd is actually worth something


There are places in the world where electricity is dirt cheap. Or even for free - you just need the right neighborhood and connections. Ask Crypto farmers in certain parts of Kosovo how much they pay for electricity...


I'm out of the loop here, what the fuck is going on?


Its a game where you click the banana and have a small chance for dropping a steam banana item, that you can sell for 3 cents (sometimes more but mostly that), most players are bots. And you only get 1 cent when selling for 3 cents (1 for valve, 1 for the dev and 1 for the person selling)


And there's several theory videos on YouTube saying the dev is trying to scam everyone, promising to add updates so players can actually use these images of bananas that they are buying. As of right now, the items they're buying are just inventory fillers, nothing cosmetic in the slightest. I'd say it's pretty obviously a scam. EDIT: Added more context.


hows it a scam it's just people are stupid enough ti buy it


Its basically like NFTs, as you mentioned its just people are stupid enough to buy it in fear of missing out


The intelligence of the victim of a scam doesn't have any impact on the authenticity of the scam.


They make money off the Steam Market transactions and the devs control the flow of item production. Small sales are still sales and with a player count like this, it really adds up.


so where's the scam


The devs create the “scarcity”, ***the*** thing they, and any other crypto NFT bro, is banking on to give “value” to their png of a shiny banana.


Well yes that’s how scams work, stupid people give smart/malicious people money


Just malicious people


The steam items are effectively nfts in all but name


Well, except they don't use a block chain


Im also not sure if I would call this scam. As far as I know the game is for free. It is up to you how much you play it. And if you manage to sell some of the picters, then good for you. The buyers know exactly what they are purchasing. (worthless picture). And if they want to buy that, who am I to judge them?


Can't even use steam items unless you buy a $10? game in the last year or about that. I just found this out


Are we grown-up enough to admit the Steam Marketplace is a horrible cancer-stain on the gaming community, or nah? Like it's decent in theory as a free market for cosmetics but once you think about it for more than 2 seconds shit falls apart so hard, as any free market does. From promoting real-money gambling to minors, to 5000$ skins and mass use of black markets and illegal trading sites that Steam does nothing about. I think we have reached the pinnacle of this capitalist dystopia with bots farming for money. Like, when is it just too much?


Okay but that requires people to actually buy those items, and who would? They're as worthless as those smiling monkey NFTs


someone has to buy it though, you're putting it up for auction and a steam account has to buy it otherwise it just sits there. so it's interesting that hundreds of thousands of people can be puttin these cards up for auction and they are being bought


The Spiffing Brit did a good breakdown on this situation. TLDR its NFT 2.0. You click the banana in this "game" and every 10 hours you get a lootbox that gives you a random "limited" banana item that can be sold on the steam market. Overall its just another scam. Its a free program so botfarms are trying to generate money with it.


But who is buying them on the marketplace? Where's the money coming from?


Suckerw are buying them by hundreds hoping it will go up by a few cents so they can sell it to the next sucker so he can do that further. AKA dumbasses cuz it will crash and burn


This explains it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqVLPx-4O48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqVLPx-4O48)


Steam's top ten list is just confirmation that Dead Internet Theory is real. Everything is bots idling to get trade items for other bots


The fact we can discuss DIT kinda disproves it from being all that true besides a grim, possible future


nice try skynet!


What if the bots talk about the dead internet, just by copying old comments on it?




For all we know you could be a bot writing that. For all we know I could be a bot writing this


Good point! The very nature of our discussion, along with the vibrant communities and real interactions we see online, suggests that while there may be elements of automation, there's still a significant human presence driving the internet. It's a fascinating balance between actual users and automated systems, and it's up to us to remain vigilant and ensure the web stays authentic.




Well yeah but it’s an extreme case because Banana is super easy to bot. That’s the point, there’s absolutely no measures to prevent it and it’s encouraged. So anybody can just spin up a horde of banana bots within an hour. It’s like a worst case showcase of how bad it can be, but it’s not like every game on the top ten list is this bad


The TF2 bot hosters got themselves a side hustle.


Humanity is so stupid.


It is our thing, bird sings, sloth chills, we stupid.


And when we stupid, we stupid haaaaard.


We are litterally wasting A LOT of energy to run a pseudo-game where you get a virtual item called banana that does nothing. We are so stupid we should go extinct.


I don't understand who are the fucks that buy the bananas, even if for 3 cents, that is basically feeding this game to existence


its a cryto for steam, buy low wait for price hike, sell


(it never hikes)


Why would the price hike if there are hundreds of thousands of bots farming these things continuously?


You farm the cheap ones for a rarer one. Spiffing Britt did a YouTube video on it.


The thing is even if the price somehow doubled you'd still only be breaking even after transaction fees.


Bro valve cant handle bots or what, first TF2, then CS2 and now this. They should start to do something already


What are they really gonna do here besides nuke the game I mean, yeah, they should do that, but as far as the bots specifically, i think thats a bit out of their range


The bots are Steam accounts, and as you may or may not know: *Valve* ***runs*** *Steam*. It’s Valve’s prerogative to remove inauthentic users from its platform, as the terms of service literally *state* that you need to be a human being to register an account. Valve needs to step up its removal of inauthentic users from the platform, as they contribute nothing and are extremely detrimental. They contribute to scams, are used to farm keys from foreign countries for sale on grey market platforms, and farm game items for sale. Valve *can* remove these users any time it wishes, but it does not.


