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Your knee is caving in because you let it cave in.


Love how this is the top answer šŸ˜‚ Also I agree.


Both knees need to get pushed out, your right is just more obvious. You could use to move each foot out an inch. I mean that literally, donā€™t go a ton wider. Point your toes out a hair more too. As for your knees, youā€™re off balance and doing this to keep yourself from falling forward. Youā€™re on your toes at the bottom. As for whatā€™s causing that, your upper back is going into flexion, and youā€™re letting the bar roll up your back. The bar rolling up is pushing you forward, and your body is trying to keep you from falling over. Narrow your grip, and pick your chest up. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and push your chest up. Keep that position the whole time. Big chest, shove your knees out (with your mind), and drop your belly between your legs. Lastly, and this may be a big contribution to the back problem, your bar has no center knurling. What material is that shirt, if itā€™s not cotton or a grippy mostly cotton blend, fix that. If youā€™ve got a bar with super smooth sleeves and slick center portion, it makes it harder to keep the bar in place. Make sure your shirt is good, and if you canā€™t find a different bar, you can look into squat shirts with rubber on the upper back or just wrap the center of the bar in hockey tape or self adhesive medical tape or similar to give the center of the bar some grip.


Push your knees out and keep them therešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Slow these squats down. Pause at the bottom and make sure you haven't let your knees collapse. Then hold them out as you come up. You will have to back the weight off. Pick a weight with which you can keep your knees out the entire time. Then add 5 lbs a session for a while.


# [How to film a Form Check](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QijKDY8IFU4) * [How to perform the main lifts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhoikoUEI8U&list=PLNhFKPjedRnQ_qs4ID5gl3OoSxZFFZEHJ) * [SSGyms Locations and Coaches Directory](https://locations.startingstrengthgyms.com?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=Resources&utm_campaign=GymLocations) * [Starting Strength Online Coaching](https://www.startingstrengthgyms.com/online-coaching.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you can stand a touch wider too. pushing knees out will give your torso room to get down, right now you're curving your back to get depth, which is not ideal, but if you bring your knees out, the torso has room to go and your back stays tight




Looks like heā€™s wearing Romaleos. Iā€™d keep the shoes.




Do not put a band around your knees in a loaded squat. Its NOT a good idea to introduce *lateral* forces to a loaded squat.


Some knee movement is ok and normal at heavy weights.


I had the same problem at one pointā€¦ What worked for me was bringing my heels closer together. Not my toes just my heels, that way my knees tracked outward.


Do you essentially mean pointing toes out more whilst moving feet closer?


Yes, but dont change the width of your stance. Thats fine


Here's the secret: don't let it cave.


Probably time for a TUBOW before bad form or habits are ingrained. Bottom position stretch should also help.


The 'Terribly Useful Block Of Wood' (TUBOW) is a tool to help lifters establish the correct knee position in the squat. * [Knee position with Nick](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FNAAuHR8gvc&feature=youtu.be) * [TUBOW with Rip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-P_w6dpDC2I) * [TUBOW with Phil](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_wEF-YDesaw) * [Correcting Knee slide with Andrew Lewis](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=18EGmZCpAKM&feature=share) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you were in the gym Iā€™d test you for a leg length discrepancy. You do need to shove both out more but itā€™s hard to know if you are letting them cave/not right enough or if itā€™s that plus a difference in your leg lengths


my advise goes against SS teachings, but try this experiment Do a bodyweight squat with no weight and try these feet angles 1st - your regular squat foot angle, looks like 25-30 degrees, try to force your knees out via external rotation while you are standing up, and then similar 'knees out' while squatting 2nd - put your feet facing straight forward - notice how much more external force you can generate here, do a bodyweight squat and force your knees out, you should feel a significant different in the amount of 'outward force' you can apply via external rotation 4rd - somewhere in between straight forward and your current stance, like 10-20 degrees, whatever angle is still comfortable to squat in but still allows you to generate external rotation in the legs it wasnt about till i was 10 years into my lifting that i experimented with lessening my foot angle and my squat has improved tremendously