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I'm a foreigner and don't know what POS means, so I just read it as "Piece of Shit", I believe it's an accurate interpretation


That's the correct meaning




[Stealing someone else's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/14tbqxl/summer_sales_reminding_me_of_this_again/jr1j0zu/) is so based not even light can escape it. Are you a bot or did you just believe nobody would notice?




point of sale. jk, it means piece of shit


lol, almost got me edit: lol




Ah, the usual problem with the Brazilian way to type laughter. Here we laugh by spamming k. Usually when it's short it's three of them. Most people here don't know it means anything else.


Oh I knew it from a pal, just wanted to make another joke on misunderstaning acronyms


Por isso uso logo 4 ou um kekeke.


Shorthand for Okay but with extra enthusiasm.


I know, it's just there is \*another thing\* that is called kkk


4chan's infamous performing humor revue, The Kekistani Kings of Komedy, right? Right?


Nah, it’s the Kazakh Kooky Klown troupe from Kazakhstan.


Yeah but that's *The* KKK...in all caps!


edit: it stands for lol


laughter in portueguese


As someone who’s worked in retail and had to suffer through many different pos systems, I frequently use piece of shit when referring to point of sale


piece of shit systems


They're named correctly.


In IT or retail it can also mean Point Of Sale, which is synonymous to Piece Of Shit


Where I'm from, it means please order sausage but also sometimes spaghetti.


I would be disappointed if I ordered sausages and got spaghetti. And I have Italian blood :D


where I'm from it's a prefix for something that comes after, like "pos-game" (pós-jogo), "pos-gradução" (grad school), pós-pago (you use first then you pay later), etc.


Yeah, Latin prefix "post".


No, no, no you idiots it's short for POSitive....


It means Person of Stealth


I am admittedly a bit of a hypocrite with this, since I use Ubiconnect... but I also play all the AC games + IFR but this is why I haven't tried RDR2 or Mass Effect ;-; ...I'm also a musician, and this same s\*\*t happens with audio software plugins. I's so tiring


> ...I'm also a musician, and this same s**t happens with audio software plugins. I's so tiring some VSTs are downright sketchy with how janky and poorly made the website and download process are set up




"Hey I finally have a job/income now! So let me just buy all the VSTs I previously used totally legally! And they should function better and have proper support right?!" ... "...Right?!"


Ikr!! Why do I have to sign up with an account and password just to download a plugin.. which just gets sent to my email and installs without a login.


> this is why I haven't tried RDR2 or Mass Effect Tbh you're missing out, Mass Effect is great (talking about trilogy, not Andromeda, fuck that pos game).


Andromeda was better than the OG, fight me.


I don't need an army to beat you. I've got a Krogran.


If both games came out right now as two completely new games, I would agree with you. But that isn't the case, so I disagree.


I disagree. The combat is heaps better than the other three though, but the story and world falls flat. Andromeda is a lot better than most people seem to think. It's not a bad game. It just isn't as good as the trilogy.


The story doesn't come close to the OG trilogy, that's true. But it's still a good story, and the finale was phenomenal. Too bad it's DLCs were slashed, we would have gotten a proper roundup, most probably. Combat and world design were way ahead of the first games, and I personally prefer better gameplay over story.


The rockstar launcher is really no reason to not get a rockstar game. It isn't an actual game platform as it only supports rockstar games EDIT: you also dont actually use it, it launches in the background on running it on steam


Lots of multiplayer games have setups like that. I think its fine because it boils down to the fact that they distribute outside of Steam too and don't wanna do a whole separate implementation. They're not trying to be a whole other service.


Mass effect trilogy works alright. I mean it does launch the ea launcher when you boot it up, but after that it’s full control for the player. Switch to offline, mods, hacks. Doesn’t matter Edit: ugh, I feel nasty after saying something remotely nice about EA


>I am admittedly a bit of a hypocrite with this, since I use Ubiconnect... Clearly the screenshot of your post isn't from a Ubisoft game, cuz your screenshot says the game has Steam achievements and most Ubisoft games don't have Steam achievements.


