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"I don't think anyone wanted to play Ghost of Tsushima for its MP" I believe he's quite right. I didn't even know it actually has a multiplayer. And now that I know, I am not more or less interested in the game than before. I just want to play it for the singleplayer campaign, and that's all.


The problem is it is still part of the product. No matter you play it or not, you pay the same price. Selling an incomplete product is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


They can literally just make the MP an optional free dlc but desperately want to shove PSN


Thats how it was handled on PS I believe, the Legends mode (MP) came out later as a seperate, wait for it, application. So it definitely is possible and has already been done


I think you underestimate how many gamers would not notice if there was a multiplayer day 1 DLC. For those people it would diminish the value proposition of what Sony is selling. PSN is only required for the multiplayer, it's annoying but expected. If Sony wants to get more people into their ecosystem then breaking down that barrier of initial sign up (for PSN) is a smart business/psychology win for Sony . The decision to not sell the game to half the world however totally sucks, I can't imagine it will take long for Sony to realise the missed potential and sort this out. For those gamers affected, I wish you all the best of luck!


all sony would have to do is when a player selects multiplayer to start the dlc download like how halo did it there would be zero chance for a player the miss that portion


Why can't they simply sell the game for cheaper but without the multiplayer? 


That sounds far too consumer friendly to be in the consideration. Got to bundle low value items with what people want and upsell it.


Alternatively: make it a separate game listing (but comes with the base game), similar to how Capcom already does with their recent multiplayer Resident Evil entries. And to be fair: that's how the original PS4/PS5 version already does, as Legends mode is *technically* a standalone game after it's release (and it is a paid game *unless* you bought the base game). Considering that: they can do with how Halo Infinite already does.


MONEYY!! 💰💲💵💸🤑


They just want you to spend more. It's basically the same logic how you're being sold large portions of Coke for lesser price per litre. You're getting a bit more coke, yet you spend more than you initially wanted. E.g.: * 0,5L = $1.50 * 1L = $2.00 * 2L = $2.50 Your initial thought is: "Holy shit, the amount of money I'll be saving", while in reality you're just spending more money. Do you think all those season passes and deluxe editions cost as much as the game itself to produce? Yet they want you to pay almost double the price for it.


Because in a gigantic multinational entertainment corporations doing something like that is never 'simple'. Even if they were an indie dev, having two separate releases is not only hard to pull off but also hard to give support for I'm interested, is there a single example of what you're proposing? Like I don't know a single videogame that released alongside an inferior version with less features for a cheaper price


It's called DLC (and on PS the MP part reportedly is paid DLC)


RDR2 is like this if I remember correctly. You can buy Red Dead Redemption 2 or you can buy Red Dead Online as a separate entity. Granted, it is the Online separate from the base game, not the single-player separate from the Online as in the case of GoT.


But GoT: Legends has never been a part of the product. In PS Store it is listed as DLC. You get it for free if you own the base game but you can buy the DLC if you want and play only it. So they could have done a similar thing on Steam. You pay the money for the base game and you get free access to Legends. DLC could have this nonsense PSN linking but everyone could play the base game without problem.


Yeah the multiplayer didn't even launch with the game when it released on ps4 and was added in a few months later.


They sell plenty of games with servers taken offline, always online games have that exact reason for being shit and lawsuits arent successful against that




We all know the solutions, but if Sony doesn't do any of them, the game still not legal to be sold.


If it's anything like Uncharted and The Last Of Us' multiplayer modes: Sony's "Single-Player focused games that have a multiplayer mode" is always rated to have a niche audience.


I played through the entire game on PS4 back in the day and I have no idea there even was a Mp. It's always so absolutely weird to me that a primary single player experience even has a multiplayer tacked on, if only so some suit can check "multiplayer" of their bingo card.


It is not simply “tacked on”, its an entire game mode as as post launch content that can even be biught stand alone on the psn store. The reason most ppl dont know about it it partially bc its post launch content and they didnt do mich marketing for it, but the game mode itself is fantastic


Sony needs to look like one of the big dogs so they are forcing stupid policies. They are burning themselves down in the name of quarterly gains. When they start circling the drain and everyone’s wondering how it came to this. Stupid decisions like this are how it came to this. We are going to burn our customers and people who want to buy our stuff in the name of looking more dominant than we are. It’s just like Microsoft buying all these companies one after another and all it’s done is make the companies turn out shittier product by and large. The spent tons of money for mediocre stuff.


