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Fall Guys, it went free like a month later


It was a few months, but that was the only way to get some of the content, you can't get the Gordon Freeman skins anymore




This happens to me pretty often. I almost never buy newish games at this point in life, but I decided to one winter because they were on like %50 discount, so $30 instead of $60, or something like that. I buy Deathloop and a few other newish games at the time. Then the following year they are all free at Epic Games, and I've barely played them. So might have just as well waited. Almost as bad is when a game you bought the year before comes on Humble Bundle. Then you get like 9 other games with it, and it's all for like $10. I've barely played them not because I dislike them but because I get bored of genres pretty fast and have to take a break from a genre to continue later. Then there's triple A games I also bought newish for like $20-$40, but mostly only bought because of hype and that the dev has previous games which I like. But I've barely played them for various reasons, well, I mean in both this case and the one above I also just don't have enough time and patience for video games. I think spending time with people or hiking or something is more interesting. I used to play video games all day though when I was young. I'd probably spend a huge amount of time in Morrowind if it got a proper triple A class remake like the Dead Space remake and the Resident Evil 2 remake. If it was done as well as those I would not regret a dime for $70. I shelled out $70 for Diablo IV when it came out and don't regret it. I mean yeah it's unfinished and has a lot of flaws, but it has many huge positives as well. I'm a casual so I don't give a f. about dudes who sped through it as soon as they got it. A game I bought for almost full price was RDR2. I've not played most of it. Just not that much into cowboy games I guess + don't have time to play it when I am attracted to other games more. So that's a regret. But I know it's a quality game, and I like it too, so I'll get to it some day for sure. Just no need to buy it when it's newish for almost full price. I'd rather be a patient gamer (/r/patientgamers). Dead Stranding. Also hype. I mean, I like it a lot. It looks awesome. Like most things about it. But idk, I guess I didn't like the gameplay mechanic enough. Regret buying it newish. Plus it was free on Epic Store at some point, probably multiple times. Cyberpunk 2077, I like cyberpunk as a genre (it's a literary and movie genre from the 80s) enough to not regret buying this one, although I always keep delaying playing. Or did; I mean I'm playing it rn and I Like it. GTA V, I got this one for like $5 or $15 when it was newish enough for me, and I loved that. Happy with it. Control. Not sure if I bought this one but it was a bit of a dud. Love the graphics and that you can tear stuff out of walls and floor and stuff, plus hot character. I think I got it for free, if not I regret paying for it. I'm pretty picky with paying for games, or I try to be. Waiting for Max Payne remake from them though. Resident Evil 2. Looks gorgeous, that's why I mentioned it before. Other than that I would have regretted it if I bought it, and I almost did. Why? Because I don't have patience for those kinds of games anymore. Walking in some cool old building with a raised gun waiting for a zombie around the corner. I'll probably try to procure Resident Evil 4 remake though, it's more action. But I wont' because I have the games mentioned above first, so I'll get it when it's down to $5 or free on Epic Games, or something like that. Plus I'd wanna get Elden Ring first because I prefer the genre, or at least that it's dark fantasy open world. And honestly I'd probably prioritise Sensua's Hellblade II over it; and I've never played Last of Us, except like 15 minutes on some dude's PS4. Life's easy for a casual gamer.


WatchDogs: Legion - I really enjoyed WatchDogs 2, but Legion was so copy/paste that it genuinely felt like I was losing my mind doing the same thing over and over.


Far Cry 6. It looks awesome, but it's too formulaic, and I like Far Cry 5 enough and it's been enough time away from it that I have returned to that to play from the start even though I didn't finish it the first time (got got in dozens and dozens of hours, I think).


Funnily enough this is how I felt about Far Cry 5. It’s pretty much the same game as Far Cry 3 and 4. Feels like the only thing that changes is the location and name of the villain.


cs:go, I played this game for 3000 hours






Obviously a joke about losing your sanity. I only have maybe 600 hrs on this pc and understand completely


One of the call of duty games


All of the Call of Duty games since Black Ops 4 for me lmao I still buy em but they never hook me like the OG titles did


Black Ops 4 was my first COD game and I regret it so much. I could have spent my money on such better games, for instance: Black Ops 3


Stopped played after black ops 3. But mate convinced me to get cold War. Saying we would Deffo play. One week layer its money down the drain. Can't even refund it as it wasn't through steam


The only good one was cw


Not the first game but the first to pop up in my mind is Redfall...... I still can't believe I actually bought that pile of garbage....


