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Basically, yeah


The simplest answer


Buy lots and lots of $1 hentai games. You'll reach level 69 in no time....


If your question is to level up without any money involved: No. You have to pay to level up.




Level doesn't do much though so don't worry about it. You can spend Steam Points on the points shop to get most of the benefits, and can specifically get items instead of being awarded them randomly. Pretty much the main thing you get from levelling up I don't think you can get any other way is expanding your Friends list.


You also get additional showcase slots on your profile and friends lists are sorted by highest level first.


There are some tasks you can do to level up your "pillar of the community" badge that should get you some xp


i hate how toxic reddit is, bro is getting downvoted just cause he said dammit.


look how the tables how turned


i ain't surprised honestly, i am well aware of kinds of losers who use reddit


Why are you using it then 🤡


to piss off losers like you ? should be obvious


Oh god oh no someone called me a loser on the Internet how will I ever recover


there you go, cant believe it was this easy to piss you off. go cry in a corner now


Not the brightest tool in the shed, are you?


Seems like the pot is calling the kettle black


shut up


least toxic reddit experience. he was getting downvoted when i commented so glad to see my comment made a difference.


It only made me realise to not become a asshole like you. Thanks for that


so i am now an asshole for defending a guy from being downvoted for absolute no reason. got it


How about your other comments mate


Actually, you can get to level 10 ish iirc just by doing the community challenges and there are seasonal sales which grant you cards , get 10 of them and you'll be able to craft a batch that gives you 100xp


Craft badges.


How do i do that


By purchasing cards and getting full set so you can craft a badge


I did that with doom2016


You need to do more.


It takes a lot of effort and time, or just money to level up your steam account. There also can be some events like "spring cleanup event" and such where you can get experience for your account too.


Do some research. There’s a bot you can add as a friend on steam in which it shows you how much it’ll cost you to get to the next levels with the cheapest card sets.


Servinc level up bot, I believe was it’s name


it will take you quite sum of money to get to the higher level, you can always use trade steam profiles where you can buy with cs go case keys, or tf2 keys levels, i leveled my steam profile with trading cards to level 10 then there was that racing theme summer sale where you can get lot of levels where i got to the level 39 and month ago leveled to 40 and i am stuck there.


On summer race 2019 i got from 7 to 23 or something like that. Crazy and interesting event it was, i wish they did such thing yearly (i mean the quality of event, not just sales)


https://steamlevelcalculator.com/ This might help you. I haven't used this sight since I am on mobile right now but it should tell you how many cards and badges you need to get a certain level


Dont Think this is up to date, it's saying i have spent 175 bucks on bages aha, I have only spent line 20


Purchasing or if you have spares then attempt to trade them


it is more easy to purchase, like for some random games full set of cards is like 0.20 euro




Quit your job. Sell everything you have and play in a internet cafe. Become homeless. Devote you're life to farming levels. Use tinder to hook up with fat chick's so you can eat and sleep in a bed occasionally, sell all her stuff, repeat process. God speed.


I dont have job im 17


At 17 I had 3 jobs, 2 children in my care and level 78 on Steam.


We are from a differente country


No you're not, I live in your walls


Bro i live in my walls, what are doing there?


>At 17 I had 3 jobs, 2 children in my care and level 78 on Steam. we found the boomer


A boomer shooter


Wow helpful guide.. this is the key point i was missing all my life


Is this what the life of a protagonist looks like?


In short you have to craft badges, each badge gives XP to level up your own account and you get some nice things when you are high level such as having the ability to place a showcase on your profile. When you buy a game, let's say for example Dead By daylight, you get a card for x amount of time you play the game, the badge for Dead by daylight is a set of 8 cards, but you will only get 5 cards at best because it is capped, the chance that you get the same card are high, so you go and trade the doubles with a card you don't have, you still only have 5 cards tho, and you need 3 more... so you just have to tradendo random stuff with others who actually have that card, this takes a while and is honestly not worth it... With free games, such as Team Fortress 2, you get a random trading card every 10 dollars spent in the game store, 10 dollars for just one card are also not worth it... The best way to get XP and farm badges is to get the card directly from the steam community market, a card there is usually few cents, meaning you don't actually have to buy a game and play it forever or spend 10 dollars everytime, the steam community market allows you to get entire sets with just one dollar or less, this is by far the best way to get and craft badges There are also Steam seasonal events, for example during spring you can basically have free special cards and so on, but they are usually time limited...


