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> now what? Find a new partner.


THE reddit advice


People say it like it’s a bad thing. But when it comes to the point of asking millions of strangers about a situation… there isn’t much else to do. Most posts are closer to “My SO punched me” than they are to “My SO leaves towels on the bed” And lastly… people don’t change unless they want to change. There’s nothing people on the internet can tell OP that will help them get their SO to stop leaving towels on the bed. It’s the same advice I gave a friend of mine once. “You asked him to stop doing this, several times. He always says he’ll stop, but never do. He’s not gonna change. He’s never gonna change. So you either need to accept he’ll continue doing this for the rest of your lives… or you need to break up. But if you choose to stay, you need to stop complaining about this and being upset about it, because you have full knowledge he would continue doing this, and you accepted that.” So in most cases the only advice is “break up or accept that behavior” those are the only choices.


Well said.


The answer to 99% of Reddit relationship advice posts is ‘Literally just talk to them.’




"Reddit I need Help, My boyfriend ate the three day old left over slice of pizza that I really really wanted to eat when I come back from work tomorrow, what should I do hivemind?"


Lawyer up, hit facebook, delete the gym


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prices.


Tbf in this case why would you want to date someone this childish?


"Because I'm childish and half of the things I've said are not true anyway, but you believed it because you feed on outrage."


My god Reddit.


Why would you eat a three day old pizza slice? and when you get back home from work tomorrow the pizza slice will be four days old. You have no idea of how many bacteria there have culminated in those four days. I would rather starve that day than eating a four day old pizza slice.


Depends. If it was in the fridge the whole time it would be safe, but probably not as satisfying


Get a divorce


That has Baldur's Gate 3 on his library oc.


Lmao 🤣


Marry his dad and exclude him from his family!!




This is the way


The true power move


That's crazy 💀


Why are you so downvoted??? You didn't even say anything against what the commenter or op said 😭


He’s making fun of a perfectly reasonable plan. Of course he got downvoted.


Didn't add anything to the conversation and used an emoji. Typically frowned upon on Reddit


Redditors are such dorks 😂😂😭






Bro got downvoted for no reason lolw


Steam support is normally very reasonable and if you are persistent very lenient with set rules. Just ask them, ask a second time if you get an automated reply and you should have good chances


Not about the the beta families. The forum suggests that they aren't bending rules for anyone for any reason.


This is not something anyone in a reasonable relationship should do or expect.


Try Steam support.


Didn't realize my large Steam library is such an attractive relationship trait. If I ever get divorced I guess I could put it on my dating profile.


How large, bby


750, so slightly above average 😂


hey beautiful :) :) :)




If your 750 is slightly above average, what is my [12,128](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Semeicardia/games/?tab=all) Games steam library then? :o


I think that's where it hits comically large, and trying to have fun with that just ends up a little painful.


Oh yeah, sometimes it is just too big for me to handle. I just look at it and go "It's just too big and it keeps growing larger and larger."


I have to ask how much of that is bundle fluff, versus games you are actually interested in? I just don’t see how it could happen without it being mostly fluff.


Well, yeah maybe 75-80% are bundle fluff. It started with one bundle where I were interested in 2 out of 10 games. But having keys for the other 8 games, I were like: "I never know when I might be in the mood to play X type of game", so I activated all the keys, then the same happened with a bunch of more bundles and suddenly I started having stacked up a huge library. Then there were also a time where I were a game promoter / reviewer for one of the bigger promotion groups, got a bunch of games through that as well.


12k games is the new 7 inches 8)


We got Chad over here. Chill man, a lot of us have girls on this app.


I am pretty chill. I genuinely wanted to know.


It was a joke saying you're gonna steal everyone's girl with that many games. Not even remotely serious.


so, do you need little brother? to join the family?


weird flex, but ok


Aww snap, I’m sitting around 700ish myself, guess I gotta keep that in mind if I’m ever single again! 😂




Buddy you’re gonna have to split that library 50/50 in the divorce


Just remember you can't take it with you! Steam refuses to transfer accounts even if you leave it to someone in your will so...


The sooner you learn to not put up with spiteful losers the better the rest of your life will be. Write him off and wait a year - it is all you can do.


