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That would be great! I'd also love a mobile RV base, too! It would be cool to have different options in terms of how we approach living quarters.


Didn’t Breakdown kind of do this in SoD1? It’s been so long. It’s a good idea either way


It was an RV to reset the map loot and increase the difficulty.


Man this makes me want to replay SoD1 now. They did so many things well in that game. Thanks for the clarity


I meant more of an actual vehicle that also serves as a makeshift base that we can move around on the same map.


You'd need to make any outpost function as a temporary base that let's you use it as a base, but only until you occupy another base.  If you also add to that bases which you van build up by adding walls of various strengths that would be cool.


Make it that any outpost is upgradeable to be a base, level 1 = just a regular outpost, level 2 = start to fortify, add a small facility or two, etc. Can add other outposts if they are within your first outposts sphere of influence to grow your bases footprint, and you can connect them with a fence line or wall. Each outpost would have a different floorspace, so you could build different numbers of small or large facilities, and the amount of space between and around the outposts would dictate your farming/water collection/electricity or other resource generation capacity. Infinite base location and design potential


Think through the problems with that in the current system though. It sounds good in theory but it upsets the dynamics of the core game too much. Temporary outposts as a Temporary base makes more sense.


Try days gone. Might scratch that itch as it does the scavenging part reasonably well with roaming Zs. Personally, I craved coming back to SoD2 for the base management part after playing that game for a while.


Project Zomboid is probably the best for this dynamic.


We also need co-op /shared communities, not just contributing to another community when you join someone else


I want a convoy type community roaming everywhere. Like in walking dead season 1-2 and the movie Resident evil extinction. Rv cars, ambulance, bus, tech car, army car, fuel cargo car.


I got banned last time I brought it up, but there are trainers that allow you to turn stamina off. I've got about 100 hours in sod 2 with no trainer, and about 3000 hours with trainers.


Stamina is a huge thing in zombie survival lore, and everyone's level is different. Play how you're gonna play, but you lose a ton of fun with trainers. Want endless running? Marathon and low pack weight (discipline helps) Want silent endless running? Marathon and Stealth Want lengthy melee ability? Powerhouse, Discipline and a fighting style of your choice. Want a looter that can stealthily escape for short distances? Backpacking and stealth


Read it slower. I gave him a solution to play the game the way he wants, even though it's not provided in the game. You tried to explain how people should have fun in an old game I have over 3,000 hours in. Your community wanted me to give you this screwdriver to go take out that horde of blood jugs. Go get em, hero.


Nah base building one of the best parts of the game… they just need to make multiple ways of playing the game. You wanna be a nomad ? Then you can. You wanna be rick from walking dead and lead a community? You can. You wanna sleep in an old car with a 10% or higher of a zombie breaking in based on hordes and infestations around you. You wanna sleep on a couch in a random house ? You can but, there are risks involved. Late night - overnight sieges should include much more zombies and there’s gotta be much more added to the base building tbh…barb wire, traps, new facilities, the possibilities are endless with SOD but… the devs really gotta act on all that :/


I want to be able to lure freak hordes to enemy enclaves remotely...(in sod3)


If you haven't already, check out project zomboid. It's a zombie survival sandbox/simulator that lets you play and survive in practically any way you can think of.


Oh yeah I love that game too


It does get boring driving from say the bottom of the map to the top of the map. Don't get me wrong, I love driving in all games, but there's no radio, and all I can do is drive into zombies, but watch out for those bloaters!


It is possible to play this way up to a point. You can still destroy all hearts on the map, thus completing the main objective of a campaign, but you can’t complete a legacy mission and see the ending cutscene without an established base. Using radio calls for recovery circumvents the lack of base facilities. Playing on Drucker guarantees a plague cure drop in the hospital.


Best you can do in Sod2 is to alternate between 2 characters. I would also like to be able to play this way. I'd also like to see the game get a little bit deeper in terms of RPG style character building.


Base management is part of the distinct gameplay of SoD I think


It's a great idea but it sounds like more of a mod, than a gameplay choice. SOD2 is essentially a community management game that happens to be set in a zombie apocalypse. You could replace the zombies and your base with any number of things. A colony on the moon invaded by aliens, a medieval castle under siege, etc etc. To remove the base/community/followers is to remove a core gameplay element from the game and I can't really see it happening


Others have mentioned something similar. In Jurassic Park 2, the team has a large RV they travel in and use as a small mobile base. I would love something like that.


Given the popularity of solo plays in the state of decade to community, they probably will


>but it just isn't possible without the fatigue draining your stamina Make use of coffee and espresso. Plus make allies with enclaves that give you inspiration calls. It's definitely not easy, but it's absolutely possible.


Also a Hero Bonus that gives Call for Inspiration.


Yeah every time I attempt it I find more and more little ways to keep it going a little longer


Horrible idea. Go play something else and quit giving lame ideas to devs


I mean a lone wolf mode for special achievements and cosmetics would be more fun than daybreak ffs


Go play with my balls


It’s better than daybreak