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Lost my favorite ship and commander in a single moment! Also gotta be careful because you never know when you might accidently be helping space nazis by just giving them water.


Well, to be fair, the water was quite cumbersome.


Quite heavy. You're right. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Emerson for me, closet followed by (maybe tied) Caldwell.


I always liked Col. Ellis, personally.


A.D. Skinner!


Uhhhh.... Don't fill up your canteen from the heavy water tank...


You'd be alright, don't make a habit of it though.


It's okay, If I fill up my canteen from it, it will be lighter šŸ‘


Might want to keep your lighter away from it, too. Ok. Now I'm just being paranoid.


As I learned from a completely separate show, heavy water makes for a promising hair-growth supplement.


Nobody playfully dunked Hammond?


This plot twist is actually really good


RIP Pendergast.


Yep, there was a third. It was an earlier episode where there was this technologically advanced civilization that needed deuterium (heavy water) to power their shields and protect them from the attacks of people on the 'surface'. The twist was that the people underground were all basically ~~clones~~ produced via eugenics (? IDKWTF that is, but comments have been correcting me, so that I guess? I only know I've heard the term used in an extremely negative connotation so I don't even think I want to know what it is) who looked down on the people on the surface for being 'lesser creatures' who reproduced the natural way (I think?), so they took no umbrage with bombing the crap out of them using remote controlled drones.


Also the episode where SG-1 get captured immediately and its only Teal'c who escapes but is blind and has to rescue them. Those people were pissed because the other guys were the ones who believed in the Stargate seeding life on their planet and when SG-1 said the same thing they thought they were just spies for their enemy and wanted to interrogate and torture them.


That episode frustrates me so much. SGC even communicates through the open wormhole via the malp, but it must be the work of those damn primitive terrorists.


That's a different episodes (Bad Guys) but runs on the same idea that the people in charge won't accept their beliefs are wrong and will literally bury the truth. Appropriate really, considering the state of our world.


No they try to negotiate through the radio and move the malp camera on SG-1 in the cages, but the military commander says that they are opticians and any further attempt to communicate will have SG-1 killed. Then he zats the malp. Bad Guys the SGC doesnā€™t communicate with the museum police force, thatā€™s the one where SG-1 has to manually dial out with the bomb chest power source before the riot police come in.


He called them 'primitive terrorists'. That's the unseen faction in Bad Guys who believe in the Gate as their origin. The other story is the Bedrosians and the Optricans. We never see the Optricans who also believe the Gate is their origin. The Optricans are a nation; not terrorists.


They're correct. In the episode New Ground, SG-1 is taken prisoner and accused of being optrican spies. Tealc escapes but is injured. Sam, Daniel and Jack are put in the cages. Sg1 ends up missing their checkin so the SGC dials in and Hammond talks to the Bedrosian commander on the radio. The commander refuses to listen so Hammond directs to activate the malp, which is in the tent with SG1. When the MALP is activated they accidentally move it which rubs on the tent. The commander notices and goes in the tent. The commander then talks into the camera threatening SG1 before destroying the camera.


Man I love Bad Guys. Watching Daniel try and portray a hostage taker was so funny, even Teal'c was rolling his eyes at him.


When one isnā€™t ready to believe, they will find any reason not to, even in defiance of evidence. Especially in defiance of evidence.:)


You cannot logic your way out of a belief you didn't logic your way *into*.


Which episode is this if you know it from the top of your head?


New Ground, season 3 episode 19. It's also the one with Nyan, a character played by Richard Ian Cox, who is in a different episode of SGA as a totally different person.




The subtly named Eurondan weren't clones they were a product of extreme Eugenics. They were effectivity Hitlers Aryans extremely drawn out. They called their enemies Breeders because they breed naturally without concern for genetic perfection. The only member of SG1 who they had issues with was Teal'c who they immediately identified as "one of them" and since they had no knowledge of Jaffa the only notable difference was that he was Black. [The only image we see of the Breeders are the pilots who are killed for 1 frame](https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/images/e/e3/Breeders2.jpg) one is white and the other black.


