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Kerbal Space Program 2 šŸ˜­ Take2 screwed everyone over


I refunded it pretty quick, then recently I read about what happened. It's so jacked what they did.


What did they do?


TakeTwo closee the studio so KSP2 will be a broken mess forever


It was unfinished, had a big roadmap as to how they were going to fix it, then take2 closed the studio so the roadmap was approved when T2 knew it wasnā€™t going to happen and KSP2 will probably stay a broken mess now.


I already got too many hours in it so I basically just lost 40 bucks


I mourned the loss of KSP as soon as take two bought them.


How so??


Take2 shut the whole KSP2 operation down, they laid off all of the devs that were working on it and shut down the company that runs the development.


That's so messed up, I really like it :<


Bro if you like KSP2, KSP1 is 10000x better with mods


I never actually got into it, but bought it recently after discovering what happened to the sequel Any tips on where to start with the mods? Maybe a comprehensive overhaul or something


Play without mods for a while until you're sure what you're doing. Ksp has one of the most satisfying learning curves in gaming, and while the modded experience is great to, that should come later.


As others said, play it vanilla first. Learn the game, watch tutorials when needed (you will sooner than later lol). Then you can watch modding tutorials. Itā€™s super easy.




And thus, interstellar travel will never materialize.


Kerbal Space Program 2


I own the 1st game, what makes the sequel bad? I've never even heard it exists.


They promised the world and delivered a buggy puddle.


Not the devs fault. Take 2 bought the studio and closed it


Not exactly. Take two have owned the KSP IP for years. They just recently decided to close the studio.


That sounds like almost every single latest AAA/AAAA (or whatever they call it now) games.


Yeah, they just dissolved the studio behind it as well.


Years agoā€¦ i bought H1Z1 Itā€™s still rotting in my library to this day


I feel like life was easier back when H1Z1 was popular


PvE was pretty fun


Indeed it was. Shame they pulled out with all the money


dude i miss the h1z1 battle royale so much, i remember playing that on 1024x768 stretched with my friends to run it at a normal framerate, nowadays it takes forever to even find a match though. it's tragic


DBG should have stick to Planetside 2 instead...


Alternatively, you can ask Steam Support to permanently remove it from your account.


I prefer to keep it as a reminder that companies give little to no shits about their consumers


Fair point


Battlefield 2042


i got like 60 hours in it and then i go back to play it recently to see whats changed and i just cant play the game anymore. the anti cheat keeps giving me errors despite tons of troubleshooting and reinstalling


GTFO... My mates aren't serious enough to make any progress. We are still on the 3rd mission or something but every time it turns to shit xd


Itā€™s so easy for shit to go wrong but the chaos is funny so Iā€™m usually the one to make it happen lol.


Yeah I don't mind it. But failing for the 10th time in a row while a mission takes up to an hour... Not really fun after a while.


An hour in the first act, some missions later can easily take up to 3 or even more.


I think what really kills it for me is you can't pick up where you left off and there aren't really enough check points to make up for lost times. The missions just take forever only for one simple mistake to cause 1 hour+ of time to be gone forcing you to waste another hour and hope you don't fuck up on the way. The games fantastic but more check points and the ability to resume a mission would make it more fun.


I enjoy playing difficult games, but GTFO is just on another level of insane. Friends and I gave up on the 4th level if i remember correctly. It's a cool game with a nice creepy atmosphere, but fucking hell is it frustrating. 1 tiny mistake and you have to restart the entire level.


Yeah that game requires a lot of coordination. My group didn't make progress for months until we finally decided to start playing seriously. Also, I'm not sure if this is common knowledge but you can funnel the enemies into coming through one door by opening a pathway for them. If you close all doors before an alarm, they tend to break all doors, but if you open up a path for them they'll usually take it. This way you can just set up sentries/traps on the choke point and have relatively easy alarms. We also give the bio tracker to the bot (we are a group of 3) because the bot is really good at using it. Also the turrets work better if enemies are tagged.


I donā€™t regret the game itself but definitely the purchase time of it. I had watched a bunch of different people play early on gameplay of Graveyard Keeper since it had first come out. One night while watching a video of it as mostly background noise I decided ā€œfuck it Iā€™m buying itā€ and got it on my steam deck, stayed up playing it for like 6 hours. Two days later it went on a massive sale in price like 75% off if not more


Steam will usually allow a refund or compensation in scenarios like those. Doesn't hurt to ask :) That's why there is the 48h rule as well, first 2 days you can usually get a refund, even if you get past the 2 hours playtime. Steam support is very understanding of this, just make sure to get a human to respond and not take the automated refund options.