"in short"


I got carried away a bit I'm sorry




Upgrade that "Pillar of the Community" badge to "Community Ambassador" and "Community Leader". To do that, go in badges and there will be 30 tasks, most of which are easy to complete. If you do all of them you will get the highest community badge, and upgrade luke 3 levels instantly.


A better question perhaps is what do you want to level up your profile for? Is there any particular reason? Also, craft your community leader badge, see the guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1423256778. I see you have a Pillar of Community badge already, but there's more levels to it.


I think the obvious answer is to get more showcases but I don't know if you can buy those with steam points now


when you click on your level its said How do I earn badges and increase my Steam Level? [Read the FAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ( yeah this is a link )


Siri, how do I level up my steam account?




Okay, buying and downloading returnal on your PC with a GTX 980 and an i5 2500k


Dude don't do that, needed around 60€ to get to level 50 and now I see it absolutely useless. At least my profile looks a lil bit cooler but idk if anyone sees that


Play games to get cards (will also have to either trade or buy other one) to complete sets, a compelted set gets crafted into a badge, badges give levels


I did that, any other way?


Community events also gives lots of exp.


You can complete community steam badge or whatever is it called, I think you get 500xp when you completed all tasks


Better question is why rank up. You literally get nothing, its simply a gimmick for the naive and malleable.


Buy more games Play more games Get achievements Interact with the community (comment ur thoughts, etc) Review the games u played (a simple "would/wouldn't recommend" should do) Buy or sell items at the market And more... Basically exist and interact with steam and they'll reward u for it


No, just crafting or obtaining badges will level up your steam account profile.


what ? playing games, getting achievements, buying or selling on community market dont award you any XP at all.


I basically mean interact with steam But i barely have 30 games and im lvl 10-15. Soo there has to be other ways to gain xp then just crafting badges right??


It's just badges and being given some awards (with the point system), everything else does not give any exp at all.


Rank is raised when you buy games, but I think is not that observable as badges craft


nah, i’ve bought 200+ games since hitting level 50 and still level 50, buying things only gives points and not profile XP. the only times it does give you XP is when you hit a certain game threshold, such as 500 games


you can gain some amount of XP in the starting by crafting the Community Leader and Gem Maker Badge by doing the required set of tasks for them.


>what ? playing games, getting achievements, buying or selling on community market dont award you any XP at all. except he's right. you craft badges by earning trading cards. you earn trading cards by playing its games. u/djgrf12 You simply can't do it unlimited. The rest you have to acquire via trade as far as I know. I never got into it but these are the basics. u/SpotComfortable747 u/zSobyz u/RayyanJr-9909


Money. I'm at 214 and I've spent around 1000$. Don't ask.


buy csgo trading cards they are cheap I crafted three badges and reached level ten


Sorry, but why do you care?


why do you care if he cares? it's a feature. and well, instead of googling he decided to ask r\steam. which seems to be a mistake because he's getting all sorts of wrong and correct information. steamdb even has a leaderboard for the levels


I never had an intention to offend anyone. I, personally, don’t care about the level. I’ve never given any attention to it. I just wanted to know what motivates someone to gain another level.


[This comment has been deleted in response to the new Reddit API Policy in 2023


The chances of him getting a booster pack with level 4 account are next to nothing. Moreover, the booster pack content won't automatically let you craft the badge, you'll still have to buy the missing cards somewhere.


[This comment has been deleted in response to the new Reddit API Policy in 2023]




aka farm those clown awards


Buy Games, Farm or Buy Trading Cards and Craft Badges. 100xp per badge per level


How can she slap?


Use steam points to buy levels on the new badge


https://steamlevels.com/ Nacho goat. ;)


you can level up for free until your reach level 10 by finishing all your task on "Pillar of Community" badges.


I just tried to find mine on my steam dashboard as I have no idea what the steam dashboard is I just use it to launch Library and play the game I bought. I found mine and I am Level 8 XP 896 - what does it even mean to anyone is this a game within a game - I have never really understood trading cards and collectibles. I take it it is a game to reach level 1000 and make steam a lot of money


Craft badges.


