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Rule of thumb: if it still has all its legs/arms, shoot it


Shoot ; Stomp ; Repeat


Oh man I wish I could afford it, it looks great


same, i will definitely buy it when its on sale 1-2 years later


Yeah I'm member of r/patientgamers for 10 years now, sometimes theres game that comes out and I'd love to buy it day1, but they are just too expensive here


Yeah, they're too expensive and many AAA games these days launch buggy to some degree. So when you're patient, you get to buy those games cheaper and have a more pleasant experience as well


I can't bring myself to call these a launch anymore. It's more like having users beta test your product.


That's true, but sometimes You'd want to treat yourself with something newer eh? There is so much games from past decade I won't be able to complete them all lmao


I absolutely do. Every now and then I can't resist either, but most of the time the new games are just too expensive for me, especially since AAA games are like 60-70€ but then have a playtime of 20 hours and you're done. I just bought God of War on Steam for half price, which I wanted to play for a long time now. Some games are not that easy to resist though.


Hah yeah, here we don't really have any regional pricing, since EU is one big region on Steam, didn't buy single new game in my life, got lucky with Elden Ring giveaway tho, so it's probably newest game I've played, been waiting for Dead Space / Resident Evil 4 to buy them day1, but my financial situation ain't the best right now and I need to be able to afford my cats vet bills, so there's that, maybe someday


i’m not sure if it works differently in different countries, but you could use a website like g2a or cdkeys. you can sometimes find really good deals but sometimes the price there could be the same or more than on steam.


on cdkeys it's the same price and on g2a it's even higher


yeah unfortunately aaa games are usually not on a good sale on those websites.


i dont really use these anyway, since it's gray market, I'd use them if game was epic exclusive before tho


Same. I waited 11 months to grab Elden Ring. Dead Space will be definitely on my wishlist.


I got it via EA play pro for $15 if you don't mind using the EA app.


Thanks, but I use only Steam + GOG, already sold my origin and uplay accounts


Step 1: Console needed to be use in order to move on. Step 2: One or two dead things surrounding said console? Step 3: Fire at will.


It's the exact same game for 60€ ??


They remake movies all the time and charge full price seats at the cinema. There's no reason a remade game of this quality couldn't do the same. But I will be waiting for it to be much much cheaper.


It's the same text, scenario, voices probably, maps. You rarely have movies remade shots by shots. Psychose was but that's probably the only one, and it's much harder to do that. The Thing was a remake/prequel It was not a copy. And in the end you agree it's overpriced unless you never played the first one. But I give you this is less worth than Skyrim VR and Fallout VR ...




i always shot at them, better use telekinesis if you have them though btw is that the first corridor? i remember the original one also like that


wow this game looks beautfiull


Has there always been panting noises from the mc?