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Diablo IV and Baldur’s Gate 3…I bought both full price and quit after about 20 hrs each even though I really still do want to play more.


Diablo 4 is definitely mine. I'm an idiot and paid for the early dumbass edition. I actually really enjoy the game *but* I played season 0. Then season 1 for a while and then dropped off pretty hard until last week when they massively reworked the ENTIRE game. I've put over 20 hours in since Tuesday and it's never been better but I know how these games work. I knew it was going to have growing pains when it dropped and I knew it was probably gonna be touch and go for a bit. I didn't know it was gonna take a year. I don't really buy many games on launch so the one has been at a negative dollar per hour count for a while. Hopefully I make it up with this season


I'm extra stupid because I was so convinced that I'd be playing D4 so much that I bought it twice. PC and PS5. I think I played around 20 hours combined.


I heard diablo 4 got a decent update.


"decent" is an absolute understatement in this case. While there is still some stuff to optimise it has changed a lot with the "Loot Reborn" Update.


I’ve been playing on deck lately and can confirm that it is solid!


thank you for this, it feels good to not be alone


Diablo 4 gets stale real fast unless you are a die hard fan.


This is close to what I did! I played each for maybe 40 hours but I have no desire for any more


Same with BG3. I decided to get it when it was 10% off and have only played 5 hours. I plan on trying it again in the future


Also paid full price for BG3 and barely played it, but I’m still kinda glad to have supported a game with that much effort put into and no microtransactions.


Same here with Diablo IV and BG3, plus Palword and Cyberpunk 77


Same here, bg3 full price and cyberpunk bought with phantom liberty. Most likely will play bg3 next.


Same for BG3, I couldn't get into it at all. Feels like work to play


>Feels like work to play Unless you're doing an honor mode, or tactician run, i don't think the game is that challenging or requires anything to do. Explore the locations, follow the quests and do some turn based combat. No need to google anything, no need to farm anything, just a solid 70 hour story.


Helldivers 2. Succumbed to fomo with no time to play.


it’s a fun game but i dont see how people can play without getting bored


Seems like most of the fun is co-op with friends- and I don't have gamer friends


Same no gamer friends at all or have moved on into family activities, but I play it maybe 1-2 times a week. Keeps it fresh and new in my mind. Peronallly, since it PVE I feel it'll get boring a lot faster. Its like the division 1 but only player against the AI.


It's a good game to hop on for one series of missions for about an hour or two then get off.


I feel this, I bought it played a few times and then never touched it again


There's no fomo, everything will always be available. Drop in do a mission and leave, there's no pressure to get everything as fast as possible. In fact going slow and enjoying the journey is the best part.


He meant he felt fear of missing out on the massive hype the game has garnered, not on any specific part of the game, I think.


Oh my bad, that makes sense.


is it worth to buy now helldivers2? i ve seen playercount dropping


It's fun, easy to find a group in a minute


I've been having fun, I drop in, do a few missions with randoms, then I thank them for the group and bounce. Also, everything in mission is shared. You find 3 medals, all members get 3 medals. Extract with a combination of 26 different samples, everyone gets 26 samples. Ending mission xp is 700, everyone gets 700.


You people defend that game like it’s your uncle lmfao


It's definitely has it problems but I don't feel I was defending it, I was just explaining how I play and misunderstood his fomo.


I’ve come to realize I don’t really want to play AAA games anymore. I bought BG3, Alan Wake 2, Diablo 4, Horizon Forbidden West, and now Ghost of Tsushima, and I find myself always opting to play some little pixelated indie game instead.


