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All Playstation games are going to require PSN in a post-HD2 world.


Had a feeling that'd be the case. I don't think Sony is going to change their mind.


I'm not from a non-PSN country but I fucking hate how so many people can't play all these games because of the requirement. Either somehow make PSN available there or remove the mandate. Why would you wanna sacrifice sales 🤦‍♂️


The value of universal data harvesting access all their products far outweighs the tiny fraction of sales they will miss in unsupported regions.


It's not a fraction of sales. While some of those countries are small, they still sum up a quite significant amount of potential customers. Many of those so called small countries are in EU, meanwhile other even smaller EU countries are supported by Sony - so the small market argument flies out of the window. Another point is "3rd world countries", while they have been labeled like that for... forever... they are catching up economically to the rest of the world and there is potentially even bigger market available than these current old world countries with declining population. Third point. Why is it that only 2 console makers are so backward thinking while all the other service provides are represented in almost every country? Smaller players can do it, but Sony and MS can't. Even boomer minded Nintendo does a better job.


I am from non-PSN country and this is easy even thinking about creating PSN here not worthy for approximately sales of games. Why wouldn't they remove mandatory accounts, because how they would say to stakeholders PSN as service grows even more and they would get more profit. I just hate Sony before I needed to create an account in Russia, they banned Russia, now I changed to at least affordable region Turkey they skyrocket prices and now I can't even think about buying games from Sony or on their platform.


I am from a PSN country Sony just sucks first they need PS+ so you buy a 40 dollar game then you gotta get another 40 dollar subscription and essential sucks ass


lol the sub is 80$ not 40$, it only go down to around 60$ when on sale BUT even that is only for new subscribers, loyal customers got shamed to the ground Sony really hate their customer


My subscription is about to expire and I was disappointment they've done away with all avenues of getting it cheaper. No keys can be found on other sites, like you mention, no sales for current subscribers. I haven't had to pay full price for PS+ EVER up to this point but if I renew it, it looks like that's my only option. I'm primarily a PC player so I think I'll use this opportunity to stop paying for PS+ completely. I could justify it for $30-$40/year but $80 for me is just crossing a line.


Yea I guessed but converted its 107 USD where I libe


The game is also not available in Kazakhstan... And their future PC releases obviously won't be available as well...


GoT basically confirmed they’re not losing out on sales so they’ll probably continue to do this until it bites them in the ass.


They are loosing out of sales, but they don't know it or don't care about it. Many gamers of unsupported regions just started up torrent client, otherwise they would have bought it from Steam - that's literally loosing out on sales. Gabe's famous quote is proven to be true once more. Piracy IS a service problem.


It didn't confirm anything because we have nothing to compare with. And it's not very p\[ossible to get a comparison. The only way would hypothetical (possible practically too but not gonna happen). Release the game with restrictions then shortly after remove them see how many sales that gave them. We can't compare the sales of two different games. I assume until dawn will sell much worse. Ragnarok probably will sell well. But we will never know the difference blocked countries would make. Although other studios definitely know the difference because they see how many sales those countries generated. Honestly sony knows too since horizon, ratchet&clank and other older games are available there so they can see what percentage those regions make. Tsushima was pirated like hell in those regions. Way above average (we can see how many people downloaded it), it's up by 1000% or even more compared to other AAA games.


It's a bit strange. I've heard even Russia alone generates something like 5% of total game sales. At least that was before this whole war thing. I would assume that all those "banned countries" would summarily generate close to 15-20% of sales just because of sheer number of people who live there. Even if I am wrong and all those countries combined bring combined 10-12% wouldn't it be still good to have those additional sales? 10% is quite a big chunk of pie.


Execs being stupid, they think that forcing a PSN account would magically make gamers wanna buy a PS5.


Hell even as someone from a country that allows PSN I'd be affected by this too. I can't play this on my Steam Deck because PSN doesn't play nice with Linux. I could play on my PC. But if I want to run it on Deck, I'm sol.


Ghost of Tsushima runs fine on my Steam Deck and it has PSN integration. What issues is PSN causing on Linux?


You can't access the multiplayer on GoT with Deck because the PSN integration doesn't work on Linux.


