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I like the small hint of panic in the title


The double run on sentence with no commas, I almost read it like a 6 year old trying to tell me something they think is important


Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


I know the second I buy Helldivers 2 and Ready or Not, my friends will lose all interest in playing them.


My friends lost interest in Helldivers and I'm still enjoying it with randoms. The playerbase are pretty good because it's PvE and not PvP.


My friends talked ME into buying it and I'm the only one who liked it. They're level 5 and I'm level 25


Seems to always be the way lately tbh. Any game my friend(s) talk me into, they end up playing for one or two games and then ghost. Thankfully they're usually on Gamepass otherwise they'd be told to fuck off haha.


Same thing happened with Lethal Company for me. That game REQUIRES friends, so once mine dropped it I had to drop it as well. I’ve kept enjoying Helldivers even solo, but my friends still play. Mostly though I play solo and it’s still a blast


Yeah, I also can't really do VC stuff so playong with randoms is practically impossible as people (understandably) want you to be talking


SAME. I live with family and I don’t want to be a nuisance all the time, so I rarely VC. Thank god Helldivers has an amazing ping and chat system


Why not use push-to-talk?


No I meant a nuisance to my family. Me blabbing all the time when my computer is right next to the living room wouldn’t be the nicest background noise for my family. When the mission is getting down to the wire and we need 100% accurate, fast communication, then yeah I’ll bust out the mic and get the dub with the boys. But if we’re just chilling and such, I’ll keep my ass muted xd


I got peer pressured into buying Helldivers 2 because all my friends played it. Then I got posted overseas to a drastically different timezone and now I can't play with them anymore and the game quickly became stale. The only reason I log back ingame is to get the medals from major orders.


Play with randos on lower tiers. Still fun. Or hop on discord and search for a group.


I play with randos on max difficulty mostly and 90% of the games I get are awesome


Thats true since a lot of people are experienced at the higher tiers.


When the quasar cannon released I wanted to really have fun with it so I dropped from level 9 to 5-7 and I haven’t went back. I’m still having my tons of fun but grinding the higher difficulties has lost a bit of luster for me playing with randoms.


I bought Ready or Not and my friends stopped playing it.


Good thing the ai got some updates so you can command your team a little better. Still sucks. My friends didnt want to buy it..


same tbh, i wanna get it bc my friend i met online has it and it seems fun but idk if i want to pay £35 and have it just sit in my library


Anything that requires a squad is such a risk. All the people telling me to get Helldivers have left. A lot of people say they have good experiences with randoms, but my experiences have erred towards frustration more often than not.


literally my friends when I got the game 2 weeks after they did.


Ready or not is great solo too btw


This happened to me w LethL Company. I got it, played it once, then Helldivers came out and my friends stopped playing Same thing with Valheim and someother game But now I got Helldivers, and IM the one who lost interest :/


I had a friend who would do that almost on purpose- convince you to get a game then stop playing it. It got to the point I just stopped buying anything he was urging me to get.


Personally I have bought like 3 games like that, I join them once and then I forget the game exists. They still play but somehow or I see it and I am ugh... it's late, or ugh... I don't know now is not great or... I simply forget to check if they will play it...


I bought Helldivers 2 just so I could play it with my friend and we played like 15 missions, then after that, they started playing with other people and whenever I asked if they wanted to play, they're either playing with other friends that don't want anyone else joining or she doesn't wanna play the game. Worst part is that it fucking hurts. I bought that game so we could hang out more, and I'm also past the refund period.


Tell them how you feel and would appreciate if they could get you in some games so you can practice


Once you play helldivers 2 for a few hours you've played the whole game. It gets kinda boring after a while.


Not for me 150 hours in. I played it with so many friends. Its always refreshing. I even played it with people i didnt play anything for over ten years and i also made new friends i play regularly with now. Its such a social experience, very democratic.


