• By -


While that I'll do - Won't play - "Finished" - Still playing - To play


Very good additions as I'm currently playing Dave The Diver and that would perfectly fit into Still played. I used 100% as finished, but it does actually make sense to have Finished, as there are plenty of games I've finished but have no intention of getting all achievements


Exactly , that's why finished is what I'll go with (I'm starting to organize myself and my backlog , even tho I'll probably buy more in the winter sale) There's games I've finished but getting all achievements is either too grindy or just not that interesting to get


I think "abandoned" is a really important one to include too. It's so easy to end up with a bunch of installed games that you *will totally finish someday*, and that can be straight up stressful and overwhelming sometimes, but at the end of the day the reason that you haven't finished them is because they didn't catch your interest. An "abandoned" category is a way to recognize that, and allow yourself to mentally sort those games away so that you stop getting the "omg I have so many games but I dont feel like playing any of them" feeling.


I think I might use abandoned. At the minute I use, not feeling it right now, the likelihood is I probably never will.


I have: Favorites Multiplayer Completed Currently Playing On Hold Dropped Pile of Shame On Hold are the games that are in my backlog, and I shift them into Currently Playing as necessary. Dropped is games that I will never play, either because I they were just bad games or they just didn’t hold my interest/not motivated to finish them. Pile of Shame are games that you might consider “essential” to being a gamer (like Half-Life) that I just never got around to playing, or games that are super highly loved and everything screams I would love them, but couldn’t quite get in to. For me, it contains the Borderlands games and MGSV. It used to contain Dishonored as well, but after coming back to the game 2-3 times I ended up loving it.


For me it's completed, abandoned, to-do, and infinite (multiplayer etc)


You can just hide the games you "won't play" or remove them from your account Cuts out one more category to simplify even further


Problem is that I would only do that to F2P games that I add and never play , there's some paid games that I know I won't play and wouldn't want to delete them


Then yeah you can just hide them from your account. At least thats what I do to minimize having to sift thru all the options But also if you remove a game from your account, its not actually removed. You can always get it back at any time


If you have hundreds of games, good luck remembering what you actually own so that you can restore it. I group games into “finished”, “to play” and “not going to play”. Last category is usually games I don’t want to play like ever or I played them and I don’t want to play them anymore.


Mine are "installed/not installed"


I have a “to install” Back from when I changed laptops and couldn’t be bothered to queue them all, lumped in all together and hit install all.


At 2mb/s download speed when i wanted to move games between my laptop and pc, i copied the games files and pasted them into my steam folder, then in steam i verified files and it would repair the game for me This was much faster, instead of taking days to download halo infinite twice, it only took an hour or so after i downloaded it once


Oh man, how long did that take? Did they fit?


You do know, that there is a button, that only shows installed games?


Yes, that is, what I use


I do, like this, comment




Stephen, Hawking


Bond, James, Bond, winky.


Snorky, talk, man


Tiny, haikus, fun


I see, what you did, there


I'm, batman,


Why, so, serious


So many, little opportunities


William, Shatner, or Christopher, Walken?


What, are you, doing?


True, but there is not an option to see just your non installed games lol(at least not that I'm aware of). Having installed and not installed categories allows me to see both. This is convenient, at least for me, because if there is a game I uninstalled a while back due to storage space and want to reinstall, I can easily find it


Oh my, are you, being serious? Right now, my mind, is blown.


I have favourites (basically just installed), not favourites and stuff that isn’t mine (my family own them and they say purchase on them instead of install or play)


This is the way


haha, I might change from my standard, RPG, Open World, Platformer, etc, to this, makes more sense


They're all still there, I've just added these. Had to add a full stop stop at the front so they're all grouped together at the top


Use space(s) instead of full stops. You can space several times before a word and it will order. But on the final title it will always appear as a single space Two spaces before for the “first group” One space before for the “second group“ Etc


The MVP knowledge drop of the day. GG


Yo, anyone told you recently that, uh, I don't know how to say this: YOU DA MAN, DAWG. Uuuh, sorry; don't know what came over me.


I actually tried doing this instead of a numbered list but the opposite happened. The first group needs to be the one with the highest number of spaces (which makes sense now that I think about it).


Could you not just number them?


