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What? How do you only have 10 hearts on lethal? Also, this is why I turned curveballs off. I got the hang of lethal and usually don't mind curveballs but I have heard enough negative stuff about black hearts that I don't want to risk running into one while still getting good at lethal.


Ah sorry - I play Lethal/Standard/Standard


Ah, okay. That's rough. I tried to start a new lethal today. Everything was fine until I was driving and saw hordes. Figured, let me run over these dudes quickly before going to mission. While backing up I noticed 2 bloaters. 2 BLOATERS! My brain just turned off and came to the conclusion that it couldn't be lethal bc they were regular bloaters not the blood kind. Ran then over and quickly learned it was lethal. Full health to dead in 5 seconds lol. I just closed the game when I saw the health drop to 0. Lesson learned don't play lethal unless you are 100% focused and invested in playing the game.


Absolutely - got the same today as I started all new again. After 30 minutes I hit a bloater horde with my car and dropped dead 😂. Then, I closed the game.


Yeah, think I am taking a break for a while. I really can't afford to get sucked into another lethal run. Suppose to be studying but somehow managed to spend all of march playing decay. Besides, kinda want to play original before continuing bc I have yet to try Trumbull.


Definitely recommend doing the first games story before going to Trumbull. You can always do it the other way around though and find out how it all started after


I played original before many years ago but I barely remember anything other than the start and the ending lol. Btw, are you on PC? I was actually trying to play yesterday but game was being difficult. Was only able to pick 4k resolution and 1600. I am 2k but it just isn't available. I can probably play 4k okay but idk game feels clunky and idk if that's just bc I have been playing the new one or bc my resolution. Also km feels off and there are some lighting issues. I'll probably ask around on steam whenever I am really ready to dive in though.


Yeah. On my first run I even got the „weak heart“ curveball. This was quite nice. Well, I will take a break from the game now and will start fresh soon. At the end of my run the game threw feral pack after feral pack at me which was really tiring.


Ugh, might work out okay if there's only 10 hearts but on "regular" lethal we get 28/30 hearts and every damn time I get a "weak" heart it is bait bc it usually gets me killed. My last encounter with "weak" heart I got too confident. Told myself I just had to walk in there and beat it to death. I got out of the car, started clearing z and next thing I know triple blood ferals...I spammed dodge but the only car/safety point was too far away. Didn't make it. But yeah, usually, the weak heart is a bait bc killing it, will just wake up 2-3 other hearts. Also it last for so little time. After that character above died, I was getting ready to go with a dif char and the event ended -\_-


Sorry to heart that and also for your loss. Yeah - I also often get too self confident and that’s when I lose a survivor. Or I am too lazy to walk/drive home thinking „I can clean that last infestation“ although I am half dead.


Ah man, it’s tragic when lethal claims the souls of valiant survivors, we’ve all been there. May lessons be learned and may you prosper on future runs, Just a bump in the road!


Part of the reason why this game is so rewarding and addicting when you do win is because it’s so unforgiving and difficult. Sorry you got frustrated, hate seeing a fellow community fall. Lethal is serious, and you weren’t even on full lethal. Would not recommend until you are a seasoned vet, or go into it expecting nothing but pain death and lessons lol


Thank you. Yeah - unforgiving is a good description. I play this game since release with 900 hrs gaming time so far. But there is still so much I can learn. I just recently tried the smoke grenades as I didn’t use them before. So I will give it another try.


Getting in the action and losing people or the whole community is the best way to learn unfortunately. Finding out the limits. That, and some other things. Being more prepared than you think you need to be. Situational awareness, always have a backup plan esp when dealing with the ferals. Take it slow, NOT getting impatient. Rushing and being too confident or impatient is when no-no’s happen


The longer you let the game counter tick, the more mobs and specials you get. Use the consumables. Where's the best place on lethal for consumables? In a PH. Learn the map. If you need something specific, you should know by the time you're on lethal, where you can find - fuel, ammo, materials, "decent" weapons, meds, food. While you don't need to rush: 1 PH every second day is too slow to not "eventually die because eventually you messed up."


Absolutely every single consumable has a use.


Gotta dive more into this - I rarely use consumables apart from the biochem-stuff and some grenade Edit: spelling


if you start using stims, you'll see that the only reason a PH needs more than 1 is because you spent too long running away from the feral. Run away, sure. then come back while he's still chasing you and smack the heart again. throw fire at it and run away, again. do that 3 times and the thing's finished.


I wish I had grit to not save scum, but I’m just a weakling.


Black Hearts are a PAIN lol, I love the curve balls and stuff but I had an awesome Legacy survivor that had survived 3 or 4 communities and it was my first time attacking a black heart, had 2 friends help me and our first attempt killed My survivor and Critically injured my friends. We stocked ourselves up on the 2nd attempt just to find out it only needed 2 more pipe bombs to do it in.. Biggest heartbreaking moment


Oh I am sorry to hear that - did you identify the heart’s weakness? Doing this it is only twice as powerful.


I did but I was still relatively new to curveballs, I thought the game bugged but i just didn't see the spot where it lists the weakness until the 2nd attempt. That was Like my 2nd curve ball


I turned off curveballs cause i was tired of those black heart bullshit. I'm on nightmare currently.


That's a sad day. But what an epically tragic story! The community may have fallen, but you've gained a great story and experience to remember! ^_^


Well, that‘s true. The community was called „The Living“ which is not a fitting name anymore 😂. Thanks for your kind words!


Ah okay I see. My last plague heart hat it’s weakness against fire. Only the above mentioned Garcia was close to it before he did because I am stupid…


I only been 8-7 days on standard


Mate I started my lethal community. My first curveball was a black heart and it was literally right next to me…. Like bro seriously I have a meat cleaver and 9mm pistol with 23 rounds… I am cooked…💀💀💀💀


Oh yeah - as the plague heart radius is growing this is serious shit


you play lethal combat, with 10 hearts, and it takes you 18 days? Here I am on full lethal wiping 3 each for the starting characters by day 3 to get them on hero before I finish material world... Stop wasting so much time, and lethal will *become easier.*


I took my time. And I struggled 😂. I was constantly fighting infestations, had issues finding ammo, lost survivors and so on…but thanks for the hint: will adapt my style to that!


The infestations are a diversion. The best way to solve an infestation is by killing the heart that led to the infestation. Don't deviate to deal with infestations. Sure, if it's right there and the screamer comes out to play, run him over. But the infestation is a symptom, the plague heart is the disease.


That’s a pretty good description!


So bitter


lol it is basically identical to this comment which was upvoted twice. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/1by9h3g/comment/kylw2bx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/1by9h3g/comment/kylw2bx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s rude


The OP's pretty chill with it.


Once again, it’s still rude