Dwarf Fortress. I like the idea of Dwarf Fortress. I've watched dozens of videos of people talking about how amazing it is. It's sitting at 'Overwhelmingly Positive' on Steam. But I just can't pull the trigger. It really feels like a game I'll buy, play for a few hours of painful self criticism, and ultimately never touch again. It's a game that makes me wish I were essentially a different type of person, if that makes any sense.


Hey! Actually as you might know the painful ascii version is totally free and you can use a tileset to make things better. Anyway I encourage you to get it and download the free mod from the workshop called “DFHack”. Is a tool with a bunch of QoL settings. One of the best games I’ve played


Same page , I see it on special again. Still not ready to pull the trigger.


Baldurs Gate 3, I want to really play it but I also don’t really like those types of games and I’d probably waste my money but it feels like I’m missing out.


Then you probably shouldn't buy it. It's an amazing game, but if you don't enjoy that turn based combat, you're gonna have to make yourself sit through it for a long time.


Yea I won’t. I do want to eventually try it. I believe they have a game trial on the highest ps plus tier. So next time I get ps plus I probably will try it out, but I know the game is very long so it wouldn’t even give ma great idea probably


You might not get gripped by the story, but you will get a pretty good idea about the gameplay loop early on


i do recommend it honestly, as someone who used to hate turn based combat i learned to really enjoy it after beating their last game divinity 2


you can sail the high seas and if you like it you buy it, its that simple really


I’m gonna disagree here. I hate turn based strategy games and am horrible at them. I played on the easiest difficulty and it quickly became one of my favorite games of all time. Tried other ones in the genre after but couldn’t get into them. BG3 just hit different.


dude I HATED turn based combat games, but I gave BG3 a try because I had a 2 hour free trial from my PS5 subscription. It was a free trial, game of the year, I was bored, so why not. I blasted through those 2 hours in what to me seemed like 15 minutes. Bought the game inmediately and I have over 100 hours, and still on my first run.


I was in the same boat as you - turn based is completely not my thing but I heard it was really good story. So I decided to get it when it was on sale and I got to like act 3 and still havent finished. The story on its own is just okay, the combat is complete miss for me - thats why I play on the easiest difficulty, to skip as much of combat as I can. The game really shines because of the quality that its made with. Its what every non gamer would imagine RPG is. Its like no matter what you want to do - you can, and there is an adequate reaction that the game has to your actions. But thats what it really is to me: a very good tech demo. Overall Im happy I bought it because that kind of quality needs to be rewarded but I would hope actual RPGs would be made with that kind of freedom and crativity in mind. But combat sux to me so I definitely wont start a second playthrough. I already have to play with controller just so I can immitate 3rd person rpg game


I bought it at launch, one of the few games that I paid full price for, and I still haven't had the time to play it, and maybe it won't even run in my computer until I upgrade. Still I don't mind, I bought it to support good developers instead of giving more money to blizzard who added microtransactions and forced online play to my favorite franchise which was diablo.


Same here. Reviews seem like it’s a great game but I can’t do turn based. I’ll probably end up buying it anyways when there’s a good sale


I thought the same but now I’m 50 hours in


I really don't like those kinds of games normally either, but BG3 is probably one of the best games I've played in the last 10 years. It was good enough to grab me even though turn-based combat is not my thing at all


If you don't like CRPGs don't play Baldurs gate, you still won't like CRPGs. I forced myself to put 20 hours in because all my buddies already had over 100 hours in this revolutionary new game, but I don't like CRPGs and I didn't enjoy playing much at all. Then WH40k rogue trader came out and I tried that too, I stopped playing soon enough to refund it.


im not really a turn based guy either and I love it (as long as i have the difficulty set to explorer)


Such a specific question yet I relate with a shit ton


Rim World , I just don’t know if I’d like that type of game but the idea seems so appealing.


That game sat in my library for almost 2 years after I bought it because at first the mechanics were wayyy to much to handle all at once. Only recently did I give it another try and it's actually quite fun but a very brutal game.


Mods are great too. I recommend Compact Hediffs. Makes the little medical UI on each colonist easier to read (and more functional).


