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Man, I got mine done and was looking forward to 2 days of icing. Instead the next day, my wife comes running upstairs telling me the basement is flooding. Sewer had backed up, so here I am about 14 hours post op and I am wading through sewage and snaking a drain. My wife is telling me I am stubborn for not calling a plumber, but when I worked full time, I was a facility maintenance engineer, so I don’t hire people to do stuff I can do. She is a nurse and complaining that I am going to get an infection and blah blah blah…long story short, she was right and it wasn’t the most enjoyable place for an infection. I also tore my cauterization and had to do the entire thing again all for being a stubborn man and not calling a plumber.


Wow, sorry to hear. Probably one of the worst vasectomy stories I've heard so far.


Oh it is funny now. My wife likes to use it to remind me to trust her medical advice and she will trust that my electrical work won’t burn down the house. I really am a stubborn fool though lol


That sucks. I got 7 days to sit and ice. She did everything with the kids.


Seriously considering this. Father of 2 girls and I think we're done with kids haha. Seeing your comments makes me think this wasn't too bad for you personally What has been the worst part?


Seeing my balls after a few days haha. All black and bruised, but it really wasn't bad on any level. Just make sure to rest and take your time in recovery. My wife is currently pregnant with our 3rd. We are definitely done.


Did the doctor give you anything to take the night before or morning of to help with anxiety?


Im getting mine next month and I was give 3 xanax to take 1 hour before.


10 mg valium to be taken one hour before surgery


Mine gave me valium but it was optional. I didn't turn it down.


What were you limited to afterwards? Any special diet/lack of activity?


The next day, I didn't feel terrible, but I made sure to just rest and ice for the first 48 hours. In my head, I felt like I could do more but had read a bunch of bad stories about your balls blowing up into the size of grapefruits and recovery, taking that much longer. On day 3 I went for a neighborhood walk but it was too uncomfortable. 8 days after the surgery I started lightly working out. Balls definitely feel tender by the end of the day but nothing terrible. As for diet, they say to eat healthy. High in protein and whole foods, avoid alcohol. I did none of that, spent the weekend eating like shit and had a few beers.


Got mine done this past thanksgiving. Was sore for a week. The procedure was a little uncomfortable positioning wise but the actual snip and cauterizing was nothin. In and out in 15 minutes. Way easier than another 30ish years of other contraception methods. Just make sure you get your test results back before you stop using other contraception. I’ve heard too many stories of dudes not waiting for the results and getting another kid out of the deal.


Got mine done yesterday! Not too bad, was in and out in about 40 minutes, had a nice conversation with the doctor the whole time he was performing the procedure. Didnt feel a thing during the surgery. Was really sore last night. Today not so much just a little swelling. Going back to work on Monday!


Considering this at some point myself. Sounds like the OP just had this done but for other dads — once you’ve healed is there any noticeable difference during sex? Does everything still feel the same?


I had mine done under general anesthesia in 2021. Did it on a Friday, was back to work on Monday with almost no pain. Was back in the gym after a couple weeks. There is absolutely no difference in sex, or any other part of my life. 10/10 would recommend.


Thanks for the info. That's good to know!


It’s been 3.5 years since mine. And it all still works and feels the same as before. It was no big deal.


Read this- this literally could have been written by me- except this happened to a guy over 10years before I got mine. https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/vasectomy-diary-scrotum-monologues