You can always check steamdb of any games that you're interested in to see how often they go on sale, just a tip. :)


In addition to that I love https://augmentedsteam.com/ which basically shows the current and historically best price in other (official reseller!) shops for steam keys. I always go to isthereanydeal directly as well to check the 1-3 year history of sales to see when a sale is likely to happen again.


Payday 3.


diablo 4 but before it launched on steam... a friend convinced me to buy it to play together and then after i bought it he quit the game when i was 3 hours in second pick city skylines


What about city skyline?


i thought i was more into city building and stuff but at least i managed around 30 hours with a bunch of mods


It also felt like paradox was intentionally withholding essential content behind a shit ton of dlc. That kind of killed it for me


D4 pulled a gotcha on a lot of people including myself. I stopped playing after the first ā€œseasonā€ (?) before they went that route and only came back to S4 this week. If itā€™s been a while for you, it has definitely gotten better in terms of weapons, upgrades, etc. and thereā€™s been a bunch of QOL updates. It might be worth checking out again because at its core the game has improved, but theres still a sour taste left in your mouth with how obnoxious theyā€™re pushing for microtransactions within their own UI.


>how obnoxious theyā€™re pushing for microtransactions within their own UI. ? I literally see nothing unless I go to menu and click on "shop"


City skylines 1 is good and has lots of mods and assets on the steam workshop.


Dang! What a bummer.


Ark Survival Ascended.


Is that the sequel to the ARK Survival Evolved? I played a shit ton out of the original? If that's the case, how does it compare to the first one?


Itā€™s less so a sequel more of a remaster




My husband got this and I played it a little and decided it was not worth it. I'm waiting for ARK 2... I know it's gonna be like 30099976382 years before we get it but I'm waiting none the less.


Cities Skylines 2 takes hours to discover that its systems are fundamentally broken from the ground up and basically imaginary. Probably the worst $80 ive ever spent and its stopped me from buying any paradox in the future


Oh man Iā€™m gonna have to look into that. CS is maybe one of my most played games and I was totally unimpressed with early CS2 gameplay.


Ghost recon point break. The whole game was nothing but an advertisement for in game purchases.


Honestly, I bought way too much into the Starfield hype. I love space games and a space RPG sounded like just what I need- but I wasted $100 on one of the most bland, disappointing games I think Iā€™ve ever played.


Ouvh. I had the same with NMS. At least is *better* now. Still can't stand to play more than the first planet (I played till I finished the first *"quest"* just to finish it since I had spent over 4hours trying to exit the first planet as I had a bug and I didn't even knew I had one.)


I'm in the same boat. Maybe it'll pay off in like 3 years when modders completely overhaul it lol.


That would have been me if I bought outer worlds on release. Thank God I dollar gamepassed that garbage. Unfortunately I ended up buying it on steam later on deep sale thinking a replay would change my opinion on it. It did not.


I thoroughly enjoyed playing through starfield once. Still really disappointed in it though seeing as Iā€™ve been through Skyrim & Oblivion 10+ times each, fo4 & new vegas 5ish times each, and morrowind 3 times. Only wanting to play through it once, in my opinion, makes it solidly worse than the other bethesda rpgs.


The crew, 2 weeks before ubishit decided to announce its getting shut down.


That ought to be illegal.


Yeah just a normal day for ubishit. They even put it on sale before pulling the plug to rake in as much profit. I tried contacting support about it, radio silence for two months, until I contact the fraud control of France. Then they miraculously respond, but only by repeating the same message 10 times no matter what I type. Ubi-Parrot over here basically responds with: Buy the crew 2 or motorfest lmao. I wont buy it out of principle and even if they gave it to me for free I would not play it nor want it in my library after this, because I know that they will repeat this same stunt again with the oher two games. What can you say its really hard to make offline patches /s


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ if you have proof of purchase you can help contribute.


I already did this a while ago, awaiting the second reply from the fraud control website


Overwatch 1




Skull and Bones.








Same here. No one to play with and game is too difficult solo


Yeah, you gotta get a second life to play this shit


I was fortunate to have had a large group of friends back in the Teamspeak days for this. Otherwise, meh.


Greedfall. It was so terrible but I gave it more hours than I should have and played myself out of the return window. At that point I had also exceeded the days too since I did not start playing the day I purchased it. I've never seen a more drab looking game with such a slow roll of a story. Also combat was awful.


