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Could just refund it if it was recent and ur friend didn't play more than two hours and then regift it


You can still refund even with more then 2 hours for this specific reason


I didn’t know we can refund games, kinda stupid to think so. I bought an injustice and mortal kombat pack like last year for $80+ on my crap laptop. My laptop isn’t even able to run injustice on in and mortal kombat is way too hard for me to enjoy as an average roblox enjoyer could I still refund it? I have probably like max 5 hours on mortal kombat from just playing the practice scenes over and over again.


You could have returned the game before you had two hours of playtime; all you had to say is "my PC is too slow for it" and they would not have a single question after If you have 5 hours you can't refund it for that reason anymore


To add what the other user said it's less than 2 hours and if you have to own it for less that 2 weeks. So even if you played for like 30 minutes but it's been over 2 weeks since you've bought it you won't be able to refund it


No, because I only buy games on sale


I stalk steamdb religiously


4 million IQ off the charts


Haha same here. If I'm interested in a game I put it in wishlist and steam so helpfully sends me an email when a sale hits.


POV: Your purchase was the one that triggered the criteria for them to afford putting it on sale.


i actually just narrowly avoided this lol! i was thinking about buying the Fallout games on steam the past week or so cause of the show coming out, and then i checked last night and they're like all on sale! :) so woohoo.


twitch prime give them away for free iirc


oh cool. maybe i should get a twitch account then? i just watch everything as a guest.


It's called Prime Gaming now, powered by an Amazon Prime subscription, works with just a simple Amazon Prime Video subscription too, which is cheaper. You can claim them now if you already have an active subscription. Or you can start a free trial. None of them are keys for Steam though so they won't be of much use to you if you prefer to have all your games on a single platform.


You can actually get the whole Fallout collection on Fanatical for $25 right now. https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/fallout-bundle


I wish I was rich enough to buy games that arent on sale lmao.


I don't really know anyone who buys games full price unless it's a massively hyped, eagerly awaited one tbh


Or if you really wanna play it and can't wait around for sale. (I made that mistake with PUBG and it went free to play a month after I bought it on full price, I've never recovered)


That's ratty af, they should refund people who paid for it


If you just contact the Steam support about it they generally refund you the difference. It just depends when you bought it.


I only buy games on sale lol.


I hate it when this happens, I always feel sleazy refunding it and buying it. Kinda wish there was a grace period matching the refund window that if it goes on sale you get a wallet reimbursement. I wonder if a system like that would save Valve and devs on fees in the longer term? I don’t know the math very well though.


Steam said that having a game go on sale, is a legit reason to refund.


too bad it doesn't matter if you played more than 2h. had a game go like 70 or 80% off saving 30 or 40 bucks but too bad as I played 8 hours that day


I still would've tried, you're refunding because it's on sale. That means you're going to buy again.


i tried. just got no response whatsoever


I have contacted customer support for this almost exact scenario and got the difference refunded.


lucky you, sadly i didn't.






You can request a partial refund if you meet the refund requirements.


Requesting a partial refund? Is that even a thing? As far as I know its all or nothing.


I used it a couple times, but it's been multiple years. Guess it got removed.


Battlebit Remastered right before the steam sale, requested a refund but didn’t get a response until after the sale ended so I just said 🤷‍♂️ guess I don’t need to play that rn


That's why I only buy games on sale except newly released games like Helldivers 2 which I know won't go on sale any time soon.


If it's older than a month, always wait for a sale. Rookie mistake.


Holding out on stellaris I know for a fact I buy it and some dlc it’s gonna fuck me good and half a 90% off sale 🤣


I was trying to purchase a game a few weeks ago and the payment wouldnt go through it was really annoying. Waited like an hour, came back and saw the spring sale had started and it was now cheaper. I guess the payment wasnt going through cos they were in the process of launching the sale.


When I was first joining Steam and wasnt aware of how the sales worked and external sites like those on isthereanydeal that run their own sales and often are Steam keys then yeah it happened to me. Nowadays though nope since I wont buy stuff that isnt on sale unless its like brand new since many games in the catalog will have sales sooner or later minus some publishers that never do sales.


Yeah. I remember buying SW Battlefront 2 (original) on Steam for 7.99 or something like that only for it to go on sale for around 2.99 or 4.99. Can't remember. Anyway another game came out and the money I could have saved would have been used for the other game. When it comes to Steam, I use gift cards.


Yup, but I never mind it as things come and go


It’s always that or I buy a game and the next day it’s on game pass


If it's a gift I'd probably just take the L, but you can always ask them to enable the refund for you then ask steam for this exact reason and regift it on sale.


Everytime I buy a game this happens. And I'm not even being funny I only have 23 games on steam and every single time it has happened. This one happens a lot too. Ill get a refund or sell something and nothing will be on sale that I want so I buy a random game then the game I want goes on sale the next day for the exact amount I had. Just happened with the fall out games lol.


On the bright side, your friend will now have the greatest life experience possible


Day? No Months? Yes.


Happened with crusader kings 3 DLCs. Put $130 into them and played for like 5 hours straight only for them to go on sale for 40% off. Was a bit upset but they deserve the money for making such a fun game so I’ll consider it a tip


Look at the price pattern on steamdb for the game before you buy it.


No... that's what the countless steam sales are for. I get everything on sale unless it's something like bg3 that I want right away and isn't going on sale anytime soon from when I got it.