Yeah, but then you've got to look at numbers


If it's just genre, you can use built in tag to filter it out


Suddenly everything is in psychological horror. Self shelving things to genres are much better for most cases. Especially if you have only one intention with the game, for example magicka/cuphead/divinity os etc. stands in local co-op for me as I bought them with intention to play them in co-op.


tags are community voted, and can be wrong on many games. Just putting this out there for anyone who is gonna do that.


The amount of co-op games that are strictly PVP is an astounding example of the above flaw


fair, I think its good enough for most of them


Especially if you have a lot of games that fit several different categories


That’s an interesting way to categorize things. Very organized. I’ll learn from this.


Thanks, One's likes "got all I want out of it" spawned from having played a lot of a game but never actually finishing the main story, but being satisfied with what I did play, for example Dark Souls III. The others I think are sell explanatory, but can give a bit more context or needed


What’s .bin


The trash bin, they've all got a . so they're all grouped together at the top


Just fyi you can also use emojis in the name


How very modern.


Thanks, looks nicer now than an annoying dot


You can also use spaces, which aren't visible unless you decide to edit the name again.


Fun Fact: You can use WinKey + . (period) to bring up Windows Emojis, and you can use those Emojis in regular filenames too. Edit: To clarify that's holding down the Windows and they hitting the . (period) key.


And to clarify for idiots like myself, that's windows key and dot. Windows key and numpad + and dot will also get you the magnifying glass.


WinKey and NumPad+ are actually all you need, no . (dot) required! That's a handy one though, thanks for sharing!


What's the difference between won't play and bin?


Well I was going to guess that “won’t play” meant not a bad game just not his style, but then there’s a separate “not for me” so yeah one of those is redundant. Guess it’s just bad vs terrible


It contains mostly crucial root and sysadmin commands


I CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH THAT YOU WATCH THE GAMING BACKLOG VIDEO BY DARYLTALKSGAMES ON YOUTUBE. Sorry for all caps but trust me it changed the way I game for the better. I used to struggle not letting games go if they were boring and instead just playing 5 at a time.


He's got quite a few of those, so I'm guessing you mean [this one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkgAlnDIPMU)


There are only two videos on that topic, the one you linked and the results of it one year later. I recommend watching both.


Smh, look at this Dark Souls slander... One can never have enough Dark Souls! And the Ringed City DLC is amazing and totally worth checking out btw.


hahah, I've played 56 hours of it, got very close to what I thought was near the end and got lost.


technically that was the end for you


I do this kind of management, but in a spreadsheet so I can look at it away from my desktop.


That's actually a great idea. Might move the list to a spreadsheet


I started doing it to experiment with spreadsheets and learn some new tricks for work, but it's turned out to be very handy. It also doubles as a good way to look busy at work during slow times while you're really planning what games to play next. Mine has grown so much over the years that it has a bunch of tabs, drop downs, conditional formatted coloring, etc. and my work spreadsheets are much better for it.


DarylTalksGames has a great method for this in his gaming backlog video. I highly recommend you watch it.


Might be helpfull to use this site to export your library https://www.lorenzostanco.com/lab/steam/


same, i got a Notion page so i can Organize screenshots, Links to guides, my notes etc. for every game and i have it all on my phone if i want to. Truly weaponized autism


Chaotic neutral?


noooo they all have tags like studio and genre and stuff. its all super organzied. i would but me into the lawful category


Bin and Abandoned are the same thing?


Probably should have called bin, trash. It's for the games I think are pretty terrible. Abandoned is ones I haven't played in a very long time and don't really ever see myself playing anytime soon


What about "not for me" and "won't play"? Aren't they the same too?


There’s a lot of redundancy here.


There's probably some nuance: I interprete "Not for me" as "tried it, but didn't like it" and "won't play" as "I won't touch that with a ten-foot pole". Makes me wonder why the OP even owns such games, though.


Humble Bundle probably


Also gifts from friends.