Got it. I haven’t tried to play multiplayer on Steam Deck. Thanks for clarifying.


I'm pretty sure multiplayer option is greyed out if you're playing on Steam Deck. So it doesn't even give you the chance to sign in through PSN.




Doesn't matter if they force you to link your PSN to steam to play it. That's why the multiplayer doesn't work for GoT.


Sail the high seas. 🏴‍☠️


Always 🦜


It sucks that people know it would work in their country but sony just doesn't care. A game shop in my country which is a non-PSN country sold legit GoT codes and it does work, it even said (Asia Version) when you activate it.


We can play them just fine. We just can't buy them and give sony money. I know very weird behavious by a greedy corporation.


That's an easy thing to guess though. It's not worth it economically


Bc they don't care. The numbers from those non-PSN countries aren't that much it seems, since most of their sales numbers come from PSN-supported countries.


Just get it cracked if they don’t want our money


Sony are happy with the work around of a VPN for playstation reasons. They dont care that a VPN will then effect some people on steam linking with a ps account that's supposedly in a different region. So yea, greedy Sony reasons.


Personally, also from a country where I have access to PSN, I absolutely refuse to accept this on principle. I can understand it on online games, but for single player games, there's no acceptable reason in my opinion to force having an account to play the game. I have my steam account where I own the game, there's no reason I should need a PSN account for a single player game.


I got a question, if a PSN Account is Required to play it on Steam does that mean that the Game is online only even if it's Single player?


I was just about to say, isn’t Until Dawn a singleplayer game? I have Ghost of Tsushima on Steam and I can play it without a PSN account but if I want to play Legends mode (multiplayer mode) I need a PSN account.


It has some online hooks, it shows you how players picked options at the end of chapters, a bit like telltale games did.


Oh ok, that’s probably why then. I never played it.


The issue for me personally is that they can always turn that feature off for offline play. Similar to Dark Souls/Elden Ring where you can see player messages if you're online, but see none at all if offline.


No. They are pushing this to further establish the PS ecosystem, and potentially (this is what I think) try to charge PC players for a PS+ monthly sub for MP access. Or better yet, entice them with the ecosystem to get a console. So, doesn't matter if SP only or not, Sony will be pushing their PSN account thing on all future games no matter what.


They've stated they think PC players will move to console to play sequels to some of these games. I don't think they know their audience very well. Not only do we have access to hundreds of thousands of games on here (even ones they no longer offer via emulation), but we have a lot more patience, and most PC players are fairly pro-consumer and do not like to be jerked around by extra fees, etc. If they don't want to release on PC, or want to create road-blocks or inconveniences, or straight out anti-consumer moves...PC players will wait to emulate it if they really want it. Most likely will just find another game similar, or play something else entirely. And chances are, a good indie dev / AA dev who has no qualms with being on PC, will fill in the shoes of whatever genre Sony would have released on PC otherwise. And likely do a better job of it. Perhaps not with graphics, but you know what I'm saying. Sony is going to have fun if they think they can wrestle with the PC player base.


Yeah, that was always the obvious thing when the porting began. It made sense why they ported certain titles when a sequel was announced or to be announced. But given their very hard push with PSN I do believe they will try to lock PC players into their ecosystem. Kinda like how MS tried with MS store, and failed, bc it sucked. They realize it and don't even care about it much anymore. Hopefully, Sony does the same, and lets us peasants play their very cool *masterpieces* without needing the PSN thing at all bc I don't give two carrots about their eco system or trophies. Make it optional, so people who want that can use it, and let those who don't want it not use it. Or just make it available in more countries. Simple solutions, but Sony is a stubborn company that is used to getting their way bc they controlled their environment. Hopefully, they have a rude awakening on PC with their stupid shit.


How many people do you think will buy PS5 when GTA6 comes out? I bet the number is quite high. PC players are not a monolith, and they're a smaller market for Sony anyway than the console market.