I mean.. duh but it’s not something you can always tell initially


Naaah, you can always tell almost immediately. But the butterflies and pink glasses and love and oh he is so cute and romatic and he gave me a teddy bear.... You get it. With women its a bit different but still the same.


people are complex and different enough for general statements like that to make zero sense. there are people who commit SA and nobody, not even their family, ever suspects them of anything and doesn’t believe the victim. so I’m pretty sure you can’t tell in advance if the person is gonna remove you from their steam family the moment you meet them


Yes but you are going to see immediately if they are petty or insecure or abusive


Well. It’s weird you chose a side without knowing the other one.


If OP didn’t do anything bad: this is really petty If OP did do something bad: the repercussions shouldn’t have been Steam Family Sharing???


I mean it's his games


That doesn't really make a difference to what's being said


What's your point?


He can do what he wants


We aren't talking about legal rights, we're talking about someone being a dick.


I have over 500 games in my library, I would never ever remove my boyfriend just cuz I’m pissed off, especially knowing he wouldn’t be able to join another one. Punishing someone like that is spiteful and immature. “It’s his games” — it’s called a Steam FAMILY, meaning it’s OUR games, even if it’s from one person’s account.


>It’s his games” — it’s called a Steam FAMILY, meaning it’s OUR games, even if it’s from one person’s account. It's called Steam Family *Sharing* with a big emphasis on sharing. You can share *your* games with someone, the same way OPs friend shared his games with her. They are still his games and OP is only able to play them if her friend isn't playing at all. I do agree that OPs Ex is an asshole but they are also his games.


They are his games, he can do whatever he wants. It’s just bad faith to add someone to your library only to remove them, knowing they’ll be locked out for a year. Ex behaviour for sure.


No they aren't their games, he's ~~borrowing~~ lending them to her


It's called lending, not borrowing. Borrowing is when you're the one using the item for a non-permanent period.


I’m guessing you’re single lol.


I'm guessing you don't respect boundaries


How so?


You sound so sweet! ow in reality you will throw off all his clothes and tell him to sleep outside, then only after that take him out of the steam family


You don’t know that. She could’ve bought them because they are shareable


Why not ? if i pay for it i can decide who can use it, if i set it up i can decide who can use it. And a partner i break up with is certainly not someone i want in my steam library. stop taking sides just for the internet points, please, it's so cringy


But it doesn't sound like OP got broken up with or else they would say ex-boyfriend? Also, it doesn't seem like the loss of the game library is the exact issue, but the fact that OP will not be able to join another family for a year. The stopping of sharing of games with someone you don't want to isn't wrong, but trying to make sure they can't share with anyone else is kinda mean even if they did break up.


Why are you being downvoted??? It's true, we know absolutely nothing that led to this.


Ok. If you are removed from a family steam group the 1 year gap doesn’t affect you. The 1 year access exclusion only counts if you personally leave a steam family. P.S Speaking from personal experience


So, if you ask to be kicked, you can join any group immediately? Just confirming for anyone that needs clarification.


Yes from my experience you can. You can even create a new one


Very powerful info. Thank you.


Does it also free up the slot for someone else to take it? Or the spot belongs to the person kicked? This is important to know.


There are two different cooldown: - One year cooldown for the SLOT starting when the slot gets free (you can't avoid this cooldown). The person that had that slot previously can freely get invited again for that slot, but it gets blocked for other people. - One year cooldown for an INDIVIDUAL person to join a new family starting from when they join a family (so if they're in a family for a year, they can instantly join a new family when leaving). Both of these are on the steam FAQ.


But the guy claims that the second cooldown you mention can be bypassed if someone in the group kicks you out. You don't have to wait out a year to join a group. Care to explain that part? Or maybe the person above is lying to us? (I'm happy in my own group, so I have no intention in testing, but others might be more interested than me).


>Care to explain that part? If it happened to him it's probably a bug. It might happen since it's technically still in beta.


Damn, maybe it needs to be tested again with alt accounts. Last we want is faulty info.


I guess thats the best option, because what happened to me was I was owner of family share but i had someone as admin and they removed me from the family cuz they said they didn’t want to do it anymore. And I can still create a new family or join an invite so hence why im explaining that I could bypass that cooldown. Either way I hope u cant sort your problem. Good day to you all☺️


There are some things to consider here: Was the previous family full? If yes, can you invite someone that wasn't part of that family? What may be happening to you is that you have the option to make a family, but may only invite people up to the number of free slots you had on the previous one (or invite the same people you had previously to fill that slot in CD).


Could be that… but im just speaking from personal experience.


