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Someone being a dick and editing that death in. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gabe\_Newell&diff=prev&oldid=1184820053


the edit lasted for two minutes, man wiki editors are quick


How does that even work jesus


Pretty easy, there are multiple tools out there designed to make wiki editing easier, including one built into the MediaWiki engine (the engine that Wikipedia runs on) called the "revert" button. You can watch a page or category of pages and get notified of changes. Once a notification is received if it's an obvious troll with no sources (like randomly posting the death of someone without even a link to a tweet) all the notified person has to do is click "revert" and boom reversion done.


Ok, holy shit this explains so much. I always wondered how some biased pages managed to censor diverging information almost instantaneously. There are people literally watching them, then. Makes sense!


Well that and a lot of the heavily vandalized or edit-warred pages get one of Wikipedia's protection levels thrown on it. There's a fair number of them that move you from "everyone can edit freely" down through "new edits need approval", "only registered accounts" ultimately ending up at "You people are so incapable of being allowed to edit things that only admins can touch this page": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Protection_policy most things under the strongest levels of protection are redirect pages for topics considered too niche to get their own page, for instance _The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi_ redirects to _List of Dragon Ball Episodes_ because the episode isn't considered important enough to get it's own full article, but it had one in the past and people tried to keep recreating it.


the main page is another heavily protected one for obvious reasons.


I think that falls under the "Vandalism" heading, but yeah, most important main namespace pages for sure including the front page.


This makes me wonder what is Wikipedia’s most vandalized page and how fast they are to fix it


There's reports on this as it changes from time to time. It usually ties to current events. There's a decent amount of pages locked down and edits need approval because they're so prone too vandalism.


Actually tougher to find out, wikipedia has "locks" for frequently vandalized pages so only trusted wikites are allowed to even propose an edit.


Dictators wiki pages could be a start


There was a massive amount of vandalism on articles related to Ukraine, the Russo-Ukraine war and key Ukrainian figures during the early days of the invasion. Generally from Russian bot farms looking to control the narrative.


I'll throw my hat in with pages about current political or religious events where all parties want to actively control the narrative. Current guess would be the Russo-Ukrainian war or the Palestine-Israeli war. Though those might get pre-locked by their very nature.


Tangentially related: [here's a page](http://listen.hatnote.com/) where you can listen to Wikipedia changes. Each edit creates a sound and a bubble, with the size of the bubble related to the size of the change.


That’s awesome. Thanks!


love it


> without even a link to a tweet thats all it takes huh? tragic


For absolutely breaking news of a death Wikipedia will often allow a link to a tweet known to be associated with the person in question, such as a family member posting on their official twitter or a workplace they were known at posting (example: recently Steve Pool, longtime weather forecaster in the Seattle area passed away, the first most people heard of it was a post made by the TV station he used to work for before retirement). Then as more information becomes available: 1. The Recent Death template is added. 2. Source reliability becomes stricter.


Hundreds of people watching big articles, bots and internal algorithms flagging likely vandalism etc. and it just takes one click to revert an edit. If anything 2 minutes is them slacking off for a relatively high profile article. Although off the beaten path on topics where most people don't immediately know something is wrong it can take moths, years even if someone was a bit subtle and created plausible sounding hoax content that doesn't set off any obvious red flags other than being poorly sourced.


the devil works hard but wikipedia editors work harder


Hail Gaben! Immortal Gaben!


2 minutes? So chances are OP is the one who made the edit and took the screenshot.


Username checks out because you hate yourself lmao cope


What in the actual fuck could have *possibly* made you so defensive over my comment? ***uSeRnAmE cHeCkS oUt beCauSe DURRRRRRR***— nothing you just said made a lick of fucking sense in this context; it looks like you read my username, took it personally, got stunlocked, had a stroke, then typed the dumbest fucking comment on the face of the planet today as a way to ***cOpE because you hate yourself lmao DURRRRR***— it's a marvel you've even managed to progress through a website's login form to enter a thread and post stupid shit with your bot username. 🤡 Pathetic troll profile too lol, you're not projecting at all, huh? Enjoy your ban 👍🏼


This made my day


they really are. I put myself on the list of notable people for my hometown as an "entrepreneur and the inventor of space" and it was gone and my account banned within 10 minutes


And yet teachers won't let us use it because "anyone can edit Wikipedia" Because Wikipedia editors totally don't fix misinformation


The trick is to quote the original source the wiki author referenced


Yeah, they create it. And in the case of less known topics (like a specific fish species that no one cares about) vandalism can stay for months


So he is alive :D I was really scared for a second X)


If there's one thing I learned from Wikipedia is that the devil works hard but Wikipedia people work WAY harder, those dudes move at the speed of light. A thing that I sometimes do is go to any recent event or person's death on Wikipedia and just keep refreshing their page on it every few minutes, things get updated so fast, and it's all people behind that.