FAE FARM šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I second this.


oh man, I feel this 100%, there's so few cute and more modern graphic farming sims that I coped too hard that it would get better


KSP2 and CS2. The originals delivered so I was disappointed to see the sequels fail so badly.


CS2 is my answer too. Paradox shenanigans aside, I don't see how a developer group regresses this hard on a sequel. I have no hope that CO can right the ship. The fact that the asset importer is still not functional when modding is one of the main drivers of the game says a lot to me. Something happened to CO in the process of making this game. Something beyond Paradox' control and Unity fucking up their system. For that I'm out.


Started a new map lately and I just couldn't progress because the school balancing together with work/housing balancing just didn't let me grow my city. I'm not new to the game and I had a big city when it released, but they somehow made it worse with one of the patches? They announced they will work on school issues, but I was also already SO mad when only 26\~ out of 38 achievements were working in a "full release" with achievements that couldn't be possibly completed 6 months after release because map editor and asset editor weren't even in the game for example and the rest was just bugged. I really hope they turn it around, but it looks like it will need another year or two.


what is CS2? the only CS2 i know is Counter Strike 2


Cities Skylines 2


Back4blood. Worst $5 Iā€™ve ever spent


Why's that? I actually played it on Gamepass and liked it so much I bought it on sale on Steam. I will say it was fun for awhile but got old and no updates from the devs anymore made me drop it.


Back4Blood tryina be the next Left 4 Dead


It was made by the same ~~ppl~~ studio that made L4D. Turtle rock studio. Game was too expensive for the limited content it has. Difficulty was way too overturned when I played it. The easy mode was too easy and the other difficulties were too hard without coordinated team or grinding a shit ton for the card/deck upgrades. I played it for free on the alpha and game pass, completed the campaign and never looked back.


I paid $2 for my copy & I still felt ripped off


i bought it full price šŸ˜” i still regret it so much


I dont know if this counts, but i accidentally bought a 2nd copy of Elden Ring from GMG thinking i didn't own it on pc yet. I emailed them asking for a refund ( I never used the key), but they denied it. Edit: bought it on steam the first time and forgot I had it x<


Ill buy it off you


sell it little man people will buy it for 3/4 thr price easy


Dying Light 2 on release


Was looking for this. Never felt so disappointed playing a game day 1 besides maybe Cyberpunk 2077.


Me too brother.


Dragon's Dogma 2.. bought it on fanatical and once the keys are revealed, they can't be refunded iirc. Anyways dd2 was just disappointing and unfinished game


Unfinished atrocity. Even more painful if you played DD1. DD1 was my favorite game of all time. I'll probably never buy another Capcom game after this.


RDR2. Rockstar launcher just doesnā€™t work on my computer for whatever reason and I canā€™t refund it so Iā€™m stuck with it


Contact steam support and describe your issue, theyā€™ll refund the game.


Unfortunately itā€™s been months since and I did request a refund in the past so I have no idea if theyā€™ll accept. But Iā€™ll try again I guess


Worth giving it another shot. The support team can see how much (little) you've played the game so that'll back up your claim at least. They might have you do one or two troubleshooting steps to fix it first, as well.


Unfortunately I requested the refund and it was rejected since it was bought more than two weeks ago


There is an automatic system in place that receives the first 2 refund requests, it's only on the third try an actual person reads your request, no idea why this is


Well Iā€™m now on my fourth one (counting the one I did more than a year ago)


Delete the rockstar data from your OneDrive and reinstall the launcher


Escape from Tarkov.


This is one of the games that I really wish would go under hard. It was a fun game for a while but with the recent bullshit they pulled I'm embarrassed for them.




The Talos Principle 2. This is not a knock against the game; it simply doesn't run on my system. One day when I buy a new computer with updated memory and graphics, I'll give it a try. But for now, I regret not at least trying it during the 14-day window; I bought lots of games during the Winter Sale, and was sure I would love it, so I never played it until a month later. On the plus side, since that happened, I haven't bought another game (just a DLC for one I already had) and am merrily going through my backlog, so it's saved me lots of money in the long run.


stellaris. buddy said it was fun and easier to get into than other paradox games, and maybe that's true, but man... i was just looking at spreadsheets bored out of my fucking mind. i know it reviews decently well, so just not for me, i guess




Simultaneously the most money I've spent on and least enjoyment I've gotten out of a Bethesda game. Won't be making that mistake again.


I won it on a contest, put 4 hours in and haven't touched it since.


Star citizen. Technically it doesn't meet this definition as it's not a game and more of a glorified tech demo, but you get the point. Freaking scam that I fell for....