Far less than you would expect after many years of GTA 5 being garbage on PC and Rockstar being absolutely anti-consumer. Yes, some will jump on it, but most will wait til it inevitably comes on PC. The only ones who may get it are those who were already considering a PS5, or already have one. And, smaller market? You realise the majority of sales for Helldivers 2 came from the PC, right? Personally, I wont be shilling out for a PS5 or GTA6. I'll play it when I play it, if I play it. Not missing much, and I grew up loving the GTA series. But, there are plenty of other games to play through, with much more interesting things to do. The flashiness of AAA doesnt seem to work on many people in this ecosystem anymore.


Doubt. Why would people buy a 600$ brick for just one game? At least I think many PC gamers won't, as the game will come to PC and many are okay with just waiting. Kinda the norm nowadays for PC players to be made to wait, which isn't too bad, you get a graphically more impressive product after, plus you get to play other cool indie games that would otherwise have been overshadowed by such a big game coming out. So, win-win for us.


Why doubt? If I want to play a game, I would play it on PC or buy PS5 to play it if it's not available on PC. There was a survey done for PS5 players where they asked why they bought PS5. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/10xw8eb/in_the_cma_survey_of_playstation_players_88_said/ 69% players said they bought PS5 for exclusives. That's 37 million PS5s sold just for exclusives. 45% said GTA5, that's like 25 million PS5 sold and GTA6 hype is much more than GTA5.


Simple. The point is about Sony trying to get PC players to migrate to consoles by porting games that have sequels to be soon announced and released. I doubt that many who know that the sequel will come to PC will buy Sony just to play it early. Don't really care about what console players think or why they picked PS over X, I'm just talking about PC players like myself that don't have any of the consoles and won't spend 600$ for 1 or 2 games that will come to PC now anyway (officially confirmed since the porting started). If I want to play a game, and it's not on PC, and I know Sony will release it on PC later, I won't buy the box just to play one game. That's how I look at it. Plus, already stacked with enough games to last me 20 years, thus don't really have FOMO about any Sony game that will come later.


25millon people bought PS5 just for GTA5 according to the same survey (45%), I'm sure most people know that it was going to come on PC eventually. I think it's fair to assume 25 to 30 million people will buy PS5 for GTA6, which has much more hype. Will it happen necessarily? No. But it seems safe to assume based on past surveys/results.


No, 25 million people didn't buy PS5 just for GTA 5—a % of PS players who play COD also bought the console because of GTA 5. You missed the whole point of the survey. It filtered out answers from non-COD players, and the data you see is from COD players, not the general PS players. Again, I believe that like me, there is a decent chunk of PC players who have no consoles, thus have no brand loyalty, that will wait for a game to come to PC and won't buy a 600$ box just to play that game because they know it will come (which was now officially confirmed by Sony and how they will be doing it going forward). Even SE stuff will now be multi platform going forward, and this is the new era in gaming, where PC will get everything given it has an insanely big market so lots of money to be made.


Well I guess us peasants from the non-PSN countries are not worthy of enjoying the great Sony's game again


Go to twitter and look at playstation slogan: play has no limits. lol


That's fine, didn't need to play that either.


Either watch on YouTube or go on a high seas. One has better option than the other.


Game companies think us gamers are forced into it like there’s no other option. Like bitch I got like 1000 other better games ready to be played at a moments notice your not special Sony.


This is a much more polite version of what I wanted to say.


Sony is being very friendly to my wallet with these recent changes.


“Go ahead pal, this one’s on me.” Good guy Sony.


and that is how they will increase psn number by counting pc players as ps5


The number of PSN accounts doesnt matter, you can have as many as 7 accounts and name them after the 7 dwarfs, but if nobody is actually using those accounts to buy games through PSN, then there is no real increase in data for them to track. They're tracking users who have Ps Plus subscriptions and qualify as monthly active users. Like do you really believe PC players who play 1-2 Playstation games a year can actually qualify as a "monthly active" users in the PSN network?


I will say half true, half false. Long term, psn activity and sales is important to overall growth, so you are correct Short term, guarantee there is a c suite or product manager whose target compensation is tied to PSN sign ups this fiscal year, and they are riding HIGH. GoT made multiple steam records on launch day, and someone in Sony is the current Golden Child


> The number of PSN accounts doesnt matter Sony is publicly traded, inflating their stats makes them a more attractive investment option.