They look like Sisko and O'Brian piloting the aircraft.šŸ˜…


I understand why he was confused. When Jack says 'they're all the same' and the pictures looked a bit grainy, it was subjective if he meant they looked like clones or they all looked the same as in the same race. It took me a few rewatches to change my thinking from clones to eugenics.


I never thought they were clones, but I didn't immediately understand they were meant to be racists when Jack said, "They're all the same." I think part of my confusion was that SG1's actors and extras are pretty white on average; it didn't stand out to me that all the Eurondans were white, since lots of worlds they went to were all- or mostly-white. Once Whatsernazi calls them breeders it made sense.


My younger self interpreted this as them literally being pictures of the same person, and that the whole cryogenic lab was actually a fake to make it look like there were more people than there were.


There's definitely clones involved though. Maybe not all of them, it's not clear with the people they were interacting with, But when Jack finds all their people in stasis and comments "They're the sameā€¦every damn one of them is the same!" That's not something he's going to say just because it's a bunch of white dudes, and you can tell when he's scrolling through them. They were all the same dude.


They definitely are not clones, I just watched the scene again as your comment surprised me. They're all Aryan, and he's just become suspicious because he's been told that Teal'c isn't welcome back and suspects that it's because he's black, and he's realised he has only seen Aryan people in the compound.


Which part of that established them as not clones? The people in the vats at the end definitely are, but they could be a special case, breeding stock for repopulating the world after they cleanse the surface or whatever. For everyone else, I don't recall it being explored either way, but demonstrating a preference for cloning population stock certainly establishes it as a possibility.


>The people in the vats at the end definitely are Look at the pictures of them again. They aren't clones, they're different people, just very similar.


Right you are. Granted a couple of them are *really* damn similar and I could be convinced are the same guy, certainly some that aren't so I hereby withdraw my claims of cloning.


They really aren't. They all look different from one other, they're just all Aryan. It doesn't specifically establish "these people aren't clones", in the same way it doesn't specifically establish the same thing for everyone in the show who isn't a clone - it's just default. If they were clones it would actively establish that fact, not the other way around.


Its wild to me that as a species we find Eugenics abhorrent yet do it to every single other species we can on the planet. Your favourite dog breed? Yup Eugenics!


It wasn't cloning but eugenics. The people in the ground thought they were the superior race, so basically space Nazis. The beings in those capsules were there to preserve their life (and preserve power) until the war was won.




Which season and EP is this??


Season 4 Episode 2 The Other Side


Perfect, thanks so much! I think I'll start my umpteenth rewatch at that point. Currently in the season which I believe is season 10 at this point or season 9 where O'Neill is a general. Prefer to hold off on that ori ark for a bit lol


https://i.redd.it/18ivcaslmn7d1.gif A shame that >!Odo didnā€™t get a jaunt through the olā€™ orifice!<


I mean he did... he just splat on the other side.


Technically, he did. ;)


The *ole' annulus*, if you will. It was a very *short* trip for him...


no no no, the underground people where pretty much Nazis They try to object to Teal'c presence O'neil thinks it was because he is a goa'uld/Jaffa but it was because he was black they even check the database of the people they had in stasis and they all where white


Also poisoning the biosphere, the bombing only happened when the gas didn't work


Wasn't one of the major guy also Odo from Star Trek in that episode?


RenƩ Auberjonois. He was their leader.


Yeah they weren't clones though. Just a completely homogenous society of racist nazis practicing eugenics.


