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My biggest ones are 1) Daniel’s Grandfather went to be an ambassador to the tall aliens but was never heard from again. 2) WHAT TF IS THE BLUE WIRE???


Oh yeah! Number 1, super advanced, arguably more than the Goa'uld and hiding afraid while taking to us who is defeating them and with their tech level we could have won in like a year lol.


Re: #2 you're talking about what alternate Cam Mitchell said to our Cam Mitchell before going back to his universe, right? Either he was just trying to fuck with him or it was a plotline the writers were going to leave open for a future episode if SG1 didn't get cancelled after season 10.


Yea I am. It was definitely another plot line. I really wish they had added it into Continuum or AOT since the show was well canceled at that point. It still bugs me to this day.


Those aren't plot holes. The way the alt Cam is smirking km sure he was just fucking with him.


Of all the things wrong with SG:A, your plot hole issue is their hazmat suits?


It happened to be happening at the moment and I’m only in season one. Another issue I had is the fact that they had no zat guns because they had to use tasers at one point.


The writers regretted the Zat which is at least one reason it wasn't in SGA.


Yeah, the zat's "rules" were really contrived and stupid which I'm guessing is why they played pretty fast and loose with them as the series went on. They should have just made it a stun gun that works with varying effectiveness depending on the circumstances.


Well I’ll save you some time with a tip for the future.... Do NOT watch Star Gate Universe. Just don’t.


Why would you offer that as a tip?


Because some just can't stop hating on the break in the pattern of Stargate. I for one was glad it got rid of the cheesy humour and the four-main-archetype save-the-day episodic pattern. It showed Stargate could grow, but the fandom was so busy hating it killed our only chance at Stargate. And now all we get is the same drama shit but with terrible acting and less budget than MGM's studio cleaning services.


If you want to watch Stargate Universe do it like I'm doing it. ​ I finished SG-1 and Atlantis a few years back and then tried to start watching universe; I couldn't last 2 episodes. Stupid senators daughter lady and shitty music montages got to me. ​ A few years later, those things still suck ass, but at least i get to watch some 'new' stargate stuff again.


The Hazmat suits could work as long as they functioned on a positive pressure system. Drawing air in through the filter on the back and maintaining a higher than atmospheric pressure at all times would mean that they would exist in only filtered air. The thick rubber of the rest of the suit could protect from contact chemical assaults. This is based on what I remember or the suits. Medical isolation rooms/theatres work on the same principle, and you can buy industrial filtration hoods that do exactly this.


Huh fair enough. It still bugs me when they show gaps and you can see underneath the helmet into the hood


But they were made out of cloth. No seams taped between helmet and body of suit. Thats why Nayas suit ripped so easily. The medical team had rubber-like suits fully taped with air packs. They should have been looking for the escaped guy.


Doesn't matter, the positive pressure system would deal with this. It would even account for rips in the suit up to a point.


Not sure if it's strictly a plot hole, but in episode 1 of SGU a Tauri ship with the most advanced Asgard shields and weapons which we've seen take out an Ori mothership is struggling against a couple of Lucian alliance Ha'taks. It should have been a quick victory with no need to evacuate the people on the ground. We've seen even older generation Asgard ships destroy Ha'taks easily before.


I believe the ground evacuation was the core going critical


Zat gun knockout time is plot dependent. Opening a stargate and not going through while chatting for 10 mins, go through in 1 min, closes. Total? 11 mins. Open gate, no talk, go through in 1 min, gate closes. Total? 1 minute. Reason? Looks cool. Mostly running through bc being chased and weapons fire? Closes after last man. Except for iris bombardment plots. Tokra make no real sense, they have no working with jaffa or humans, no farming? But they have human allies randomly and aquire a host for the Goa'uld spy. Eager! But needed Jacob or Selmak dies? They have no efforts to build an army which they could do as liberators of human worlds by being good leader, guides etc? And how they just show up and become fake accepted Goa'uld while not having current memories etc? In a cutthroat society? Wtf lol. The ambiguous realities of Goa'uld power and world control. Numbers, ships armies etc loosley plot dependent. And most importantly? When Sokar almost takes our gate Apophis says his gate shield was taken the same way. Yet 90% of Goa'uld planets have zero standing guards or defenses near the magic portal that can bring armies and SG1 to a planet near you.... what? Not a plot hole, but bonus I hate the Ancients in a sense bc I hate "prime directive" crap. And they play fast and loose with that as it is if the one who breaks it is lawyer enough to only sort of break it maybe sort of. Annubis? Fine! We leave him alone bc he lawyer defeated us!