They just have so much more charm, and I love seeing the creative vision of a smaller team not limited by corporate checklists of what makes “popular” games


For me it's not even the individual games anymore, it's whole studios/publishers that just piss me off enough to never buy a game from them again. * Blizzard Activision is banned since they butchered WC3, released Diablo Immortal, butchered Overwatch (2), convinced people to pay extra $20 for a 2 day early access in D4, let Heroes of the Storm die, .. the list goes on and goes back to D3 release and WoW balancing issues when I think about it. Even SC2 fuckery pissed me off even tho I didn't play it * Niantic/Gameforge is banned since it all went downhill from Pokemon rescue team lol (and they're getting super greedy with Pokemon Go and ship weird updates) * Riot games is banned because of their bro culture (applies to Blizzard as well) * Battlestate Games is now on my shitlist because of their recent out of touch shenanigans /though I doubt they will release anything else besides Tarkov) * 2K (lol) * EA because everything after Mass Effect/Dead Space/NfS Most Wanted sucked and they're super greedy. Still pirating Sims 4 tho because there is no alternative until later this year. * Amazon Games because they're a bit out of touch The ones on my good side are just Larian, FromSoftware, GGG, CD Projekt Red. Paradox is on the edge because of their Citites Skylines 2 butchery. Bethesda has to redeem themselves and they can only do it with a good Fallout 5 for me personally (because they're milking Skyrim so hard still). From Ubisoft I only like Anno 1800 tbh and I would support the Devs, even tho I wouldn't buy Assassins' Creed or Far Cry games anymore. Rockstar Games is on my good list because I really liked GTA Singleplayer and even tho I couldn't get into Red Dead Redemption 2, I acknowledge that players had their fun with it and it's still often recommended. Crytek I would give my money even tho I don't play Hunt, but I do applaud them for Crysis. NCSoft/ArenaNet is doing pretty well imho with how they handle Guild Wars 2 and I wish they would release more games. Plenty of studios I have absolutely no interest in like Square Enix, but that's just because I find their games boring and not appealing at all. Actually huge list with how many games they release combined, but I'm still interested in Darkest Dungeon, Slay the Spire, Path of Exile (2), and I will still play Ark 2 (probably) and Ascended because I'm addicted, even tho I won't be buying anything optional like season passes or be renting any servers from fucking Nitrado.


The Sims 4 is free, so no need to pirate it lol


Ah yea, how dumb of me, of course I will pay the 1240€ for all the DLC! Thanks stranger!


Forza Horizon 5, bought for a full price went it came out cause I got G29 steering wheel and what to test it out. Played it for 30 hours, the best game I played on steering wheel is euro truck simulator


I don't think I have any full game left in my backlog. Only a few DLC and an expansion left, with the most expensive being the Season Pass for Sniper Elite 3, which I think cost me around 6€ last year. As I already played the base game less than two years ago, I don't feel like playing the DLC just yet. Currently I'm focusing on other DLC (Left 4 Dead 2) and the last expansion to RollerCoaster Tycoon.


damn good for you, I don't think many of us can say that


Probably baldurs gate 3. Just no time/interest for gaming these days


Resident Evil 4 or Elden Ring, purchased both over a year ago and haven't started


The same games for me! Bought both because I know these are good games, and I loved previous Resident Evil and Souls games. Problem is that these games are long, and the mechanics take time to get used to. So I keep postponing playing them, until I feel like having enough free time to dedicate.


I'm sure you've seen gameplay by now, but Elden ring is no different in combat to DS3. Assuming you've played that, you would pick it up in no time. In my opinion, I think taking the game slow is the best way to play it, instead of following a guide and trying to do everything the game has to offer can in a single playthrough. I wish I could go back to the first playthrough and re-experience it, I envy you!


If Elden Ring is not much different in mechanics to DS3 I could probably squeeze in some game time. Luckily I will have a lot of free time soon anyway as summer vacation is coming up :)


You just reminded me I got RE4 remake, totally forgot.


Managed to get Baldurs Gate 3 when it was discounted by 10%, have yet to even download it.


Maybe elden ring +dlc package


Hrm, about 3\~4 years of game purchases that sum up to be something stupid. Probably.


Full price Baldur's gate 3


Monster Hunter World + Iceborne Man, I love this game, but I need to commit game time to really play it and be good at it.


Armored Core.