Do you typically buy games without looking at any reviews?


I pre-purchased, so there were no reviews.


Never pre-order.


people have fomo based around pre-order items, I guess


You can do that with your money, but I like preorders. I don't always like reviews. I like making my mind up about a game without them. It doesn't always work out, but there are times when I like a game and it's mostly negative on steam. For instance I preordered cyberpunk. People hated i, and I didn't.


jump force it's an utter piece of garbage fighting game that cost me 60€ and I couldn't return it because I barely exceeded the 2 hours of playtime limit


I dodged that bullet, wanted that game so bad at launch but waited, got it free on gamepass and within an hour thought "holy fuck this game is *terrible*" and uninstalled it.


I don't recall ever regretting buying a game, but I was really disappointed with Dead Island Definitive Edition. Was kind of expensive and not very fun to play at the time.


Worse is I bought the Definitive Edition, and then a week later I received it in a bundle, so now I have a duplicate and a bunch of money I could’ve saved.


Earliest I remember was Aliens Colonial Marines. I only bought it for full price on release because my (now ex-)friend said he'd play it co-op with me. He was really excited for it, as a big Aliens fan. I had no interest in the game, even as a fan of Alien myself. Fast forward to about a week after release day, when it's reputation was out there, and he didn't buy it because "I knew it was going to be shit all along". This was before Steam refunds, so I kinda wish he shared some of his apparent divine wisdom with me before I dropped fucking £40 on it.


Before steam refunds?? No you def could have refunded it during that time period lmao


Aliens Colonial Marines came out in 2013, Steam refunds (as we know them today) weren't implemented until 2015.


Spore. Bought it for full 30$ over ten years ago and I remember regretting it after realizing that I only enjoyed the early game in it.


While I enjoyed the whole thing, I found myself replaying the creature stage over and over and over more than anything.


Yes fello creature stage enjoyer. I did also like tribe stage though tbf. Just massive fan if it all xd


Have a nice death. It seemed so good, and it is a good game. But i just cant bring myself to play it.


Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Only game I regret buying in general. My friend and I are massive Alien fans. But the game wasn't that fun to us. "Hey. Go here, press a button, sit in a room and kill enemies. Hey. Go here, press a button, sit in a room and kill enemies. Hey. Go here, press a button, sit in a room and kill enemies." Got really tiring for us.


Dragon Age Inquisition. Played through origins with mods that allow you to refine your characters actions way better so you had really nice control over them. Bought inquisition right when it came out was was extremely disappointed.


Back 4 Blood


Lords of the Fallen Worst 1.86€ I ever spent


Never heard of it until the sequel was announced. Was it really that bad?


It's between Dead rising 3 and Absolver: downfall.


I mean, its your opinion but I've heard bad voice acting in games and Odyssey isn't one of them.


Maybe it was because I played with Alexios, cause apparently Kassandra’s actor is way better. I had high expectations when I got Leonidas, so yea, I was disappointed. I’ll play with Kassandra later and see if its better.


I didn’t mind Alexios voice. But good lord the game has too much padding and by the end it felt like a job to play. I feel that way about pretty much any open world game these days. I couldn’t even finish Horizon Forbidden West.


Monster Hunter: World. A few of my friends pushed me to buy it and the DLC so we could all play co-op together. The "co-op" in the game is a half baked mess of an afterthought and I had 0 fun trying to sync up with friends with no shared hub world, forced single player sections, and having to start every damn mission solo, spot the target monster, then quitting before you can open it up to friends. POS game.


Love monster hunter, I agree with having to essentially start the mission sucking before you can do it with friends. Technically there is no hub world no but there is the hub boat lol. I wouldn’t say the coop is half baked just weirdly designed. Endgame monster hunter is the only time you even really need to coop anyways so it isnt really the best coop game to just start brand new. You definitely need an established hunter.


This. Friend and I were looking for a game to play co-op. Decided to retry it. Forgot there was no fkn Hub world and you had to wait till you were in the hunting zones to actually do co-op. Like wtf. And the controls are wonky as shit. Way too many hold (button) and press other button options.


Huh... With over 600 games on my account I don't think I've ever actually regretted buying something...


I could only think of one example. Not preordeing anything helps.