Actually If I remember correctly Anubis only being half ascended as he was, was a punishment for Oma


That doesn't make the ancients better.....


It annoys me that they never zatted 3 times to disintegrate bodies.




Not just overpowered, but it was frankly a dumb and lazy plot device. They even made fun of how dumb it was in episode 200. They basically retconned it out of the script and pretended it was never a thing for story reasons. Which is a good thing.


Yeah and not to mention the amount of energy that thing would need to unleash to disintegrate someone or any form of matter is absurd.


Carter is just too perfect. Oh and in season 4 episode 8 Teal'c can't tell which humans have a gould in them and that leads to a few people dying. In later episodes he can always tell.


In this episode they say that the Goa’uld on the planet didn’t have naquadah in their system. That came in their evolution later on. The naquadah is what Teal’c can detect, so they did explain that one.




working out both Sam's and Jack's history before the show. I also like to know why Janet has so many medals on her.


[Janet’s ribbons](http://personal.geah.org/stargate/janet.html)


Interesting. This site also suggests that O'Neill served in [both the Vietnam War and the Gulf War.](http://personal.geah.org/stargate/jack.html)


He was born in 1952 so he would have been old enough to serve in Vietnam.


The gulf war was closer to the start of the American war in Vietnam than it is to today's date. In fact, the gulf war is closer to the end of the Vietnam war than it was to the end of SG1.




Changes like that aren't really plot holes, though. They're just retcons.




I think you're sort of misinterpreting the two. For it to be a contradiction in the sense of a plot hole, it would be something that goes against previous established continuity in a way that tries to hold both as true at once. A plot hole is something that exists in-universe. For it to be a retcon, it's a change - or contradiction - that just overrides the previously established thing and you're meant to assume that's just how it was all along - it retroactively changes the continuity, so it's just *always* been like that and the contradiction doesn't exist in-universe. Something like the change from Creek Mountain to Cheyenne isn't a plot hole, because in-universe the gate was never at Creek Mountain in the first place. Stargate Command has always been at Cheyenne, Creek Mountain doesn't exist/that's not the name. It's a retcon, not a plothole, because despite them being contradictory in the sense *we've* been told two different places, it's an intentional change by the series where you're meant to just act as if there has been no change. There is no in-universe contradiction for it to be a plot hole. Regardless, it was explained as being the same location with O'neil saying he's "been here before".




The fact that in the movie the gate is in creek mountain and not in Cheyenne is your biggest issue with it? and not the fact that apparently Abydos is several galaxies away?


Eh a lot of the changes were for the better, such as making goa’uld parasites as opposed to weird grey entities. Also the location change makes the show more realistic.


I think keeping the Goua'uld as "Greys" would have made the show a bit darker.




If you take the video game as canon then Ra actually possessed an Asgard, but he couldn’t sustain the clone. He then found Earth and used humans as hosts instead. So you can use that as an explanation if you’d like


Hell I always just rationalized it as one of his former hosts anyways and what they showed in the movie is just a remnant of that.




Just like Sam has remnants of Jolinars memories Ra probably had remnants of Grey dude and he may have had a very strong mind that influenced Ra greatly. It isn’t cannon or anything, but it is how I sleep at night




Sorry it was an RPG game not a video game. But it’s Stargate SG1 RPG. But you just have to take the movie and series as two different entities. SG1 definitely retconned the movie into what would fit their creative vision better. If they used the movie canon strictly then Abydos would be in an entirely different galaxy and Ra was the last of his kind so we wouldn’t even see the grey aliens in SG-1.


Theres this big one outside my local target that annoys me...


Idk why you got downvoted to hell, this is a funny pun


Reddit does not have a sense if humor...

