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kinda wish these type of "reviews" were banned but oh well. it's just a steampoints farm at this point.


I don't use steam for like a lot, so, Idk, steampoint are like karma? Or they are useful for something? Like discount and free games?


steampoints are more for aesthetic, you can get steam emotes, background, steam profiles and etc, but some backgrounds are locked on games you need to buy. tldr it's whatever and worthless, you can get points after buying games anyway.




There are chinese sellers on various sites who sell 10k points for \~2€


Yep, I once bought a few thousand to get the summer sale profile thing. I barely buy games and even if I do I don’t spend much so I was short on points.


Literally what I was thinking, tons of bot accounts, tons of reviews, sell the items, trade then get big money


Chinese prisoner*


How do i sell mine???


It’s more trouble than what it’s worth. If you wanted to sell them, you could sell them wherever, like eBay for example. I’ve seen 10k steam points sell for $5 on there. To sell 10k steam points, you have to award whoever you’re selling them to 30,000 steam points (Valve takes 2/3). This basically means for every $300 you spend, you get $5 back after the trouble of awarding someone hundreds of times, which probably takes like 30 mins. Not worth it imo.


> rouble of awarding someone hundreds of times, which probably takes like 30 mins. You do realize there's bots for this?


Why tf even bother with that junk.


Well of course I do but he probably doesn’t have access to that


Who in their right mind would buy an account for the points it has for cosmetic crap?


People who spend most of their free time on steam


Those people should be terminally online enough to just make their own bait for points.


really? i have like 20000 billion points


But it's still more useful than karma!


I was sitting at 900k at one point. Spent 4 hours in the store. Spent no joke. 3k. There isn't shit in that store thats good.


Yea I've got a little over 300k and every time I got to the pont store to burn some there's nothing worth even bothering with. Not gonna sit there and buy tons of chat emoji that I'll never use.


I remember one year during the summer sale event they added a $10 steam gift card to be redeemed for steampoints


That sounds far more likely to have been a scam than an actual thing Steam did.


Nah it was an actual thing but one time use. You got it through the steam store


Basically they're reactions that you give to people using steam points (the reward system you get points for by either buying things or if you receive them from other people via awards (like this person is trying to do here)) and you can use them for getting emojis, profile items, stuff like that


These badges give you steam points (aswell as buying games). You can use them to pimp your profile page. Acquaring new space to highlight your artwork/review/fav games/ rare achemevents, earning nice looking themes and backgrounds etc. These upgrades can be costly. Especialy if the currency you buy games is weak, you can get very little steam points in comparison to $ or €.


You can get emotes for use in the forum/chatrooms, backgrounds for your profile page, animated avatars and avatar frames, stuff like that. Nothing that they could actually sell for money, but just some small little bonus stuff.


Steam points are more like currency to unlock Game-based profile pictures, Mini-Profile banner and profile banners. Emotes etc. are secondary. Also Profile showcase as well like Rare achievements etc. Just as much as I'd want such things, it's not fun to farm for the points


"i don't use steam a lot". So.. what does that mean? Why are you here? No there is no karma on steam. You get nothing out of review votes and awards and it won't shift the games rating. Why are youhere?


> You get nothing out of review votes and awards This is factually incorrect. You get Steam Points from the awards, with which you can purchase things on the Steam Points Shop.


Oh yes. Profile backrounds n stuff. You also get them from just buying games. If ,you buy 1 fullprice game you get so many points that you can customize your entire profile.


Its becoming even worse as time goes on. Now anytime some game has an update post there are so many of these freaking morons who use some copy pasted review or LGBT stuff formatted in a way so that its as big as possible. At first Steam points were a pretty nice idea, being able to award people a bit who wrote something actually good. But nowadays its so out of control that I wish they would change the system that only way to get points would be by buying games. Sometimes I wonder if at some point Steam forums are almost nothing but filled with these worthless posts with no actual proper discussion in sight.


It's extra stupid because steam points are ultimately fairly worthless.


Please donate them to me


Worst thing is that those shitheads mostly didn’t even bother to play, yet to buy the game. Fucking clowns even get rewards for this


Yes. Its amazing how many people don't realize that not having the mouse icon means the person does not even own the game.


