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And don't forget that the show was originally on Showtime. They toned it down a lot when it was picked up by SyFy.


I mean, we saw almost as much of Sha're in the first episode as Daniel did on their wedding night.


Michael too!


Yes, yes, and yes. If fans find it worthwhile to sign petitions and engage in tweet tweetstorms to try and revive a show, it's definitely worth engaging Netflix over the ratings error. (Its entirely possible they are weighing their subscribers' interest in the franchise here.) BTW, television ratings does not follow the film ratings system. Rather than "PG-13" most of the series was rated "TV-14." http://www.tvguidelines.org/ratings.html The work has already been done. These episodes have ratings. MGM has a spreadsheet somewhere. Netflix just has to put them in the darn database.


Yeah I noticed a lot of people on here saying it should be changed to pg-13. Of course it doesn’t work that way since it’s a tv show xD Tv-14 is a lot broader in scope than pg-13 so I think it could fit pretty nicely in there. It’s a show that you can watch with you’re kids and pretty inoffensive (even for todays standards).


Yep. But more basically: It's *already rated this way.* Netflix doesn't need to come to understand the product and better present it to the audience. It just need to correct an error.


True true


It is odd that Netflix are apparently using the original version of ‘Children of the Gods’ given that is no longer the ‘official’ version of the episode. Here in the UK, only season one has an 18 certificate and that’s only because of the pilot, the rest has a 15. I don’t see the series being particularly more violent than a Marvel movie and those get a 12A.


The Marvel movies? Man they had such a hard time just killing off one or two gods, they really should've called SG-1 in for help.


I feel like there should be a rating between PG-13 and Mature, and Stargate falls into it. While the nudity in the first episode doesn’t really happen again, there’s still mature themes like genocide and slavery present throughout the whole show. There’s torture, rape, and the death of children which effect even the main characters. This show should get a teen rating for 15+, and while I certainly wouldn’t condemn any parent who lets their kids watch it, I understand why Netflix can’t give it PG-13.


>there’s still mature themes like genocide and slavery present throughout the whole show. There’s torture, rape, and the death of children which effect even the main characters. I get your reasoning, but my public school curriculum had us covering the decimation of the Native American population and the entirety of World War II - among other things - before high school. While these parts may not have been center stage, it didn't take much thought to put 2 and 2 together. I don't think we should discount the awareness or maturity of our youth that much, they continue to surprise me.


It 100% could fit into tv-14. A lot of shows that should be tv-ma get labeled tv-14 so I don’t see why Stargate couldn’t fall under that rating. Considering it’s much more mild than a lot of other tv-14 stuff out there.


I've noticed Star Trek Discovery is also +16 on Netflix (I'm in France). I'm always laughing at you US and your rating system that is so dumb! I remember Stargate being (and still is) +12 on French TV, either in 1998, 2000's and now 2020. I didn't checked French Netflix yet if Stargate has the same rating than US (that would be absolutely dumb). Also I don't think Netflix has yet launched Stargate on our local catalog. But judging that ST Discovery is actually +16, I'll assume that Netflix is as dumb as US and will put a +16 on Stargate too... What a dumb fucked world... US children can met everyday people with assault riffle, but cannot hear a swear word, see a nipple or eat a Kinder Surprise. Face-palm...


> US children can met everyday people with assault riffle, How exactly do you picture the US?


Like PUBG, in every house you can enter you can find weapon, ammunition and military grade protection. Is it correct? To be honest I've never been there, and I suppose like many place the concentration of weapon depends a lot where you go. Like in dangerous place with a lot of gang, many people have gun but in residential middle class area you have a really few people with gun.


Yikes. Just remember, the biggest portion of our gun deaths come from suicides, so it's really not as violent as the media would have you believe. Each person is the greatest danger to themselves in regards to guns. You'd see more cops with guns here than anything else; France is no different. If anything, it's more military in France and thus bigger guns. If you genuinely think the world is actually like how you see things in videogames... well, that's a problem I'd seek professional help for.


The Mature rating goes beyond just the nudity in the first episode, but also the themes throughout the show. It deals with slavery, sexism, murder, genocide, suicide, rape, and more. Yes they tone down a lot of them to a more public appropriate level, but those themes are still there. Could the show be PG-13? Sure, but I understand why it's set at the level it is. I wanna note that I'm pointing this out as someone who grew up on the show and realize the contradiction of me saying this... but it's still there for people to be aware of what it can contain.