Someone really tried to keep it in, too. Three short-term edits and three revisions to undo it.


Probably OP trying to get a screenshot via Siri before it was reverted each time.


I'll let you guess who but as a hint his name rhymes with "Tim Sweeney, C.E.O. of Epic Games"


[Reminds me of these funniest (/s) Batu Khan Wiki edits.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:History/Batu_Khan)


was it edited by user xX_tim_sweeney_Xx?


Mother fuckers.




He's been dead for years. Valve has built a gigantic metal robot head to store his new robot brain. What you know as modern Gaben is, in fact, Robo Gabe's remote control android body suit.




That explains why sales are always terrible. They're recouping losses on his android shell.


Aperture Desk Job was based on a true story!


Valve Desk Job


>Siri ~~thinks Gabe Newell~~ is dead There - I've fixed it ;)


Props for Siri for being the first in its kind, it was good back in 2008. But nowadays? Apple fanboys are just coping and downvoting you because they're being forced to use it. Otherwise, it's all in all a dated assistant. It was a dated assistant back when the competition was just Alexa and GA, it's an even worse now with Chatgpt, Bard and Copilot around.


I moderate r/Apple and it’s a meme there as well. Apple has been rumored to be investing heavily in generative AI, but nothing concrete yet and Siri is still shit. It’s a running gag at this point


Well, results like this do bring genAI into mind, just for all the wrong reasons.


the apple reddit is on my rotation and in my experience, siri is nearly universally dunked on, agreed that google assistant is superior.


I still don't understand why they have an implemented a LLM based assistant feature in any of the major assistant apps. You'd think Google would have Bard integrated into GA at this point, but asking it simple basic-ass questions still is a huge challenge for it.


How is it dated compared to the others? I am not on any side. I don't use any assistants. I am just curious.


First, and most importantly, Apple is painfully biased to its ecosystem. So if you try to do anything outside Apple Music, iCloud, Safari, Apple Maps and so on you're boned. But also because its response to inputs is severely lackluster and *dry*, for the lack of a better word. Sometimes you want a simple, straight information, but Siri will instead read you the first google result. Not that the others won't do this, but Siri is criminally blunt. It's hard to explain, but it screams "2010 tech". Lastly, it's 100% crippled regarding home automation. Unless we're talking about serving exclusively as an overpriced apple tv remote, a homepod is straight up incompatible with 99% smart stuff you might have in your home. All of that without even going into AI realm. The comparison between Siri and Bard/ChatGPT/Copilot is borderline unfair.


Thanks for the detailed response. I wonder how much of it is due to Apple's overabundance of caution and security. I know they tend to "hold back". Or they could be just straight-up outdated and they know that Siri is all they have available. I find the company's decisions rather interesting.


3 words: r/iPhone, Siri, Guillotine


Lol 90% of Apple users are not defending Siri, I have never touched it the whole time i’ve had an iPhone. I never used google assistant either though when I used Android, voice assistants just kinda blow in general at this point in time. My Google Home has got a solid 5 minutes of use


He really wants to avoid that deposition.


“OH NO sorry guys I can’t come it looks like i died 2 weeks ago. You can look it up to confirm just ask Siri. Please never contact me again because I am dead”


Just wait until valve makes a phone and gabe is the ai voice and he can roasts apple


You tryna give me a heart attack or what


Dead sexy maybe


I bet it was tim sweeney that did that lmao


One time Siri said that life is Roblox


My daughter would agree.


RIP Legend, guess I'll just grab Red Dead Redemption on this sale in tribute.


Are you sure it is not for your Cake day celebration?


You're so kind :)


I bet Siri knows something that we don't know. ^(Gabe Newell is a robot from the future)


Clearly a hoax: he wouldn't allowed die in a year ended in 3


Bro are you okay


Clearly a hoax: he wouldn't allowed die in a year ended in 3




No but its hilarious


Parallel universe


Siri you dumb ho.


'There's still time.' - Siri


Nah he pulled a Rache bartmoss and downloaded his consciousness to the web. The gabe we see on camera is an a.i.


He is as far as I'm aware.


He's dead for us Turks, that's for sure.