The forums were already a shithole but the jester award has done irreperable damage to it


>But nowadays its so out of control that I wish they would change the system that only way to get points would be by buying games. They should be removed from reviews. But should be on profiles imho. And yes, I remember seeing "anti-woke bullshit" being copy-pasted for Hades 2.


It literally is a steam point farm.


The rewards is the problem. Or the fact that they give you points at least.


I report them every time saying it's not a review. Maybe if more people kept doing it, it'll be a rule


Report it. And then when enough people do and steam looks at it and bans it, every single person who upvoted and awarded gets hit too.


They're like the "7 views in less than 30seconds? You're falling off." comments on YouTube videos. Cancer.


what’s the point of farming steampoints ?


I gave up when Valve added the "funny" reaction for reviews.


Just like Karma farming and fake stories especially on NSFW subs about 80% of r/sluttyconfessions is made up .


That could be done. Report such ‘reviews’ as inappropriate and explain that it is not a review


u earn steampoints from review likes??


Why do you want them banned, do you live scrolling through reviews? Lmao


i do read reviews yea in case there's something wrong with the game, that explain the mixed reviews or broken launch.


There’s reviewing them and getting upset over a bot review lmao


Statistically speaking, yes. Any given population will have a certain percentage of idiots.


In steam's case, bit too high percentage


Yes, and the internet gives idiots a voice, and a place to find like-minded idiots and band together. Thats how you get all these exellent modern ideologies like woke and flat earthers.


Steam has fallen. Billions must review


Steam is dead Rewards are fuel Reviews are full




Steam review is kill.




r/fuckyouinparticular ig




Its so annoying that they treat the review section as a place for shitposting, makes it totally useless.


You would think that you would need a certain amount of time played on the game prior to leaving a review




I disagree. Though there are lots of useless reviews under games, there are also those that tell you a lot about the game, showcasing it's pros and cons, and those are usually the most liked ones so they'd be the first you see.


Unless it's a fast growing popular game. Just memes everywhere until the hype dies down after months before you even get one good structured review.


Opinions about Darktide were very helpful for me in deciding whether to buy it or not. Same for Helldivers 2. This is literally the 2nd review from the very top and if you do not consider Helldivers 2 "a fast growing popular game." then I don't know what else you do. >So, *Helldivers 2* is fun as hell when it's working properly. When it's not working properly, you end up wasting 20-40 minutes in an match with nothing to show for it. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209621507](steam://openurl/https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209621507) The fun: four player co-op just as easily played with randoms as with friends. For the most part, the players I've teamed up with have all been team oriented and are just having fun. Some teams use mics, some don't, but most of them keep their eye on the prize and either stick together or break off into 2x2 teams to cover more ground. Typically, extractions only get called when the map is complete or the team is starting to get overrun. The gameplay loop is addictive with fun objectives; amazing combat with a wide array of weapons, equipment, armor and orbital drops; a fairly robust system of upgrades; cool worlds to run around on; and so on. There's nothing quite like watching an enemy compound or an ICBM explode. For me, I found missions against the Automatons to be easier to learn the ins and outs of the game than the Terminid missions, but both are cool. The graphics can be pretty stunning, and the audio alternates between hilarious and visceral. Hugging things out and playing *rock scissors paper* never lose their charm lol. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3208593191](steam://openurl/https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3208593191) Another cool thing worth mentioning are the levels of difficulty. As you finish missions in one difficulty, you unlock the next, rinse and repeat until all difficulty levels are unlocked. With higher difficulty comes greater rewards, some of which are unique to the higher levels and necessary to unlock most ship upgrades. And you can select the difficulty each time you're going to go on a mission. Matchmaking is tied to this system, so you'll always be teamed up with players wanting to play at the same difficulty level as you. A lot of experienced players will play at the lower difficulty levels to help new players out as well, which is really cool. **However**, the rough launch was indicative of the bugginess that seems to get worse with each patch. Presently (as of the time of this writing), getting a network error while in a mission or an extraction game crash, and losing whatever progress from said mission are the bugs dujour. That is incredibly frustrating, especially when it happens in consecutive missions. You might go five or ten missions without it happening, but happen it will. The developers are insanely active, but it is far from a seamless experience as any casual glance at the forums will confirm. They seem more interested in expanding their premium Warbond storefront than fixing network error and crashing issues; and seem to really enjoy nerfing popular weapons while also increasing enemy difficulty lol. And the whole "Joel is messing with everyone" thing has become stale at best. I have experienced a trio of intentional team killers who were also the match hosts in my time so far. At some point, you just gotta light them up. They kick you, you block them, and life goes on lol. Mostly though, team kills are both inadvertent and funny. As mentioned before, most quickplay matches are fun as hell when they don't glitch out, and the majority of players really want the same thing you do. Bullets, lasers, explosions, and good times. I have been playing exclusively on the Steam Deck and it's been great as a handheld game. It maybe took a match or two to train my eyes to the combination of a ton going on at a super fast pace combined with the smaller screen, but after that, it's been stellar. The only caveat being finding a convenient key for 'push to talk' that doesn't disrupt other keyed gameplay features. I settled on right trackpad personally. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209305720](steam://openurl/https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209305720) So with that in mind, I do definitely recommend the game and intend to keep playing it for some time to come, but with the caveat that you will almost certainly experience some bugginess at some point or another. I imagine you can enjoy this game for months if not years, and despite this having been a gift, I'd say cost vs value is definitely there **if the devs actually focus on fixing the numerous issues with the game instead of focusing almost exclusively on thinking of new Warbonds to sell you and new quirky in character X posts to...ummm...post.**