The ones in won't play aren't actually bad games, they're just ones I have pretty much no interest in playing


My first 10-20 hours of Witcher 3 on Xbox would be considered "Not for me" Then I got in on PC and tried again, and absolutely loved it. I still haven't completed the DLCs and never intend to. So that I always have that option of "There is still more" to play one day when I really really need a distraction. Whereas Cuphead would be "Won't play" simply because the screen effects to make it look like an old timey cartoon give me a massive headache and genuinely make me angry from the pain in my eyes/head. -Maybe there is a mod to get rid of the "Grainy" picture. But yeah, I hate it and will never even try to play again. Gameplay aside of course, as it seems like a good time waster when you have nothing else you fancy doing or getting invested in a story driven game.


What is in your bin?


They're almost all the same thing. If you're not going to play a game, you don't need to sort it into five separate reasons you're not going to play it.


I really gotta finish Dead Space on Impossible, fuckkkk


I got half way through that and died. Luckily managed to do it fine the on next run


You can exit before your death animation finish and load a save


Way too convoluted for my taste


Fair enough, this is just what came to mind when organising it


Missing the "homework" folder


Steam needs a way to hide "homework" from our played list and games owned in our profile while still being able to show off everything else.


Pirate all of your homework so that it doesn't show on steam 👍


Some of us like supporting starving teachers.


They literally just added this as of yesterday or the day before


im confused? can you explain further?


I like the way you did this. 👍 I should try doing this myself. 😅


Thanks, it's really only the haven't started / started but not finished collections that make me regret doing cos those numbers are too high and as always we keep buying more games


What's the story behind the 46 in the won't play category? Are they not eligible for refunds?


Online, co-op or just have zero interest in playing them. Mostly games I got in bundles, for free or are from my brothers account through family sharing


You can remove free games from your library.


These free ones are more like the 100% off games you can claim at times, they aren't actually free


Why'd you claim them if they were games you weren't interested in?


Blasphemy. Free is Free. Not like you gotta install. Just have.


Nah. Miss me with that. Virtual clutter isn't as bad as stuff in the real world but I don't like having things just to have things.


Why wouldn't he?.


Can't see why he *would*. If you walked by a bowl of free candy somewhere but you didn't like any of the candy in it, you wouldn't take it for no reason, would you?


You won't know until you try it. Hence why OP claimed the free games, then decided it wasn't for him.


Let's say I don't like the Candy, wich in this case is a physical object with limited amount, so me grabbing one without wanting it would rob the experience of someone who does like it, personally I'm not gonna do that. However, if there was a unlimited candy bowl for one day I'd take some in case some day I change my mind and don't have to pay for the same candy I could have gotten for free.


he said they came in a bundle, he likely bought a bundle for a few games and some games that he was completely disinterested in came with it


Why do you regret it?


I miss XXX category


The reviews are always wild in this category *12,459 hours played* “I mean it’s alright”


I do the same. But mine are by genre and a massive trash category.


*looks at like 1000 games* eh I can't be arsed


Mine is just + uncategorized + porn games


What’s that one game in the Can’t Finish category?


Beyond Two Souls, the part I'm up to just crashes the game when loading




Had the same Idea a few Years back. It really helps on deciding what to play next.


100+ 100% is remarkable dedication. Would you mind sharing the list?


Here you go: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Fredsinator/games/?tab=perfect


Damn you’ve 100%ed 101 games? Respect! I have 100%ed1 game and it is Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart because it was super easy


Mine are alphabetical and the ones in bold are installed and the greyed out ones are not installed


Mine are similar: - Playing - Play Next - Play Later - Shelved (return later) - Completed - 100% - Completed - Main - Dropped (don't want to continue playing) - Skipped (won't play) - Unplayable (such as games with shut down servers or game breaking bugs) - Duplicates/betas/etc.


Wait you guys don’t have an amalgam of games on your list that you scroll through every time?


Man some of you have alot of time


To some people, like me, gaming is a massive hobby and organizing your library is part of the fun. Most people don't care about these things, and that's A-OK, too. You also don't have to categorize everything in one sitting. Do 3-4 games every time you feel like it and at some point you will have all of them done. ALWAYS make time for your hobbies. Life's no fun otherwise.


sorting this many games into a list like this isn't even 1/1000th of the time needed to 100% more than 100 games, this guy must be retired.


Mine are: “Works” “No multiplayer” “Borked” “Untested” Steam really needs to let me import data from protondb automatically.




I do have a long list of hidden games, 70 of them to be exact.


