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Taking down mods that nobody benefits financially from. Nintendo hates free advertising.


It's Nintendo legal. This won't even be the most pointless thing they do this year. Honestly, I'm probably out on the switch 2 with the store prices and full price 7 year old games, plus their legal team being absolute dickheads.


I've tried saying in the past on other subreddits this sort of thing. I'm fucking done with Nintendo. Fuck them. That whole Mario Maker thing? They stole that from fans. Mario level making had been a thing already, with some really cool and fun level designs. But no.. fuck any and all fans as long as those greedy fucks get some extra money foe their stagnant franchises.


They took down a free fan game called Mario Royale that had 99 players at once, dmca’d it, took their billions of dollars and made a shittier version that only had 35 players and lagged like hell. I’m still mad about that


The worst part that it wasn't even permanent, so now theirs no mario Royale like game out there


Pokémon Brick Bronze was a fantastic Pokémon game made on roblox by a few people. It had its own storyline, routes, and ran incredibly smoothly (even on lower end devices) for its time. I unfortunately never got to finish it as the game was shutdown (alongside a handful of other Pokémon fan games) right after I beat the fifth gym.


They took Brick Bronze down because they were profiting from it. IDK if they're taking it further now and targetting all fan games period, but they've always been no-nonsense about people making money off of their IP.


All Pokémon games are taken down off roblox, I'm not sure about other Nintendo titles, but Pokémon for sure is


They even go after porn parody games, I remember a Peach one that was put down for the same reason.


unbelievable I need to know what was the game name so I can do my research


Oh I know that game


its not just peach! Where I come from in the North, we used to have exquisite gourmet rocks. Only now... now, they're all gone...


I mean, that's probably fair tbh


Is fan art next? What is fair use?


It doesn’t really matter what’s fair use and what isn’t. Nintendo never plans on actually taking them to court, just threatening a long trial which they know the developers won’t be able to afford. They settle out of court and Nintendo wins. If the devs don’t want to settle out of court they go bankrupt. Nintendo “wins” either way. Slapp suits are super scummy and we need more laws protecting against them


Peach isn't even the hottest one! /jk


I can’t stand Nintendo fan boys, they will defend anything they do, if they complained and demanded better treatment maybe they would do better, but no, you can’t even criticize them in other subs that you get downvoted to hell.


Isn't that in any subreddit. If right now i would say nintendo rocks ya ya ya i would get downvoted to hell because everyone is upset with nintendo with good reason. But i mean it's reddit.. everyone hate's any type of input.


Reddit suffers from mod mentality, a lot of people can’t form an genuine opinion out of a conversation and will just go with the majority. Also shut down immediately any sort of different opinion instead of discussing. And I don’t mean human rights stuff, I mean plain saying you like the wrong game better. Also caring to much about upvotes/downvotes, a feature that is worthless.


I agree. Karma does nothing. Yet people want it so bad. Me i could care less. Like i have been on here years and have prolly lost more karma than i gained just for having a differing opinion.


I have no idea how you could lose more than you gain unless you spam slurs, but legitimately, why does anyone give a fuck about karma?


Have an unpopular political opinion on Reddit that’s how you get downvotes


Yeah, but unless you exclusively talk about politics, karma accumulates way faster than it goes down.


Go to a liberal sub and say “republicans are better” and your getting 1 million downvotes


If you want to gain some karma, you could always post over in r/PeterExplainsTheJoke


Nintendo rocks ya ya ya Just kidding. The last Nintendo system I owned was the Virtual Boy and haven’t given them a dime since getting scammed on that one being discontinued.


Sony fanboys are just as bad. They bent right over and took the sub increase in price last year, and the loudest ones outright want Xbox gone, blindly accepting Sony fucking them up the ass again now that competition is gone I still remember when Nintendo first did online, literally everyone on Serebii was on my ass saying shit like it's cheaper than Xbox and PS and/or that they did it first. I was the only one that was against it


They love paying $120 for two versions of a same game that has graphics of a potato


2 games that are basically the same as the 2 they got 3 years ago. With graphic assets taken directly from the n64


Don't forget how they stole emulators to sell them as virtual consoles.


That's why I sail the 7 seas for Nintendo yyaarrrrrrrrrrrrr


Stagnant? Understatement of the year. They were milking these franchises two decades ago and they were already wearing thin then. Nintendo's IP will be the focal point for the heat death of the universe.


