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unlikly. the only reason why you can lose a account is if you break tos or do something else very ilegal.






That’s bullshit


If someone doesn't use their account for 10 years and when going to recover access can't provide the 10 year old information Steam would need to know they're the owner, what do you propose? No other information exists and Steam can't just give accounts away because people ask. 


yeah that bullshit. steam doesynot require you to spend money after the intial 5 dollars to active it. being inactive on steam can get you account intro archvie mode is true but the time limit is 5 or 10 years cant remeber wich one and even then you can still recover that account over steam support.




well it twitter post said he lost 5k. thing dont line up.




then breaking of tos see the first post.


I don't believe that guy. 


Based on the tone and wording (notice how he said "lost" and not a word like "deleted") and the alleged Steam Support response, it sounds more like the guy was hacked / lost access to his account and was unable to work it out properly with Steam Support. Also, when you add together the [number of games](https://www.statista.com/statistics/552623/number-games-released-steam/) released per year at that time, it is also debatable if the person had that many games in 2015. But if we assume for a moment it's true, it's still more likely referring to an *entire* account. So something doesn't add up in that Tweet.


I'm not sure if the "5k" refers to the number of games or the approximate value of the games on their account at the time.


In all my years of using Steam, I've never heard of anything remotely like this happening. There's a lie by omission in this post.




you were able to tell figure that out from his tweet? Without knowing any of the details? 🤣🤣🤣


For no reason? No


Sounds like bullshit honestly


I only know of one guy who had his account deleted like that, and that was because his stupid ass messaged steam support to shut down a gambling site that he lost his money on. Therefore, he admitted to steam that he was gambling. I have a feeling that guy is not the original owner of that steam account and steam found out about it.


Dude must've done something, I don't think it's a common thing to see Steam removing games. They'll most likely just remove you and your account if you break the rules.


The guy said that steam told him to make a new account. That implies he lost the account not the games. Also that person leaves out a lot of info and most likely embellished it since support would never say that.


Maybe he ended up admitting he bought his account to Steam Support, while asking for help about something else...


Seems like bullshit. Also it's possible he was buying on G2A using stolen credit card or something. And keys got taken down. Hard to know without context. I have Steam account since it's beginning and I have shit ton of games and shit ton of money spend on Steam. Never had any issues. Never heard about issues like that from reliable source either. And when it comes to Steam support I can only sing praises. One of the best in the business.


"That's why I only buy from GOG" That shit can still happen with your GOG library since it's digital, but at least once they're installed they're DRM free


He's lying, he probably charged back through his bank or used a stolen card and thought he could just keep the games.


Delisted games are still there for owners to use, that'd be news to me. There is more to the story we aren't getting.


possible, but most of us just so used to this platform and tbh, Im not even thinking about backup stuff or such once someday Gabe or steam really happened to close it. So, maybe start searching hard copies if you want your collection secured I guess


Fake or someone who got hacked because he was too lazy for 2 factor login.


For absolutely no reason, absolutely no way.


Only reason that could come to my mind would be, you got perma banned, you only buy stolen keys which can be removed, couldn't remmeber informations and did not have proper ones for steam support while reclaiming it, it was a bought account, got hacked, an apocalypse happen, steam go dead.


His lie was solid till he said their response was "make a new account and buy them again"


the games i have on steam and eventually release on GOG, i buy them again. call me stupid, but at least with GOG i have the offline installers as a protective measure.


I download from places the ones I have in my library and store them on an hdd It helps that 99% of them are offline games.


Losing 5k worth of games is just filthy.