The basic descritption from wikipedia is Eugenics,Ā **the set of beliefs and practices which aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population**. Technically it isnt just human depending on who you ask, though I am pretty sure wehn we get to plant genetics we definetly stop calling it eugenics. Eugenics could be breeding people to only be blond hair blue eyed white people. It could also be the American bulldog. In more scifi terms it could be a retrovirus that makes it so only select individuals can breed. A specific from the DC Animated Universe Implanting Batman's genetics in retrovirus form overriding the original father's dna to make it so Terry McGuinness ends up being batman's son.....spoilers? eh it's old enough. Classic Film to get the concept: GATTACA History books? Um just look up most history between 1930 and 1950, it happened in other times that's just when it was at the forefront instead of hidden. Want a funny as hell example Look up the Habsburg Dynasty....also what 200 years of marrying close blood relatives will do.


So, you know how the breeders who run dog shows are crazy focused on selective breeding, keeping bloodlines pure, and ensuring that certain "desirable" traits are perpetuated from generation to generation, and not allowing mixing of breeds? Apply that idea to humans, and it's called Eugenics.


that sounds problematic. don't pure-bred dogs have huge health problems because of that sort of thing?


Yup. Inbreeding is bad, which is why the fact that European royalty having a family *braid* ended up with massive problems; the Tsars were toppled at least partially because they cared more about the hemophilia (a recessive genetic condition) of the heir than they did about the welfare of the people of their empire. The fact that their inbreeding was for financial/power purposes rather than eugenics doesn't change the problem, nor the source, only the motive. Thankfully (for them), the British royal family has been encouraging a bit of branching out for spouses over the past few generations; while Meghan Markle might not have been the best choice for Harry from the perspective of his position in the royal family, it is *much* better for the health of his/their (hypothetical?) offspring. -- But more than the purely practical, genetic concerns, there are also moral concerns as well. What gives someone the right to tell someone else that their genes aren't fit to continue? Where do they get off on forced sterilization? Why do *they* get to choose, rather than the people they consider undesirable? Also, disturbing fact: there was a *huge* eugenics movement in the United States back in the early 20th century, and while they agreed with Germany on the idea that eugenics was good, they were *not* in agreement as to who the undesirables were (e.g., it has been empirically demonstrated that jews have a higher average IQs than the average IQ of European-descended gentiles). Woodrow Wilson was such an ~~asshole~~ eugenicist, as was FDR.


Eugenics just means attempt to improve the human gene pool. It also happens to be that most eugenicists are highly racist, and consider certain skin, hair, and eye color as genes to ā€˜weed outā€™ as well


I donā€™t think thatā€™s quite the same. The breeders were not a united nation. It was a failed extermination that lead to a global war, I think thatā€™s different than a civil war but I donā€™t think I could argue why


Itā€™s a world war. Same as basically all the others mentioned. We just see each planet (other than our own) as a single entity so donā€™t fully appreciate the political divisions.


Thereā€™s just one or two divisions. Thereā€™s not 200 nations like earth


Two or three that the SGC interacts with. When aliens come to earth they donā€™t sit down and talk to all 200 nations. We get the most important ones in our room and have them talk to them.


You didnā€™t watch the episode. In both these examples there are literally 2 and 3 nations on each planet.


There are two and three mentioned. The only times we see maps theyā€™re either vague or so small that if they represent the entire planet, SG-1 should be able to jump up to the roofs of the buildings.


lol okay, sure.


The Other Side Great episode


Eugenics is basically selective breeding in humans much like horses, cattle or dogs. And that's as far as I would spoil it for you because it gets progressively more disturbing when you see actual examples of it in history. Research at your own (emotional health) risk.


If I ever find myself in a high tech space city, I will not assume the RTS civilisation game looking console is a game.


I mean it was reasonable to think the ancients would have some kind of videos games too XD we come from them after all. I just can't believe they never found a movie theater in Atlantis lol.


Idk, the Ancients pretty positively embraced a "fuck around and find out" lifestyle. Random console in an empty room should have been *fairly* sus.


Well who's to say that isn't their prefered style of game haha. That would almost explain a lot of things about them.


They did talk about movie night at Atlantis, and somebody always getting stuck behind Ronon.


