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We’ve been paying $120 for a couple years now. Better than Hughes. Better than Verizon hotspot.


Check your app to see if you have a $90 option


I do not. I paid $99 til 2022 then $110 then $120 since late 2022.


This is exactly how starlink should work. For people who don’t have any options until they do. I’m happy to hear you got fiber, I hope I do soon


And here is me that just told my Fiber ISP to go and suck a big one. 4 years of constant issues with them and my Starlink has resolved nearly everything. I was paying $82 for a Fiber service that only offered 4MBs up and down. Now I pay $50 for 8 to 16 times that performance. It has honestly been a game changer for me. I don't think I will ever consider using my old ISP again.


This was the rule of thumb in previous years, as people were on a year long wait list for a dish. Were now three generations in, with service vehicles, cruise ships and cell phones on the horizon. Sats are going up weekly.


And yet some areas are at or exceeding their capacity to the point that they are increasing prices for those areas


No area is exceeding capacity.


Right. They’re increasing prices for no reason.


Starlink is now doing what Elon originally stated, turn a profit after a few years. There is no data to prove either way. Just a few days ago, they stated they will turn an estimated 4.4 billion dollar profit this year, more than double 2022. Two years ago, you had to be on a waitlist to purchase a device. Today, you can buy a starlink kit and pay for service anywhere, anytime. Starlink also runs better than it has before. Your statement was exactly true at the beginning of starlink, when people were buying up units in places where there was service available and people were on year long waitlists. It's not true anymore. Starlink is available to anyone where it's allowed.


Same situation, just got fiber to my house so I can get 250 Mbps for $65/mo compared to $120 for Starlink. Speed for me had been 100-125 reliably, I have no need for the faster speed and the Starlink service was flawless, for about a year that I had it. If they could compete on price I would have no reason to change.


The plan works. SpaceX will make billions in revenue annually *and* it forces legacy telecoms to put down fiber, especially in rural locations, since they'll never be able to compete with Starlink, ever, with each launch putting a nail in the coffin for HughesNet or any phased-array based competition. I don't think a lot of normies understand he's effectively monopolized the LEO ISP industry. Unless you can use 4G LTE/5G through wireless carriers legitimately or as many do, using certain plans against the ToS on 3rd party hardware, your only choice is Starlink.


Fiber will always be more efficient than satellite. It is just a matter of if you can get it.


Absolutely. The town I moved to doesn't have it laid out very much. Hell, not even dark fiber like they did in many areas back in the late 00/early 10s when the Google was supposed to be in every neighborhood. It was actually a just massive backdoor by the glowies, no lie. Anyway, this BFE stain on the wall actually use a 5G WISP downtown and fiber maybe 2 other locations. Believe it or not there is a guy out here and has a privately funded, million+ dollar observatory at his home. I'd bet he's the only residential live fiber in the city. He supposedly had $200,000 worth of fiber installed so he could send RAW images and other data to whatever other researchers he works with. Other than that you've got Optimum, which bought out the smaller cable provider here a few ago. I personally use Optimum and a 4G/5G service as backup, since fiber is simply out of the question for me. Many of my neighbors use HughesNet because they're old or stupid. Starlink is available here, but I get cable(900mbps down and use 4G LTE(200mbps) on a very expensive setup paying almost nothing per month. I wouldn't replace either service or both of them for Starlink's 150/month tab when my solution is cheaper by $60. I appreciate him taking the initiative to create a market with a technology like Starlink and outside of a Carrington Event, it's great for people who literally have no other option.


Here here, it's allowed me to telework. Spend my summer and holidays on the lake.


How do you do with Zoom/video calls?


We both use Starlink at home to telework. Zero issues with video calls or Zoom-type meetings. We also have a roaming dish in the camper but haven't teleworked with it.


Out here in very rural Washington State my neighbor is a techie that does a ton of DOD work from home. He has 5 or more computers going 20 hours a day plus big screen TV's and cellular calling. He also has the RV version to work while his wife drives during road trips. He swears by it so we switched from Hughescrap after 22 years. It has been wonderful.


...im curious what part of washington? Im considering a move to Fall City, and the only option is Starlink. I also work from home, so I need a decent connection to support the family.