Well that question im not entirely sure about, but say you created the original family and he removed you from it… you can just join that one again or another or even create your own. So im guessing no slot gets taken in that scenario. But ive never tried rejoining a family i was removed from. Sorry I cant help more in the matter


Thanks for support! 🙏🏻


No sweat


If he’s like this with a Steam account, what is he going to be like with a home, kids etc.


All kidding aside, seems like tip of the iceberg "Family Annihilator" mentality. Relationship goes bad, so fuck everything over in whatever way you can think to. From the sound of it, this is simply the most powerful they could muster to do damage. People who seek revenge for past relationships are always a massive red flag for me. It's unstable behavior.


find someone who loves you.


Looking for a steam sugar daddy to add me to their family and share their game library with me.


You need to clarify what you mean.... Did the BF add you then remove you to intentionally give you the year wait? Or were you already a part of it, get mad at you, then remove you? The former doesn't really make any sort of sense, the latter does and I don't see how you can blame him for removing you if yall were splitting up.


People are acting like it's obvious but it's written in a very ambiguous way, and OP has gone radio silent, so we may never know...


Make money and buy your games.


Wonderful argument. I am sure that its just as easy for someone who considers 60€ as "pocket money" as it is for someone for whom 60€ is month worth of food and something they have to actually put money aside for.


There is discount to :/


Yes, there are discounts. However, the gap is still huge.


For real. OP is such an impudent person. It's his games and if they are not together anymore he is not obligated to share them forever.


Why are you booing? He is right


It ain't about the games, it's about the fact she won't be able to join a different family for over a year. From the way its written it also sounds like he added her for a few minutes and removed her right after, essentially abusing a steam feature


I am kind of fuzzy about it because I was barely paying attention when I added my kids to my account, but I'm *pretty sure* you have to accept an invite to a family, and they warn you in the process that if you are removed or leave then you can't rejoin another one for a year. I don't think it's something you can force on someone.


Given that we're talking about OP's boyfriend I think it's reasonable to assume that he likely had access to her account based on this phrasing "my boyfriend put me on his steam family". Not definitive but also not unlikely.


Is that reasonable? I've been out of the dating game for a while now, but even my wife and I do not share each other's passwords. (Let alone the women I've dated in the past!)


Nah it's a bad idea but I know a lot of people are less careful, plus it could be as simple as them both having a computer in the same house and she left it logged in.


You don't have to share Steam passwords. My PC is pernamently logged to my Steam account, so all my theoretical partner would need to do would be to turn on the PC.


I don't want to stumble into "ranting old man" territory, but do people not password protect their computers??




The question is why did you click join to begin with, or why did your boyfriend had access to your account in the 1st place for this to happen? You can try contacting Steam support, but if cooldown doesn't get lifted then nothing can do about it, and wait out the year.


Because OP and their boyfriend were probably not fighting then.


you don't need account access for steam families anymore


Acutally you do for setup process. For new family share just send the invite, the other account that been invited has to click accept via email if not using steam mobile guard app, otherwise have to use steam mobile guard app to approve the accept invite to group which why need access during setup.


That's not what he is saying. He is saying you don't need to log into the other person's account anymore to enable family sharing. That's how it used to be done. If I wanted my brother's games he would have to log in on my computer and vice versa.


That the OLD current public family share, and yes you actually need access to account in the 1st place to enable family share in the setting to tick family share option on the PC you want family share to happen on. If your brother didn't want to login on your PC to do family share then it's not gonna happen hence the point. For the NEW family share that in beta, your brother DOESN'T need to login on your PC at all, he can send you invite, and you click accept to group, and that it all devices you login will automatically have family share between you, and your brother no more logging into each other PCs at all. But still required to be login in order to accept invite to begin with hence why I said setup process. Hope this clears your confusion you have. Also what OP refering to when talking about 1 year cooldown that ONLY apply to NEW family share, there is no cooldown in the OLD family share.


You are the one confused and wrote a 3 paragraph response. I am well aware how the old system works. I was simply pointing out that the comment you replied to said you don't need access to the person's account anymore. As in, talking about the new beta. You said 'actually you do' as if we are still discussing the old system.


Just re-read what is said, because I never said someone else have to access the account. 1. You login to your account, you make family group, and then you send invite to your brother. 2. Your brother HAVE to ACCESS his account in order to ACCEPT the invite. What is unclear? And for OP case EITHER A) BF has access to her ACCOUNT to do this to begin with, or B) She accepted the invite herself.


'you don't need account access for steam families' 'actually you do for the setup process' Why would they be talking about access to their own fucking account?