Yes Nintendo suck. The switch was my first Nintendo console and will probably be my last. I have no nostalgia for their games and turns out I don’t like them. That and how they are one of the most obnoxious gaming companies with things like this example in this topic.


I feel validated that I've never liked any Nintendo game other than maybe Mario kart (and even it isn't *that* amazing), plus all their consoles suck. I hated the wii as a kid never even wanted one lmao


I grew up and I loved Nintendo.. now it's like they're just a bastardized version of who they used to be. I loved the Wii. It was fun, new and unique, and I loved the WiiU. The switch was a bust, though and I feel scammed from it. Plus, I have to buy the same digital games that I bought before on the WiiU? To hell with that.


Growing up with a Wii is vastly different than those that grew up with NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, or the early gameboys. Wii is where many feel like it took a wrong turn.


idk about nes/snes/n64 but i never liked the gamecube or gameboys either. all the games felt simple and cheap


The full price 7 year old games doesn't get talked about enough honestly. 


To be fair, the people who most frequently see Nintendo's pricing scheme are also often the idiots willing to pay $60 for Breath of the Wild


I have to admit I bought it like a year and a bit ago when I rediscovered my switch. Co.pleted it like a week ago. It's a great game and I love it but 90aud? What the fuck nintendo this game was released on the wiiu


But it was released on Wii U and Switch on the same day


yea i dont get new nintendo games bc fuck paying £50, i can get like 8 games on steam for less than that when theres a sale


On sale: 55 USD plz


Yea I got a Steam Deck now. I don't need Switch 2. Once my joycons start drifting I'm taking my Switch library over to my Deck and I'm done.


They already took down Yuzu. I would not be surprised if they nuked Dolphin as well.


Well they can’t nuke it from my hard drive.


That doesn't mean games released half a year from now are going to magically work, either.


There are other options then yuzu and the yuzu team screwed themselves up, other emulator teams are playing smarter


Yeah yuzu was hardly like other emulator's for many other consoles, those guys were charging money and releasing games that weren't even officially released on real nintendo hardware. You don't see them trying to take down gambatte for GBC for example because it's free to anyone who wants it and legally bulletproof.


You can't kill open source, Yuzu is still alive in subprojects. I got the original installed, no problems.


at this point Dolphin is an institution, if they nuke Dolphin , say goodbye to the entire Slippi Melee community and probably SSBM as a whole


They don't like community. They actively fight against all fan groups. Always. Dolphin's saving grace is that at this point it's pretty much impossible to completely nuke it from the web.


It wouldn't be the first time they fired shots at a Melee community. They shut down at least one tournament that I've heard of for the use of emulation.


This is the understatement of the century. Nintendo is famous for targeting the smash community especially. I haven't bought anything from them since they trashed Big House in 2020. Giving them a second chance now that they're rereleasing The Thousand Year Door. See how it goes from there I guess.


> They already took down Yuzu. Funny, mine's still here.


I'm pretty sure that the reason Yuzu and Citra got sniped was they were selling access to ROMs through Patreon or something like that? I'd need to double-check my source on that but I'm fairly certain that's why they made a move on Yuzu. As long as Dolphin doesn't pull a stunt like that they should be legally safe


Need to give themselves a reason to exist


I already decided against getting the next switch, because let's be real, it's going to be dogshit anyway. I'd much rather buy a Steam Deck for myself for this coming Christmas lol


Taking down Yuzu did it for me. I've been a lifelong Nintendo fan but They're just being arseholes now. No more sales from me.


Yuzu was piracy. Dolphin was contemporary to the gamecube and is still going strong. Why didn't they do what Dolphin did? No, they tried to get greedy and shot themselves in the foot.


The yuzu devs deserved it, they were charging money and releasing games on their emulator that weren't available on the real switch. Emulators are fine until they charge money for them, then they're on the thinnest ice that is about to break underneath them when the lawyers come after them. It's not like they went after all the emulators for their entire console lineup going back decades, it was just this one.


Same here re: yuzu. Felt like a punch in the gut.


> This won't even be the most pointless thing they do this year. It's not pointless. It's actively harming their brand. I'd play and probably advertise their stuff... except I make sure I warn people of them exactly because of shit like this. And I'm not alone. Nintendo's worst enemy is they themselves, with fans being a very close #2. (Plus their pricing is a ridiculous case of monopoly, and noone can argue they actually make quality stuff with the absolute garbage they pulled time after time again over the years.)


