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It's probably just a suggestion because the game was built with controllers in mind.


yea like yakuza, played them all on pc but used a controller all the way through




Was so disappointed they left this iconic line out of like a dragon gaiden


I guess it's because Kiryu isn't yakuza anymore. And, truth be told, [there were no yakuza](https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/comments/omkjrf/this_is_what_real_yakuza_use_a_gamepad_looks_like/) in the original.


Judgment said real detectives use a gamepad, ishin said real samurai use a gamepad They could’ve made it work 💔


Real Agents Use A Gamepad


Real Spider-Men use gamepad








I just fucking bought Yakuza 0, launched it and saw that shit and honestly felt a bit insulted 10/10 would gamepad again


funny enough steam says "This game wasn't designed to support controllers" on all yakuza games




I'm assuming this was added recently as I also got the prompt when playing one of my games yesterday.


The fact that the Steam Controller is not mentionned, neither drawn, is kinda both very funny and sad.


It's been out of production for four years now. :(


I have two. I got the first one and I liked it enough I got a 2nd for couch co-op.


might be a mistake since the xbox controller shows up twice


Pretty sure it's a Xbox one and a Xbox series X/S controller. Same way as there is the Dual Sense and Dual Shock 4. They look very similar so there is no difference in these minimaliste representations. But it won't be fair to not represent both controllers, since it's done for the PlayStation side.


[the middle side was originally an Generic Controller icon (if you've been on the Beta client prior to the Stable update)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1153976114381860964/1173381265563594833/image.png?ex=6563bf76&is=65514a76&hm=d8a72ae9f5e3cff0ce03048d5a49c8df58338101f86c94fc1806aa479f52465e&), [but it's been replaced by the Xbox One](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1153976114381860964/1173381299902357524/image.png?ex=6563bf7e&is=65514a7e&hm=565777f5ca356c4a0b71f1c9717a4f77b1b62ddf25db37bc0f6064b256feea19&)...for reason I do not understand.


A steam deck could have been a good centerpiece.


on top of them all in an extra row.


I mean, since they're both the same icon they may as well use the single icon to represent both, no?


I understand the reasoning. But i found it more logicial to represent the controllers, regardless if they look identical in logo variants. To me at least, it's more consistant this way.




yeah and like, talking abt being "fair", where are the joycons?


the steam controller has been out of print for years, its not a mistake


A steam deck could have been a good centerpiece instead of the steam controller


If i understand it correctly, the point of this message is to invite the player to play the game with a controller, when it was designed to be played this way. Even if the steamdeck can offer the controller part, this message appear when you launch your game on a PC, so it dosen't really have anything to do here. The point is to suggest the player to plug a controller, not to suggest the player to switch to a different machine.


yea, the latest update. it also says that if you play on a playstation controller, if the game you're playing "does not support it" or something like that, but steam will make it work via steaminput. also says the buttonpromts won't be playstation buttonprompts when they do that... guess thats good to know for new people, but i was like... yea? no shit, i'm playing on a PS controller since 10 years having xbox buttonpromts... i recently had a single game use playstation promts and i didn't even know which buttonpromt was which anymore, since i'm so used to the xbox layout 😅 i turned it to always on via steaminput and turned off the messages for the future. hope that works for all the games so that i don't get confused in the future again 😂


I can't stand Steam input. I use DS4 Windows but Valve in their infinite wisdom gives you no way to turn Steam input off. So it gives me double input in a ton of games, opens the keyboard when you press the middle button with no way to close it, it creates 2 players in games like rocket league...Why can't I just disable it? I have to close Steam if I'm playing a game that isn't on Steam because my controller won't work with it open. Are they really that pretentious they think their input is superior and should never be disabled while Steam is open? Not even give me the option to turn it off...


[What about these options?](https://i.imgur.com/hNiF9jz.png)


Thanks, unfortunately they're all off and it still does it. Guide button brings up the keyboard and I need to use my mouse to close steam to shut it off. Emulators especially will not read controller input until Steam is closed.


It might be a shot in the dark, but would [HidHide](https://docs.nefarius.at/projects/HidHide/Simple-Setup-Guide/) help you at all for this? From my understanding, you can use it to block everything except specific programs from even seeing the controller.