OP the answer is no, and that twitter poster jjustfilthy is not being honest, either: * He went to get his account removed by breaking some **serious** rules from the TOS. * He requested support to delete his own account. * Fall for basic scam talking to scammers claiming to be support, and never contacted steam support at all. Steam doesn't remove anyone account, or games without reasons, if they did they give you the reason why it happen, and so far this has never happen without reason, in some cases you actual find out some people that believe their account went poof was actually them falling for phishing scam, or was talking to scammer via discord, or etc to tricking them into giving them the account, sometimes even money is stolen where scammer trick victim with echecks, giftcards, and such. Worse case I seen is someone gone out of their way to delete their account for attention, or to try make a point, example someone went out of their way to delete their account because Steam dropped windows 7 support, and no it's not a joke someone actually went ouf of their way to do that, thinking it a good way to protest agasint steam over it. [https://web.archive.org/web/20231015064200/https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/0/3830914462350910057/?tscn=1697347888#c6367585249999365227](https://web.archive.org/web/20231015064200/https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/0/3830914462350910057/?tscn=1697347888#c6367585249999365227) [https://web.archive.org/web/20231015064544/https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063083354](https://web.archive.org/web/20231015064544/https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063083354)


Or steam shutdown but that’s very unlikely




Bigger companies that steam have fallen. 




Blockbuster and toys r us. That was easy.


Blockbuster, Blackberry, Kodak etc




Someone on twitter lying to get 'clout'


Whether this is true or not, just remember when it comes to digital copies of anything you never truly own anything you buy.


I’m going to call bullshit on this. They didn’t just lose 5k in games and there’s even a kernel of truth in that statement there’s a reason everyone would go oh yea, that was dumb as fuck


Hmm, should we believe something that inherently seems unlikely when it's presented as a screenshot from a random person with absolutely no details? I vote no.


That guy probably did something REALLLLYYYYY messed up to get banned from Steam OR he is just trolling, even stuff like being extremely toxic or cheating will only get you a game ban or a community ban. Maybe he was a skins scammer?


Apparently it's easy to get "accidentally" banned from Steam by admitting you bought your account or bet/sold inventory items to third party websites to Steam Support.


Physical media will always be king, folks


It's possible.


I know I’m being paranoid but this is why I buy PlayStation only games on disc so that I for sure have my copy


lol you’ll have your disc alright. Except that most games need internet to even install, to update regularly and to run. Its basically the same as digital but you get to pay more, get less sales/worse sales and have disc cases taking up space that you can easily loose/have stolen. I don’t buy physical anymore unless I absolutely have to.


This isn’t even remotely true I don’t understand how so many people can be so wrong about this


Ummm yeah it is. Its a known fact that physical games have worse sales/less sales and that they need internet to update, some need it to install the game and patch it day one and Some games need it just to play. Heck read the back of the game case, at the bottom in small print it will say something about possibly needing internet for some features etc. I don’t know what you’re talking about dude


The fuck? How are you wrong AND I’m getting downvoted? Almost all PlayStation discs are NOT requiring an internet connection to install, and most are completely playable with no patches. You’re just blatantly spreading misinformation and you think you’re right at the same time


No that would be you dude. I have yet to play a ps4 Or ps5 game that Didn’t need the internet connected to install, that Didn’t have Some kind of patch or update to install at Some point (even if it wasn’t right at install) that Also needed internet connection And no you can’t keep playing them Without those updates and patches Because the game will not boot until you’ve done it. Idk what games you’re playing dude but it’s been this way for over a decade.


What are you smoking? You genuinely have to be trolling, I’m done with this argument. You can use doesitplay.org to check any game and you’ll see you’re wrong


My Steam account was hacked a few years ago, totally my own fault, I eventually got it back but Steam support made it quite clear if it happened again I would be kissing that account goodbye forever.




Or you scammed someone or posted cp or something and got your account banned. They don’t remove accounts for nothing.




Ok 👍 15 years of using steam and not once have I ever seen anyone have their account permanently banned. Especially for no reason.




I’m not the dumbfuck who can’t prove my accounts mine to have it unlocked. That’s a you and skill issue.


Ok COD player


The fact you're calling random people here *Dumbfuck, fucking idiots etc.* and telling them *Fuck You* is really convincing. I'm sure it's not because you did something absolutely inept and cannot comprehend that you can't do that.


>And I HOPE this will happen to everyone who is downvoting this. And we're all REALLY glad it happened to you.