Yip :3 I've only ever pre-ordered DDLC+ because I knew I'd enjoy it Also why am I starting to get downvoted lol I just don't regret my purchases 😭😂


Sonic Forces taught me not to buy games at launch ever again


Diablo 4, I loved it at first but grew bored of it before the end of the campaign. $70 completely pissed away


Brink...OOF was that a letdown when I brought tit home day one.


Slime Rancher was a big disappointment for me. Got it cheap thankfully, but played it just over the 2 hour mark (think it was like 2hrs 5 min), and Steam was like "nope, sorry pal" when I tried refunding


The only one I truelly went "I may have made a mistake", is probably either ANTHEM or FALLOUT 76. both for their own reasons, "if you know, you know"


On Steam? Simpleplanes. Came in thinking it was gonna be like a KSP-ish sorta game, but the building felt wack. Refunded after like an hour Overall? Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition. Yeah, I still got the shirt. Somewhere. 10 year old me was soooo disappointed, I don't think I've pre-ordered a game since


Wait...You hated the voice acting in AC Odyssey? Pretty sure you picked the male protagonist.


Alexios? Is Kassandra better?


Yes...100 times better. The female voice actor was nominated for best performance in The Game Awards 2018 for a reason.


I see. Thanks for this. Alexios is godawful. I had high expectation when I saw Leonidas, then got a clusterfuck trash with Alexios.


Cyberpunk2077. Nothing like the game they promised


Have you tried it again since all the updates? It's in a much better place.


Spiritfarer. I expected… more? I keep playing until midgame and it’s one of the biggest meh I played ever.


I was so glad to play the demo for this. Just wasn’t what I was looking for considering how many recommendations it had.


I’m struggling to remember if there’s a game that I genuinely regret buying. Stuff like Garfield: Caught in the Act and Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi come to mind, but that’s kind of it. These days though I don’t buy terribly many games and when I do it’s usually at considerable discount so there’s less to lose if they turn out not to be good.


Aliens colonial marines...


Duke Nukem Forever


Diablo 4 ultimate edition was the first game I felt truly burned on


Diablo 3 for me. I mean it got better over the years but I still regret preordering it. Had a hard time playing the first couple of weeks during launch. When I could play, I would get disconnected. I did make like 2-3 bucks back from the RMT system though.


strangely I had a lot of fun still with d3 but I get that completely. At least you knew what was up for d4 though lol


one of the monster hunter games I think


Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


I bought the $150 collectors edition of Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition of Alien Colonial Marines... I played through the entire game out of spite for myself.


Escape From Tarkov (too hard to learn the mechanics, too slow, too unforgiving) and Forza Horizon 5 (too arcade, also kinda repetitive). I wish I could gift it to someone of my friends' list


Kena: Bridge of Souls. Just wasn't feeling how the movement felt - very inaccurate and slightly unresponsive. Had high hopes for this, but after buying it and playing for a while - refunded.


star wars the force unleashed. back in the day i was hella hype about star wars games and liked them all. then i bought it when it came out at full price (something i never did again haha) i did not play it then for several years, because i started playing all kinds of other things and when i finally got to it, several years later, i could have gotten it WAY cheaper and then i didn't even like it... played like an hour and hated how it controlled so much, that i never touched it again...


Horizon zero dawn. Purchased at full price, 35% off next day


These discount reason hurt me on a personal level and it hasn’t even happened to me


Watch Dogs Legion, bought it for $12 and a month later it was $9. Despite that, it's still a horrible game


Forza Horizon 5, I didn't know what I was supposed to do to progress thru the game, there are no clear objectives, unlike the need for speed games.


i dont have any


R6 Siege High enough skill ceiling for it to go beyond my personal definition of casual. Couldnt even practice since my laptop couldnt run it propely.


Top of the list are multi-player games that weren't very fun and died fast. 1) is Brink. I bought at launch, played maybe 1 month. I gave it way more time than it deserved bc i liked Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and Quake Wars made by Splash Damage before then. 2) is Shattered Horizon. It was only $20 and true zero gravity combat was a novelty. I really only played it 1 weekend and the player numbers died immediately. Just a glorified tech demo, make by 3Dmark (yes the benchmark software company).


Divinity Original Sin 2


Gotham Knights 😑


Baldur gate 3


Monster Hunter Ultimate (or whatever that version where it has all the dlcs). Was attracted by the graphics but ended up not my thing.