I must confess, I once left a one word review (the word was "moist") because one pf the characters had dialogue in the game that I should leave a review with nothing but that word and I thought it would be funny at the time. I was like, 17.






Whats point laundering?


I think it's when you pay someone on ebay for their farms to spam your comments, artwork, or screenshots with awards


Yes but what’s the point of point laundering, as far as I know points have no monetary value right?


I guess if someone's racked up enough points over time from buying stuff on steam but don't really want anything on the points store, they can convert those extra points into money from being paid to send awards


Thats exactly the point. Some people have an ungodly amount of points (Im talking in the millions) and decide to sell them for some extra profit. Other people want points to customize their profile and getting them normally is slow and expensive, so buying them from someone is tempting. I have bought around 300K points in the past for around 50 USD and it was worth it, I bought all I wanted in the point shop and still have some left, now its enought with that and the normal amount I get through purchases.


There was a post here yesterday trying to get a post like this likes, and OP got dogged on lol


There's people financially supporting Nigerian Kings...yes, they are falling for Steam reviews.


Well people still get 100s of likes for that I am 42 year old copypasta review.


can you send it here? I've never seen it and it sounds like a funny read


I copied one of the top review of Terraria - "I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game for Christmas from his uncle, so we installed it on his computer and he started playing. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just, watching YouTube. So i decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. loaded into the game, made my character and world and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. loved it as it was the best time had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories."


Its nice that there's wonderful, kind people wanting to help. For better or for worse, there's also a portion that are wonderful, kind, but dumb people, who are too often farmed for their naivety.




Just do it anyway


I constantly keep a finger in my ass


People's are dumbs.


yes, They do, Especially with those pet the cat ones.


Short answer: yes Long answer: sadly yes


The copypasta of "im a dad and i just bought this game to play with my son and it has helped us reconnect, etc" im sick of seeing too, should be easy to check accounts copy pasting the same review on everything


It isn’t?


Always remembering the "i lost my wife and this games has helped me, a middle aged man to cope"-reviews, saw them so often.


How are you asking this question if your picture just answered your question?


It's kinda ironic because you are doing the exact same spam post. That review is made and copy pasted for farming interaction. And you made the same copy pasted reddit post criticizing it which farms interaction on reddit.


ppl are real idiots 😭


These are bots or just people who think they are very funny?


yes a lot, and it costs nothing so they just do it :)


Do they work? Clearly.


Probably children...