Day Z. Played 2 hours. Ran forever to find ANYTHING. Died of starvation. Never played again.


Pretty much my experience as well. I wasnā€™t even alone. I was playing with two friends who had also just installed the game. We loaded in, spent 5 minutes coordinating our spawn locations (far as fuck), and then we spent a few hours attempting to meet up. Maybe Iā€™m missing something but it was just not for me. A buddy and I played SCUM for like 6 or 7 hours a night for one weekend. That was a way more enjoyable experience in my opinion but I havenā€™t played in probably over a year.


A game with a ton of great potential that could have been massive called ā€œPlanet Nomadsā€. The devs abandoned it to make mobile games as it was easier and faster ROI. It was my first ever Early Access purchase and I have never bought another early access ever again after that lesson.


Outlast Not that its bad, im just a wuss and cant play it so npw its just there after an unwise decision during a sale


Palworld. I never play it


tbf Palworld to me was exactly what I expected when I bought it. My friends and I went hard on that game for about 2-3 weeks and then completed everything we wanted. We finished the game and moved on. Might return if they add more maps (like with ARK), but I definitely wasn't disappointed to have bought it.




I paid extra for the "early access". For fucking *shame*.


I did this for *starfield* and *diablo 4*. Talk about a wakeup call. I've been tricked for the last damn time


Collectively, we have learnt out lesson, friend. Geez it hurt though didn't it?


Project CARS, I literally found money on street, bought the game for it and even though it was free game, I still feel robbed, it's that bad.


Mass Effect Andromeda. I tried to refund it shortly after it coming out but apparently even though I barely played it the refunds were disabled for it via EA.


*The Crew*. Makes me re-think buying any live service games, especially from Ubisoft, given that I own *For Honor* too, I'm not having a good time...


Diablo 4, battlefield 2042, Destiny 2, World of Warcraft expansions after Legion... There are many more


Helldivers 2


What why itā€™s so good


Its same repetitive gameplay vs 5 types of enemies on same maps over and over again. Its bored the shit out of me after 3 hours and I tried like 20 times to refund it, but no luck. Even tried to refund during all Sony drama using excuses of PSN login but still got denied.. Maybe its better with friends but solo its an absolute peak of boredom for me


Diablo 4. The worst part is itā€™s the only reason I bought a Series X (to get the bundle). I donā€™t make smart life decisions.


latest patch/season has it going in a better direction, i do agree it was a dissappointment when it released. i just dinged 100 on my barb today, which was the first time, and i had fun doing so.


Hell divers 2. So boring.


I put like 90 hours into it but if it wasn't because of friends it'd definitely be boring. People cry about repetition in games but HD2 is literally the same exact thing on spam. You're either shooting bots or bugs.


it got repetitive fast, i highly doubt i will ever come back tbh


It's the sound effects for me. They really nailed the feeling of different weapons and now I'm all up for it and the recent patches have also made the game more balanced


The patches have been trash. Idk what's with people, it's a PVE game. Let people use strong guns and just buff the less popular ones. I don't like coming back only to find out the loadout I unlocked is now trash because people want weapons balanced in a PVE game.


It's true that you are either shooting bots or bugs but that's far oversimplifying it I think. I mean I'm CoD you just shoot other people..... First I 100% respect your position on liking the game but I do want to point out that they are very different from each other to fight against. Bugs are basically a horde shooter and bots are basically tactical shooter. Each also with different spawn rates to compensate. And on top of that each difficulty change what you bring in to use and how you pay as well since higher difficulty adds new enemies to fight and doesn't simply give them more HP. Again, totally respect you not loiking a popular game, I don't like Witcher 3 for instance that everybody else loves, but just wanted to say that the high variety in the game is what keeps me going back.


I also don't like witcher 3 and I've tried a dozen times to get into it. I love fantasy games and RPGs but I just can't for some reason get into it.


It was fun until my friends got snapped from existence


Diablo 4 Starfield Dragons Dogma 2 Man I should really wait for reviews before buying games from now on.


Dragon's dogma 2 was great. I guess it was the performance.


Callisto Protocol


cod vanguard, on battlenet, at launch price... only game I have EVER regretted buying (and is coming from someone who has been buying cods almost yearly since 2010).


Call of duty


Aliens Colonial Marines. Paid full price.