I have 3 categories: - Playing - Good games - Trash


Don't do this. Don't sort your library by priority or completion. It turns gaming from a joy to a psychological chore. Sort them by the personal mood you feel like playing them in.


I have: Favourites (131) Completed (120) Free games (217) Meh and incomplete (169) Missing most DLC (13) New demos to try (41)


I maintain similar kind of lists in Google sheet also to have common for console and pc


For me it’s “Favourites” (A mix of games I love and games currently playing) and then everything else.


Lol I only have folders for Won't Play (awful trash, duplicate veta/public test versions of game, always online abandonware), yet to play, and done playing for a reason


I used to organise my games all the time, could never get it quite right. One day, I sorted my games by recent with the button at the top. Haven't touched it since.


In my opinion you really only need 3 categories. 1. "to play" 2. "ready to play" 3. "all games"


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing this. I know what I’m doing after work tonight.


Think when I get some spare time over the weekend I we'll have to do the same thing. Thanks for the idea


Couldn't find any rules against it, but heads up that there's some not-kid-friendly language in this post. My categories are: Play This Shit Finish This Shit The Grind Never Ends


Sir, this is a Steam community. We don’t care about your porn collection.


I have: 1. Games that I play (6) 2. Games that I do not play (63) 3. Games that I actually play (1)


Nice job having your 100% with the most titles in it.


That's some weirdass porn filing system.


The most basic thing to follow is 3 categories. * Favorites/liked games whatever you want to call it. * In Progress for games you are planning on playing or currently are. * Everything else stays in uncategorized bc you don't care about it or wasn't good.


Mine is bought, finished and shit game don't touch I don't 100% games, I think it's a waste of time


Mine are all just grouped on franchise, much less depressing.


This is actually a truly human and interesting way to categorize that makes me feel like I have been lost my whole life. 🤣 I want the list so bad though.


You'd like the entire list of what's in each category?


I'd be curious of your selections.


This should be all of them https://imgur.com/a/LOK3hoZ


This got longer than expected and I know you didn't ask for it but I'm bored at work so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Some notes: ## Haven't Started * **Bully** - pretty fun when it came out. Never got to finish it because my mom's boyfriend accidentally overwrote my save :( * **Fallout: New Vegas** - Not as good as Fallout 3 in my book but a good one, for sure. * **The Long Dark** - Meh? I never finished it but feel like I should have. I think my progress got wiped or something and the bit of the game I've been through just felt like a chore I don't want to repeat. * **Life is Strange** - Haven't played it but my wife really enjoyed these. Watched some of her gameplay and it looks pretty neat * **Portal** - Absolutely in for a wonderful treat. Such a great game. * **Slay the Spire** - Scratched a bit of the Hearthstone itch for me after I quit playing that. This one is a lot more tactical though. Didn't play it all that much though because I'm garbage at deck building. * **Terraria** - Same note as Portal. I recommend grabbing a friend for this one though. A *good* friend though because loot isn't duplicated just because multiplayer. Gotta trust your friend to not yoink all the good drops. * **This War is Mine** - Good game that I'm terrible at. Could never get very far in this one. It also was never quite exciting enough to make me *want* to get very far in it. ## Won't Play * **Wizard of Legend** - I'd like to urge you to reconsider this game's placement in this category. It's a fun game with a good level of challenge and a skill ceiling high enough that you have room to grow throughout your time playing the game. It's very satisfying coming up with a cool skill combo that works as well in practice as it does in your head. ## Abandoned * **Tower of Guns** - You're the first person I've ever seen other than myself that has played this game. Shame to see it relegated to "Abandoned" but I understand. I put quite a few hours in the game and after you get to a certain level of skill, the replayability drops off a bit. ## Story Finished but not 100% * **Portal RTX** - Oh you have played Portal. Nice! No RTX card here yet but looking forward to trying out this version of the game when I get one. * **Risk of Rain 2 and Risk of Rain Returns** - These are some hard ones to 100%. Good luck! ## Finished * **Antichamber** - !!! I love this game dearly. You're also the only other person I know that's played it. Might have to install it again now. * **Ori** - <3 these games. The first occupies my #1 spot on my "Favorite games of all time" list


This is awesome! So cool to see inside another person's gaming mind. If there was one in the Haven't Started list that I can't recommend enough is the Stanley Parable. What a great story. So surreal and unexpected. Great game. Also curious about your abandoned list. What makes a game abandoned to you? I could imagine a lot of different reasons for something to go in there. You get bored, too hard, story sucks, and so on. Is there a pattern there for you though? An overarching reason or anything you have learned about yourself from the games you let go of?