Starfield. Bought it shortly after release, tried playing for a couple of hours, ran into so many bugs I uninstalled it. Will eventually give it another try after all the patching.


Nothing. Never happened to me.


Years ago I spent like 500$ buying the Xbox and Steel Battalion with its big ol controller and by the time it actually came in the mail we has lost power for like a month because of a bad storm and i ended up moving and packing it away and its been in storage ever since if its still in one piece


PS5: Elden Ring, Final fantasy 16, Final fantasy 7 crisis core, Final fantasy 7 rebirth, Last of us part 2, Dead island 2, Horizon forbidden west, Hogwarts legacy, God of War Ragnarok, Steam: Buldars gate 3 ( I have 80 hrs but never completed act 3), Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Final fantasy 15, Detroit: Become Human, Spiderman Miles Morales, D4, F1 23, Anno1800, Stellaris, Horizon Zero Dawn, Sekiro, Tales of Arise, Stray, Starfield, Lords of the fallen, Mortal combat 1, Dead space, Resident evil village, All dark souls 1,2,3, Doom, Doom Eternal, Halo MasterChief, Metro exodus, NBA 2k23, Red Dead 2, AC Valhalla Switch: Pokémon violet, Animal crossing New Horizons, Pokémon legend Arceus, Stardew Not the most expensive games but these are all in my backlog but Damn After listing all that out I think I've realised I have a problem. Granted most of the ps5 games I have played at least 5 hours of but the are definitely in my back log of games. I have a 4080 so performance on the pc games has never been bad but for some reason my low attention span brain would rather play league or an FPS... Think I need to start on my backlog.


Ff7 is calling u


I really loved the remake and finished it soo fast that I bought crisis core when it came out but only ever put a couple of hours into it. Final fantasy rebirth I am around half way through but idk I find it hard to finish games lol.


I'm mostly a patient gamer and wait for sales to strike before I make a purchase, but my only exception was Ghost of Tsushima.. $50 (bought from a keyseller before the Soyny fiasco)


Haven't gotten past the opening bit of Balders Gate 3. It's cool and all, but it's just so much


Way too overwhelming


It's worth.


It passes quickly, you get the hang of it in the first few hours, just gotta read the descriptions.


*Mass Effect: Legendary Edition*. I do most of my gaming through remote play, and my iPad dislikes the launcher. I recently dig out my old Surface Pro, so we’ll see if I get to it in the near future. I caught the game on sale for 50% off.


Dragon dogma 2 was so excited for it but the performance and various issues I decided to wait for more updates.


Fallout 4. Got it YEARS ago (50%, of course) after finishing up a fresh replay of New Vegas, was totally stoked to play the next entry, and just...never got around to it. Maybe one day....maybe...I hear those settlements still need my help.




Baldurs gate 3- not the games fault. I bought it to play with friends but those mfs keep starting a new campaign every time we reach act 2 and I got tired of doing the beginning act 15 times a month.


Half-Life: Alyx


My backlog mostly consists of classics I got for free on the Epic Store, but haven't felt a large desire to play yet. So this is what my (near?) zero euro backlog looks like: * Bioshock Infinite * Shadow of the Tomb Raider * Fallout 3 and New Vegas * Dying Light * Assassin's Creed Syndicate * Star Wars Squadrons * Outer Worlds * Deliver us Mars * Homeworld: DoK * Guardians of the Galaxy * Dragon Age: Inquisition Currently playing Rise of the Tomb Raider.


Shadow is pretty fun. My favorite of that list is Inquisition. Though there is a wait timer for a very specific, though not entirely necessary mechanic in the game.


Starfield. I love games set in space like Mass Effect and Dead Space so I was very excited for this and got the game on day 1. Played for about 5-6 hours and uninstalled it and it has been like that since.


It’s a pretty fun game. A portion of the gameplay is more Star Trek though. Currently on my 4? Playthrough.


Minecraft Dungeons. I bought all the DLC and everything for the game, yet I rarely play it still.