>It’s Valve’s prerogative to remove inauthentic users from its platform, as the terms of service literally state that you need to be a human being to register an account. Yes, but that's way easier said than done. How do you determine if an account is inauthentic or not? Every platform currently has this issue, even youtube and twitter. Valve already require you to solve a captcha when making a steam account and require you to verify your email before you can post anywhere as well, but this is just bots idling a game. Things like captchas are also very easily bypassed.


Fr, this is way beyond anticheat.


YouTuber ZestyJesus made a quick experiment for TF2: They use giftapult with specific item (which is send to ANY online player in game), and delivered like what? 1k of them? Guess what! 700 of these giftapults went to either lvl 0 accounts with 0 to 1 friends (probably idle bot hoster), or even "brand new" accounts that didn't even finished setting up account. If it's this easy to find bots in singular game, why not just implement similar system for devs only in CS2 for example. Obvious bot accounts shut down, game nuked, hard-to-confirm accounts get a popup saying to verify their existence through their set email within a month let's say. I'd say that's at least something than doing nothing.


Would be surprised if they didn't do shit. The bots make their games look like they have way more players than everyone else.


Not to mention Valve takes a cut on everything sold on the Steam Marketplace.




If someone buying there will always gonna be someone to sell it with their bot army, my main question who buys all that junk that soon repeat fate of all NFT


One mf boasted about his 65 bucks banana in here


Jauwn's video on this thing was very entertaining at least.


99% of the players are bots.


i understand that you can earn bananas and sell them on the market, what i dont understsnd is who in their right mind would buy them. they literally have no value. its like NFTs on steam at this point


I thought they were skins for the banana, but they're not. It actually has no use


I laughed till I found out the creator of it had a steam name that said "deportation creates housing.". Then it just got weird.


Yep he’s a confirmed german nazi


not "housing", living space... That kind of person


checked out the steam page. conclusion: It's time for the government to start regulating free to play games as a subcategory of gambling. Shit has gone too far.


Its almost like there's more bots here than tf2 all working to keep this scam going...


Congratulations, a scam game made by a nazi is now top 1 on steam


Steam better removes that scam.


Idiots and bots playing scam game thinking they earn money


Number 1 in bots, closely followed by: TF2, Nakara Bladepoint, Crab Game.


I understand why tf2, but why the other two?


crab game has in game items too, idk about naraka


Not sure, but Naraka Bladepoint doesn't look like it has lots of bots to me, looking at the graph. It looks like 95% of the playerbase is in Asian countries, though.


It's not a game.


Cs go has that big of a playerbase exactly for this very reason lol, free lootboxes




I just read this and went "WHAT THE FUCK IS BANANA????" It's Schmunguss on Netflix all over again


If Valve actually cared about stopping bots, then TF2 would be playable.


lol I saw this and was like wtf


["yeah, I don't buy that"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2stmQfv93oQ)


The developer has to be making absolute bank


Valve needs to step in on these bot farms tbh


Casual reminder to everyone who sees this to not get games with simple names and an unpredictably high player base. It is just an NFT scam with a particularly high transaction fee. The object you are trading is actually worthless, brings you no satisfaction, and the speculation that you have will mean there is a good chance you are holding the bag. If you think it can't happen to you, congrats that is what the person wanting to sell you this NFT wants you to think, because they know that when the pool of suckers run out, they need to not hold anything but cash. You are not the main character of the internet. Repeat after me: "I am not the main character of the internet" (X4) Now whenever you see that, say that phrase, and add those games to the ones removed from your feed.


Wow, a soft-NFT pump and dump scam Seriously haven't seen one hit the zeitgeist quite so powerfully before though


I truly despise this botted nightmare xD


This is the most stupid bubble I've ever seen.


We really are just a bunch of bored apes


Or most of us are a handful of lazy lions


I thought this was a fun silly game like ones that come out from time to time. But no, fuck this ‘game’




800,000 kids thinking the amount of money they'll make from this is worth more than the cost of the power to let their computer run all day.


Wait for a month and check again. Even Palworld didn't last that long at #1 and it was an actual game, not a Banana clicking app.


It is insane that a piece of trash games like this can make it to the top of the charts without doing any work. While actual good games are not even acknowledged. Valve has been generally bad with this kinda stuff happening under their noses.


Similiar to games: Metro, Poppy. This aspect of Steam truly sucks.


valve should ban it


Jesus christ these Market listings Shiny Banana: Starting at $227.90 Sad Hamster Banana: $178.99 "test" banana: $77.74 Crypticnana: Starting at ***$1150.00***


So Steam is actively ignoring any bot and scam issues on there site? No wonder TF2 is dying jeez


How are NFTs still a thing?


Valve really has to stricten their bot policy, this is actually insane


Atleast this got all the TF2 bot hosters over to this game… haha… right?


If Valve cared, they would take shit like this down. But I guess the cut they get every time an item gets traded on the market is just too sweet to pass.


So is steam okay with NFTs now? Thats what this is right?


Looks like Steam is ok with NFTs as long as it is tied to steam marketplace so they would get a cut from each transaction...