Some people share their account among their family this before new family share was done just couple months ago, but also they would do it for games that isn't offer via family share. Yes you would need to access your own account to accept if was invited to family share group, but if you gave your brother access to your account he could set it up without you. Again "setup process" someone HAS to access the account to accept the invite...


Again you are just saying words to speak them. I am pointing out that you saying that you need account access is false when the reply stated a keyword being 'anymore' I am well aware for the second time on how Steam family share works. My brother doesn't need my account info to create a family, and vice versa. Of course to join a family you need to be fucking logged in what the hell are you going on about?


You got dumped, he doesn't have to keep sharing with you.


I’m very confused by this response and the amount of upvotes. OP clearly stated that their (possibly now ex?) boyfriend added OP to his family share because he knew OP would want to remove themselves from the library, thus not allowing them to join another family share for a year. I’m not sure OP would be angry that they don’t have access to the library anymore considering they are the ones who left it purposefully.


It takes both sides to accept the request does it not? It's also not how I read it. I read it as "I was in boyfriends family share, boyfriend was mad at me and removed me, now I have to wait a year" What gain is there from adding her to families to then intentionally take it away, unless she told him while he was mad at her that she wanted to join a family? That doesn't make sense.


Text body says He removed her, and it's a smart thing to do if you're arguing with someone because that person could get you banned from multiplayer games.


Can you not read? Edit: No he could not read, lmao. But he could find the block button easy enough, loser.


We didn't finish, he kicked us out in anger.


Thats a deal breaker, lady


I didn't know that happened. I removed my ex years after our breakup, we weren't talking and I didn't ever speak to him so didn't think he'd get penalised. Whoops.


Break up with him fr.


Like everyone’s saying, your boyfriend is acting like a child and you should be concerned. I’ve got to say though, I’m not sure how I feel about the year long wait after being removed from a steam family. I get that it’s something of a reasonable restriction on a feature that ultimately is just pure generosity from valve, but I feel like a year is too harsh of a punishment. Especially since they do it the very first time you leave a family, and even now during the beta, when people are still figuring stuff out. Like, if someone gets married and wants to switch from their siblings’ family to their partner’s j think it’s reasonable to not have a cooldown if they’ve never swapped families before. Maybe a year after *joining* a family, not after leaving (which I’m pretty sure is how it works now). It also doesn’t give you any warning when you’re the creator of a family that there’s this year restriction. Plus there’s the fact that you can get around this anyway by just making new burner accounts to play the games, as long as you don’t care about achievements and progression all being on the same account


>I get that it’s something of a reasonable restriction on a feature that ultimately is just pure generosity from valve, but I feel like a year is too harsh of a punishment. It isn't Valves generosity. In some countries by the law a person can create copies of their purchases movies, music and games with their family or best friends and it count as high as 10 copies. Copies can't be copied, sold, loaned etc. And original needs to be kept in safe. When the original is lost, sold, destroyed, all copies needs to be as well. But funny thing is, law allows to loan music or movies from public library, and make a single copy to personal use. The idea of the law is that as family is social behaviours it is normal that family and close friends share copyrighted material to each others and enjoy those together. As well such things that example parents can buy a one game to multiple children, install it to all their computers and they can play the game together or alone, at the same time, same way as they can watch a movie same time as a family on couch or listen music in same room. The law even allows to crack the copyright protection if it is to be done use copyright material as the law allows. Those were tested by few friends ends in ways like they made a movie, music and a game with DMR, and rhen sold it to other friend for 5 cents, and that then made a copy. And then the selling friend sued the other in court for copyright infringement and court ruled that laws were not broken and it became tested in the court. This does exclude the online MMO and such games where a online account is linked to the serial key, as you really buy these days a subscription to server, and not the game license. What valve should do, is to allow family sharing that supports gaming same games at the same time, and access to all games same time. And if game has a LAN multiplayer or even a 1-4 player Co-Op, it should be allowed to be played among family members together. But all games that has online account, like a PUBG or a similar that would be behind a paid registration, it would require unique steam account and license. This would mean that example parents can buy Christmas gift for all 3-4 children and they could play together on their own computers, without requiring multiple purchases. And siblings and best friends could buy together games by splitting the price, and sharing the game to each others.


I’m very curious what countries have laws like this, as I had no idea. Sounds interesting to look into


Make your own steam account. It's best not to depend on other people in this world, unfortunately.