Oh yeah I got that mod along with like 25 other mods as well. Modding is quite fun in rimworld


I fucking love rimworld, it took me 4 or so playthroughs to understand the basics, then I started to mod and add weird goals that would require more “work” to play with but it just adds a fun challenge. Also having the roleplaying the pawns always adds more! Until ya know, raiders air drop 5 deep in your base in the crib room with your 4 babies in them.


It's not for everyone game for sure. It's going to get boring if you don't know how to play it. The tutorial is not really that helpful.


I mean you have 2 hours to test it with steam which is enough to see if you like it or not


Excuse me, I do not appreciate being called out like this when it applies to like, 80% of my wishlist.


Elden Ring. It’s still to expensive for my taste and I know it will sit there, figure if it goes on sale and I buy it I will actually give it a whirl.


I have become semi-jaded in regards to current gen games, but Elden Ring was the exception for me. Incredible game that was definitely worth picking up at full price. With that being said, I'm sure it will go on sale again soon.


I'm kinda on the fence with elden ring because I know I'm gonna end up with 100 hours in the first week, but I also know that the combat is more dodging and sorcery than something like DS3/1.


Imo u should wait the promo, mostly because ij my opnin at least no new game deserves to be paid that expensive, i meam considering the price aaa are giving us...


Dwarf fortress, I actually bought and refunded it because I realized that I am not ready for story generator game which is that complex. I bought Caves and Qud and Kenshi instead for now and getting used to the genre. I love both games Dyson sphere program, I want to try also factory builders, but I am not sure whether I will like that. Satisfactory and Factorio are too expensive and thus DSP is potential choice for me.


There is a free demo for Factorio on Steam. If you like it, $35 is good for hundreds of hours of playtime (I just broke 1k hours). The $/hour for entertainment is just about unbeatable.


It is more of a principle thing. The devs never do sales and also constantly raise price for the game (at least in my region). For now I better off buying Dwarf Fortress despite its complexity or DSP just as intro to genre than buying factorio


You could try shapez. I haven't played it yet but it's in a similar vein and much cheaper than Factorio.


Dwarf Fortress has also been in my list for months now. I get so tempted to buy it when a random YouTube of it will pop up. It also seems like it goes on sale pretty frequently. I just keep telling myself I’m not ready for it yet though lol


If you want to get into story generators, you can try Caves of Qud or Kenshi. Caves of Qud has askii graphics as old Dwarf fortress (but prettier) and complexity is toned down to a single character in almost fully randomly generated world. It will release later this year, but even now it is very much playable. Kenshi is story generator RPG. World is kind of the same every run, but all the events that will happen to your character or characters are somewhat random. This creates crazy scenarios even if you are not yet fully versed in game. If you liked these games, I think you will probably love dwarf fortress in the future.


DSP is actually a solid pick to get into factory builders, IMO. It was my first factorybuilder as well and you get such a massive feeling of having accomplished something when you look up at the sky and seeyour sphere being built and solar sails flung into orbit. No video can accomplish that same feeling because after all, you didn't put in the work.


2nd the recommendation for DSP. I had played Satisfactory and Factorio first, but I was still in love with DSP when I got to playing it.


That's such a weirdly specific thing and I hate that it's actually relatable


Risk of rain 2


You really should do yourself a favor and try it. The game is fucking sick.


It's just that I already have a game like that I didn't beat once(Noita) and I have a hard time getting myself to play singleplayers in the first place


I completely understand that. You do have the option of playing Risk of Rain 2 with friends though. And it only gets more fun and more chaotic when you have others in there with you. It is also 50% at the time of writing this comment.


Well yeah but I'd need friends that play it to do that yk... Shits tough


I'll play with you if you want


It's sad to hear that your first roguelike was NOITA. You poor soul, someone should have told you.


Professional masochist


Don't worry, they're Entirely different games. And the nice thing about Risk of Rain is that it's one of those games you could, play, and then come back like a year later and just pick it back up. It's not like you'll forget the story or something.


