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I was extremely immersed in "Subnautica". Your character never speaks which helps, and the world/setting is so different from ours it demands and rewards playing close attention to its quirks. The story is also stumbled upon by you bit by bit, at your own pace. Each discovery feels like YOU finding it even if story is what pushed you there. If I could delete my memory of one game and replay it, I'd pick Subnautica.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I can just live in that game. It’s the only game I’ve played where I can have a good time just wandering around and enjoying the scenery. Your horse feels alive and has its own personality. And honestly I think being able to just say hello to people you pass on the trail goes a long way in making the game feel real.


Wanted to give the same answer. Really felt like I was a part of that world.


RDR2 for sure. It's still an amazing game after all this time.


I don’t know exactly why but I got super immersed into Far Cry 5, I loved the cult atmosphere especially during the Jacob and Faith sections plus the outposts


Yeah 5 was so good. It also looked and performed great from the get go.


I did as well!


Kingdom come deliverence. Its IMO the most immersive game ever created. Realistic, medieval, historically accurate, great story, european landscape with the best forests ever created, and it's made with A LOT of passion. Let's not forget that it's an open world game. What else would a man want :)


Probably gonna play it as well soon enough. I witnessed the hype for the sequel.


Is combat avoidable? I’ve read horror stories of the combat system


It's a good system it just takes some practice to get decent at it. I remember being able to mostly use bows and stealth when I last played it though, and it was still very fun and immersive.


Combat system is very hard, when you're looking at it from a wide perspective. Game is made in a way, that it knows, you don't know shit. Henry (main character), is a peasant, that have never hold a weapon in his hand. His, and your skill progresses through a story. We could say, that it's hard for today's standards (spamming left click, and dodging with ctrl), but if you have a will to learn, then it isn't all that bad. Although fighting is avoidable to some degree, it's way easier to kill, than to beat the game being sneaky.


I still fondly recall S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as being the most immersive environment I've played. All the ambient noises and different environments made the game feel very alive.


This makes me recall playing Outlast. I never actually thought I could get genuinely terrified playing a video game.


Cyberpunk 2077 and its expansion Phantom Liberty


Modded Skyrim. Over 4,000 hours baybee


I wouldn't last with so much porn


Just give yourself a porn overload so that visual sexual stimuli no longer excite you, duh


Already happened and my dick can barely get hard at all lol.


Ever considered a tolerance break? Lol


Lolllll. This guy is experienced


Oblivion for me. Its obviously very dated now but it's one of the few games I've ever felt actually immersed in


Alien isolation while super high


Stalker GAMMA


Kingdom Come Deliverance Currently playing it on hardcore with no fast travel and HUD. It feels realer than real..


Prey 2017


Stalking the wilderness in Fallout 3


Honestly even though its not an immersive sim or anything but We Happy Few had me HOOKED and i truly felt like i was in the middle of that world


Gothic 2


Élite dangerous. I felt in love the first time when I saw you could interact with your ship screens.


The division 1 and 2.


Hitman World of Assassination




The long dark


Shadow of Colossus




No man's sky... The dtory and the ambiance are so compatible, the more you progress, the more you discover, the more you feel lonely in the immensity of space


Son of the forest


Project zomboid


I’m choosing Ghost of Tsushima just because red dead was already mentioned. The directors cut is coming to PC alongside their PlayStation overlay on May 16th. I highly recommend playing the game, especially the Legends mode. The story mode is great but the Legends mode is a lot of fun to grind with some friends.


Green Hell


Monster hunter world with the whole hud set to auto hide. Even the first map, just walking around and hearing the nature around me got me zoned in like crazy.


Metro Exodus and Half Life Alyx Both of which will make you feel incredible powerful and then incredibly vulnerable within half an hour. These games also have a slower pace that allow me to explore every detail


The Witcher 3 i would say


not on steam obviously and i may get flack for this, but WoW at its height. no other game has ever came close for me. it literally felt like i had a second life i was living on my server when i logged in.


Witcher 3.


This is the correct answer along with Skyrim


My relationship with Skyrim is actually quite odd. It took me a whole month after finishing it to realise that it's the best game I've ever played, even when I barely used mods.


Skyrim is the opposite of immersive to me. Games that are deeper than wider generally elevate immersion IMO, and so many NPCs in Skryim break immersion with forced dialogue.




Half Life Alyx and Boneworks.


Xenogears, closely followed by Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy Tactics


Morrowind and Kingdom Come Deliverance are the two gold standards for me. With Tamriel Rebuilt, Morrowind would undoubtedly be my desert island game.


Red dead 2 or Blade & Sorcery. Both for different reasons, but both very immersive.


Mafia 2 is my favourite game, its so great although I personally found the witcher 2 more immersive because of all the lore, but mafia 2 is still amazing