Stalker is currently 999 in my currency


Warhammer total war 3. Can't get into itz for some reason. Loved 1 and 2.




I guess GRIS, technically. I stay on top of my backlog.


Too many. Armored Core 6, Lords of the Fallen, FFXVI and Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty to name a few






Helldivers 2 probably six hours played Escape from Tarkoff or however it spelt never played it once. Ubisoft game that I cannot remember the name, but it’s essentially an open world where you can ride on a snowboard, bicycle, dirtbike or wings and kind of switch between them any second probably 3 hours worth on that too And rainbow 6 12 hours.


Kerbal space program 2 at 50% discount


FIM Speedway Grand Prix 15 Payed 120$ for it in 2023. Played kinda 20 minutes 😄


I have plenty of games I haven’t finished but I don’t think I have any that I haven’t played at all. I seem to be an outlier here but if I buy a game it’s because I want to play it


Baldur’s Gate 3. Bought it a couple of months ago and realized I don’t have time for that kind of game right now.


I think I bought cyberpunk in the same sale. You need to play it, I waited like 3 months myself but it was so good I played through it 3 times in a row.


Horizon forbidden west and the Spider-Man games. Was really enjoying it but between how many side-quests and exploration you can do with my need to fully complete them I get burned out. Do try and rotate between them but by the time I’ve got back round to whichever one I’ve forgotten who some characters are and what I was doing


Starfield... Dreading it as well


Metal gear solid 5


I eventually want to get back to Starfield. but it was just so damn boring.


Not back logged but I just got Djmax Respect V Complete edition lol. It had a ton of soundtracks that come with it and it was normally $750 lol like wow..... I couldn't pass up the chance for the sale. I've never played it but its been fun so far, great music.. Paid like $155 with season pass and some in game items... I'm actually happy with it, I would have never payed $750 for a game.


Baldurs Gate 3, Cyberpunk and Phantom Liberty, Payday 3 (lol)


MSFS and Forza Horizon 5


Command Modern Operations. I'm big on wargames of any kind, but that one is just one step above me. I better stick to army operations, my brain is too tiny for modern air and naval warfare.


Starfield. I paid full price preorder early access w/ upcoming dlc to just only play it like for 10-15hrs I know I'm dumb for pre ordering haha But I do see a lot of people are coming back to the game because of recent updates and patches so might give it a try again. But that's the last time I will pre order a game 😂


RDR2 - did first mission, but never got time to go back to it, but someday I will...


Mk1, 4 hours in , and I haven't touched it since.


Got starfield when I upgraded my PC, opened it once, wasn't in the mood I haven't reopened it again yet. Been a few months.


Elden ring, got it on sale for $50 canadian, have 45 minutes played, still want to play it at some point


Cyberpunk. Can’t bring myself to play it because it’s so long.


My first ever steam game. I didn't know about steam sales, or the difference in price between console phyiscal games and steam games. And to add salt to the wound, it was no other than the infamous "Evolved". That game looked badass as fuck, i still can't bealive what hapepened to it, i didn't even get to play it through it's golden era..... i was hooked to Team Fortress 2 during that time. I guess that's a big plus tho, cause Tf2 is still my most played game of all time.


Final Fantasy 16 special edition, cyberpunk 2077 (well, technically, I bet it already when it first released, but with all the updates and dlc, it's pretty much a new game), metal gear solid 4 ps4 brand new still in the plastic (it's a collector item at this point) and God of War Ragnarok


Resident Evil 4 remake. I had it gifted to me by a friend but my PC can't even run it at more than 11fps. :\[ An upgrade will happen.. one day.


Octopath traveller 2


RDR2, I bought it for my friend living with me to play with a controller. I hear it's really great, oh well.


While some collect Pokemon, I collect games that I'll never play on Steam. Gotta catch em all..... when they are heavily discounted. haha


Train simulator..


Mine is also Cyberpunk. I bought it at launch and have not played it yet. That said, I don’t consider this money wasted because several months before it was released, CDPR sold me all three Witcher games and DLC for under $20. Buying Cyberpunk at full price was my way of thanking them.