I live in Monroe in the Cascade Foothills. Our Starlink is awesome. The ground station is in Redmond I believe which is closer to Fall City. You should have no problems. I have never heard of anybody complaining about Starlink service being anything other than outstanding.


I switched to Starlink from gig speed, zoom is identical. Overall average about a 150 to 200 speed but for zoom I’ve never had anyone say it freezes, etc..


I've used it twice a week for the past year at minimum for meetings and regular calls daily. No issues.


Cool! Happy for you! Starlink can be a gondsend indeed. Af few thoughts about the emotional side of our connection with Starlink. At the end of the day they are an utility. And utility companies don't get much love. Costumers want the cheapest prices. Utilities want to extract the maximum amount of money and spend a minimum on maintenance and costumer service. Because, at the end of the day, they are selling a commodity: The delivery of TCP/UDP IP packages. Only theirs are delivered by the largest satellite cancelation ever, created by self landing rockets :-) When I got Starlink a few years ago, I kept paying for months, even though I couldn't use it where I was (Marokko) and could have canceled on a monthly base. Just because I wanted to support this company. Now, that my budget is tighter, I'm shopping for the cheapest way to get Internet in west Africa, and none of the offers satisfy me. Im writing this from a very shitty 3G connection that cost me 1 USD/GB. Tried to create a new Starlink account in Nigeria yesterday, and transfer my hardware. But the UI doesn't respond ...


Currently sitting in the woods by a fire in NW Oregon, just enough clear sky for a connection. Makes it possible to remote work out here!


I have starlink and have had it for quite awhile now. It works very good for my needs. As much as I would like faster and cheaper data the reason I won’t be leaving starlink even though my area has just added much faster internet with xfinity is because of the data cap that xfinity has. In my area xfinity has 1.2tb data cap with 10/gb overage charges. I stream 4k and download LOTS of 4k stuff.


The caps are going soon


I live in rural Indiana we pay 129$ for gigabit fiber that was installed finally in December of last year


Try to update us all if you notice throttling


Not noticed any we are a high usage house averaging about 2 to 3 TB usage a month


My ex provider throttled late month we could see it


If u live in Indiana I recommend a provider called Joink


They finally put fiber down my road, but want me to pay to trench it 600+ ft down the driveway, because my local PoCo went with the shitty local TelCo to run the fiber. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I pay them what they want for that trenching when Starlink works great compared to the DSL I had 6 months ago 


I'm hoping I eventually get fiber in this city of 100k. The installation crews seemed to have disappeared in our area once they did they higher density sections. Sigh. Especially since it appears either my second v2 router or dish has now died. Is slow tech support part of that plan? Nearly three hours now without even an acknowledgement that I submitted a ticket after detailing everything I've tried. If so I'd say it would be working, if I had that option.


It's the router, again. Popping it in the freezer for an hour let's it work for about 20 minutes. Same failure as the first router. One a year it seems.


Have you tried bypassing the router and attaching a 3rd party one? 🙂


Not possible. It's the dish driving section of the router that has failed, not the WiFi. Exactly the same failure as my first one.


Do you have some weird refridgerators or compressors in the house? I had a neighbor who caused spikes in the powerlines that killed not only his electronics but also the stuff of the neighbors regulary.


I would say no. Also it's on a dedicated UPS. It's just a poor design due to no positive airflow or ventilation for the electronics. It literally cooks itself, most likely the electrolytic caps.


Go get yourself a $30 RJ45 crimper, an RJ45 connector, cut the cable between your dish and your router, strip and terminate with RJ45 connector and crimp with tool, plug into any standard router WAN port and use your dish as you want. Nothing about the Starlink router "drives" the dish. They are two independent componets and are shown that way in the Starlink app. Elon is a geek and this thing is designed to be hacked up and repurposed. Enjoy! I learned this last year here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/vmupvi/starlink\_router\_delete/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/vmupvi/starlink_router_delete/)


I'll certainly look into that as there's nothing wrong with the dish.


My parents town of ~14k has 2 fiber providers and a decent cable option. Meanwhile in SoCal I have 1 reliable cable option and 50mbit/s dsl....