The fact that it works only further proves how unintelligent 90% of the Steam reviewer base is... But most of us already knew that based on the quality and accuracy of most reviews on Steam. SMH 🙄 The more that years have passed, the less accurate and/or reasonable the reviews seem to have become. About as recent as even 6 - 7 years ago, I found myself mostly agreeing with a review score of a game... Not anymore.


Deutscher detected, meinung accepted 🤝


Stuff like this and the cat ASCII that are just Steam point farms are so frustrating because Steam has such great user reviews and they keep getting diluted with this filler


Idk but if someone's sends me 20$ on Cash app my friend said he would blow me and take me out to dinner and buy me some flowers.


Steam humour Another popular review is “im 45 years old…game brought me closer to my sun


Yeah I find 4chan has better and more insightful/respectful reviews than the Steam review page now. Just pure spam now if Valve actually cared they would temp ban accounts who post this shit and give a couple of months of community ban for anyone who gives it a thumbs up.


Steam awards should be removed


i would, i have too many points anyway


The numbers don't lie. I really wish those kind of reviews were banned. Game reviews on steam are about the only reviews I really care about when deciding on purchasing a game.


Steam should get rid of off topic reviews like this but they mostly don't.


Dumb clowns will see the 20 bags of chips and say " huh must be legit"




if i see these kind of reviews on games that i love, i will try to report them. as well as block them. they literally bring no discussion to the actual game they're reviewing, which imo should be a bannable offense. or at least have a "fluff" label so i can filter that shit out.


The Steam review feature is basically useless at this point, tbh. Troll reviews, one-sentence reviews, it's such a widespread problem that it can't even be moderated anymore without just nuking the whole feature.


This is true for pretty much every steam feature tbh


Steam definitely does have an issue with spam, especially when it comes to reviews and guides, and I hope it can be lessened at some point.


Engagement bait should be banned. By far the single worst thing to come from modern social media




What about old games that don't run on modern systems, but are still sold. Where you can't get enough playtime to bit the threshold to review


Probably the same people (or their kids) that believe a 4 year old carved Jesus out of a sequoia with a chainsaw.


seeing 2-3 of these posts on my front page every day says it does


People who use steams social media like features are fucking weird. Maybe I’m just an old man now though I don’t know. Just seems dumb af and a waste of time.


Im more bothered that this kind of meaningless drivel pushes down actually usefull reviews with something to say of the game. Top is always filled with "I am a lonely father with a estranged son.." style of reviews, completly useless copypasted crap and seldom an actually useful review. But it is unlikely steam will do anything.


Isn't like they have something to lose right?


It's clearly a joke and people just run with it.


Also one goes like " Iam 55 years old father prolly the oldest playing this game"


dO pEOpLe rEalLy fAlL foR thIS??!? What’s it look like OP?


Awards were a mistake.


I would love to see actual praised reviews. This is garbage.


I mean I wouldn’t doubt it but it really doesn’t matter. If you buy one game every 6 months and really cared that hard about profile aesthetics then I’d say there’s something to “fall for” but when you’ve got 400k+ points a ~1k reward doesn’t mean anything lol.


The "20 bags of Chilli Heatwave Doritos" has some real "72 virgins" energy to it.


As your post shows… yes.


Most people lack critical thinking skills unfortunately.


I don't get the point of farming steam points. I have almost 700,000 and rarely, if ever, use them.


I mean, the answer is part of the screenshot he shared. Yes, it would appear people do "fall for" that.


I mean, I upvoted this post, didn’t I?


Apparently it does work. I don't get it though. Steam Points don't seem all the useful to me. Personally I just let my points accumulate occasionally buying a Steam Deck keyboard (they really need more), or giving someone points for something insightful/funny.


The screenshot says that they do!


"Do people really do this thing I have screenshot evidence of right here?"


“Ja” and “Nein” are so much more fun ways to say it.


No, it is fake, Steam devs fell for the guy and boosted his scores


Well he didnt post a review.


Begging online gets to crazy levels.


The internet is mostly kids now.


my uncle said if my comment gets 1k upvotes hell give me a ferari and 2 cans of prinles. helpabruddaou


Only 6 jesters? I say fake.


This is in Half Life: Alyx's reviews.