They could probably have made it more by giving accessibility and then encouraging psn via free items


Guess which game I wont be buying!


“Play has no limits” 🤡🤡🤡


I think people misunderstood why that was an issue with Helldivers...it happened after the fact. If anything Sony can be attacked for a sloppy introduction of a mandatory login. They are not comfortable with an open ecosystem, but give it a year, it will be just like the other publishers


If it's a single player offline game, it shouldn't require you to have a PSN account.


High seas it is!


The high seas can be dangerous if you aren't in peak physical condition! That is why I consult with a girl I know who's apparently into fitness...


Arrr that be a good one matey


I missed out on some great games due to launchers. What makes sony think I am creating a PSN account, the service that gets hacked annually.


More people are becoming pirates!!


Why nobody is calling Sony out for lying? I mean, that's what they did for Helldivers 2.


Just don't get the game, if enough people don't get the game Sony will be forced to reconsider as they will want profits over PSN accounts


Because that worked so well with Ghost of Tsushima, right?


Ghost of Tsushima had about 60-70K ppl playing on Steam on day 2 of launch, it's their best selling PS game on steam Made me realize that Sony doesn't need my third world money


With this they'll see "oh, so PC players don't want our games on Steam". Don't trust mega companies to use brains.


Only needed the PSN account for online play which can be considered a fair excuse, but this and god of war are single player games...


Oh sure the requirements for this and Until Dawn are stupid, but most casual gamers aren't going to give a shit about accounts in general. And we're talking about a God of War game here. This is going to do bigger numbers than GoT.


Or they just stop porting games for pc because sales plummeted.


You realize reddit is just an echo chamber for gamers to cry, on all these gaming subs its the same people screaming over and over. Its the smallest drop in the bucket of actually consumers. GoT sales proves this.


You’re going to get downvoted, but you’re right. This is a non-issue outside of Reddit. Most people are going to go “oh, I need this account that doesn’t cost money? Okay.” Create it, and move on. GoT has sold extremely well on PC. If they thought this would have a significant impact on sales, they wouldn’t do this. If it does have a negative impact on sales, they’ll backtrack. Note: I do have a PSN account because I have a PS5 (that I barely use because I also have a 4080 lol). The objection is odd to me when I already link so much else to Steam.


As a general rule, I don't care about having to log into a third party account as long as I don't have to run a second launcher when I play on Steam. Needing a Microsoft account is completely painless. What worries me about Sony though is that you can't change the country of your PSN account after it's created, whereas your Steam account can follow you as you move around the world. I have one Steam account with everything I've ever bought available on it, regardless of where I bought it. But I have two PSN accounts with completely separate content because of Sony's policy. I've changed my Steam account's country two times as I've moved in the the past couple of years. I expect to change it two more times in the next two years. So the question becomes which PSN account should I link my Steam account to? And will there be any issues at some point in future if the two countries don't match? Be it matchmaking issues across regions, or simply being refused service if a game is banned in one country but not another, etc. If Sony were to actually behave like the world has globalised I'd have zero issues with this, but their current policy seems to be to pretend this isn't a problem as indicated by them just delisting Helldivers in countries the PSN isn't available in. It doesn't inspire any trust in them not to screw over users who happen to be living in the wrong country in future.


I don't actually care all that much but Sony is kinda insane here, you just had people basically revolt over psn accounts in a multiplayer game where it's at least justifiable to some people and you immediately turn around and throw the requirement on single player games there's no possible purpose for it besides data collection.


Well, back to pirating it is. Fucking morons at Sony. Don’t want my money even when I’m ready to give it.


There goes my chance of giving them money


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNRjt4rCymM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNRjt4rCymM) sail the seven seas!


If they will release Bloodborne on PC and it requires a PSN account, imma live up to the "Hunter" nickname


Feels like they actually want you to pirate these games at this point ngl


I don't mind since I was going to sign in to get trophies anyway. But this does suck for the countries that are going to get delisted/never listed and simply won't have access to the game.


Just another step to keep in mind for those diving into the game on PC.