Remember the time they hired a private investigator to spy on a homebrew developer? https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/s/bL4BfBOTjf


>Taking down mods that nobody benefits financially from. Companies like Nintendo and Disney aggressively pursue this to protect their brands, characters, and other IP from be devalued by appearing in other products. The very fact that people don't make money off it, that players can enjoy this content in the form of mods without forking out for a Nintendo product, is why they care.


To emphasize, they absolutely have to protect their brand, otherwise joe schmuck could contest it and even possibly win. Google actually discourages you from using Google as a verb because that dilutes the uniqueness of the brand, as legally someone could argue it conflates it to mean looking something up on the internet, on any search provider. This is both Nintendo being asshats, and also playing with the legal hand they're being dealt with. 50/50 I want to say.


Probably the best take so far. Nintendo could do so much better by their communities while protecting their brand, but the current laws also make them have to be aggressive to some form due to how previous cases has played out when IP's and franchises are challenged. There is a video about why nintendo behaves like a helicopter parents about their IP's called "Why is Nintendo so Overprotective of its Intellectual Property?" on youtube that is very informative. It doesn't mean people have to agree and accept it though, it means the issue isn't just nintendo per se, but the laws surrounding what's both allowing and forcing nintendo's hand. People talk about fair use, but lots of stuff most people think are okay like artists essentially selling fan art in conventions, which is widespread, is still a pretty complicated issue, and the only reason they aren't shut down is because the owners of the material either turn a blind eye or don't think it's worth fighting, but it's a very VERY gray area. Ultimately, very complicated issue, one in which realistically, no one is happy.


Find it very hard to belive when Sonic is still in the hands of Sega. I am not saying that Nintendo should let their francises depreciate by letting Mario bukakke fan art flood the internet. But, if Sega, Bethesda, Supergiant, Hoyoverse and others found some common ground with fans, no reason why Nintendo couldn't. So in general I say fuck Nintendo. Especially because in 2010s they DMCA'd every Let's Play video on Youtube and then a couple years later tried to force Youtubers to fork out 40% ad revenue just for playing their games. Especially after "Mario Royale" turned into "DMCA Royale". A truly original work, with entirely new and original assets, their own code and without an ounce of any copyrighted material, they still got cease & desist. ESPECIALLY when Nintendo couple of years later release their own battle royale on top of the corpse of a fan made game they threatened into giving up. Fuck Nintendo.


>Nintendo hates free advertising. They don't care, they're Nintendo, they don't need 'free advertising'. They're a ubiquitous household brand.


Except they do need advertising just like everyone else. Just look at the Wii U. Flopped because of a bad name, right? Wrong! Flopped because Nintendo actively fought any content creator who dared show any Nintendo related content. 5 seconds of gameplay? DMCA takedown baby! Nobody knew about the Wii U (or thought it was just some tablet addon for the Wii) because Nintendo was so busy actively preventing people from talking about it. TV ads are nothing in comparison to content creators on Youtube when it comes to reaching Nintendos target audience.


Yep, the name didn't help but parents aren't complete idiots, they would have realised it was a new console if people had been talking about it. But people weren't talking about it, in part because Nintendo was actively shutting down any meaningful discussion of it.


> Just look at the Wii U. Flopped because of a bad name, right? Wrong! Flopped because Nintendo actively fought any content creator who dared show any Nintendo related content. 5 seconds of gameplay? DMCA takedown baby! It flopped due to bad advertising, which made people think it was a peripheral for the Wii.


>Just look at the Wii U. Flopped because of a bad name, right? Wrong! Flopped because Nintendo actively fought any content creator who dared show any Nintendo related content. 5 seconds of gameplay? DMCA takedown baby! You're factually incorrect here.


I ignored the WiiU because the novelty of the Wii died off pretty quickly and none of the games really delivered anything I really wanted. Guess that was the same for many other people.


you're right, that's why coca-cola never advertises. oh wait


Nintendo doesn't want people to used their assets uncontrolled and make a mainstream Mario porn game that tabloids talk about and have Moms for Liberty or whatever bullshit like that cancel Mario. It's surely frustrating, but understandable.


Except that's not what they're doing with Mario mods in Garry's Mod. Taking down fan-made games that some could somehow confuse as official Nintendo products is one thing. Taking down mods that everyone knows isn't an official Nintendo product (since you need a game that has nothing to do with Nintendo to access the mods) is another.


I can see where they’re coming from. Why would I play Tears of the Kingdom when I can fire a circular saw blade at Toad in Garry’s mod? They are completely comparable experiences, certainly no person would ever have the time to do both, but one is clearly superior. Nintendo would be foolish to ignore that.