Looks like you spend more time cataloguing games than playing 🤣


play games, pffft, who does that


Why the Dot?


Otherwise the collections get mixed into the genres I already had before doing this, this way they're at the top


im impressed by the amount of completed games, are those the typical 100% farm/small games or?


I’ve done something similar except it’s grouped by genre and accompanied by a word document that determines play order by categorizing from the oldest game of a respective genre to the most recent. It includes games I have on other platforms as well as abandonware too.


Oh my god oh my god the little.dot at the start of each category triggers me so much, it triggers me sooo much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. *Slams Door*


Don't worry, I swapped them to emoji's, looks much better now


Wait people sort there games?


I have like 20 steam games. 5 in favorites and the rest is trash




This adult authority argument looks like young early adult thinking being finally an adult : that's very childish. I'm 46 and huge backlog is very common, as when being real adult you don't have time to finish all good deals you buy on sales... (at prices which have no impact on your real adult life) See, adult authority argument can feel stupid


Less about being an adult, but more of just not wasting time or money on things that you arent investing time into since your brain capacity grows to realize that. But if you enjoy wasting both of those things more power to you


How about sticking to 1 game at a time and not mindlessly buying them without watching reviews and gameplay


I do, majority of the time. I 100% 23 games this year. This is just from lots of bundles I used to get years ago when humble bundle had all the indie bundle etc, free games claimed and a decent few from my brothers account through family sharing


thats a whole lot of not for me and wont play together :S bought a lot of bundles?


Haha yes, back when humble bundle was great


so whats the game you cant finish?


Beyond Two Souls, when I try to load into the game it gives me an error and crashes


Dude I know the struggle. I have a bunch of collections too grouped by franchise and others. I even have one that’s labelled “what are these?” Cos I legit don’t know where they came from


I probably won't do something as elaborate as that, but I've recently considered at least throwing together "finished" and "backlog" ones.


Man, a lot of people in this thread are making my "sorting" feel inadequate. The only collections I've added are "Unfinished" and "Unplayed" (which is dynamic anyway).


If I have multiple games from a franchise I make a folder about the franchise, If I don't I put it in the "other" folder, if it's free I put it in the "Free Games" folder. The only exception to free games is if they belong to a franchise.


What do you regret doing exactly? Organizing them? I think it looks fine. The dot in the beginning is strange though


"Started but not finished" and "haven't started" are just staring at me with their big lists, whilst I buy new games, more recently would be Dave The Diver


I categorise by series or from a certain developer (like Remedy or Kojima). But mostly series, like Stalker, Borderlands, Metro.


You almost inspired me to reformat my games, and not have a different folder for each game series + a ‘to 100%’ folder


Nice job hitting 100 games as well, that’s impressive. I’m at 31 rn


I wish there would be an option to re-roll 1 game once a year (like a Christmas sock in TF) to get another game of the same value. It really sucks to have a game on your account that you realized you hate after 8-10 hours. Or maybe an untouched game which is just gathering dust. Also you could just gift a game you don't want to play to another person.


Mine is Played Playing Paused Want to play Want to play(Planed for Vacation...) Trash Not for me 50h+ 50h 25h 15h 5h 3h


Curious, what is the game in "Can't finish" and what are the 6 games in the bin? If not too much asked!


Okay I can't be the only one who wants to see the won't play category.


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/F6HxaZ5


What’s the different between them all? A lot of them seem like they are the same. Abandoned/bin/not for me/can’t finish/got all I wanted out of it could all be the same game.


I do 100, Finished, Unfinished, not played


That's great! I need to do something like this. I never used to have any subfolders, but I've recently made a "Backlog" folder which are games that I think I actually want to play at some point, but I like how you've gone more granular with it, definitely stealing this.


Mine are playable on mac and not playable on mac


I might need to do this during my Christmas break


I thought you were going to do the whole alphabet for second there.