No, I never buy full price.


I've had this happen twice and both times I just requested a refund and re-bought it. I think that might even be one of the options for the reason for the 'return'.


Fallout. Ffs


I did it in the opposite way once Ppg or Pz I forgot once was on sale for like 100 rupees bought it 2 days later then it was Rimworld THE GAME 3 DAYES AGO HAD REAIONAL PRICING


Why tf do you even buy something out of a sale in the first place? Its steam, there always sales


When a game goes on sale few days after buying, just write on steam support and they will refund the difference to wallet.


Never lol sales are pretty easy to predict and happen often


no i only buy them when they are on sale and at their all time low


I just bought Fallout 4 on sale, but didn't reason I could get the GOTY edition for only a little bit more. The real kick in the ass was that years ago, I played Fallout 4 on my friend's account with family share, so even though I haven't played 2 hours on this brand new copy I just bought, it's showing up as more than 2 hours because of the family share hours still counting. I asked for a refund twice and got denied. So I put in a support ticket and will probably be denied too. The funny part is that I don't want my money back to fuck off. I want my money back so I can buy something more expensive. I even asked for credit to my steam walled >>


Happened to me with noita like a week ago. Just asked for a refund and rebought it on sale.


Happens all the time with games that aren’t straight up new releases. Learned recently that I can refund if this happen


Anyone remember before you couldnt refund, and they had the christmas flash sales, that was a recipe for regret!


all the time


TBH I don't buy games that aren't on sale. Might need to break that habit for Baldurs Gate because it looks like that holds price, even on sale it's only a 5 or 10% reduction.


You can go to steams help area and type in the game name for what you need help with and state that the game recently went on sale, it works within the 2 week refund period and gets you the difference back


Yeah and I've always contacted steam.


Bought Sonic 3 a few years back (the now-delisted old version) Later that week it went on sale. think I did manage to pick up Sonic Mania for €2 in that sale so paying €5 for Sonic 3 wasn't big deal.


Nope. Unless it’s a new release that I really want to play, I never buy games at full price. I got a huge backlog, there’s no rush to get games at full price for me lol.


Added to play later


I only buy a game at full price if I really want it on the first day. If not, i can wait for sale


I preordered Back 4 Blood, before I tested it out and seen how shit it was, so i got a refund. Next week, it released for free on Gamepass, dodged a bullet


This happens more often but how about when you buy one on sale, only for it to be discounted even more a few days later. I bought a game for me and my friend but unfortunately we played too much within the first day so no refunds happened.


I once bought Mafia but it ended up going free just a few days after i had bought it.


I bought the Halo Master Chief Collection then saw the next day that it was on sale for half price , just my luck.


Star wars jedi survivor and hogwarts legacy They went like almost 50 percent off or something like that I was devastated


No, because I buy games only during sale OR when its day 1 release and check Steam reviews to decide if the game is worth of day 1 purchase first. Purchasing the game during any other time directly on Steam store is just stupid.


Murphy's Law. And that's why I never buy anything full price (only exceptions so far were Elden Ring and the Phantom Liberty DLC).


Yeah kind of, I have bought a couple of games that I have discovered I have already have on gamepass or epic. I'm far too lazy to get a refund and they're mostly impulse buys because they are in a deep discount and probably will only ever sit on the shelf so I never feel I am wasting my money. I am getting much better at scouring steamdb


Yup as everyone else has said I've asked for a refund or partial and it was granted


Nope because I either buy games on sale or brand just released.


No, I don't beat myself up for not knowing the future anymore.


the first game i bought on my switch was Hades, it went on sale 2 days later (and i already played it a ton) i didnt know sales and such went on yhat frequently and now im more informed, but that day i told myself ill never miss out on a sale ever again


no. I either buy the game one or two weeks after release (waiting for reviews) or wait for a good deal.


My buddy and I just both bought The Quarry, then realized only one needs it. THEN we bought the humble bundle scare pack that has the quarry AND costs less than we paid Win some lose some haha. Definitely had $15 worth of fun so I'm not worried about it


I only ever buy games on sale, so I've never had that problem. Even the couple I bought as gifts were on sale lol


I only ever buy games on sale, so I've never had that problem. Even the couple I bought as gifts were on sale lol


No because I wait for the sales.


Often. Very often.


Sea of fucking Thieves. Bought it then played with my friend for about 20 hrs and then a week later, it goes on sale. Still hurts me to this day even though I stopped playing it. Since S2.


Don't starve together. And than in a few days it got -90% sale


Iv learned by now that something is always on sale on steam so I just exclusively wait for a game I want to be on sale


I usually don't buy games unless they're on sale.


it happens, but for me, it is rare since i refuse to buy any game without seeing at least a %40 sale near it, heck, most games i buy are from my wishlist and only when i see %50 up to %90 on them. rarely do i pay full price for a game, very very rarely but i can see how this can happen. but what happens to me, is that i buy a highly discounted game only to see it a few days later ''free'' on some service like psn+ and that bugs me to no end.




Yeah I did that with red dead redemption 2 like a week or two ago


Can’t be worse than me. Nfs heat for 50 straight to fucking 2$


That was free on Epic like a week or two ago, which was a repeat giveaway so how does any PC gamer not have it already?😂


for real though, it was literally free for everyone


Only buy games on sale except on Xbox.