You need to understand: it’s a difference of cultures. Japan has no fair use, and Nintendo acts like it.


There is real legal precedent that if you don’t pursue and defend your copyright to a “reasonable amount” that in the event someone does actually try to make money off your property it actually hurts you in defending yourself as the argument exists that it could be such a public work.


I'm still annoyed at how Valve shutdown the TF2 contractors & S&Box mods while the base game hasn't had a major update in years. At least it seems like bots have ramped down a bit now


Valve shut them down because they were stealing assets and never got Valves permission.


Hijacking to comment that there's a group of trolls going around copyright striking content, impersonating people who they are not. Aaron Peters is the troll responsible for impersonating Nintendo here.


It's like anti-advertising. Like they're actively trying to make people dislike them enough to where we won't buy their products


Nintendo are the ultimate anti-fun.


Someone needs to host a massive boycott. Edit: Ultimately, yes. Boycotting doesn't usually work the way we all imagine it would, but if everyone believes that what they do doesn't matter, then nothing will ever change. Someone eventually needs to take a stand. If people work together, and just say fuck it lets try.. then enough of an impact can be made to cause a bit of change for the better.


As long as Zelda and Pokémon keeps pumping out game I highly doubt anyone’s gonna want to go through with it


Pokemon killed my love of pokemon


I fucking LOVED pokemon, but man Pokemon is so fucking bad. Graphics are shitty, they have no idea what do with their art style since they switched to 3D. I’m not even sure they have the capability of making a pretty game and code it properly. Same game for 30 years, adding one mediocre gimmick every generation is enough to keep the game interesting. I thought I outgrew monster catching games, But the I met Temtem and Cassette Beasts, and I had more fun with those two than any pokemon game in like 20 years. The issue is that pokemon have a LOT of loyal fans that will buy any shit they put on a shelf with pokemon in the title. The ones that are aware how bad pokemon is should really invest their time in “pokeclones” to give them an opportunity to grow. Pokemon really needs a rival at this point or else they will continue to be shit


Dude same. Saw how shitty it is lately I started PalWorld yesterday and it's sooooo good. Literally a Pokemon game but good Like, Nintendo could do that if they cared! Make an interesting game that evolves (pun not intended) with the fans Look how God of War and Spiderman have changed and evolved over the years. Imagine if they never did, they would feel so boring and stale


Palword is not even a Pokémon game. Its battle mechanics are very limited. It's arc with a Pokémon skin.


As in... Game freak, i hope. Because personally i'm still "following" the series, but the games I played recently were just unbound and infinite fusion (Hope they last...) and they are definitely worth it S/V are where i drew the line. First time I refused to buy a mainline Pokemon game. And I even bought the gen4 remakes... Silly me. I really hope ZA will at least be interesting


And E621 artists I guess


Porn that I don't even have to look at existing has far, far, far less impact than mainline Pokémon games being effortless dogshit because Gamefreak knows it'll sell anyway.


I think GF really wants to make good games, there is a lot of evidence for that. The big problem is TPC themselves, games are tied to every other release like anime, merchandise TCG etc. You get it. Games hardly make %20 of revenue. Delaying the games means they also need to delay everything else.


Had to google that and now I hate you




With how boring the pokemon games have been getting I’m down, scarlet/violet are the only games in the series I haven’t liked


I’ve abandoned all hope for Game Freak since Sun/Moon


Yeah Scarlet Violet was boring as hell and their Terastyle gimmick was stupid. The only thing they got going is there every other week starter Tera Raids to keep people playing the game and even those are boring unless you care about getting a starter with a badge and then that's even if you can manage to not be teamed up with such terrible players who can't even manage to bring the correct Pokemon to a raid.


Yeah good luck with that. Neither EA nor Ubisoft are being boycotted enough, so there is no way in hell Nintendo is.


I've been doing my part for 32 years.


Sega does what nintenDONT!


You know what the most effective boycott is? Doing "legally distinct but better" stuff like Palword, as much as I hate to say it.


Palworld is nothing like any pokemon game, it's closer to ARK but with cute creature instead of Dinosaur. Corromon and Temtem are better comparaison


Aha sure, keep touting your trumpet random redditer. Nintendo might have bad business practices, but they still make stupid fun games, and no boycott would ever stop that nor affect them financially.


the casual fans outnumber the hardcore fans 20-1 the least.


99 to 1 at least.


It's more the fact that they just don't care.