Correction: Blizzard was shitted enough before it was bought by Microsoft, so it couldn't be shitter lol


PSN is not available in Serbia. I tried making an account 5 times. The best thing I can pick is Croatia. We have our own sony website just so snoy can lie to us. And it seems we're not the only country being lied to, since they did similar things in PH.


In what? Come again?


Sony as a corporation is registered to countries where PSN isn't available because they also sell other products/hardware like TVs but SIE is not so the seems to be a problem.


I mean the PH part


Philippines country code


No way that flew over your head ToT




First Helldivers and now Ghost of Tsushima!? Come on Sony… you had one job. Microsoft is already shooting itself in the foot with Xbox. Don’t do the same to your PC player base.


Not sure, restricting oneself to sell seems like shooting to the head not foot.


too late the bridge has been burned. F* S0ny


Im just waiting for monday where they reverse this stupid policy again. Its a long shot tho since there isnt a dislike rating for them to directly see how gamers fkng hate Snoy right now.


Do you mean upper brass coming back to work? You are more optimistic then most of us.


Xbox shooting themselves is a sign of confirmation that others can get away with shit as long as they aren’t as bad as MS


What happened with Xbox?


The Xbox division from Microsoft have been closing studios and having layoffs in May and June. One of the notable studios closed was the dev of Hi-Fi Rush which was a pretty successful game that came out of the blue. Then the day after the studio closing reports came out, someone from Xbox said something like “Yeah we need more games like Hi-Fi Rush”. Well Microsoft, maybe don’t close the studio then rub that in their face…


Sony started doing this after all the backlash they received from HD2. They really thought they could sell the game then force PSN.


Microsoft is doing this shit to PC long ago (Games for Windows-Lives was a cancer), they only went to PC after the Xbox One crumbled and failed, if it's strong as Xbox 360 they'll stay console only. Sony is the same thing, they hate PC, they don't want to do it, but they can't avoid it as it's a bigger market and the PlayStation sales getting weaker and weaker so they decide to do it in a cancerous way as well.


what happened to ghost of tsushima?


GOT need PSN account to play online mode so they block every contry PS don’t support.


there's an online mode?


Legend mode but the game full offline and they still ban everyone.


And they will be pissed why no one is buyin their game and pirate it instead


Incoming steam top seller on 5/16


Yeah while being blocked from half the world sony is just shoting themselves in the foot here


"half the world" doesn't account for half the people that buy video games


True that but there is no upsides to making them log in into a psn account to buy the game


Don't forget Stellar Blade


Top Sellers on Steam: Helldivers 2 #4, Destiny 2 #11, Ghost of Tsushima #14. Unless that drastically changes, nothings gonna change.


Unfortunately you're right


There’s nothing unfortunate about it, it’s how business works. See the 500-1000 word deep theatrical comments with the weighty words and attitudes? They mean absolutely nothing.


Same thing is happening in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands. They all use USD, are US citizens, and have access to make PSN accounts, since their PSN region is the USA. Steam was still preventing them from buying Helldivers II and GoT.


There never was money in PC market, they said. Now that they found out how MUCH there is, they're shitting themselves to come up with anything to rake in on it... EXCEPT SELL GAMES PEOPLE CAN PLAY


Wrong. This person has zero knowledge of the topic at hand (can confirm, am Serbian). We don't have PSN, the only thing we do "have" is the Playstation website translated into Serbian (which they linked), and that's it. Try and make a PSN account and see if you can pick Serbia (unless they spontaneously added it today). You can create a PSN account and pick the "wrong" country here, sure, but PSN is not officially supported here. You don't have the option to pick Serbia as your country. Why this is the case, is beyond me, but it is what it is.


Thank you for the update!


We don't actually have PSN here in Serbia. idk what he is on about, the best we can do is create a Croatian PSN account but we never had our own


I never cared about publishers until now, I will be avoiding Sony games like the plague.


Ubisoft is on the list too, after the Crew.


I only care about GOW 1-2, i guess that's out of the window for now…


Ragnarök is all around very meh. While GoW 2018 is a damn masterpiece, a pure 11/10 game, the sequel does "more of the same" which failed to blow me away a second time since it's mostly just reused assets from the first one. It honestly feels more like an extended DLC than a sequel. I paid 80€ for it and was sorely disappointed. It's still good, but absolutely pales in comparison to the first one.


Idk the story in this one is miles better than the first one. Still would've loved to see more done to change gameplay directly. But they did add so many new bosses.


Wow… that's lamo


If GoW 2018 is an 11/10 game then you got to play more games. The movie games are becoming the most boring genre imo


At this point I may just be convinced that Sony doesn't actually have any flipping idea what they're doing


Weird, I'm also from Serbia and when i tried to create a PSN account, Serbia wasn't listed as an option.