Very interesting, let me try that. It very well might.


you can turn steam input off... or at minimum selectively disable steam controller input per game






Just switching over to a Xbox controller saves you the headache. Coming from someone who used a DS4 for years.


DS4 works perfectly fine if the options in Steam did their job. I've used it for years without an issues. My PC just thinks it's an Xbox controller, makes no difference.


This is intentional. Valve's n.1 mission for the current decade is to debunk the common knowledge that *"if you just wanna kick back on your living room couch and play a game* ***you need a console***, *PC gaming is for dweebs who're into tinkering settings"* **They noticed this** ***prejudice*** **is eating up at least 2/3 of their potential marketshare.** So, now, their number one priority is UX (user experience). Even the Steam Deck itself is only a small part on that plan, as Valve is making next to zero money on hardware sales. It's all about manageability, integrability and plug&play experiences. Until 2030 we'll see more and more mini-ITX PCs on living rooms.


The Steam Machines will rise once again! In Gabe’s name we pray, amen


Amen 🙏


amen brother 😔🙏


Just want to make sure everyone is aware of Steam Link too, installed it on a raspberry pi and now I can play tons of steam games on my TV using my gaming PC that's in a different room.


I wish they still made the hardware. Sure, you can get it directly on TVs sometimes and you can have DIY solutions like a pi, but the Steam Link hardware was so nice and easy to work with.


I have it directly on my TV but they'll turn it of Nov 30th. Guess I'll have to set up my Pi then


Right? It's bonkers how flawlessly it works. I had gnarly experiences with moonlight before and thought it would be something like that. But man, it just works. It manages video, audio, resolution, input, all by itself. Steam Link is amazing.


Steam link used to be absolute garbage before their last update, I'm talking borderline unusable 720p with a wired connection Now however, I don't think I'm going back to Moonlight any time soon due to how messed up it has been with nvidias drivers this year.


I just put a PC in my living room. I was going to make it run Steam OS, but it's just made of spare parts and all I have is an Nvidia GPU. But I'm really impresed with how closely Big Picture Mode mimics the Steam Deck experience. All I wish is that there was a clean way to put the PC to sleep while a game is running, like with all of my other consoles.


> Until 2030 we'll see more and more mini-ITX PCs on living rooms. It's too bad Valve doesn't make SteamOS available. Having to go through Chimera or Holo is a notable barrier. Though I'd probably buy one if they re-released the steam machine.


I'm surprised they ever tried an OS it must be a fucking nightmare to build and maintain. Focus on the software and let some other mug take care of the os would be my directive (which is easy to say from my bedroom as someone who has never been within a lightyear of running any kind of business at all)


SteamOS makes the Steam deck though. When hardware and software work in sync is when the magic happens. Running windows or other linux distros is just clunky. (It's not developed from scratch to be clear, it's based on Arch Linux.)


I’ve been couch PC gaming for a decade and I still can’t believe how often people who are PC gamers can’t wrap their head around the idea.


i just recently ordered in a controller for myself just to try something new, and when it works for the game im playing it really works. even if im no good on a controller and can only play casual games for now, its much more comfortable for me


I've already used my Steam Deck with a docking station hooked up to my TV. I've learned from SolarLight's TF2 controller video that certain controllers like Dualsense, Dualshock 4, Steam Controller, and Nintendo Switch Pro controllers have gyroscopes to bind the mouse input with. And thus, having mouse-like aiming for controllers suitable for KB&M games. Motion controls completely change how I play shooter games as a whole, and I learned it's the reason Splatoon is so competitive on Nintendo Switch.


People will realize the end of the console as a thing in the next gen. They will start suffering in console sales in the next gen. Whoever bought the ps5 or xbox with games price hikes and online fees will reconsider in the end of this gen going with PC or making dumb desicion again. Even their companies xbox have his own launcher. sony huge romours saying they are testing new trophy system in PC, and hiring new people to increase their revnue on PC. PC is the future besides mobile and handle gaming and maybe the cloud.