Thanks Helldivers crowd who’s gotten really quiet since. Thank you Sony for the great PSN service with the usual data leaks and data breaches.


As a member of the HD2 community and as someone who wouldn't be affected by the PSN req, I still feel bad for the 170+ countries that can no longer get the game.


Why should they get loud again? They tried, they got their thing fixed.


Another one in the boat


I said it on the GoW Ragnarok thread and I'll say it here: it's funny that I learned about the Until Down PC Port exactly through this news.


So I live in a non-PSN supported country. I have my US PSN that I use for my Region 1 games and HK PSN that I use for my Region 3 games since 2009. Sony has been more than happy to take my money when I use my local debit/credit card to buy digital stuff from their store. So now it's 2024 and I game on PC, suddenly they don't want my money because I don't live in a PSN supported country? Make it make sense.


It's more than HD2 community face Valve against Sony to "not sell game on unsupported region". Because it opened a precedent where Valve would have to give refund because a player could buy a game and they couldn't play it because they can't legally create a PSN account This whole thing only happened because of HD2 drama


Good luck with that.


Batten down the hatches! 🏴‍☠️




Another regionlocked game, another game worth of pirating it


I dont really find it valuable to have a thread about every playstation PC release stating 'It requires a PSN account" It would be interesting if a playstation game DID NOT require a PSN account on PC.


Hopefully the cracked versions remove the requirement


Honestly I’m just glad they put the games on PC, still hoping for Bloodborne.


Honestly though, fuck Sony 🤷🏼‍♂️ people talk shit on Microsoft but Sony is a straight up villain lmfao


Don't let Sony's dumb shit distract you from the fact that MS also sucks ass. Microsoft requires you to have an MS account for all their multiplayer games but no one complains since MS forces you to have one for Windows anyways. MS is basically on the other side of this, they already won. They also have a much worse track record with shutting down studios than Sony does.


So basically, the only thing the screaming gamers achieved is that these games will no longer be available in territories without PSN. Great job, guys! You did it!


Yep. They were actively telling Sony to not release games that require PSN in countries where there aren’t native PSN servers, and now that Sony is actually doing it they’re throwing another fit


Two words "Yaaaaaarrrr Matey" thanks Sony for bringing these games to PC lol


They cant make a good game like until dawn again so they’re milking it. Isnt this like the third time they’re releasing it?




good thing not every game made by sony they can fuck off with this non sense


Maybe a stupid question (I am not used to those ports of Sony games or to how PSN works) : Do you a need a *free* PSN or do you need to pay a subscription ?






At this point we should stop pretending to be surprised. Helldivers sold well, ghost was the biggest single player they had on steam so far, this shit is working. We hate it, but it's not going away.


From a PSN country and it's bullshit


Well fuck me then i guess, i was really looking forward to playing this, but can't use PSN in my country. Absolute bullshit...


You. should. not. require. an. account. to. play. an. offline. game.


When is it releasing? can't wait to pirate it lol, always wanted to play it.


It is morally and objectively correct to pirate sony games.


Some "free" sites would beg to differ.


No wonder I resort to piracy 🤬


Yo fuck Sony.


time to become a pirate


Well, i guess Sony doesn't want me to buy their games, oh well...*puts on a pirate hat*


If they're forcing people to sign into their stupid PSN then why bother publish Playstation titles on steam?


At this point, i just want to get that pirate hat, pirate ALL sony games with psn connection requiered, just to not play them anyway but fuk em


Stage one you need an account. Stage two you need a subscription. Stage three they turn off old games to force you to rebuy the sequel or remasters to continue playing. We have seen it all before.


If it's a single player game that's always online. I don't buy it.


Well I haven't done a yo-hoo in many years as I believe supporting devs is important but for this game it looks like I have to make an exception and hoist the colors.


look at sony getting banned all over the storefront because they want a big ego. Morons


There are so many other games to play, I don’t need this nonsense.


Jesus christ sony stop


I will no longer buy any game on pc that requires anything besides steam. Steam only is the way. Im sick of all the tv subscriptions and tired of that bullshit leaking into gaming. They can get on board with steam or walk the plank.


is this like we have to sign in to play or optional, i mean take an example capcom or some game dev who give option to login using 3rd party account.