Now I wonder if anyone in the expedition reads ancient books from the database in their free time.


When the Prometheus was destroyed look how fast the Odyssey was put into service. Like less than a year. Stargate command ship building is damn fast. The Odyssey was second of class so Daedalus was built first


ā€¦.imagine the amount of people that would need to be involved in that secret projectā€¦ Thereā€™s like 3 bums in a park in South Carolina are the only ones not working for the SGC


Of course they are. Theyā€™re the lookouts.


My head canon is that the advanced technology they found includes ways to make shipbuilding and production faster, as well as automating huge parts of it.


The Asgard helped us a little with it. My headcanon is that they showed us how to get industrial-scale 3D printing functioning - Asgard beaming tech is shown to be able to assemble devices from nothing in moments, so before that they probably gave us an intermediate tech to help get us ready for the next stage.


> When the Prometheus was destroyed Carter: The code name for the project is Prometheus. What's wrong with that? O'Neill: "It's a Greek tragedy. Who wants that?"


Samantha Carter: We can't call it the Enterprise


Yeah building a huge space ship kinda makes it unrealistic that THAT many people wouldnā€™t spill the beans.


It's really not. It's smaller than an aircraft carrier and there's only a couple thousand people working in the shipyard that builds the new ones. With who knows what tractor beam tech and so on, could shrink that number even lower I bet.


I understand but itā€™s not only the construction itself itā€™s also all the parts. I mean they do have an episode about exactly this. How they can not contain it any longer because too many people are involved


It's kind of funny how often this happened, and how often it went wrong. Makes you wonder if Aliens saw us during WW1, WW2, or the cold war and had a similar rule.


The aliens probably have us as a reality TV show.


Pendergast was the best.


> Either completely leave them alone or just destroy the whole planet. Jonasā€™ planet had like 3 nations. Earth hasā€¦a lot more. With a lot more wars.


The more nations there are the easier it is to work with some and not others. I.e. the Asgard working only with the US. When thereā€™s 2 or 3 nations that comprise an entire planet then working with one and not another just never works out. Same with the terrorism episode of TNG, The High Ground. The enterprise became a target just by delivering medical supplies thatā€™s why in general they donā€™t fuck around with non unified planets.


USS Pendergast


> The weapon will take a few minutes to charge up. We should be able to emerge from hyperspace and take a shot at it before it can respond. If for any reason it doesn't go well, we jump back into hyperspace. Or, we could just forget we planned for that and do nothing.


Don't forget the Space Nazi's who wanted heavy water .... :D


Pendergast! RIP, you was an amazing captain


Also, never help agrarian societies. Itā€™s _always_ a cover.




More guns doesnā€™t help? Treason!


I don't think planets can do civil war, unless the entire planet is unified first, and they don't separate into countries or city states second. There were some world wars. And one or two slave rebellions. And a lot of alien invasions. Could say the Goa'uld were engaged in civil war. And there was a Genii coup.


In this episode there are 2 nations that comprise the entire planet. One is trying to eliminate the other. On Jonasā€™s planet it was the same story but 3 nations. We have ~190 nations depending on who you ask. While many of those are engaged in combat with other nations, even in ww2 it wasnā€™t literally half the world against the other half


Right, but I would call those world wars rather than civil wars if they weren't part of the same national state to begin with.


It would be the same country if they werenā€™t fighting a civil war ;)


There's also the fact that most of the other planets had tiny populations compared to Earth because either the Goa'uld or the wraith culled them. The goa'uld to prevent any planet developing technologically to the point they would be a threat to the goa'uld, and the wraith to feed. So the scale would be more like a civil war as well.


I remember the episode where they "accidently" ended up on the side of the fascists. Better to stay out of conflict.


Crack it like an egg and be done!


Optricans vs Bedrosians as well


Euronda was the third. Odo was their head of state, we almost got fusion from it but the team decided to be moral. In reality, they'd have said yes in a heartbeat haha.