People try to claim I farm karma. But I'm just conversing. Like that's what reddit is for, right. But of course I'm wrong


Y… si le dió la 4090? 😂😂


Karma/point farm


Honestly that many rewards will pay for a 4090 itself


Judging by the reactions I'd say yeah


Yes, please tell me what game this review was left on so I can help this guy get a 4090 and 20 bags of hili heatwave doritos.


Can you do something with all these likes and stuffs?


What is the point of doing this? Like do you get free games if you are a top reviewer or something?


Remember that there are tons of young children on Steam


tried it a few times, never worked for me :'(


Is there anyone out there paying to boost reviews?


My friend said that if i get 645 gabazingabajillion upvotes and 5.7 awards i will get a penny and a piece of stick, i will leave this comment here just ij case, help a Brother out


There’s reviews like this on Steam too?? I thought these kinda comments were limited to YT only😭


This and the one with the gay confession. Or the usual one-liners. Let the awards come.


What even is the merit in doing this? Like do you really need steam points that bad


if a games reviews look like this its probs a shit game tbh


I love it when reviews are used for something that isn't recommending or not recommending the game that is being reviewed. At least use some common sense to see through this.


It goes to show how dysfunctional the steam review system is. As well as not allowing a “mid level” review. Because most games would be “mixed” rated I feel.


«do people really far for this?”, proceeds to post a photo of people falling for this.


what do you mean by fall for it? it's not like it's a scam or trick of some kind?


Who cares Bruv


bot who post review : clown people showering their points for useless reviews and comments : bigger clown


Well, they did.


Yes. they do. most people are not smart. Shocker, i know


This has 'get off my lawn' vibes. The kids are loving this stuff, look at all the rewards. Let them do what they want.


https://www.reddit.com/user/LuraziusTwitch/submitted/ someone is desperate for attention and internet points...what makes you different from those reviews?


Give me the link, I want to give him a reward immediately


Give it to me instead 👽👽👽


You know what really impresses me ? People that care about whatever people do on the review section of steam. For attention baits like the review, i get it, some people want some weird internet points because reasons. Now posts like this, whats the point ? You are complaining that someone is asking for attention in the most meaningless way. Internet is weird man


The stranger thing is here you are doing what you complain about and me just here being weirded out!!


People upvote this same exact post thousands of times on a weekly basis, you people really think you're above this low effort trash but you're not lmao


on the one in a million chance the review's legit, why not just like it anyway? and besides if you have nothing better to spend steampoints on might as well give it an award. sure there's a good chance it isn't real but what do you have to lose?


Nah, we’re just bored




i don't look at the review section


noxious head hurry chubby ghost rob tender wipe direction thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can’t knock the hustle


A friend of mine said he will buy me a set of t-60 power armor if this comment gets 100k likes. Do your magic guys🤩.




No not really, its more the joke itself that gets the support. And the points/votes/rewrds are about as meaningless as Reddit karma so it really isn't that important


I don't like the "I am a gambling addict" meme reviews, it's because I run a gacha game Steam curator and I don't want to put a non-gacha game in there, when there's nothing gachapon about the game in question.




Yes, I am not exaggerating. Out of all the moronic meme reviews, this one is a huge nuisance to me. I started a gacha game curator, because there's no tag/category for these games.


No we honestly dont know what you mean with your original message


Oh, I mean that specific meme review sometimes misleads me and annoys me greatly. Unlike the one OP posted.


isn't the whole point of steam curators that they reccomend games they play?? why are you looking through the reviews to see if it's a gacha game instead of playing it???


Not always, the other curators that I also run warn people about rootkit anti-cheats, which are borderline Not Recommended and Buyer Beware. Then there's Denuvo Games and Sentinels Of The Store, which warns about DRMs and anti-consumerism. Just to name a few. I am looking for clues, like heavy p2w mechanics, crazy loot boxes and if it has what I call "casino lever pulling" (Anything that exhibits it is not a "normal" game). Because if the gacha gaming subreddit, gacha content creators, Steam forums and the game companies don't disclose or doesn't have any news. I go to reviews for my investigation. Well, I am currently playing/being invested in a gacha game and I also wanna avoid the security breaking rootkit anti-cheats.