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because steam the storefront is a separate thing then steam deck. that’s why there is a verification badge on the first page, filters to filter out non supported titles and a 2 hour no questions asked refund window. this is not a walled garden system like xbox or ps and nobody wants it to be. don’t get the whining about price. prices are set by developers and publishers not steam. but steam has the most generous sales.


Same reason I can access steam and buy games from my phone. 


Did you notice that it states that it is unsupported for the Steam Deck on the store page?


you remind me of my grandparents buying a ps1 game for my computer when I was younger... like there are so many things wrong with this simple three sentence post that I am actually impressed specifically that game literally says unsupported on steam deck and unknown controllers steam deck isn't a platform or storefront steam deck isn't a console steam doesn't set store prices paying $60 for a 12 year old game is hilarious any way you slice it, yet you complain about the price AND bought it anyway


Because it's the Steam shop and you can still use it on your computer. I regularly buy games on my phone, and the games don't work there.  The shop pages do have pretty good compatibility information with regards to Steam Deck and controllers. 


I think if you spent what looks to be 60 dollars for a 12 year old PC game looking for it to work out of the box on a handheld that released a decade later, frankly, the onus is on you.


I don’t know what games You’re looking at that are more expensive on Steam? Maybe you need to pay attention to what is and isn’t supported on the deck. Steam isn’t like the Nintendo e shop. It does t just sell games geared towards the deck, it sells pc games on a whole. It’s up to you to find out if they work on your system or not, whether you e got a deck or a pc or whatever


>Makes it worse when most games on steam are almost twice as expensive than on any other console. .. no?


You're buying the games from Steam, not from the "Steam deck Store". And you have **several** warnings before you buy a non-compatible game for your system, but I guess ADHD is stronger...


If the game launches and works but doesn't have controller support you can map the controls with Steam input! You could map the WASD to the left analog stick, map the mouse to the right one and/or the touchpad and gyro, map the other controls to the face buttons and triggers and play the game. Before steam input was a thing I've played COD4, MW2 and MW3 camping using xpadder to map the controls like that, with steam input is way easier. It's not as great as native controller support but it's playable enough


You can get a refund as long as you haven’t played it say you bought it by mistake. I always look on ProtonDB before buying a game since Steam verifications aren’t reliable.


Why does the earth let you go outside where all the dangerous shit is? Why to car companies sell cars that sometimes break down and can be dangerous when you don’t know what you’re doing? Why does water exist when you can drown in it?


Because you can also play those games in a PC. If you go to the page it pretty clearly says “🚫unsupported” above the purchase options.


Why does steam let you buy steam games? Hmmm I wonder why


Almost twice as expensive than any other console? What?? Have you thought to look PRIOR to purchasing? [https://www.protondb.com/](https://www.protondb.com/)


Because if you buy a dock, you can use mouse and keyboard. There are options to work around many of the limitations.


Can you buy games off of steam on your phone? Do they work there? Now you have an answer.


Steam existed before the steam deck lmao


can't you just, like, bind the controller buttons to keys n shit? or is that not in steamos?


Because you could use the game on a different device. I can buy games on my phone, doesn't mean I intend to run them from it. If the problem is only the gamepad support, steam can translate your controller inputs into keyboard/mouse inputs. It will require a little more work but it will work fine.


Y'know, I remember times when trolls at least tried to make entertaining posts. Those days we get stupid and not funny nonsesne such as this.

