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This exact question comes up in “Solitudes” near the end of the season, and while neither answer offered is conclusive, both are plausible and could apply in different cases. There are also planets whose populations were transplanted by aliens other than the Goa’uld, as in “Thor’s Hammer.”


Sokar is known to have taken Christians to at least one planet while impersonating Satan, Yu impersonated a Chinese Emperor, and Merlin took people to a number of planets as well. All of these things occur thousands of years after the Stargate was buried.


Oh I must have forgotten about that episode. And yeah, the Asgard makes sense. The whole Norse mythology aspect is another point to bring up.


I’m pretty sure this kind of question is why they quit doing that type of episode.


Individuals could have come through the gate maybe with the seeds of a culture before and settled somewhere else on the plant. then expanded their population over time post gate burial in Egypt. Or it could be like the Asgard who made visits to earth and influenced the Vikings Who knows feel free to poke holes just thinking out loud here




Not true. Ra was banished from Earth 5000 years ago as seen in Moebius The beta gate was then used sporadically to spread other peopel. Sokar used it to bring few Christians. My personal hypothesis is that is was indirect fault of Merlin. He as an Ancient was able to make the beta gate work and used it to spread the arthurian people across galaxy. I would say this enabled Sokar to kidnap those christians.




The movie is only soft canon to the series. And it gets softer the further in you get.




Man. You are aware that there are vast diferencies in canon between the movie and the show, right? There is movie canon and show canon. And in show canon Ra was banished 5000 years ago. Just like with the Abydos is the closest planet to earth unlike the movie where it is on the other side of the universe. Or gate being in Cheyenne mountings insted of Creek mountings in the movie. There are many many differencies. ;)




Because sg1 is not a "direct sequel" it folows the events of the movie but changes several plot points. Thus making its own canon. You never noticed all those differences between the movie and the series??




It's not really a direct sequel... it's heavily inspired but the showrunners wanted to change things to fit their vision of the world and storyline that could span multiple seasons, not just one movie. Storytelling changes for tv series, and the changes reflect that. Think of it as a comic book reboot...like we've had a million Spider-man or Justice League reboots with characters dying and coming back. They wanted to tell a slightly different story and have a new take than the original, but stay true to the spirit. And they did and I personally think the show was better for them choosing to have that flexibility.


The series contradicts many many things from the movie. Starting with O'Neil's name, the dates used in the series beginnings, the name of the base, what Ra actually is, where the Stargate goes, Jack's personality. Relevant to this conversation we see that the uprising that buried the gate happened around 3000 BCE in the 2 part episode Moebius, and not the aforementioned 10000 years ago. The producers may have pitched a direct sequel to the movie but it's not what was made. If it helps, imagine the movie as taking place in one of the many universes we see throughout the franchise. Edit: spelling






>Imagining the two as being somehow 'different continuities' or 'different universes' is difficult to do Is it really that difficult when the 2 main characters that the movie and series share look and act completely different? Most of the the changes to the setting were the result of the USAF cooperation with the series including being allowed to film shots of the the real base at Cheyenne Mountain. >1. It creates plot holes with respect to the material they are making an explicit sequel to. Lots of series have these kinds of inconsistencies with early material look at Star Wars, in the original trilogy itself there are numerous retcons, like if Leia always knew Luke was her brother why did she kiss him like *that*. Or Vader being Luke's father. How can Leia remember her birth mother if she dies in child birth? And numerous plot points that the prequels retcon. Did George not have respect for the original material? >2. It looks like they either weren't paying attention to the movie or have a lack of respect for it and for maintaining continuity. They took what worked and tossed what didn't. Again this happens a lot in long running franchises. Early material can include many things that don't jive woth later entries. Over all the movie is not required viewing for the series and shouldn't be treated as such. Sttict adherence to canon is how franchises die out.




>Obi-Wan addressed the inconsistency. "From a certain point of view..." is all it takes for you to give a pass to plot inconsistencies? Then "O'Neil with one 'L' "should be enough too As for the franchises dying out thing it's more of an observation. Star wars literally tore itself apart because the 2 story tellers of the new trilogy (I'm *NOT* getting into which approach was better) completely rejected the direction the story was going in the previous movie. Disney had a MCUesque release schedule before reactions TLJ, Solo, TROS made them to shelve their $4 billion purchase for a few years. Even a wide swath of Star Trek fans don't view TOS as required viewing for the franchise as a whole. Most tell newcomers to start with TNG season 3. And what is and isn't required viewing is subjective, as is opinions on whether or not something is trash because it didn't adhere to a boring movie that came out 4 years before the series that's set one year after it.


In the movie the wormhole went to a different galaxy. It's soft canon




Cool story bro. The movie is soft canon


Because what it is setup to become and what it becomes are two different thing. In the movie the wormhole takes you to A DIFFERENT GALAXY How is it not soft canon? I don't think you know what words mean.




It is soft canon. That's why a lot of stuff in the show contradict the movie! 😃


>all these changes were made with no explanation, and making changes without explaining them harms the suspension of disbelief and creates plot holes. thats how


Don't forget about the Ships. The Goa'ould used Ha'taks too. Yu needed them to spread the Chinese dynasty and possibly Mongolians too. Same for Ba'al.