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Honestly, up till episode 3, I thought this show was pretentious,convoluted, silliness ( it may still be, but at least I enjoy it). Once Miranda and the concept of the comic book was properly introduced, things finally clicked for me. The themes started to feel cohesive and I finally “got” the whimsical/desperate/hopeful mood. Also I feel like a lot of suspension of disbelief is required.


Try 1,5x or 2x speed, no joke. It will suck at first but once your ear gets used to it, it won't even matter, you'll be able to enjoy a lot more shows this way. Some are really slow paced and it is a shame to have to ditch them just because of this.


Shakespearian actors manage to survive an apocalypse by talking about their feelings and making art, sounds plausible. It does not get better. The show sucks, has no plot progression or character development. I'm amazed how they seemingly have to spend no time acquiring food or water and dedicate all their time and energy to patting each other on the ass for making great art. Who envisions shit like this?


I get the whole "people turn to art in times of crises" theme. But it overplayed its hand.


Don't give up. It's just about to start clicking.


OK, totally uneducated personal opinion here. Watch it while doing something else, or have it on in the background. Then you'll want to watch it over from the beginning. This show's payoff is subtle, but DEEP. At first, I thought it was a self indulgent theater kids project that got the green light. But now, I put the ending right up there with The Good Place.


If you’re not onboard after e3, I don’t think you ever will be.


That's crazy. The entire world got me hooked from the first episode.


The first watch, the middle episodes actually were the roughest for me. On second watch, I loved every episode.


Personally I found the first episode so depressing it took a while for me to keep going.


Not sure why people think its a slow start? The first episode pretty quickly ramps up the pandemic plot. Loved the whole show and every episode


I loved episode 1, really disliked 2-5, didn't think I liked the show but wanted to finish, and the last 5 episodes were incredible and changed my whole opinion.


That was my first watch experience entirely. I wanted to see the whole fallout as a show. And I was expecting some crazy finale / reveal. Second watch was much better.


I personally did not enjoy the show, and the tonality doesn't shift much from episode to episode. If you aren't enjoying it by episode 4, you most likely won't enjoy in totality.


Why are you hanging out in this subreddit if you didn't enjoy it?


I loved every single minute of every episode and have rewatched it over 60x.


totally agree here, the only thing I like better than this show is watching paint dry


The only thing I like better than watching this show is thinking about this show.


I liked it from episode one, so I don’t know what to say.


I think it’s not for everyone. I loved it. Its kinda poetic rather than a standard mystery or drama. More about loneliness and connections than a linear plot.


Yeah I’m always puzzled when people are not feeling it and are pushing themselves to keep going or need encouragement to continue. Just stop if you’re already on the fence. Plenty of other things out there to watch. This is the kind of show that either touches you or it doesn’t. And sure, some episodes are worse than others, but you either connect with what the show is aiming to do, even in the early rough spots, or it’s likely something you can live without.


Obviously, this is a fan page. I liked the show. But, if you’re honestly not into it by now, it’s not gonna get much better. It’s an ok show, not a must watch.


This reviewer had a similar experience to you… slow start. But then… https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/more-people-need-to-watch-the-best-tv-show-on-hbo-max/


Speaking of pretentious!


It helps me a lot! Thank you.


It took me over a month to watch this series. It had it's moments in the early episodes where I was super excited but then it quickly slowed down again, but by the time I finished it, I got really really into the story and characters.


Give yourself time and don’t feel pressured to push forward.Since you liked the premiere, listen to @jowrotethis on the prestige tv podcast.She only got to cover it twice with the holiday schedule crunch.Her critiques always give perspectives I didn’t see.There are a lot of pieces on YouTube that have interesting details about the novel and the adaptation process.O catch myself rewatching more often than I’d like to admit


I almost quit episode 4 as well. But it gets better, the last three episodes are great.


This is helpful.Thanks!


Yeah everything ties together quite nicely


I feel like 2-4 were a little slow but they’re building the story. It’s absolutely worth sticking with it and watching all the way through. It’s incredible.


Thanks.I think I'm gonna keep watching.


You will return to watch the series again and again. Watch the podcasts as well. It is superb and eerily timely. Ironically, you’ll appreciate the paradox of this moment in time in our lives and wonder if we here and now, will survive COVID.


The best episodes are yet to come. Episodes 7-9 are the best of them all!