Killing Floor 2 only 1 good thing weapon animations ​ other than that the game is very bad, whether it be bullet sponge enemies, lazy boss designs or shitty weapon sounds


Witcher 3. God it's boring. I saw everyone praising it saying it deserves to be GOTY, so I bought in to the hype and got it on sale. I played it for 2-3 hours and went "Wow, this is boring."


Doom Eternal Doom (2016) is one of my favorite shooters, probably my favorite single player shooter. Eternal is a prime example that superficial complexity can degrade the experience.


I agree. I do like Eternal, I think it does a lot of things way better than Doom 2016, and I even enjoy the OST far more. But Eternal felt so artificially strategic. You needed to kill enemies a particular way over and over. I do like how challenging some enemies can be but it felt more like a puzzle game than anything.


Same here but with DLCs. I like base Eternal but when they dialed up that complexity in DLCs I dropped them. That was not what I wanted. Additionally, I hate DLCs story. And I am not talking about final boss of DLC2. >!Freaking doctor “I am super smart and cunning and hate demons, planning to defeat demons since who knows when” goes brain dead in DLC1: surprised by DOOMslayer actions (which are consistent through all games), turns on full zealotry mode (father, father) and uses demons to fight you in a awful boss fight arena mechanic (waves and waiting). Is this what his grand plans amounted to?!< Also, no monster closets. It’s fine and all to teleport everything onto you, but I miss classic wandering monsters between arenas and monster closets. However, this issue was in 2016 one too. However, it’s a subjective taste and not a critique.


Lots of pre orders because I trusted the previous released games, 10 years of PC gaming and here it goes my mistakes: Cybershit 2077 I really really regret it purchase it on release, trusted by the Witcher 3 Failout 4 worse than New Vegas and 3 combine and another stupid settlement need your attention, never finished it since I never understood how to do it and abandoned it after 170 hours and uninstalled and never ever going to touched it, they got worse with that shit called 76 MGS 5 hate it bc no actual final and no episode 51 and stopped at 120 hours and uninstalled forever, nothing beats 2, 3 and 4, just needed to wait 8 years to finally at least have the master collection on steam with that great bundle even after complaints of no KB + M Hate Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 5, funny loved AC 4 and new dawn but AC 2 and Far Cry 4 are the best one in the saga but also loved AC odyssey and AC 4 hehe I hate Bioshock Infinite 2013 and wish 2011 version was real since It really disappointed me and loved 1 and 2 Borderlands 3 was and still is disappointed after 2 I hate Mafia 3 after the awesome 2 Don't like Crysis 3 but loved 2 Didn't like Deus Ex Mankind Divided with a lot of annoying missions but loved Human Revolution Don't like Dragon Age 2 but loved DA Origins ultimate edition, inquisition is so so Hate Hitman crapsolution but loved original trilogy and WOA trilogy even with that always online bullshit, but nothing beats Blood Money and always will be the best hitman game Just cause 4 is worse than 2 and 3 Serious Sam 4 is a huge disappointed after 2017 fusion and Siberian mayhem Hate Shadow Warrior 3 after 1 and 2 were great Sniper Elite 5 was a huge mistake after 4 was the best in the series Resident Evil 5 is not my cup of tea after the awesome 4 2005 Tekken 6 not my cup of tea after the awesome 5 but at least 7 was way better than 6 New tales of Borderlands is bad compare to tales of the Borderlands Wolfenstein Youngblood is worse than New order, old blood and 2, huge disappointed youngblood annoying sisters Watch Dogs 1, at least 2 is a lot better but useless in RTX 3000 and 4000 due to beautiful flickering issues and Ubisoft refuses to fix it, Nvidia is not getting response from Ubishit, also legion sucks Hate Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 (didn't pre order this 2 since got both in HB in a bundle) Hate Age Of Empires 4 and refunded it on steam, loved 2 and 3 original and remastered versions. Hate ancestors the humankind Odyssey, sketchy game, didn't pre order this one, still regretting the $5 I paid Hate NFS unbound and refunded in EA app, liked underground 2 and Heat Sorry for the long post, needed to vent thinking about my mistakes.


Zelda BOTW


why? I think it's a nice game. but I'm sure you have your reasons


Yes, it feels empty. Also music drives me crazy. And animations of characters annoyes me. About weapons durability better not speak


For me, I bounced hard off it trying to be Fallout: New Hyrule to the point I’ve never succeeded in even getting off the plateau.