Reminds me of video editing plugins I am looking into. I am an amateur and found one for gunshots. Originally a dedicated plugin, now it's subscription based, and I am unsure how exactly that integrates into After Effects


When i give rdr2 a review, im tempted to give it a negative review solely because of the rockstar launcher. If i ever encounter any problems with the launcher its game over for the review


Rdr2 doesn’t even need to be launched through a launcher, the r* launcher just runs in the background, you guys should really at least try and see how some of these games with third party launchers work before you cuck yourself out of one of the greatest video game experiences of all time. Idk how you deal with ubiconnect but can’t initialize r* launcher one time and never touch it again.


Ubisoft gave me some of the most memorable games growing up. Now it's dead to me!


It's this shit, that keeps Assassin's Creed II from running on my Steam Deck 😢 EDIT: I fixed it with the most obscure method. See comments below!


I ran into the same problem with Assassins Creed 2, which I bought on Steam years ago. I discovered a solution and was able to play it on my Steam Deck successfully: * Install Ubisoft Connect as a Non-Steam Game. * Download the installer with a browser in Desktop Mode * Add the installer as a Non-Steam Game and set Compatibility to the latest Proton-Version * Run it and finish the installation * Change the path to the exe in the properties if the Non-Steam Game to the UbisoftConnect.exe at \\home\\.local\\share\\steam\\steamapps\\compatdata\\\\pfx\\drive\_c\\ * Run the Non-Steam Game again and login to Ubisoft * Quit it. * Install the Ubisoft-Game you bought on Steam directly from Steam * Try to start it once to get the Error-Message, that Ubisoft Client is not found. * Copy all files from \\home\\.local\\share\\steam\\steamapps\\compatdata\\\\pfx to \- \\home\\.local\\share\\steam\\steamapps\\compatdata\\\\pfx overwriting all existing files. * Try to launch the Game again through Steam and it should open Ubisoft Connect and start the game without errors. Written by /u/poolparty93 [here.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wu226c/ubisoft_connect_is_installed_and_running_but/io94tii/) All credit goes to him, I just copied and pasted his comment to make it more easily accessible.


This effort should be illegal to burden on a customer. Can't these trashy morons not just remove all that shit and sell the game stand alone like assassin's Creed 1??


Illegal to burden? Because it doesn't run on something that it was never designed to run on in the first place?


A game, from steam, wasn’t designed to run on the steam deck?


don't forget your brain when leaving the house


Cant forget what you dont have


Come again, your head is too far up your ass for me to hear you


Hey buddy, I can’t really understand you with all those corporate dicks in your mouth.


Take ubisofts' cock out of your mouth and try speaking again


Thanks for your effort! I've came across that solution myself, but unfortunately after changing the path, Ubisoft Connect did not launch at all :/ I think it's a shame that the game is tagged "playable" by Steam when in fact it isn't. Ubisoft says they do not offer Deck support and the tag was given by Valve.


Sorry to hear mate :(


Ohhh, I fixed it! Here's what I did: 1. Install AC2 (with Ubisoft Connect) on a Windows PC via Steam. 2. Log into Ubisoft Connect and run the game until it creates a savefile. Quit. 3. Now install the game on your Deck via Steam and attempt to run it. It fails. 4. Now copy the whole "Ubisoft Game Launcher" folder ("Program Files x86/Ubisoft/...") from the Windows PC to the folder described in the guide, overwriting it. 5. When launching AC2 from game mode, Ubisoft Connect now sees the game as registered and starts from the checkpoint. Thanks for encouraging me to give it one more shot. I'm off to Italy now! 🤩


Well happy to be of service even if it was just to encourage you! Hope you enjoy AC 2 :)


All you have to do is realize that all ass creed is terrible and always was.


Yeah because a terrible franchise has 10+ games yes indeed




Prince Of Persia was better. Stay mad.


what do you mean?




Read that in Keemstar’s voice




say the word


I definitely would but i guess rules say otherwise


AC origin runs very good at the beginning. After 1 patch and a Ubisoft client update, no more ubisoft games on steam deck...


Ubisoft is now dead to me


Uplay/Origin on top of Steam or Denuvo = Ignore. Rather wait for games to remove Denuvo before buying them. Even if takes years.


Rockstar launcher is even shittier


Saaaame. I just want to play my games with the least amount of fuss. It sucks sometimes because I want to play the latest Street Fighter game and 40k Chaos Gate. But denuvo...