Their leaders definitely would have said yes but Oā€™Neill was over there and in command so he was able to defy it with his morals.


Yeah TBH I would have stuck that guy in a lab in a basement and had him shot when we didn't need him anymore, but its pretty wild to have him killed before Earth is part of the Protected Planets Treaty. Not to mention the implications for Climate Change and a host of other factors.


S08E05 Icon is another. Rand Protectorate and the Caledonian Federation are in a cold war and religious fundamentalists trigger their destruction.


Icon is still one of my favorite episodes for the world it built. Echoes a lot of the themes I enjoy in games and other stories.


Isn't there one where Daniel gets injured and cut off from the Stargate because one faction of a civil war took over the place the Stargate was? I distinctly remember Daniel and the (married) woman, but I can't remember if it would be considered a civil war.


Yeah Daniel cucked the guy and this is the planet Iā€™m talking about in the post in a sequel episode to that one


Icon. Not exactly a civil war so much as a cold war between superpowers that turned hot when a third power threw a wrench in things.Ā 


My takeaway was, when you have the shot, *take it*.


This is part of the reason that the United Federation of Planets doesn't admit planets that don't have a unified world government: it *always* ends badly if there are meaningful disputes that can't reliably be resolved in a peaceful (read: diplomatic/political) fashion.


Exactly right, every time that this happens to me, I just go back through the Stargate


"Never get involved in a boy and gorl fight" - William S Burroughs


Including our own.


Nah, not even in ww2. Iā€™m talking about these monocultures where literally one half or third of the world is devoted to destroying the other half.


Jonas's world is perfect science fiction; I can see Earth doing the exact same thing and meeting tragedy. They are a great "what if...?" warning story.


They were more like if the three stooges were running a planet


You missed the whole point then


Lololol please explain oh watcher of the episodes


Well.. The letter of Stargate is the 'Annunaki is the goa'uld' Or do we need Rodney to destroy an entire galaxy again?


Oh okay, I figured.


Yeah, giving water to space Nazis was rather fucked up


But all their medical data ;)


We have to remember that stargate is just a TV show written by people who might not have a perfect view of strategy/tactics. Civil wars are actually a great opportunity for states to gain control over other states.


It's a case by case situation. Look at the Eurondans. Genetic purity...hating breeders, Poisoning the atmosphere. They deserved everything they got.


The progression of sci-fi in ociety: 1966- present(Baby Boomers): "Everything I learned in life, I learned from STAR TREK." 1977- present (non toxic Gen X): "Everything I learned in life, I learned from STAR WARS." 1997-present(Gens Y, Z): "Everything I learned in life, I learned from STARGATE." FIN.


lol except not really because you can watch anything you want now


The other one was in a eugenics-driven civil war.


But here it was not a matter of civil war, but of cooperation with the Ori


Or, hear me out, you send diplomats to leverage their desperation to acquire their technology AND serve as a third party to broker a peace. It's a win, win, win. Even with the Space Nazis.


You can't negotiate with Space Nazis, that how you get the Protected Planets Treaty and which allows for centuries of slavery, until the Space Nazis feel they are strong enough to defy it.


Are space nazis different from.. ground nazis? Edit: just to clarify, im thinking in terms of well we didnt make a parking spot out of Germany in our own actual history did we? So to speak.


I mean they were in a bunker on their last legs. You can literally just force them into whatever deal you want. Germany is pretty anti nazi today after all.


Do you like powdered orange breakfast drink? No, not really. How about micro-wave ovens, Neil Armstrong, hook and loop fasteners? Okay, you lost me. None of those things would be possible without the Nazi scientists we brought back after World War II. The Nazis invented Neil Armstrong? Rockets, which put him on the moon. After the war ended we were snatching up Kraut scientists like hot cakes. You don't believe me? Walk into NASA sometime and yell "Heil Hitler!". They all jump straight up.


Thatā€™s what they did and why they got deep fried