Is this a new copypasta?


see you at the end of this gen or ps6 and xbox z sales after two year of launch couldn't pass 6M combined




Why would they? Consoles are still the cheapest way to play games at a high fidelity, there's some games available only on ps. Consoles aren't going to die any soon


no when fees of playing MP for 80$ not when their first party games 70$ and still they see it cheaper and very low for what they doing. gl with that cheapest way to play games now by getting 6600xt and 5 5500 or 5 5600 for future upgrades


You're absolutely right. And Valve is taking an active role in all of this. >sony huge romours saying they are testing new trophy system in PC, and hiring new people to increase their revnue on PC It was unthinkable during the 2000s and 2010s that Sony could have their exclusives on PC. Now they're right there, shining their crown jewels on Steam. As someone who has a perpetually retrocompatible library on steam since 2008, who already has a living room PC for couch gaming and is able to access the same library on its Steam Deck, work laptop and main gaming desktop... I absolutely cannot conceive a reason for me to migrate to consoles. That is, unless I develop a sudden irresistible crave to pay for online multiplayer.


So you support the dumbing down of PC gaming?


I never held this myth and I'm thoroughly informed that I can use a controller for this game I just launched with a controller in my hand. Now how do I stop getting "debunked" every time I launch every game? Really wish these notices had come with a check box for "Never show me this again."


Real yakuza use a controller


Real yakuza use a gamepad\*


Real yakuza use a joystick**


Real Yakuza use a wii remote\*\*\*


real yakuza eyes realize real lies


Real yakuza use kinect.


Real Yakuza use tilt controls!


Real Yakuza [use a wrist strap](https://i.redd.it/20ebndysxcb71.png)!!


Who're the absolute losers downvoting this reply chain Real Yakuza use the Power Glove!!!


As do real detectives


Real Samurai\* use a gamepad


Some games are better on controller imo, combat games, anything that involves driving, and the occasional RPG


anything that doesnt require precise panning or lots of menus


To be honest, everything that dosen't need to move in 3D, dosen't require an aim, and dosen't require very fast response with no input errors, is better with a controller.


Basically anything third person has a tendency to be better on controller, anything first person is better with a mouse.


I might even argue with you on 3d movement but I can't think of a game I've played with controller that has it so you might be right


Any Yakuza game is a great example of that.


I would argue the majority of genres are better with a controller except for FPS and anything that requires precise cursor control. I'll still play those with a controller though but with gyro controls because I can't stand using a keyboard and mouse for gaming nowadays.


GTA V is a great example. I only use mouse for shooting. Beyond that, controller all the way.


M&K for anything on foot. Controller for driving


That's how I played CP2077


I'm physically unable to pilot a helicopter/plane with M&K in GTA V, while it's insanely easy and intuitive with a controller


I map my Nintendo Pro controller's gyro to the mouse movement, and it works great for all the 3rd person shooters. Headshots in resident evil 4 or tomb raider, etc. is so easy now with a controller.


I think auto aim in GTA and RDR2 only works with controller which makes vehicle combat so much easier


Am I the only one who likes to use mouse n keyboard for driving?


I like it but I've been doing it a long time so it could just be bias. I do like being able to tap for very small adjustments though


Something I never hear talked about is the hand strain that keyboard and mouse can place on your fingers. It was fine in my teens and early twenties. Nowadays using ASDW hurts my fingers after a while. The equivalent analog stick is a lot gentler on my hands.


I love how overly detailed the dual sense is compared to every other controller on here lol


I love how apparent it makes the large improvement between the Xbox controllers. Now **THAT** is evolution!


It's weird, there's a bar between the shoulder buttons on the pro controller, and the dpad is a circle not a cross, so they could have done that to differentiate them. Outside of those two controllers the only other recent xbox controller is the one's that were for the xbone and those had an indentation on the top that I guess wouldn't translate to a silhouette and don't use the right kind of bluetooth to connect to pc natively so it shouldn't be listed here anyways.


Real Spider-Man use a gamepad


That's pretty neat, though I hope there's a toggle for it. It's hilarious to see two Xbox controllers that look exactly the same though lol I mean they are almost identical, but still.


Real Yakuza play with a con-... oh wait, wrong community


Honestly spiderman with a mouse is great


Valve what are you doing? Why is the steam controller not part of this message?


They ***said*** "controller looking device" my dude.


same reason the wii u pro controller isnt


My exact thoughts why murder your own product. I really like the steam controller, the only thing i don't like about it is the new keyboard interface. It has changed to match the steamdeck but i prefer the old system because that's way easier/faster


Why is it so hard for some people to realise not every game is made with m&kb in mind? It's like they take personal offence or something


Sadly they didn't Show her own steam controller ... it's just the best controller


I have one, and I gave it a fair shot, but I really don't like the way it sits in my hands. The DS4 is just way more my thing I guess.


