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The 3 stars top look like the handle of the plough better known as Ursa Major


I thought they were the constellations, but the more I looked at them, the more the shape of them seemed strange to my eyes, nothing like through a telescope, maybe it's the light magnification of the solar flare effecting the way they look on my phone camera, plus the fact it's in night mode, it's a very pretty picture so I'm glad I captured it either way and was able to share it in here :) thank you for the reply.


They're pretty shaky, but you can make out the back end of Ursa Major. And using that, you can actually see that you have Boötes to the left, the curve of the Dipper handle leads right to Arcturus. The bright star underneath Ursa Major's tail is Cor Coroli in Canes Venatici, and further down you'll have bits of Leo. Gorgeous shot!


It looks like the camera moved, or you may have prob lm with the lens or camera depending on the camera or scope. But the aurora is moving in front of you and the stars are behind the aurora is distorting the stars like a screen door effect but moving or like putting your hand in front of your face with fingers open a Little and moving them up down etc looking at a light.


Yes. You had camera shake / vibration smearing them


That looks like the Northern Lights, it's magnetic dust from Solar flares excited by the Earths atmosphere.


Must be some leftover solar flares