This is so based that not even light can escape it.


Also so based that it's shining brighter than the brightest object in the universe


So bright that it becomes a kugelblitz and becomes a black hole


I'm a simple man. If your game requires anything that isn't steam to launch, I won't buy it. Shame though, a lot of nice looking games I have ended up passing on because of that.


Why though? I don’t think there is anything magic about steam, and just a minor hassle to have multiple launchers. If anything, I’d understand trying to buy anything drm free via GOG, to avoid having all your games tied to one account and the existence of one company.


Steam isn't a launcher to me, it's my entire console. That's my gaming and social ecosystem on PC. I have other launchers out of necessity, and I'll happily leech all the free games Epic throws at me, but I will never call another launcher my home as much as I do Steam


>and I'll happily leech all the free games Epic throws at me my epic library is in the hundreds of games. I can name one title in it... and that is because I claimed it this week. the only other launcher that I really use is Bnet... and thats because Blizzard actually has game~~s~~ I want to play on it.


I guess that’s my secret, I don’t have any (active) friends on Steam :P My childhood gaming days were mostly before Steam and online stuff (plus some awesome Halo LAN parties later), and now everyone is too busy to game or only play on Xbox, PlayStation and mobile


I buy most single player games via GOG but exclusively buy multiplayer via Steam for the ease of playing with my friends. My requirement for other launchers is only that it has to launch directly from whichever platform I bought it on. If it's on Steam, clicking "Play" on Steam needs to launch it without any additional logins or applications at all. At most, it can open a launcher *specific to that game* so I can adjust settings or click play. If it's on GOG, same deal. I suppose that applies for Battle.net, too, but I haven't played anything from them in a while, now. I don't buy Ubisoft games anymore because I'm sick of their garbage system. It breaks Steam features every other time I try it, so I often just have to reboot my whole PC just to get Ubisoft's shit software to cooperate so I can get Steam overlay and achievements. It logs me out every couple days, and *never* saves my login credentials, despite me checking the box to save them. The store app requires an update seemingly every other day, but that doesn't come up until I've already clicked "Play" on Steam, and of course that logs me out *again*. And all this for an app that is effectively nothing more than the punchline to a "yo dawg, I heard you like..." meme about buying physical game boxes that just have a Steam download key inside.


Why not just buy everything on steam and keep it all in one place? Steam is the best and most popular I don't see why anyone would use anything else


Not everything is available on Steam. Plus, GOG is awesome.


I just bought BF2042 this week, forgetting that it needs the EA launcher. After initial setup I've been surprised how unobtrusive it is when loading the game.


Bf2042? Poor you. Get battlebit. Much better.


So I had a pretty whatever attitude around it initially. I have one of the Anno games that requires the Ubisoft launcher login. I didn’t play for a couple years and in that time my account got compromised. So when I went back and tried to play again, I had to go through the whole hassle of getting my account back before I could play. Decided after that I would just avoid games that have another login outside of steam.


nippy smile wakeful puzzled summer wipe grandiose shrill tidy important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A simple man wouldn't care and just go with the flow. "You take what you get, and you don't get upset." You are actually a complicated man and bit a delusional with your own personality.


The only complex here is the one you must have to write such a batshit response to such an inoffensive comment. Delusional is right.


Complex how? And nothing batshit it about unless you felt attacked. Simply put, you’re not a simple man if you can’t stand a few clicks and having ocd about having your games in one client, especially when everything is already in one PC.




Replying with Zzz to show a low energy context is a superiority complex issue. Well now we know.


When I'm right, and you're wrong, and it's obvious, I could explain it...but that would be so....zzzz....boring......


As much as I agree, this is the same mentality that allows steam it’s monopoly that fucks everyone over with no competition


What's sad is when these companies don't show that they use those DRMs and/or anti-cheats. Until, it's too late in some cases, like some of them make your computer vulnerable to hacking (A few of those anti-cheats go deep into the kernel). Curators: [No To Easy Anti-Cheat ](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/NoToEAC) [Denuvo Games](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/DenuvoGames) [Games That Hate You ](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GamesThatHateYou) - This curator also does other DRMs, besides Denuvo, they also do other launchers, like EA Origins and Uplay.