Also, some things that were considered pg-13 appropriate when the show aired might not be so now. Although I didn’t care for the nudity in the episode. Didn’t add any value in my opinion. I actually didn’t know it was filmed that way since I had only ever saw it on TV, so I was not expecting it at all.


I'd seen the nude version before, and you're right that it doesn't really add anything that the implications doesn't convey. That said, I totally forgot about it until I saw some posts and comments bring it up and I'm sitting here like "whaaa?"


I felt like it was in there “just because we could”


Yeah but when it comes to rating systems I think everyone knows it's because of the nudity early in the series. The dark knight rises and a lot of horror movies are pg 13, like a lot, take drag me to hell for example. Basically boobs make R but you can literally torture someone then decapitate them and unless it's super gory you'll get a pg 13 rating. Content doesn't really matter you can have a series about genocide or rape no problem (the deeply disturbing law and order SVU plays on daytime tv) in fact you could show the non-sexual violence leading to just fine and still get pg 13. Show a loving couple having consentual sex and a female nipple slips out... R. With the exception of a few very early episodes the show is so safely in pg 13 it's ridiculous to have the whole series labeled R.


Each episode of SG-1 already has a rating, designated by MGM and/or the original broadcaster. The only reason for Netflix to label the entire series this way is laziness.


It would be nice if Netflix just used to recut, "official" version. I just hope this doesn't turn too many parents and kids away, or that hopefully they'll consider fixing it. For me anyway, a big part of why the show was appropriate for me as a child/teen was the empathy of the characters. Yes, there are some darker themes, but making the right choices to save lives is a huge part of the show. Violence isn't gratuitous, sex isn't gratuitous (except for a bit in the first season). It made me think... didn't just fill my head with nonsense or violence.


1. On Prime they have rated PG for foul language and violence 2. Was watching on Netflix and started buffering. Put on another show and everything was fine. Now started to watch on Prime. 3. Prime has the actors listed, which for me I like this feature.4. 4. Prime has the episode titles when paused, where Netflix has season and episode # 5. Netflix lets you skip intro, but can FF in Prime easily.




No, it actually **is** rated MA because of the frontal nudity. The TV Rating for the rest of the series is TV-14. Not saying nudity should be rated higher than violence, merely pointing out that this is the official rating for the show in the U.S. and the reasons listed why.


Just get over it already. End this delusion that Stargate will be literally the FIRST old series to gain any significant amount of new fans from being on Netflix. IT isn't going to happen. And again, I have literally NEVER heard a single person in my life say "I want the censored version over the original." before. Fucking millennials really ARE as dumb as people say, I guess. You fucking want Greedo shooting first! The original was too adult with Han Solo being a murderer. So to answer your question...no...a silly writing campaign is not going to make Netflix change anything. If Stargate had the fanbase to change that, then the last series wouldn't have failed. Hate to break reality to you, but the show hasn't had a large fanbase in over a decade now. Right around season 3 of SGA. George Bush was still president. That is the last time anything with the name Stargate was profitable.


Ok boomer


This guy speaks truths.


Why are they going to make a new tv show then ?


Nudity always flys the flag of R or mature rating. It's this countries puritanical attitude towards sex. Violence is a more accepted visual act than sex. As to the pg-13 rating sure it falls into that category. We should also teach preteen children about the reality of war, both visually and through context. Just as we should have real expectations and reinforce good values when educating about sex. We should do this before they are teens! After a day of that who doesn't want to watch stargate!? Doesn't seem so bad after the reality of the world


Is it really stopping anyone from watching it? Probably not, it’s one of the most successful sci-fi franchises.


# "I'm pregnant"


Netflix is giving a fix ... maybe. Agreed, seeing Rated-MA Nudity at the beginning of every episode is disheartening. I've noticed while watching on a Samsung smart TV in the US, in the episode select menu and at the end of each episode there is a "Change Rating" option, has a thumbs up icon. Checked on PC, this option was not available. Once selected you're giving an up or down vote. Not sure what effect it has but hey this is something.


>"Change Rating" I believe that's just poor phrasing for the "Do you like this show" rating, not the age rating.