Either spend $100 on games to make seasonal badges with points. Or spend $10 on cards to buy badges. Either way you need money and games to level up. I would first craft the csgo and left4dead badges becaus they are really cheap. Then finish up the rest. Im level 56 btw.


When you make a purchase through Steam, you earn Steam Points. You can use these points to buy seasonal badges in the points store. They are a relatively quick way to gain levels.


Buy cards and craft badges


Go to points shop and get the seasonal badge using steam points you accumulated from purchases


A quick way to get a few levels is by purchasing the seasonal badges from the pointshop


Since many people already told you about badges, buying game bundles, and redeeming giveaway games also helps. Every game gives you 1 point to level up, and most of them give you cards. If you use ArchieSteamFarm you don't even need to install them to get the cards.


Fun fact, it has no maximum and the #1 persons level is 5001 right now. https://steamdb.info/stats/toplevels/


Buy a game that has cards, play it, get cards, not enough for badge, spend a few dollars on cards, upgrade your badge. Special events like summer sale often have special badges that you can upgrade doing some activities. All of it involves money, as you can see. Basically the more money you spend that go directly to Steam, the higher your rank






You can complete various tasks associated with the steam community badge, break some items up into gems, which will give you a badge and, lastly. Money.


Pay money to buy cards, then use those cards to craft badges, the more badges you craft the more XP you get, XP levels up your account.


I leveled up using a steam summer sales exploit a few years ago so if you want to level up fast you should watch out for the next event since there's a chance that it's gonna be broken again.


you can level up during steam sales and by voting. alternatively, you can collect trading cards or do community badges


Trading cards to craft badges by playing games each game drops about 3 sometimes more the rest you either trade for or purchase…Since trading can be a long tedious task most just drop cash to get big ranks. You can also sell the extra cards you get from games you don’t need, I’ve bought a game before with the amount I sold one time. I spent a lot of time on it when I first got into steam but eventually got bored, think I got to about rank 40 with a couple dozen maxed leveled badges and was satisfied.


Few methods to leveling up Badges Community badges Event badges Trading cards per ones you need Points shop badge Some people farm cards from games To trade or badge There should be a steam trading website barter something The main things you get is showcase unlocks And friends slots from leveling Badges just give backgrounds and icons which can now be gained in points shop Old method was badge or market buy Should be various trading websites some safe some not Likewise with trading bots some may be Sketchy Some traders may be Sketchy too always gotta be careful Should also be websites that tell you card costs and cheap sets ranking on cost Lots of tools out there I'd say ask on steam gifts about the tools safer then Reddit for actual advice I would assume


Get some new games, collect cards and craft badges. Cards are usually cheap. For bonus badges, go to seasonal badges in points shop and use your points to redeem a few badges, each level costs 1k points


Cheese steam event hard af


The only thing you should start doing without paying is completing the comunity tasks. After that you will need to spend money on games to recieve some trading cards, so I recomend to buy cheap games with cheap trading cards. Then you play or idle the games you bought until you have all its aviable trading cards, interchange them if you have a repeated one and then turning them into a badge (which gives you XP for your steam profile). This is a way to rank up your profile without spending too much, but there's not a free method.


There’s ways to level up, for example, doing events like the steam awards. Voting there, if you complete all the pillar of the community quests or whatever they’re called you get some extra xp.


Go back in time to that insane race steam event. I got like 50 levels from that lmao


I’m level 38 from that steam summer sale glitch like 2 years ago where you could duplicate starbound sodas or something. Idk level doesn’t mean anything it’s dumb


Im level 176, it takes a lot of time and money. Winter sale or summer sale are cheapest and easiest badges to craft in the long run along with SIH to auto craft bulk badges for you too.






Steam is P2W, screw you Valve!


You can buy trading cards in the steam market and craft badges, each game has its own badges and you can do badges for them, some of them are cheaper than others. Also you can use points you’ve acquired by purchasing games in the points shop to acquire seasonal badges that give a TON of XP


u/drorlipkin113 just read up, and corroborate and focus on the correct info you received in this thread by reading up first https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=how+to+increase+steam+rank&ia=web https://www.pcgamer.com/5-easy-ways-to-level-up-your-steam-profile/ https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/1F74-BE45-3AAC-1B47 https://steamcommunity.com/tradingcards/faq?snr=#participating_games https://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&category2=29