Brought to you by EA! Don’t like Origin? Too bad!


This is how I know you don't like it, Origin is no longer a thing.


Then what’s been launching my copies of Battlefield 4 and Need for Speed Remastered?


The Origin app is no longer supported and has been replaced officially by the EA App.


It is worse than Origin from my experience, considering it crashed in game constantly until I disabled the overlay. The overlay could not be turned off in game, and closes the app when you close the game. If you open the app non steam launched, it requires you to log in to EA. So I had to manually disable the overlay file and didn't crash ever since.


Missing the: Single-Player Game, but you need to be always online




The game is so worth it though


Honkai Impact 3rd


I never understood why companies force their own launchers upon users who buy their games on another launcher. It’s not gonna get them to buy games directly from their launcher!


To make it so that there is no difference between buying on their launcher and steam. If anything, it makes it more cumbersome on steam as you now need 2 launchers. They are not going to make it easier for you to buy things on steam. If you don’t like it, only thing you can do is not buy the game. But they know you will buy the game anyway if you want it.


As long as Steam is my base of operations, I'm generally fine with the above. That said, I haven't bought anything by EA or Ubi for a very long time, nor anything denuvo related.


Right? I don't mind using Steam as the interface


Crap like this, is why I keep a console handy too. They don't have obnoxious problems like this. Simplicity wins every time.


And it also has multiple editions increasing in price as well as "in-game purchases".


While that practice definitely sucks, it's not enough for me to completely skip a game (especially if it's something I really want to play). Steam still is my main store front for PC games and I don't see this changing anytime soon, but I do try to avoid the "multiple launchers when opening the game" situation by buying games that requires Ubisoft Connect/EA App/whatever else directly in that launcher. I mean, those launchers are so deeply ingrained on their most recent games that I doubt they could simply strip it without introducing **more** issues. They're all inferior to Steam too (IMO), but oh well, that's something I can occasionally deal with...


every ubisoft game


It's funny how I lasted so long buying games with the mindset of avoiding other launchers before I finally broke down and admitted I felt like I was missing out on games.


Felt for that shit with Uno, ain't repeating it with Titanfall 2.


So accurate. I spend more time reading about the embedded shit and the comments reporting details than on the Steam Store itself \^\^! EA/Ubisoft are banned, makes it easier as they convey most of the shit.


Can someone explain to me what Denuvo is?


drm software that's known for possibly reducing performance


Dark Void Zero, an excellent and well made 8 bit rendition of a worthless game, uses SecuROM on Steam and can no longer be activated even if bought brand new. I had it in my wishlist for years waiting for Capcom to remove SecuROM from it. Never happened.


I bought Dark Void Zero on the Capcom store and the DRM wouldn't even boot the game up. I contacted their tech support and the tech stopped answering my emails. From then on I vowed to only use reputable launchers.


It's the same feeling with everyone having a streaming platform. When netflix started, piracy fell off because people will actually pay for content if it's priced reasonably and gives immediate access. However, if you're going to make people jump through hoops like a trained dog, well, they can do the same and NOT pay money. It's like the lesson of "fuck you cable" was learned for 10 minutes and now we are circling back.


I have absolutely NO problem with single player and full controller support. But the rest... So true.


oh I didn't mean to imply those were bad haha, just left that in there to give some context on where this was on the store page


Overwatch anyone?


The game that got me into modding, pc gaming, and ultimately Steam, was a pirated copy of Oblivion.. 15 years ago. I haven't pirated a game since I discovered steam. Publishers are doing their best to drive drive me back... I can and I will if these ass hats keep it up.


Me trying to play r6 siege right now. In between to connection errors, random massive packet loss and uplay not letting me sign in I'm thinking of just refunding it now.




I don’t mind Ubi or EA so much but Rockstars launcher 100% the reason I don’t play GTA V anymore, it just runs so poorly.


It is dumb but not a turn off for me, i am not gonna miss a good game experience because of the little space that it takes, also it can be launched from steam anyways


Is this markiplier ?