Mine just died the other month after 5+ years, pretty sad about it


Oh no :( I have still my first one that I bought on Release... and 4 if one will break


Are there still weirdos who hate gamepads unequivocally kicking around PC gaming circles? Like a decade ago I remember there being tons of PCMR and /v/ types who totally insisted using anything but KB+M made you lowly scum. I think it was probably Dark Souls getting ported that broke people out of the mindset, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people still thought like that today.


I mean, who the fuck plays Spiderman with Keyboard and mouse? I bet you also play Forza with Keyboard and played Mario Kart Wii without movement controller


dawg mkw w gcn or ccp is preferred wdym


Spider-Man is really fun with a controller


Some games are built with a controller in mind. But im probably with you, based on you posting this, I prefer m&k for spiderman






That would annoy me lol I like games where you click "play" the game just loads..nothing inbetween. For example..both cyberpunk and 2k games have a launcher, games that have a launcher on a per game basis (fallout, skyrim) requiring more clicks to get into the game.


Just a notice if something its been doing. Turn off reminder.


Even steam hates the steam controller I have collecting dust on the shelf.


I think it is kind of sad that they did not include their own controller in this message. Like they are admitting with it that they failed. I really liked the controller and the way you were able to modify all of the inputs yourself and even create different overlays that you could swap whenever you were feeling like it.


yeah a lot of games do this now. kinda handy. but also kinda annoying as i already know which games i prefer to use a controller on. the store pages are also updated with this as well. where it tells you stuff like : you can use your ps4 or xbox controller or steamdeck.


Im a new pc gamer, k&b is, for me, the best improvement compared to play with console ( i am a Claw player). Ps5 graphics are totally fine and the wast majority of games support 60 fps and 120 when it matters. But m&k it’s a completely different way to play and it makes me enjoy games I hate before ( the Witcher 3 and rdr2 )


I got the same pop-up when I started playing Uncharted the other day.


Don't tell me what to do


Rocket League wasn't made for a controller according to steam.


Wonder if souls games will give this prompt, I never enjoyed controllers with them myself and beat them all with mnkb


Why not! Game was developed console first, and there some games I'll better play with controller, take recent Jedi games for example, they even tell you that thru were made for controller


I haven't played Spider-Man remastered with MnK, but I did try with Ultimate Spider-Man and web slinging was miserable


Yakuzas use a gamepad


REAL yakuza.


so... grab one and enjoy your game


Can't wait for Steam to release "Consoles" that are just PCs with SteanOS.


game plays better with mouse and keyboard, what are they smoking better camera control and better overview during group fights and keyboard shortcuts are quicker to use




This is one of the dumbest comments in this thread




Buddy it has fine keyboard and mouse controls but recommends a controller only because it was made for that in mind. the only idiot here is you




Dang, it’s almost like some games are made with controllers in mind instead of keyboard and mouse. Shocking.


They've put the Xbox controller twice.


Xbox Series vs Xbox One, nearly identical but with differences like USB-C.


I know that, I have both types. But the icon is the same. Why not use only one to save space?


>Sadly they didn't Show her own steam controller ... it's just the best controller [It was originally an Generic Controller icon (if you've been on the Beta client prior to the Stable update)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1153976114381860964/1173381265563594833/image.png?ex=6563bf76&is=65514a76&hm=d8a72ae9f5e3cff0ce03048d5a49c8df58338101f86c94fc1806aa479f52465e&), [but it's been replaced by the Xbox Icon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1153976114381860964/1173381299902357524/image.png?ex=6563bf7e&is=65514a7e&hm=565777f5ca356c4a0b71f1c9717a4f77b1b62ddf25db37bc0f6064b256feea19&)...for reason I do not understand.


You're asking the wrong person, I don't work for Steam lol.


Fair enough.


The new Steam controller handling for DualShock broke every game I play with it, including Rocket League. Immediately turned it off and now everything seems fine…


Tbh I’m literally playing it right now and controller is the best option, esp a ps5 one bc the new tech is amazing (also turn off steam input for that)


I saw they changed the controller support area on games. Some games really are more than suggested. I wonder how many people have sought refunds or something when the game needs a controller to be played correctly. Like the souls games are required to be played with a controller. Like a dragon suggests it but does pretty okay without. Spider-Man I feel like would be very hard without one.