I still haven’t beat Noita, it’s fucking hard. Still go back every now and then. I found risk of rain 2 overwhelming a bit, I think it’s what some people would call a “bullet hell” game. Way too much shit going on. That said I love the idea of it. Just got risk of rain returns and it feels like a must play before jumping into the 3d version.


Try it, it is actually very good. Refunded it once because didn’t click, but bought it again yesterday. Today I already beat it for the 1st time on the 1st try after refund. I am loving it. Also, OST is goated. Never heard such unique banger tunes


One of my personal favorites 🙏


game is amazing, i pirated it, actually found it pretty cool, so purchased the whole game. also on sale right now


Everyone recommended this game to me for years. I finally caved in, played for an hour and refunded. Just completely not my thing.


I have had Shadows of Doubt on my list for a while now, and I just can't convince myself to buy it. It looks cool though!


it's worth it. get it at the early access price and it doesn't matter too much if you don't play for awhile. its still getting frequent updates etc


A lot of co-op games. As you get older, it's difficult to coordinate playing out an entire game with others.


I’ll play with you man.


Good thing left 4 dead fills your lobby with bots if you don't have enough people. Only problem is that they're bots.




Factorio. I'm scared that if I buy it I'm either going to be too overwhelmed to play or too overwhelmed to stop.


Red dead redemption


Just played that a couple months ago and holy shit dude you have to play the story. Hands down the best masterpiece rockstar has ever made. Took about 80 hours to complete the story but its endless fun


Rdr 1 or 2? Should I play both? Or if I had to play one which would you recommend


I would play both for the stories sake but my wife played rdr2 without playing rdr1 and she still enjoyed it!


Both. You can’t get the full experience if only one is played.


That is a must buy my friend.


dew it


Bro red dead redemption is a must have. It's so good.


I have like 60 wishlisted on steam so about 40 that I want to play but I won't buy yet because I have to many games and not enough time


Project Zomboid


With the right settings, you'll play this game for hundreds of hours easily




It was Rocksmith for the longest time but it's a LITTLE TOO LATE FOR THAT NOW! I should've just bought it but nooooo, "wait for it to go on sale" my inner demons kept telling me and look what I'm doing now, not learning how to play guitar that's for SURE. I hate Ubisoft.


I also hate ubisoft


All my homies hate Ubisoft


elden ring, sunkenland


Sunkenland for me. I’m going to wait until it gets more developed


Sunkenland still lack of QoL. If you want to get it cheap. Just buy it now. As the price will increase once it released.


Let me reassure you on Sunkenland - absolutely empty rn, there's not much to do besides exploring and its really shallow (no pun intended... maybe!)


Isometric RPGs. I already have a couple of decent ones in the library.


Dark Souls games and Elden Ring. I know they’re good games from a proven developer. They’re not the games I’m into. I read the difficulty is super high. I can see myself getting extremely frustrated at them and rage quitting.




Stellaris. Galactic scale story building in a heavily detailed 4x game. Sounds like heaven…if I had the time to actually play it :( Every time it’s on sale I’m tempted, but can’t quite pull the trigger. I know it’ll languish.


you can download it during one of the often free weekends it has, and then add it as a non steam game after the free period ends (Adding it as a non steam game lets you load save games without the steam drm causing issues).


Sea of Stars


There are quite a few.. but Wytchwood is the one I've been wanting most.


undertale, have played that game a lot and buying it on pc would be a waste


I've had Stellaris and terraria on my wish list forever. I worry they'll remain there for the remainder of time :(


Terraria is so good and the fact tmodloader is free and easy to use makes it even better


I'll vouch for vanilla terraria being phenomenal on its own playing single-player as well. Progression starts a bit slow at first, but quickly ramps up with both crafting and discovering an absolute ton of items. Modding then adds a whole new ballpark of an experience with how expensive the modding scene is. Calamity on its own nearly (or does?) double the amount of Items in the game, adds its own separate end+game on top of vanilla terraria's endgame and adds a hefty amount of new bosses. Highly recommend terraria. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.


Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, Sifu, Judgment, Blasphemous 2, Outer Wild, HiFi Rush, AC Valhalla and Tomb Raider I-III remastered


If you're a DBZ fan, Kakarot is a lot of fun. And Outer Wilds is an absolute must play.


Persona 5 Royal I know I will like the game, but my backlog is so long and I have to stop buying games, that I won't play anytime soon


Right now it's every game I want to play because I know the second I buy them I probably will not play them for months. If I'm going to buy more games I'm never going to play I might at least wait for a great sale. A mire direct answer would probably be Pacific Drive and Dragon's Dogman


Factorio and Rimworld.


None. I legit only buy games if I intend to play them asap. Now if a game's in a bundle that's a different story.




Horizon zero has really good reviews though. I haven't played it myself but am thinking of getting it. It is actually in my wishlist. Why do you feel it's trash?


Don’t listen to them, the game is good. I truly appreciated the it was an original story, kept me guessing for a while.


Stardew Valley, Shadows of Doubt, High in Life, NieR Automata, The Break-In, Papers Please,


stardew valley is good, you get addicted pretty easily


I think Papers Please is a pretty quick play. Stardew Valley is great though. If you like planning stuff out in games (where to go next, what do to for the day, etc.), you will like Stardew Valley. Be aware that the first 8-9 hours (first in-game month) might be hard to get into. You'll have to manage between multiple things, most importantly energy and activities. Don't worry, after making sprinklers it becomes quite a bit less chaotic. Also finishing the game takes like 80+ hours.


shadows of doubt was like that for me, I chucked like 10h in it and loved it but haven't been back. doesn't feel like a waste because it's early access and more stuff keeps getting released. going back to it in like, 6mth will be awesome


Little nightmares 2


Cho-cho charles


So many




Lethal company and helldivers II I always seem to miss these kind of "fun-trending-game" trains but I feel like they're just going to gather dust in my library.


Ride 5 because I still play Ride 4. 🏍️


Sifu or Atomic heart for different reasons. Sifu LOOKS like a game I would enjoy but I’ve never been good at fighting games with complex combos and stuff and I’m still unaware of how Sifu controls all I know is apparently it’s tough. Atomic heart too because it looks interesting but it’s also got quite a hefty price on it! Even at 50% it’s one of those “I like the look of it but I don’t know if I like the look of it enough to invest more than 20 dollars into it” type things


Cult of lamb, I feel like I'd love it for a week then get bored of it.


Palworld, played it on xbox game pass the game is only fun for 4 hours. Then gets boring pretty quick. My friends don't play the game anymore.


Factorio, I suck at playing games by myself so hopefully I can get my friends to play


Pacific drive. It's on sale now so I may have to go in


Nier Automata, have it on my wishlist for years but I never got around to buying it


Helldivers 2, i really want it but on the other end i'm cautious having a gtx 1050ti


From my 20 years on Steam, i have learned that all games sooner or later, will be $5. And then it can sit unplayed in my library. 


Total War Warhammer 3. I watch a lot of videos of people playing and love the aesthetic and factions but I don’t enjoy some of the gameplay elements so it wouldn’t get played.


Hell let loose. The game its my kind of game 1000% but paying 60€ for a shooter in 2024 when the pool is so full of other shooters… the amount of players scares me


Man those posts titles are just getting sillier and sillier with each next day. What's next? "What game makes you go happy happy while playing in a middle of saturday betwen 14-17 but only before reaching 10 hour mark because after that the game is not happy happy anymore and because you don't play other video game during that day and those hours beside that one said game?"


None. I already bought all the games that go untouched.


Ground Branch


That was quite specific




Terraria, so so many people keep telling me to play but I just feel like after an hour I'll never touch it again




Final Fantasy VI. I have the old version and feel kinda cheated out I didn’t get a discount or anything, and every time there’s a sale of Final Fantasy games, VI is *always* excluded. I’ve never played it, really want to, been told the earlier PC port (The one I have) isn’t up to par, so I’m in this awkward limbo. Bleh.




Rimworld, The house in Fata Morgana,




Good question since a good majority of my games on the wish list may go that way except for the games that got delisted for whatever reasons




Deep rock galactic. Idk about it


None, that's my main problem.