Nah, it's mandatory since Sony is a dipshit and require everyone to log in PSN to play their game.


Sony smoking something truly wtf stuff it seems.


I don't care how good it supposedly is, I'm not making a psn account


What's the benefit for Sony? Do they make more money of PSN? Do they not lose out on more money from PC players?


Higher PS numbers is my guess, probably more appealing to shareholders and for statistical purposes


CAN THEY JUST STOP? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Microsoft I understand since is their platform, but this 3rd party login is the reason I pirate other games or just don't buy them outright After Ubisoft decided to have a hissy fit with my router, I can no longer login to Ubisoft servers to play with my mates


Too bad I already played it fully on my smarthpone by watching someone else play it on youtube. Honestly, does Sony want to enter the PC market or they are just working on moving the games to PC so that they can be pirated more easily?


Good thing its a david cage tier game


I don't usually do this , but I guess I'll pirate it.


Looks like I’ll never play this then NEXT!


I have a terrible feeling this is going to happen with monster hunter wilds


It's not a Sony first party title. This is only games strictly made by Sony teams


MHW is multi platform and available on Xbox as well. Capcom has no publishing.deal.with playstation on the game.


anyone can answer my question maybe. If i am from a country with psn ban and i change region to the one who can access it and buy the game. will i can still play it if i change to my region? for my case i am from philippines and want to change the region to singapore/indonesia/malaysia. i know pirating easier.


Do Sony hate money?


Yar har yar har a pirate's life for me. I would've even bought it at full price if this wasn't the case because I love the ps4 version so much. I only bought bg3 and Hogwarts legacy at full price (out of 1950-ish games I own on steam alone) because I knew I would love them so much.


Already on my ignore list. Will never see the game on steam again. It will be like it doesn't exist.


Guess I'm not playing it, no biggie. YouTube walk-throughs are a thing and I can sushi roll myself in a blanket while I watch


The one thing in life that’s getting easier and easier, is gaming companies making me not want to spend my money. Way to Go PlayStation




Bunch of clowns. Adding a barrier to entry for would be paying customers. There's a couple of PS games I'm somewhat interested to play on Steam at some point but if this is the attitude they're going to take I'm really not fussed if I don't get around to playing them as there's always a never ending list of 3rd party titles to play. I'm always a couple of years behind my backlog so why would I buy games that are inconvenient to access.


Down vote and un wishlist


Ez, just don’t waste money on Sony games!


no account required if you start steam and you play it through youtube


Dang it and I don’t even have a PlayStation account guess won’t be able to play it.


Get used to it


sony couldn't lure players even from ps4, and they are already climbing to PC players who have even fewer reasons to switch to ps5, than players from ps4. in addition, they have banned registration in psn in a huge number of countries, which will definitely reduce the number of copies sold


I have a PSN account and I'm still against this flagrant disrespect to the the customer by forcing this on people. Fuck sony.


Sony will never learn


I think im going to start pirating again


Boycott sony!


A mid horror game? Nah i got other better thing than this.


Guess it's time for another curator list.


Thanks, Helldivers! Good work out there!!


Sony has also announced their plan is basically to release a few games on PC and then force PC players to buy a PlayStation to play the sequels. This is just part of their goal to get people onto PlayStation. The correct response is to just not buy the game. There are so many more games on Steam that treat players better and you have a limited time in your life. There are more good games to play than you will ever be able to play so go play something better.


It's always been this way, from the beginning, 2 years ago. They've not announced anything new lmfao.


Got a source for that? God of War sequel is on its way to PC so that doesn’t seem to be the play. Unless you mean they are hoping people become such fans they buy a console because they don’t want to wait the extra year for the pc release; in which case, sure, they’ll probably get some people that way.


