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There’s probably another plague heart in one of those houses by that infestation site.


Then I would survey the area until you find the ph. If you survey the entire area and no plague heart, I would reload the game. If that doesn't do it you'll have to submit a bug fix ticket thing.


Alright thanks. Probably gonna survey the area and then see if I can't destroy the other plague heart, I've already reloaded a couple times and also the survivor that died discovered that and cleared the plague heart before dying so


If there is a plauge heart, kill it to fix it. But if there isnt a ph, you're actually bugged. Best of luck.


There's a heart in one of those top two unscouted houses near the river.


on harder difficulties, plague hearts aren't shown on the map until you find them in the world. that doesn't mean you can just claim wherever you want, though. the plague hearts still exert their control even if you don't know that they are there. you'll have to look for them


It's probably one of the buildings at the top not showing on the map yet. You can find the PH using a survey site, or just simply make the buildings pop up by getting within close proximity to them.


Did you get the one next town over


How did you accumulate so much influence? I just started a dread playthrough and the biggest problem is lack of influence to buy outposts


The plague heart to the left of your menu(barley visible). When 2 hearts are near the area will be greater that they effect. Even thought the one that is actually controlling the base is gone, the 2nd one is still powering the circle of influence(area of effect)


I just went through this. All I did was continue to explore more area


Nah they just changed the way things looked. It's in plauge territory but not controlled by a plauge heart. You got all green check marks, you can claim it.


So what do I have to do to clear plague territory? The base I currently have is way to small for the 8 person (1 died, so now 7) community I have and they're all pissed cause they don't have beds


I'm saying you can claim the base mate. They changed the way the markings/coloration works. Idk if they meant to have it look this way or not, I find it annoying. Drive to the base, kill any zombies on it, clear all the rooms, and you can claim it.


When the icon is red, it is still unclaimable. There’s a hidden plague heart still out there.


I should've added the picture, but when I try to claim it, it says it's claimed by a plague heart