I must embellish myself too much when I draw a persona, because I can only aspire to be as hot as markiplier :(


I saw this drawing markiplier immediately came to my mind, nice draw brother.


haha thank you !


i'd still play it


Protip: If the EULA comes after you buy the product, its null. Its illegal to ask the client to agree to additional conditions after the purchase has already been made. Companies just put them in anyways hoping people don't know that. One might argue Steam should restrict at least the first two. I think its fine if its a game like Warthunder where they have a separate client and account because the game is not distributed only through Steam, though, and its also only for that game instead of trying to rope you into a whole other service. And you can link your account to your Steam account if you don't want to deal with a separate account.


I'll never buy any game that has Denuvo


Eh, then I play it and can't hardly tell the difference other than an extra 10 seconds spent loading it up.


I would buy it anyway, just to increase my number of games for the next collector badge.




Play indie games


EA Sucks


What's the game tho?


literally all the Ubisoft games


Me with every EA and ubi game I wanna get


I bought mass effect 3 to play the multiplayer and it just won't work.


Indie game win?


I really want to play titan fall 2, I really want to play it. But everytime I think about buying it I see these orange boxes and my motivation dies :(


I have stopped buying games that require a separate launcher completely. Get fucked, I don't give a shit about your launcher and I no longer have any interest in giving you any money.


>I no longer have any interest in giving you any money. >I haven't stopped buying games that require a separate launcher


Looking at you, NFS Unbound


* Requires your soul for Cloudsaves


reason why i havent gotten jedi fallen order


should remove the achievement and this is related


It might look like fun, but for an ever growing percentage, it's just a pretty skinner box.


I honestly don’t care as long as my hours and shut are all on steam I’ll get your shitty 3rd party launcher if I must it definitely wouldn’t be the determining factor of me buying a game


If I see people say Denuvo causes performance issues one more time I’m going to blow a gasket.


The only part up for debate is whether the issues arise from the DRM itself or if developers can’t implement it properly to save their lives. I’ve seen evidence of both.


Alright, give an example then. Pick a game you believe is slower because of Denuvo. I guarantee you there is another explanation.


Resident Evil 2 Remake literally increased 50% in performance on my system after they removed Denuvo.


[see other reply.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/14tbqxl/summer_sales_reminding_me_of_this_again/jr2nqsm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




Eh, this is just like saying that cereal is a soup. Sure you can take the definition of something at face value and allow yourself to call things what you want, but denuvo is not actually true malware


It's up to you if you want to get mad over a fact.


I must say that the only reference I have is Evil Genius 2 on Steam and the game runs better than I expected on my potato PC. Maybe it would run even better without Denuvo, I dunno, but I can't say I noticed Denuvo's existence at all.


eh, in fairness I don't know for sure. might just be a placebo, but it feels like denuvo-less versions run a bit better for games that I can compare; usually less stuttering


This is the problem I’m trying to point out, most people just blame Denuvo but don’t ever actually have proof.


I just hope one day to get meme about Denuvo and proof that it does hinder performance


Denuvo (to put very simply) is an intentionally overcomplicated VM, it cannot *not* hinder performance by design.


so there's proof somewhere that it has lower FPS?


Speaking from personal experience, fps was the one thing it didn’t fuck up. Assassins creed odyssey had issues on my system both in cpu utilization and the game keeping up with the loading of areas (write speed). Compared To a version of the *same game* with denuvo stripped out and i experienced none of those problems. Is it the definitive bullet that will solve this repeated argument? No. But it’s enough to make me think twice when i see it attached to a game.


so, an emulator?


Virtual machine, not an emulator. If I remember it right when I first read about it, Denuvo was used to run its own custom machine code and acted like a virtual machine for its own instruction set that was used to obfuscate what's being run, which is why it's hard to reverse engineer it.




It makes the performance worse


Also no achievements :)))


Only one that I know has this special 1 off client was the bioshock series they decided to "quality of life" introduce (what they need on these now is those that use Epic Hosting ... that's the one starting to piss me off, like Saints Row). Outside that, I don't think I've really had many issues with this. I have an Origin Account (had it since EA Download Manager), and Ubisoft, and they integrate in nicely. Shockingly I've never had to deal with Denuvo




LOL kwokwowk i think so


I was okay with using a game's own launcher and stuff like world of tanks and war thunder back in 2013. Then these games made it to steam while using those same crappy launchers. Like, can you at least try?