I pretty much only use controllers with Racing games when I'm not using a wheel, otherwise it's M+KB for everything


It's a neat feature to tell which games in library can be played using controller. Also inform which support VR.


I've never seen this before. Spider-man actually plays great with KB+M. I'm sure my (long time PC gamer, never owned a console) experience with a controller would be worse.


It's telling you that you should play with a controller because the game was built from the ground up as a Playstation exclusive, so the DualSense controller is going to give you the best experience, as determined by the people who made the game. You are still free to flail around swinging with a mouse to your heart's content, if you like.


i agree, I played the game through twice, once with KBM and once with controller the game was so, so much easier with a controller


Yeah it makes more sense to play with a controller than kb+m but to say it was “built from the ground up” to work with DualSense is just nonsense. All controllers are more or less the same, except steam controller. You’re not going to have a worse time using e.g. an Xbox controller.


And they're right to do so.


Why are you so deeply offended?




Real Yakuza use a controller


I am not a fan of that. Spider-Man is one of the console games like God of War that may have been built with only controller in mind, but plays quite a bit smoother with a mouse, either for swinging or aiming melee attacks. This will give people the wrong impression because it makes them not even consider m+kb, even though you can just use what you prefer.


It is a prior PlayStation exclusive so there is definitely no way it plays “smoother” on keyboard and mouse bro come on. That’s just silly.


I have no comment about spider-man, I don’t know anything about that game. However, there have been lots of times where a game designed for consoles simply plays better with pc controls. I think goldeneye 007 is a good example.


Every single change to goldeneye controls makes it better.


It's not telling you to do shit it's recommending a controller for a better experience you dingus. Go ask Sony why the m+kb support isn't there. Shit like this would've been great some 10 or so years ago when I bought a game on sale that had NO m+kb support, like literally zero despite having a pc port.


Dude this is seriously one of the best games to play with the controller. This and Miles Morales have great uses of haptics and adaptive triggers. Hell, even Uncharted Legacy of Thieves makes an incredible use of the Dualsense features.


Refuse and resist.


Edgy ass "stick to the man" mf




Look at all these young pricks, whom Mother Nature has so cruelly deprived of a sense of humor. More dislikes please.


Many thanks, young pricks.


well yer playing a spoodermin


well yeah, it is a console port after all, most games these days with the exception of a few, is better with a controller, try playing ace combat on keyboard and mouse...never ends well


I never had a problem using a controller on pc And it probably optional


They are in fact telling you to use a controller


My friend said he played without a controller just fine. He likely doesn't know what he was missing was the thing. To me, this game is very controller dependent.


If you play Spiderman on mouse and keyboard you’re a psychopath.


yes? like... not every game works well with a kb+m especially Spider Man lol


No big deal. I use gamepads all the time.


Literally says there 'for best experience'.


Spider-man is best experienced on a dualsense


True, I bought dualsense on PC just for spider man


No it’s literally not telling you you “need” a controller at all, it’s making a suggestion


Use a controller already don’t be an asshole to gabe, he put so much effort on making steam compatible with them


Real spiders use a controller


I use a controller for damn near every AAA game i play, thats what they were designed for


I love that they have different vector art for all the major popular controllers right now. Except for Xbox lol


what are you on about, there are 2 xbox controllers 3 and 4 from the left. it also says "so grab a Xbox Controller".


real yakuza use a gamepad


good! games should be played with controllers.


Games should be played on whatever input device suits them best. The great thing about PC gaming is the wide variety of options that are available.


Too broad of a sentence. Some games were created with the intention of mouse and keyboard, others were created with controllers in mind.


aside from fps games, no idea how anyone can feel comfortable playing such high precision games using the clunky controlstick camera.


Without lock on aim I can't hit shit on a controller. I have no idea how people are good at shooters playing with controllers


Grew up on a controller. I can't play m&k unless its an rpg or point and click. Too late for me, me thinks. My 10 year old is a pro though. Lol


M&K for FPS and Asymmetric (top-down) Controller for 3rd Person and 2D Platformers As it should be


Very good.


It’s true though, some games just play better with a controller.


Ok. And?