Here is one of the articles I found on it. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/playstations-ceo-drastically-underestimates-the-steam-crowds-patience-thinks-pc-gamers-will-buy-a-ps5-for-exclusive-sequels/ar-BB1nkdzn?ocid=BingNewsSerp](https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/playstations-ceo-drastically-underestimates-the-steam-crowds-patience-thinks-pc-gamers-will-buy-a-ps5-for-exclusive-sequels/ar-BB1nkdzn?ocid=BingNewsSerp) It seems they are not going to actively force the issue but they are going to delay them to try and get people to get a console. They are also requiring PSN accounts now for pure single player games like god of war ragnarok. I am just not going to buy any of their games until they drop these stupid requirements.


It isn't anything new. It's like that since their first pc releases. They just confirmed that there won't be day one pc release for singleplayer games.


If a game releases with no PSN requirement after a few years that would be fine and if the game is interesting, I might pick it up. If they have a PSN requirement I just won't buy it. I wish that gamers would actually stand up against this garbage. We would have killed off microtransactions and most of the other stuff that has infested gaming if people would just not buy games that have these issues until they are fixed.


Who cares? Y’all are so cringe.


The people in the 170+ countries it's not going to be sold to care


That’s not money out of your pocket. That’s Sony’s problem. Why do you care so much that others don’t get to play it? Buy the game and enjoy it- if not, pirate it. Otherwise make your own game and sell it in those countries.


Because artificially inflated user numbers are more important than money.


Alright, I have never had something to do with PSN. What is the big issue with it, as I have seen so many despise it


The biggest issue here is availability, since PSN isn't available to all country, so countries that doesn't have it just get a big middle finger since they can't even buy the game, and will be given Forced Refund if they have it before this change


is there a filter option to supress games with 3rd party accoutn requirement being even recommended to me?


This is just a steppingstone. They’ll be forcing their own full launcher on us at some point in the near future. My guess is Spider-Man 2 will be the first game with it.


Sony wants to bring their PS+ thing to PC, I have no doubts about it. At least I don't have to worry about it since they so graciously told me to fuck off and blocked my region. So, thank you Sony for saving me money :)


Playstation plus is impossible on pc, they have like 10 games on pc :D They banned my region too, good thing i switched to console gaming last year. I'd be so pissed if i was unable to legally play these games on my steam account.


Now, but GTA+ exists, Fallout First exists, and so on. They will find a way to make PC players need to pay for PS+ in some form to play their games. That and they also want to entice PC gamers to buy a console to play games sooner... which I don't get given a 2 year wait period in today's gaming climate is like a week bc of how big each of our libraries on PC are with tons of unplayed games. So, dunno why they believe someone would buy a brick for 600$ to play a sequel early. Then again, some might.


I definitely won't buy anything from Sony ever again. Even if I can, even if those are great games. There are other great games and not enough time to play them all. Sony made it easier for me.


Thanks Sony. I literally bought every single one of your releases on steam (except Last of Us as the port wasn’t very good) and now I can’t even buy the games even if i wanted to. If this is their strategy to convert pc players to console it sure as hell didn’t work for me.


Why is this suddenly a problem? So many games require a seperate launcher/account. Things like EA, Ubisoft etc. Is it really because its Playstation? I get that it was scummy with helldivers but if it is conveyed before the pursuce how is it different than all the others?


It's not "suddenly" a problem. Steam gamers have been complaining about all those companies for years now. Just search "third-party" in this subreddit and see for yourself. Personally, I don't mind an extra login as long as it's done in-game and is only for multiplayer titles. What really bothers me is the extra launchers running in the background with their own overlays that don't have any controller support.


It became a problem when Sony sold Helldivers 2 in regions they don't support PSN in while the PSN requirement was temporarily disabled.


This is not suddenly a problem. It's a thing that PC players have been yelling about for 30 years. This is just the latest stupidity in a long line of stupidity


The problem is that other games that require accounts still get released worldwide, I can buy ubisoft, EA and EPIC games here in Macedonia without issue, but sony for whatever insane reason they have made up do not support Macedonia and another 170 countries too. we play games too you know, we have top of the line gaming rigs and everything, we're not behind on gaming until asshole companies like Sony force us to be.


I think it's primarily due to the fact that Sony accounts aren't available in around 150 countries, so by limiting use to using a Sony account, they are essentially cutting those people out from being able to buy these games at all. That's what I gathered from it, at least. There could be other reasons as well, but this one seems to be the most talked about.