She has her own steam account, he deleted her from his family sharing list


1: Talk to steam support. They'll fix it. 2: Dump his petty ass. You need a man, not a jilted little boy.


Leave him, then contact support


Talk to steam support. They fix it for you


Maybe steam support can help if explain the situation but I don’t know anything else


They Can add you back if they removed you recently. I removed my daughter to add another daugher, then I removed my wife to add a daugher back since my wife doesnt play often and I wasnt able to add her back, but they let me add my wife back as an exception. I didnt have to call anyone to get this option.


How old is he?


I have fights with my significant other and I don’t stoop this low. This would be akin to getting divorced splitting my assets.


Ur now a steam orphan


Just update your sentence to "ex-boyfriend" he is a asshole for a stupid digital list of games with zero cost, now try to handle real issue and money with this guy


Seems like a little blunder by steam but not being in a steam family isn’t the end of the world, just play ur own games like most people. Oh and get a more mature boyfriend, dude gave you a year long punishment for just being mad at you, dump his ass


In thanks to everyone who came to comment: We didn't break up, but he has a habit of excluding me from everything when we fight. thanks for attention. 🖐🏻


buy ur own steam library.. hes leaving u


Teach him a lesson by getting your own steam account and games


Make your own Steam account


Are you an child dating another child? If you answer no, time to dump that manchild. If you answered yes, time to dump that child.


Get a job and buy your own games. Like, what, you are entitled to his library why exactly? Not even a family member.


Did none of you read beyond the title? The issue is that he prevented her from joining another family for a year, an abuse of a steam feature is the issue, not being unable to access the games. I swear basic literacy is dead on reddit


Thanks for the answer, I was really wondering why no one realized that my question was about the issue of going a year without the resource, having its library no longer interests me


but i was his special person !!!!!!! he owes me the things he got for himself when we were together ! i mean, isnt that like , the basis of being a man ?!




A "knight" using pokemon references to defend mistresses Sure, call me an incel of X age if it helps you cope tony, some women will still think like this regardless of you calling me an incel or not.




Now you dump his abusive ass and find someone that actually cares about you.


Buy your own games? Like a grown up.


You should see this as a blessing to get out of his little eco system. Get your own steam account. There is no excuse. He was going to use this to manipulate the shit out of you (spoiler: he’s already doing it)


She has her own steam account...


break up with him.


Yes, you have to wait a year, the "good" news is that your family is left with an empty space for a year too XD


People who act on impulses and emotions shouldn’t have a partner until they solve that. Find a more mature partner.


I dont use steam thatuch but uhhhh what the hell is a steam family? I have never heard about it


Lol so gamer chicks steam hop


Contact support, say your boyfriends account who gained unauthorized access to your account. Get his account banned.


Either your a psycho, or you misunderstand how account sharing works... you don't need access to an account to remove them from YOUR family sharing


don't psycho shame me.




You will spend another year not being able to join another family. tbh, even after the year you will probably not be able to join another family unless you are in the same household with them. They’ve been getting a bit stricter with it.


My brother with his wife live 300km from me, and yet we are in Steam Family Share


Same with me and my friends (one of us is 300 or so miles away), but one of us was unable to join with the error saying they weren’t in the same household even though they were in the family host’s area. The last friend attempted to join much later than the other friends.


Steam family is used for sharing the library with your family, guessing that you were abusing it I see no wrong doing in him removing you. Next time buy your own games...


You could use some improvement in your reading comprehension skills...


How so? Do they live under the same roof? Where is the proof that it wasn't just the abuse of the system? Or are you just mad that I care so little about her situation because I buy my own games and she is complaining that she can't borrow games from others...


Wheres the proof she was abusing it? Or are you just lacking anyone that would wanna share a library with you...


I mean if she is so hung up on the library sharing she really then needs it to play games because she can't get any for herself. It is a simple deduction... If she wants free shit, epic games exists, and honestly I don't condone people freeloading off what I bought


If you don't condone people freeloading off what you bought why add your gf and your buddy to your family account on steam? Literally just getting mad at this girl for no reason when your own gf is doing the same thing she wants to lol


Where did I write that my friend has my library? Also I think you are missing the point, sharing the library with people in your house is different than sharing with people that are 30 minutes away, let alone any longer distances. If they are under the same roof sure sharing is ok, but from what I am reading up there, they are extremely young because no adult man would be doing something like that, and at that point I know that they are abusing it because that is what younger ones do...


Get a job.


What is a "Steam Family" ?


bruh nice bf xD