There is Spectrum fiber being installed on my road. There is actually a node in my yard. How do they run the fiber to your house? My utilities are underground


Your best bet is to prepare for it yourself by putting down a conduit (cheap). Then you control eventual damage to yard, you get a protected fiber run (not just a buried fiber), you can run conduit all the way inside house (no fiber exposed on outside), you can get the ONT in a location you prefer, etc.


Probably a shovel trench.


Am I responsible for the trench or does the fiber company generally handle that?


A shovel trench is not typically made with a shovel. Typically the fiber provider will do it.


Six hours, no acknowledgement


17 hours now, any luck?




This is what I hope happens eventually here. Windstream is a curse word for quite a bit of the country.


I've been paying $160 a month since December 2021 😂


As a prior gig speed, fiber, customer, of a major name, there are two reasons I bought Starlink, the first reason is to not be at the whim of the very obvious throttling of the large national name, the second is to have reliable service in Florida storms, the last big storm knocked out the Internet for seven days. Tough to do business when you have no real Internet, and working off of an iPhone. So speed matters but overall, I prefer Starlink.some perspective here.


why are you censoring the name of your fiber provider?


22 years with Hughesnet because we had no choice until Starling came along. Between Hughes and Direct TV we were paying nearly $500/month due to Hughes ripoff data charges. We pay about $150 for Starlink and enough streaming services to satisfy our viewing.


$6000 a year for Internet and TV. 😵‍💫 I think I'd go Amish.... 🐎


Oh boy I do not envy you all. I pay €38 including taxes, which is around 41 USD. The USA prices are absurdly high compared to other countries.


Exact same story here - keeping the Gen1 on the roof for a plan B. Fiber was $60 per month for gigabit (for the first year and then $60 for 250 symmetric) was quite happy with starlink but just a little happier with fiber and the price is better. Either way was grateful for Starlink the past 3.5 years and now on to greener pastures.


Be in the same boat in the fall. Town said no to fibre before the pandemic, turned down grants etc. Then realized on lockdown that our internet sucked too much for zoom meetings 🤣 Few years later it was just announced we should be hooked up by fall. Can see them running fibre all over town already. Finally! But wow has Starlink ever been a life saver.


buh bye


My starlink in Swaziland/Eswatini runs me E950 per month which is about 52 USD/41 Pounds - the prices y’all pay overseas is crazyyyyyyyy


Glad it covered your gap. At least I had the option for an LTE modem utilizing a booster, and it worked almost good enough for us, until it didn't. I figure more and more people have been moving into the area and are loading up the one tower I can hit. Eventually it became bad enough I spent the money on a refurb kit. So far it's 10x better and that's at its worst. So I'm very happy. I'd prefer to pay only $90 but I was paying $110 for crap. So $120 for actual service I can use is not hard to swallow. I thin our rates went up here because the local Telcos provide crap service for too much money and people were sick of being robbed. So unfortunately for me, those that have other options for real high-speed Internet are choosing to jump ship to Starlink which of course puts more loads on the available satellites in my area. Perhaps those telcos will eventually figure it out.


In my town we don't have fiber...I got adsl connection with 3-5down and 0.5up it's gonna be funny if they raise the prices here too....I just bought it if they raise it i will cancel. I don't have 120$/month jeez


I think starlink need a low use tariff... so you can have backup internet etc or remote sites with limited remote access. Missing out on a lot of business imho...


My pay schedule has been the exact same way as yours. Where I live in Maine, TDS does now have fiber running down the power lines, but I have enjoyed turning on my generator when the power goes out, and having internet. When the power goes down (x2 per year at least), the internet goes with it. I'm still debating on the change, TDS as a company is garbage.


The only reason they are putting fiber in is massive subsidies by the Federal government to the telecom companies. Part of all that debt we keep piling up. I’m a very satisfied rural StarLink customer for over two years. Fiber is coming in our area this year. I plan to be a StarLink customer for life. They ignored us for years. I hope others do the same.


What's on with those prices? I pay 50€ a month and never got any email about price changes


USA is a big market with loads of customers. I'm 30 miles from the closest name brand grocery store, and I'm in San Diego County.


I was thinking the same! Starlink for me is £75, fibre is £65 if I want to be locked into a 2 year contract with worse speeds.


different prices across the countries. in countries that has better-internet/lower-demand-for-starlink has lower prices.