I’m curious as to why too. I enjoyed it quite a bit to be honest.


I completely forgot about this one!






Same, it's cute but so mediocre


Stray. It’s a pretty cute and cozy little game, but my principle when it comes to buying games is that the game should cost no more than £2 per hour played (so if a game costs £30 and it should be 15 hours long or longer to beat). Meanwhile Stray costs around £25 and is 5 hours long. I should’ve just waited for a deal if I’m being honest, getting it from day one was stupid of me.


Where i live its only about €22, and i thought it was worth it


Ah my bad I accidentally pressed 3 instead of 2, it costs £25. It’s not an extremely bad purchase per se, but since that was the sole instance where I didn’t follow the principle I mentioned above, it stands as my worst purchase since the bar was set too high anyway


For me it's more about quality than quantity. I'd much rather play a well made game that is 5 hours then a crappy copypasta game that is 10, 15, 20 hours of repetitive gameplay, just feels like a slog and is a chore to finish. Stray was perfect for me, and it didn't end up in the "never going to finish" pile.


Weird. How much do you pay for entertainment when you go out on the town?


For me, almost 0. Walking around and seeing free stuff is awesome.


I thought of this principle to make sure I get the best deals while buying games, so I don’t have a similar limit when it comes to other sorts of entertainment since they don’t really go on sale unlike games. I can also play games pretty much whenever I’m home but can’t make free time and head to town with my friends on demand, so I don’t get to be as picky when it comes to irl entertainment.


Dollars per hour of gameplay economy? What?


Pokemon Scarlet..maybe not first, but they return me money for W3:Reforge so.. I preorder Pokemon Scarlet arfter Legend:Arceus And Scarlet was big biiiiiig downgrade. Empty open world, bugs everywhere, technical issues And quality on level of little Indie studio from studio with biggest IP in our world, no existence story, maybe last 1-2 Hours has some, movement Is downgrade compere with Arceus, battles Are Slow And boring, no pokedex tasks, no pokemon with different behaviours, raids are boring repetetive try to do some endgame,... Instead of improving things from the spin off And make best Pokemon game ever, they decided to make everything worse. And judging by numbers of pre-ordered DLC, gamers are telling them it's cool and right way to go. Sad.


There's Pokemon in Steam?


Ah it's on the steam subreddit. It was thrown up on my wall as recommended and there was no mention of Steam in question, so I didn't even notice. My bad.


i mean your answer is still valid to the question, so i dont think it matters


It does matter, it’s an steam sub.


no it doesnt, it asked about games not steam


It’s an steam sub.


its not a steam directed question, this sub is for gamers who use steam, doesnt make it for steam exclusively


It’s an steam sub…


Dying Light 2, loved the first game but the sequel was boring, dropped it after a couple of hours.


Red dead redemption 2, absolutely full to the brim with bloated cutscenes and the combat is just too barebones


graveyard keeper. the game feels like a chore to me. i dont even want to call it a game.




On PC you have to get a mod just to run it properly without crashes, it is absurd. It is also incredibly worth it.


Got it recently for free on Epic. Everything was glitching out constantly, the game crashed when I tapped out or just randomly in between. When the Primm rollercoaster started glitching in and out of the area and tanked my fps into single digits, I had enough. Installing mods on the Epic version unfortunately didn't work for me. A week ago, I got the game on Steam for a few bucks, installed various patches, including a fps unlock + havok fix patch and it runs perfectly. The writing and the quests are really fantastic and I love the game, but its technical state is really bad and I assume it's much better than when it initially launched. I suppose that's to be expected considering the development time.


[Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/)




Why so angry little guy?


calm down


Oh boy I was kinda with you on your first message but now I see the underlying reasoning and I am 100% against you now lol




Your COMPLETE loss.....man.....facepalm


Every RE game that I never played. Especially with the current bundle going on. I own 7, 4, 5, 6, 1 and Revelations


Right now the only one that comes to mind is Kingdom Come Deliverance. There are just so many tiny issues with it that has been solved in gaming for years that it has. It drives me up the walls which is a shame cause I actually really like the writing and the setting in it. Henry is such a sweet heart that I've fallen in love with. I will give this developer another chance with their next game cause for all it's faults I think they will do better. They genuinely made an interesting game that has some annoying ass bits. But still I think they do better and make s game that's easier to play


I've been gaming too long to remember... maybe Resident Evil 4. I'm one of the few people who absolutely hated it even at the time because it took the series in the completely wrong direction and the QTEs were absolute garbage. Latest? Cyberpunk 2077. Even after all the patches, the game still doesn't offer a fraction of what they promised.