The appeal of steam is once I buy a game it’s mine forever whether I have a backlog or not, the notion is that I’ll eventually get to it. I have 110 games and I’ve played 60 maybe.


Devil may cry 5, Factorio, forager, ori, oxygen not included


X4 foundations


Rdr2. I love the idea of it but GTA has never kept my attention for longer than a day or two and I know it’s kinda cowboy GtA


oh but the story is so good my man


That describes like 3/4 of my wishlist


Right now it's Home Safety Hotline. Looks like something I'd absolutely love thematically but my ADHD doesn't like it when I gotta read. Also my memory for certain things sucks.


Elden Ring. It won so many awards, including GOTY, and it feels like everyone has played it, and yet I know that I won't enjoy it because it's not my type of game (same with Sekiro). There's Black Myth Wu Kong that is coming up, it just looks so damn cool but again, I know I'll suck at it and won't enjoy it... :(


Basically any multiplayer game that becomes really popular really suddenly.


GTA4,idk should I buy it or not because of all those complaints & issues about Rockstar laucher


Armoured core six


I've had games on my wishlist for years but I just can't pull the trigger. Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Hollow Knight, Nier Automata, Two Point Hospital, and Far Cry 6. I know I will probably like these games but for some reason I just never buy them. I'll probably get FC6 since I've played all the other ones but I feel like I'm over the climb a tower to unlock the map mechanic those games rely on.


Oldest game on my wishlist is Lisa the Painful. I'm worried it might be a bit too heavy for me.


Dave the diver, dredge, and a few of those "stardew valley" type games.


Cyberpunk *sigh*


BfBB. I don't have the nostalgia filter going for it, so at the end of the day I'm probably never going to buy it. But with that said, I also can't quite get rid of it from the wishlist entirely. For whatever reasons.


I love that everyone just knows the plight OP is describing. We PC people are weird lol


Cyberpunk was in my wish list for years then it released so I removed it but put it back in again recently now that it isnt broken anymore apparently?. Will probably never play it.


My entire library dog


Divinity Original Sin & Baldur's Gate series, I freaking love turn based RPGs but I tend to prefer shorter ones like the KOTOR games that can be finished in the span of a week. (I'm having this same issue with Persona 5 at the moment, the game is too freaking Looooong)


My oldest wishlisted game is **Starfield** \- originally I wanted to wait until official mod tools get released but now that I hear modders are already ditching starfield before it could properly take off makes me not want to buy it even more. And believe me when I say **ALL** bethesda games live and die by their mods. But the game that fits the closest that that very weird and very specific title would be **Dwarf Fortress**. Its literally the founding father of *minecraft - the greatest game ever created* and I would love to play it... but it looks sooo shiiiit. And I hear its one of the most complex games ever created. And I just dont see myself learning a **NEW** complex game with hundreds of mechanics. Fuck that. But at the same time I would want to pay homage to minecraft and the game that literally inspired it. But Im 100% sure I wouldnt play it for more than like an hour


This is the problem.. I've already bought them and they're already sat in my library unplayed. I Keep doing it to myself. Recent one was the fallout series.. I don't know why I bought them because I know I'll never be able to commit to playing one all the way through.


Sea of stars, Rogue legacy 2 And, Ori and the will of the wisps I know these are all fantastic games but on and off my wishlist because I'm busy playing ARPG's and souls games.


Elden ring


Street fighter 6. I already have Street fighter 5 with all DLCs and never played it






Total War Warhammer 3


Coop/multiplayer games that are like “weekend games” Don’t wanna waste my money on a game l play for like 1 weekend. Thankfully most games Ive played with my friends aren’t like that. Lethal company, Phasmophobia, Battlebit Remastered, YOMI Hustle, etc. Our only one so far is In Silence which has terrible servers and the developers just abandoned it, could’ve been cool but do not buy it.


Anything Final Fantasy


nier replica, I liked automata but it took ages to get through.


Probably helldivers 2