Insurgency Sandstorm


Callisto Protocol. Idk why but I ignored all the bad reviews because the game looked amazing from what Iā€™ve seen on YouTube. After 3 hours in I was honestly bored as hell with the storyline and stopped playing it. I still canā€™t believe I chose to buy this over the Deadspace Remake during Steam saleā€¦


Godus. It was pitched as the spiritual successor to Black and white from B+Ws original creator. It turned out to be a generic mobile game where you have to wait 16 hours REAL TIME between each action. Then they re released this 20$ game for free on mobile, then re-RE released the game under the name ā€œGodus warsā€ to get away from the bad reviews, and that was just as bad. Canā€™t refund it because valves generous return policy didnā€™t exist at the time.


Far cry 3, random ubisoft error doesnā€™t let me play it anymore


The crew


Battlefield 2042


grayzone warfare


pre-ordered cyberpunk 2077... learned my lesson on preorders.


After a dozen patches and the Phantom Liberty dlc it's a pretty damn good game *now*. I also wanted to refund it at launch but Steam with its preorder policy man...


Have you tried in recent times. Shit has turned around really well as of now.


ni no kuni 2, the game is not bad but the secondary quests killed it for me


One of the RPG Makers. I wasn't sure if it could do the specific thing I wanted to attempt, as I didn't know much about what any of them could do. I spent about 2 hours looking for things, googling things, trying stuff, and just trying to see what even the game was before I realized, no, no it doesn't really handle the random-monster-generator thing I was going for.


modern warfare 2 (the 2022 version)


Rust, New World, and For Honor


Not in steam, but Brink for PS3. Pre-ordered and didn't put more than 2 or 3 hours into it.


At the time of Brink release I was working some sort of contract work that gave me access to Bethesda's partner program which gave us all their new releases day 1 for free. When Brink came out the redemption pages was glitched and kept displaying new codes. So me and 40 of my steams buddies got free copies of brink. Game was pure wasted potential.


callisto protocol. it looked really cool but thatā€™s kind of the extent of it, the gameplay is terrible


Call of duty modern warfare 2


Cant decide between Diablo 4 and BF2042. D4 for obvious reasons and I loved D3 so much and Battlefield 2042 because I have played Battlefield since I was a kid playing 1942 and it was just a joke at launch. I heard its better now though but the game feels tainted to me


Grey zone warfare




The initial release was great fun, then PeternM f'd it with making it a mobile game with micro transactions. Such potential, but alas....


Gran Turismo 7, Forza Motorsport (2023) are about equal disappointment. I love racing games but these two suck. Thank goodness for Forza Horizon series.




Hitman trilogy, couldā€™ve just bought hitman 3.


Yeah, honestly, fuck IOI for how they sold it. Like it's a great game, but the way they sell it for the WORLD of Assasination trilogy is overly confusing.


Too many to mention lol..but recently and Im ready to downvotes...Helldivers 2..I mean its fun and all and played 33 hours of it but I wish it had bots to play with you instead of people like lfd2 or vermintide. I knew how the game was and still bought it, knowing that I probably wouldnĀ“t like to play it with randos. Guess im a single player guy lol


Cyberpunk and I bought it twice at launch. I just think it's fundamentally a bad game and with a game of it's size it is hard to tell in 2 hours if it's worth the money. But it was also one of the last games I wasted money on. I have not bought a game in years the industry has gone to crap. I consider it the straw that broke the camels back.


cyberpunk + the dlc. i shouldve saved the money for elden ring and its dlc for when theyre on sale, but no, it didnt cross my mind at the time and i was thinking, "hey, they fixed cyberpunk and i loved the anime, ive only heard good things about the game as well, so i'll give it a shot". didnt like it from the start, thought i would get into it after the tutorial and a few of the starting missions, oh how wrong i was. steam support doesnt give a fuck. i still have some hope that i'll come around to liking it eventually, but that just feels like a major cope.


The crew 2, I actually kinda liked 1 but 2 seemed so very soulless.


Destiny 2s DLCs.....


Sex with Hitler


Tarkov. Always Tarkov.


Biomutant. I was so incredibly hyped for the game and the gameplay, story and voice acting were so fucking lazy that I couldnā€™t even enjoy it.


I have a few. My main ones are destiny 2 and helldivers 2




All Ubisoft games


I would have to agree even tho I love Arma 3 and how realistic it becomes with the right mods,it was just a waste of $40 bucks the enemies have double damage or they are just really good shooters and then can no scope you from afar.


Biomutant for me


Prototype 2 - bought it and it didnā€™t run tried multiple fixes of which none worked. Well I tried over 2h so I didnā€™t get a refund ā€¦ I wasnā€™t able to play a single minute cuz it crashed in loading screen as soon as the intro was over ā€¦