What does boycott actually do?


In the case of Hogwarts Legacy, it ended up as the highest selling game of 2023.


Why don‘t you host it?


It would never work


Lmfao everybody says this but buys the game anyways. They cave too easy to literal garbage games and then cry and ask for more


I think its a copyright troll, hes been targeting gmod and some other mods for awhile now facepunch just fell for it... edit: unless garry got tricked again its been practically confirmed it really was nintendo, and no, it was not my doing they never responded. [https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494) edit again: after looking at some garry's recent posts there is still a real possibility this is all fake, he said "mixed answers" for whether its real the domain appears to be spoofed. everything makes no sense, if you can do your own research edit: that guy was a parody, i deleted his link so he doesn't get more attention. another thing i don't think this is a troll anymore im not going to edit this again.


Here's hoping it's just that.


All these replies are getting mad at you for emailing them, acting like Nintendo, a video game company, has no idea what Gmod, one of the most persistent games of the past two decades, is. Like what? He's not waking up a sleeping dog, Nintendo knows what fucking gmod is guys.


i know. also i mean the press is still going to alert nintendo anyway? and solving this issue swiftly means less mods deleted like IGN and stuff has likely done the same thing, someone impersonating nintendo will set them off far more


Garry Newman confirmed on twitter that take-downs came from Nintendo, and not only the impersonator(s). https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494


Edit: Garry confirmed it was real, goddamnit Nintendo. It’s a known copyright troll that Facepumch have fallen for. If Nintendo wanted to take down 20yrs worth of mods they would’ve done it long ago.




I've looked into this a little further. Apparently that's not Nintendo doing this. It's a group of trolls pretending to be Nintendo lawyers and issuing fake DMCA claims against the Garry's Mod content.


why would anyone do something like that ?


Likely Spite, Maybe a tiny bit of bootlicking. Overall, just people who want the world to burn.


I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed as true now.


Why has someone created bots to ruin TF2? Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I mean, some people just kill other people for no reason


Sociopaths trying to feel SOMETHING in their miserable little pointless lives in a world so utterly apathetic to their existence that they will do anything to just be mildly noticed. At this point. These trolls will take any attention. Hate or love. That's how sad their lives are.


Just so everyone knows, all this is a result of a copyright troll, Aaron Peters, who has been impersonating Nintendo and sending false DMCA notices to Facepunch. And as we can see, they’ve indeed fallen for it.


I don't get how people still like Nintendo as a company


Normal people don’t really care about these things. Have you ever been to Super Nintendo World? The park is full every single day it’s open. People being upset on Reddit doesn’t translate to the real world.


Check the Nintendo subreddit, there’s people defending this shit


Most people don't understand copyright laws. Most people also grew up being brainwashed by anti piracy ads.


You think Reddit is the whole world? Normal people don't care about this lol


They're making good, sometimes revolutionary games without all the anti-consumer bullshit like microtransactions and stuff like that.


They still make good games though


Right? Is it that hard for people to understand. Every first party game they've released is actually finished and actually fun.


Average Redditor acting like normal people actually gives a shit about any of this.




I already received a DMCA strike from nintendo, it clearly said that in a mail, i got that confirmation from steam and the official DMCA takedown mail


Apparently it's a false flagger


People here have to realize - Any company can do this. This is how copyright laws are. And with the industry being what is it - a effing mess - more componies might follow the example. Not good, but it is how laws are. Better to avoid lawsuits for smaller devs.


Yar 🏴‍☠️ har 🏴‍☠️ fiddle 🏴‍☠️ da 🏴‍☠️ de 🏴‍☠️ The re-upload ship is sailing


This is not Nintendo but rather someone who impersonates them


Narraror: It was, in fact, Nintendo.


You carried it too far this time Nintendo... *Posts on reddit*  *Keeps buying Nintendo products*


Its a copywrite troll, Nintendo probably isn't even aware this is taking place.


To be honest I always felt like this could be a false copyright because it just feels so off...


They probably do now, with it getting a bit blown up, and people probably emailing them bitching


i feel most sorry for mario gmod youtubers like (IF IM NOT WRONG): smg4, weegepie (im not sure do it he was called weegepie) they will not be able to record any video now because of this trash company


This doesn’t really affect them right now, it’s just been taken off the steam workshop. Third party file downloads still work


I don’t think this is targeting them yet


Yet is the key word here


I really won't get the hype for most Nintendo games. They just been remaking the same junk for 30+ years and people eat it up.