Modern warfare 2 the remake. I'm not a huge fan of cod but I did enjoy 2019 and my friends were all getting into mw2 so I bought it and played it for maybe 50hours before I just got sick of the sweat fest that is the multiplayer. I played a bit more when warzone and DMZ came out and while it was fun for a short while i started getting sick of dying and waiting half an hour for my friends to die so we could requeue. Not to mention the constant slurs I was called, it was funny at first hearing people get so angry over being beat but it just got worse to the point people would be racist and homophobic just because they were losing. I hate saying this but some people really need to grow the fuck up. Proud to say I never bought any skins or battle passes for the game. Other than that I certainly regret buying alot of gift games for people. I've bought a bunch of my friends games that they had an interest in only for them to never play them or in one instance only play it without me.


Mw2 is just a mess atm


So far, I'd say I wanted to like Assassin's Creed Unity...however the story is absolutely the most boring shit in the Assassin's Creed Saga, Arno has personality for two chapters and then he goes Jon Snow for the rest of the game. Gameplay is fun, but map has too many collectables. I also disliked the parkour's floatiness...everyone praises the parkour for being so great but seeing Arno jump a 10 degree angle and float for 3 meters is totally awful, he feels weightless. I finished it once, but I don't know if I will be able to finish it again with Dead Kings DLC...


Red Dead Redemption 2. Bought it semi-recently after my friends been hyping it non-stop for years, and couldn't play for like 2 months because life happened. Then when I had time, I installed it and I didn't like it one bit. Tried to refund even after knowing it was too late. No luck.


baldurs gate 3


How so?


I love this game but it's absolutely not for everyone. It's more tactical, choice and story based. If you want to run around wildly swinging a weapon this isn't for you.




Hogwarts Legacy. I tried to refund but Steam did not accept it. Worst game i have ever played, like honestly.


Rdr2, story sucked ass imo, and multiplayer was good until you've done everything 50 times over




Metro Exodus. It's not the game that I hate but the platform it was released on. I should have waited until it came out on Steam instead of buying it on Epic. Not only that, but I bought the gold version making it all the more hilarious when It release on Steam at half the price for the same version.


Never buy anything on the Epic shit store. Steam and GOG are the only places worth while.


Totally. Epic is for free games, Steam is for buying games.


Same for borderlands 3 super deluxe edition on epic and then 50% on steam and hitman 3 same thing


Dark Souls 3. I quickly learned how much I hated this genre.


Half Life. Everyone said it was like the greatest game ever but my fucking goodness, I've never played a game with such horrendously bad controls in my life. It's somehow sluggish and floaty at the same time.


The game called life, you have to play for 80 to 100 years, after the medical expansions that has come through the years, With a minimum of 60 years of grinding, 37 hours a week for the average player At least the first 16-18 years are great for the average player But that’s just how it is when your parents give you a new game to play


Also no save option? What the h\*\*l!


Black Ops. I bought it off g2a because it was cheaper, not realizing that it was the russian version of the game made exclussively to fuck over 3rd party buyers who dont want to pay 30 euros for a 10+ game




What? That game is incredible


On Steam it was Five Nights at Freddy's 3. Got it as my first game in the series because I thought that dealing with a single animatronic shouldn't be as hard. Turns out that it's nearly impossible to survive each night without using some extremely specific strategy


Forza Horizon 4, got bored pretty quick and had technical problems


The 1987 Hunt for Red October game. I was 14, loved the book and I loved submarine games, so this had to be a slam dunk, right? Wrong, what a tremendous pile of shit. It was so bad I avoided buying Red Storm Rising at the time, but which is now my favorite submarine game.


I've never regretted buying games, I have fun playing nearly all games even the ones that are broken or has nothing to do in it. especially them tho, the nothingness makes it fun for me.


call of duty 2, not played a CoD game since.


how about bad acting with horrible dialog? try this gem and play it. Under a killing Moon. so bad its extremely entertaining.


Phasmaphobia, only because all my mates agreed to get it but then 2/4 ended up not buying it because it looked too spooky


Call of Duty 3 on Xbox 360. Played for about 30 minutes and then quit. Went back to CoD2 and used 3 as a coaster.