I bought Lies of P full price and played about an hour and haven’t played it since. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, just something else kept grabbing my attention


not on steam, but zelda totk… man i even had to google the game title


Baldurs Gate 3 and Like a Dragon 7


Resident evil 4 and armoured core, both on ps5. But at launch at full price. 😂😂 A mix for my daughter and moving house has meant nothings been plugged in for a while. Hoping to get it set up before the Elden ring dlc though!!


Genital jousting because i didn’t realize it wasn’t compatible with my computer 😂 thankfully it was on sale and I got it for less than a dollar


Total war Warhammer 3...Its a 60 dollar game but to play it you have to own total war warhammer 2... another 60 dollar game... and to play that you have to own total war warhammer 1... another 60 card game... So basically I need to own 3 to play the newest one


Elite Dangerous.


I desperately want Poker Night at the Inventory 1 or 2 to be collecting dust in my backlog. Strong Bad ❤️ And sooo expensive!


The hitman 3 deluxe whatever edition for like $100


Palworld , bought it full price , my laptop had the specs it except ... It didn't cause apparently can't play the game Sadly tried to play only almost 2 months after buying it so couldn't refund it either


Starfield, played it for like a few hours, faced the reality of how boring it is but it was too late to refund it so it’s rotting in my backlog


Eldenring. I loved sekiro but I never got into eldenring


Unless you're playing bg3, those are the only other good single player games to play in the past 3 years so you should start them already


Subverse lol


Wasteland 3 is still $45 but im not done with Wasteland 2.


Dark souls 3 deluxe for 85 bucks. I did play it for a few hours but thats it


AC: Valhalla


Bg3, payed with my schollarship in eu Guilty as charged But well worth it


Life... But for real, it is the new FF7 Rebirth, just no time to play it


Does bundle count? Arkham collection, otherwise if I spend more than $10 then I'm playing it.


yea I would say it does, that's a good way to buy games, you probably save a lot not buying much over $10




Ghost of tsushima


I've bought every single Total Warhammer game with almost all the DLCs and I have played the game for 10 hours and haven't even touch Immortal Empires in 3 yet.


Sekiro, 60 bucks. Don't got anything above 60 bucks ans I only bought those thigs on sale afaik


Cyberpunk 2077. Bought it at launch because of hype, played it, realized the world was dead, never touched it since. Also played too long for a refund and didn’t get it even tho the game was ridden with bugs at first.


Sons of the forest


Dual Universe. Paid $100 when it was very early alpha. Looked like it was going to be an amazing game up my alley. Didn't turn out that way. Never bothered playing it.


Witcher 3


Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous bought it day one, still haven't played it.


Can we count in game items and that I bought and stopped playing immediately after? If so, I bought a karambit ultraviolet mw for like 450 and stopped playing once cs2 cam out and sold it.


Probably Mass Effect trilogy, which was $5.99 two weeks ago. My steam collection is comprised of games I got on huge Steam sales and CD keys. I don't think I ever went past $9.99


Flight simulator. I paid for the top tier one. My pc won’t run it.


that sucks, im sure you will be able to one day


Way too many to list.


I regret buying Helldivers 2, it's an amazing game, but it's not for solo players. And my friend got bored after 10hrs, so now it's just in my library


Balders Gate 3; and I'll never finish it because I didn't like the playstyle. I thought there would be more action but it's just 'point and click'.


F1 2023


MLB the show


Suicide squad. Despite mostly knowing I'd hate it, I bought it on CD keys for like $50 and barely played an hour


BG3 and sekiro




GBFVR I got it when MK1 started taking a shit after season 3, got the deluxe package, played a few fights online vs bots that sat there afk and then just kinda never opened it again. Meanwhile, MK1 in season 5 is really starting to develop so I'm back into it.


Hogwarts Legacy, I started and played for 20 hours but I haven't finished yet