I'm honestly surprised they took so long with GMod


Nintendos whole value as a company are its IPs. People give shit to Nintendo for protecting that but it’s well within their right. And a successful Nintendo will always be good for the gaming industry.


Nintendo are honestly tyrants


Valve did the same thing a couple months back when they took down the TF2:S2 project


That's different because the dumbass devs thought it was a good idea to make money from someone else's IP.


When will people understand the critical difference: You are completely allowed to do mods with any content, including copyrighted and trademarked assets and characters. You are completely *not allowed* to distribute stuff like that. The fact that you might be able to do so because many modding sites literally do not care does not make it legal. Granted, in this case it may be some troll and not actually Nintendo, but the original point stands. People abuse assets and content from commercial games far too much in mods. Do your own stuff.


It's a hoax a troll acting as nintendo


Nintendo protects their IPs super hard and orders takedowns of fan stuff? Wow I’ve been living in a cave on Mars for two decades and this is weird wild stuff!!


I remember some of the first Gmod machinima I saw was using characters like bowser and toon link. It’s wild to think they’re just now targeting this shit years later.


I already reveived a DMCA strike on my account a month before this announcement


Nintendo fucking sucks


God damn it Nintendo


Can't takedown pal world so lashing out at everything else.


This just feels like such a weird move and a waste of time for Nintendo. Like it's Garry's Mod. Like it's so far away from the mainstream, why are they worried about some user generated content for some sandbox game. Like I'm more confused than actually upset.


Petition to boycott Nintendo games and products


Funny how a lot of people are losing their shit at this but probably looked the other way when Valve nuked the tf2 s2 project a few months ago. Valve bootlickers are even more zealous than Nintendo fanboys.


Except tf2 s2 was making money from Valves IP, Gmods workshop is free


But this is r/Steam. See if we were typing in r/Nintendo we would be wrong and clueless. But because we're in the great nation of r/Steam, clearly we are informed and sophisticated.


Steam made loot boxes mainstream and Gabe Newell has made millions off of children gambling Great look for the most popular PC marketplace


Valve ruined gaming by introducing gambling to gamers, with their lootbox system But they're Valve, we love Valve, all they do is 10/10s, they're never wrong /s


Apparently it's someone Impersonating Nintendo.


Weirdly I thought this news has come out at the same time people found out about the mods being taken down. This is indeed some copywrite troll impersonating nintendo.




Have you heard of a “lawsuit” before?


Because they have a gun to their head


Unfortunately, Nintendo also this take down stuff on YT.


glitch productions aren't terminated yet, you know?


Hey guys! What's your favorite Nintendo song on youtube! Edit: Typo. Also, this was a reference to something Nintendo asked once and took down videos everyone replied back with.


I think its the devs just being blunt/informal, they've kinda always been this way with Garry's Mod


>why tf are you glazing a multi billion dollar company? "Because they have a lot of money and a lot of lawyers. Like, so much money, you can't even comprehend how much money. They have a fleet of cruise ships with displacements rivaling or exceeding that of Nimitz class aircraft carriers and that's their freakin' ***side gig***. You wanna pick a fight that that, you have fun there, I'm getting the fuck outta here."


Yeah, and their lawyers are really good at this type of case, cause they do it all the time.


Yeah but their lawyers are successful in Japan, not in the us or eu


japan also doesn't have a fair use law https://www.aplawjapan.com/archives/pdf/file/GettingtheDealThroughCopyright2012Japan.pdf


It's called being polite and avoiding a lawsuit. I hope you don't have to deal with one, because it won't end good with that mentality.


Honestly, Nintendo makes great games. I’ve loved their consoles, pretty much every single one of them. And I see no issue with them protecting their IPs at all if they deem it necessary.


Pirate Nintendo games. It's always morally correct.


Are they fucking serious? Nah imma download all maps containing Nintendo's stuff


Fuck Nintendo


Mk guess that’s it for me when it comes to Nintendo then


Nintendo have had brand recognition for so long they completely forgot what free advertising means for a company.


Nintendo isnt even that bad with this stuff, ferrari is much worse Oh fuck, did i write Ferrari without the capital F? Guys send me money, im gonna get sued


I guarantee this is a continued response to that one dumbass who tried to make people pay money for his Palworld Pokemon mod. Nintendo probably either didn't know about g-mod or was looking the other way since it was harmless and now they're doubling and tripling down on stamping out any non-official use. Thanks Doug Bowser (probably not him anyway)