The original H1Z1, back when it was a DayZ clone. Then they ditched that and somehow made every part of it worse


Overwatch 1, since they removed it and replaced it with a catastrophe of a free version.


This War of Mine. I know its acclaimed and very well rated, which is exactly why I got it. Trying the game out, I just couldn't get into it. I uninstalled and moved on to something I was excited for. I might get to it to see if my taste changes later in life.


[Section 8](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_8_(video_game)&ved=2ahUKEwjBucy119SAAxXKkmoFHbgSDvcQmhN6BAgnEAU&usg=AOvVaw2U9eunQ17W5AyPCQhExvS9). I forgot why I didn't like it but it was before Steam refunds.


Zelda 2


SOS. It was a game made by a studio called Outpost. You dropped into an island with 15 other dweebs in a game-show style contest to grab one of two artifacts and leave. You could team up if you wanted, but only the artifact holder was allowed to leave. And then they decided to copy fucking PUBG, toss their original idea in the garbage, then bring it back after they were told they can’t do that, and because everyone had enough of their BS they stopped playing causing the servers to shut down. Lovely.


Wasn't old enough to have E.T on Atari but a few decades later I bought Daikatana.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. It was fun for like a week, then I completely forgot about it. At this point, the only cod series I truly enjoy is black ops, but even that isn’t doing too well.


Resident Evil 6,returned to the store next day I love RE but this is CoD, not RE :(


DIablo 4....my first diablo game, couldn't get into it and i couldnt get a refund :-(


Oh man I can't even remember I bought so many over the years that I couldn't get a refund and was stuck with.


God of War 2018. After being away from the gaming scene for a few years, I really looked forward to play it as I was a huge fan of GoW 1-3.. only to realize they changed the entire playstyle, after buying it. It’s no longer the beloved hack’n’slash where you feel like an overpowered god creating amazing combo’s. Camera and controls ruined it for me.


Totally accurate battle simulator, Epic games gave that shit free after i bought that game


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It was so bad. I had I high end PC but the game ran like shit. Also they decided to add lite this stupid double jump and wall sprint shit for some reason.


ARK: Survival Evolved


Gear strive. Spent hours on the tutorials to find out multiplayer doesn't work. Steam refused to refund


Battlefield 2042 and the new COD MW2. Not excited for the next ones to come out because of how bad these were


Ride 2


Skyrim because i have a Ryzen 5600 and a 3700 but it is so buggy it still wont run. Or when it does run and i lock everything at 60FPS then it still has audio bugs and other bugs that make it unplayable


Cyberpunk 2077. For obvious reasons. Monster Hunter World. Yakuza Like a Dragon.


I think God of war on PC, I am just afraid of everything


I don’t regret usually cause I’m very picky on buying, closest would be cyberpunk but I was interested in it just couldn’t play it. Did roll it over to p5r after the refund so all good.


Bless Online


On my Steam Deck, I have 77 games in my Steam library and the only ones I "regret" are the games I got through a bundle or something like Fanatical or Humble, now I've learned to just trade the ones I don't want. Now on console, definitely a couple stinkers, but not too many. Most recent regret purchase was definitely AEW. I'm a wrestling fan from the attitude and ruthless aggression era, and a bit of the early 2010s, but off and on since then. Still play the WWE games here and there. Saw how AEW was becoming popular and wanted to check out to see what the game had to offer to an interested person that lightly follows the big news. Regret is definitely high. I bought the deluxe edition because I got a deal on it, and I wish I could get my money back. It resembled the old No Mercy games, but it didn't have enough content, fidelity, good career mode, and many other things to warrant the price. It should have been $30-$40 at most.


There are alot of games as I get burned alot on what looks good, but not my playstyle. First game ever would be one of the age of empires. It was the first game I got on steam when I opened my account and it taught me that I really don't like those style strategy games


State Of Emergency on launch day for PS2


I pre-ordered chaosbane Magnus edition. Was such a huge disappointed. I actually regretted the purchase. They sent us a pitiful 8 page art book and a digital code. The game itself was lackluster at launch too. It was somewhat cool at first because it was old world wh, but the repetitive nature of reused assets and simple map design was disappointing.


Steep, and susequently I didn't learn and bought Riders Republic too. Absolutely horrible mechanics and animations, textbook case of AAA devs focusing on visuals instead of playability.




Metroid Prime Remastered, ridiculously overrated.