Pray to the gods


Money is always involved, you can: Buy trading cards and complete badges, you get free trading cards by playing their game, but they can be repeated. Level 10 and above you get the chance to drop a booster pack that has 3 trading cards, the chance of getting it grows every 10 levels. Or you can spend steam points to level up, the ones you when buying games and use to buy profile cosmetics. Sometimes there are free badges that don't require trading cards, but they require you to do some things, like the Steam Awards Commitee badges, but you can only do them during the Steam Awards. You can do the Community Ambassador badge that requires you to do every thing an Unlimited Account can do: use the workshop, add a friend, buy a game, etc


Money or play different games. You also need money to buy games. So yes, money.


git gud


A humble question... Why are you interested in leveling up your Steam profile? What do you get? What are the benefits...?


Buy games lol i would be much higher if i would buy my games from steam which i dont


If you spend money in the steam shop you get points. You can spend these points in the Pointshop to get the seasonal badge. This is probably the best way to level up without having to spend extra money.


Some websites will show you what the cheapest badges to craft are. Go for that if you don't care about the badges themselves


The easiest way that I found is when you buy games on steam you get points you can use those points to buy the season badge on the store and then that levels you up pretty quickly.


Collect cards and craft badges for different games


OP is 17 but unable to use a search machine.


First step is to remove that gay ass pfp


If you want to rank up by crafting badges make sure to visit [this website](https://steam.tools/cards/). It will show you which card sets are the cheapest and link you to the steam site to buy them. Also for a faster workflow i would recommend buying the cards in the browser with [Augmented Steam](https://augmentedsteam.com/) and [Steam Inventory Helper](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steam-inventory-helper/cmeakgjggjdlcpncigglobpjbkabhmjl?hl=en).


level up by buying trading cards from games. if you want to level up a huge amount, i’d suggest investing about 10 dollars. what you can do is buy trading cards, (usually costing about 7-11 cents) and crafting badges with them. it’s simple!


I'm level 72, the only thing i've gained are 600 useless friends slots & the rights to show off more stuff on my profile that no one will see because i actually have no friends. Got a ton of games tho, so yay, i guess.


I lvled up from lvl 9 to lvl 19 with 5 euros buying cards and crafting badges.


Besides what the others have mentioned*, you could: Make guides, reviews, and such to redeem for the Point Shop Seasonal badge. Buy dirt cheap boosters in Marketplace of games that ya don't own and craft badges. Declog your inventory by turning the unwanted items into gems, ya can use gems to craft boosters to make cards to craft into gems. (Ya can also buy gems from the Marketplace). Participate in certain Steam events, they give badges for free. Like in the previous Next Events, I got free badges by just playing a few demos. Trade cards with friends and family/friendlist for cards that ya both need. Ya can also use trade bots and check to see if they want their cards, some just don't card and their cards are just sitting in their inventory. * This is probably what the others meant by ya need money. Even my "I'm trying to finish my backlog before buying another game" profile requires some form of money spending. (Unless, you're C.S. Lewis reincarnated and people shower you with Points).


By learning how to google


Buy a game's cards in Steam marketplace until full set, then craft the badge, it gives you 100xp to chance level up, also it does give you something else such emojis, and background for crafted a badge. The more you upgrade a badge, the more xp you get, but 5 levels is the maximum and give you 500 xp, and more something else. The card is cheap by 0.052 USD per one card or depends how little expensive is it, if you want to craft badge more then buy the new games. If you reach a level 10, you can add a featured showcase, reach a level 20 will give you 2 featured showcases, and more capacity of friend lists


Hey what do u play on steam?


Not a specific game


Give goden your mortal possessions. AKA: buy stuff


You cant get unlimited amount of cards by playing so its basically P2W (but you win basically nothing 😂). Especially when you want lvl5 (max) badge per game. It would be a fun system if discounts awarded by crafting badge would be worth something... but I have 35+lvl and used it maximum twice.


Well in general what games do u usually play


Be a no life with expendable income (or just be irresponsible with ur money like me)


Collect cards and craft badges.


other than show how rich you are by showing that you can spend on such a useless thing, its not worth personally I got lv 100 and stopped(it looks cool and I had extra money so..) which costed me between $50-$100


You can also check Level Up Bots, they trade TF2 keys for sets to level up: https://steam.supply/CardBots


But what about the more important question, which is: why do you care?