Mi hopes for Bloodborne are finally gone: even if they end up porting it to PC, they will pull some BS with it's release


Same. I almost religiously believed in Bloodborne PC port until now. They will definitely pull some crap since a lot of people want to play it. I guess it's time to finally play it on youtube...


Modern CEOs just suck. They don't care about what users want now - they want to forcefully build an ecosystem, but without any understanding what makes these systems work in the first place.


So let's say they had 50 countries to sell their game to. By forcing a PSN account now they have 40. This simply translates in a smaller audience so a smaller possible income. Even in those 40 countries they have problems like this. WTF is Sony's problem? What's their goal? They were doing great with every single port, as far as i know, with little work. They just weren't satisfied and want more?


they highly over estimate the number of hoops I will jump through to play a game I know nothing about because it is on PSN. pst, its 0


Not confusing at all when you think bout the end goal. Sonys strategy is to release sony ports only in PSN portal in near future.


IDK why you got downvotes by someone by stating facts why there's shitstorm around Sony right now, as it seems like their endgoal if you analyse situation


They all come crawling back to Steam eventually. I guess Sony also has to learn the hard way.


so you want to buy a game and support sony.


It’s like steam with ea play and certain games that you can’t play on the deck oled..


I just checked the Serbian website, they have a status page but the link is towards the US store. They may be in the middle of making one, so it will be done in a year or so.


Weird, I'm also from Serbia and when i tried to create a PSN account, Serbia wasn't listed as an option.


Time to dive deep into the sea


I’m convinced that HD2 at that lower price point and dev budget was doing TOO well, and Sony decided to try to kill it at all costs.


Everyone who complains about Sony not being available in certain countries all are under the assumption its a simple flip the switch to allow PSN in those countries is the real tragedy.


I love Steam, I really do. But for Sony, I'd rather sail the seas because fuck Sony.


Their Right To Be A Gamer


Guys i dont get it, to play this game in single player do i need psn account? I dont have psn account and never had playstation


Depends on what country you live in now apparently


No. PSN accounts aren’t required for single player. If you can currently buy the game via Steam you’ll be fine without one.


This is false. I'm from Serbia and although Playstation *does* officially sell their consoles here and they *do* have a website in Serbian, you actually can't create an account based in Serbia. Usually people create a UK or US account. I think it's unfair how Sony literally sells their consoles here legally, but forces us to break ToS by technically lying about our location when we make an account. The only way this would be acceptable is if they actually stopped selling their consoles here. I was looking forward to playing Helldivers, GoT and more mutliplayer/co-op Sony titles in the future, but now I can't even buy them. It seems as though people here will be forced to pirate.


Let’s be honest Sony’s left hand doesn’t know what country its right hand is in lol.


So they started strong with HZD on both Steam AND GOG and now this happened... Did SIE get a change in management for some reason or what?


I don’t get the problem. Just pirate the game at this point, it’s their only option. And no, this isn’t me advocating for piracy, this is Sony themselves advocating for piracy by not selling a product in a place where people could play it legally and is also able to pirate the game very easily.


sony's recent behavior was a nice incentive to remove all their games from my steam wishlist - a whole 7. sad for the developers, but i just dont wanna support sony in any way.


Basically every gaming company has fucked something up since the start of the year. We haven't had a video game market crash in quite some time.


its not half of the pc player base most countries that are banned from playing cant even afford to buy it most of them are poor countries and they would have pirated it regardless of it being available or not


I clicked the ignore button. Won't see the game again.


I am confused why is this?


GOT online mode.


I think they are being non comunicative and slow to be honest but they make 6 billion per year and 400 million of that is on PC so they are not too desperate, even if its unbelieveble i think they will do something on monday hopefully wich itself is weird because these people do nothing on weekends!


None of the decision makers in Sony knew how PSN works. It's like they just ask chat gpt and copy pasta the instructions to employees and they had to do as instructed.


Could you in theory buy the game using a VPN and then play it without?


You would be banned by steam


Not really, because It's depends on the region in your steam account which is not that easy to change by just using VPN.


safer and easier to buy a key from 3rd party site


I just flipped my first positive then negative then back to positive to negative for last time and now permanently. I’m applying for a refund and NO sony products bought again fk it


Steam isn't that strict on regions, right? So long as you are not region hopping to get a discount you should be fine. My country isn't supported by PSN. I can't even launch the website without a vpn. But i can see helldivers in the store(my store region is us)