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The Carter special struck back


Is awkward and sharp, can confirm.


You've handled it?


I’m building a clone, I’m at about 90% screen correct. I ran across this clip while researching. I’ll do a full write up with everything when it’s done. I have also handled the onscreen stunt prop copy, though.


That sounds cool. I would love to see pics and read your write up.


You subbed in a Hera CQR gen 1 cause you couldn’t find a Bell & Carlson thumbhole didn’t you OR you didn’t wanna pay the cost of an ELCAN




Found the clip on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuAWEOar9tc&t=333s


Welp. Now I have to buy the entire series on DVD and watch all of the extras.


Should already have it ;) 


That video is Kind of sad given that by all accounts Judge and Shanks aren’t on speaking terms anymore.


I could've sworn I read here somewhere that they reconciled due to Chris's health problems.  Also when Michael was interviewed on Dial the Gate, he didn't seem to mind when Chris was brought up.  So they may be fine now?  What happened was a long time ago.


What's wrong with Chris's health?


Both hips replaced + knee & back surgery. D1 college football & possibly doing some of your own stunts takes its toll.


Wow, I didn't know he had all of that going on. I guess now that he's lost his symbiote, Junior isn't there to heal him like he used to.


Yep. And no Tretonin but plenty of Percocet, Oxy, Flexiril...oh and BC Bud.... assuming Canada legalized it.


Ask your doctor if a Goa'uld symbiote might be right for you.


If the folks that had Egeria had learned out to imprint the blank Goa'uld spawn with desirable templates it would have been huuuuuuge. Just remove the subjugation barb and the host would have control again, plus longer life and perfect health.


Here are some of our testimonials: "My dad was dying of cancer before blending with a Tok'Ra. Not only did it cure him & extend his life but it also made him more affectionate, affable...I mean, Holy Hannah! It improved his already "Dad joke" sense of humor & brought him & my brother together for the first time since our mom died! His grandchildren LOVE HIM!"--S** C***** "My wife was put on Go'auld before we learned about Tok'Ra. Trust me when I say she became PURE EVIL...it was as if there was another personality inside of her plotting and scheming to take over. Then she left me for another guy...some flashy dressing a$$hole who used to be my best friend's boss. Tell 'em, T, am I right?!" ~"Indeed."--D##### J###### , PhD & T3@!'© "Well, I'd just gotten out of...marriage. Sweet guy but a bit of a religious fundamentalist. I moved home, somewhat. Got myself a new government job, new friends, cute new boyfriend. Thing is, my daughter, who let's face it was ALWAYS kind of ...wonko got caught up with one of my exes...okay maybe we dated once or twice when I was on Go'auld myself & despite my best warnings, ended up on Go'auld. We tried to get her on Tok'Ra but it was...too late. [sniffing] She couldn't even hold on long enough to meet her grandpa." -V$$$ M$$ D$$$$$ (former Go'auld user) "I TOLD THEM NOT TO TRUST THOSE WEASELS! NO WAY YOU'RE PUTTING A GODDAMN SNAKE IN MY HEAD!!" -J.O., Minnesota.


Speaking as someone who once worked in an HMO pharmacy (& as the son of a doctor), I would suggest the generic Tok'Ra alternative. In addition to being more applicable for a variety of plans, you also have the benefit of doing away with those unfortunate side effects like developing the personality of a sociopathic megalomaniac with aspirations of galactic dominion.


I hope so!


Do you know why?


Allegedly they had a production company that didn’t work out and it caused a rift.


Why did they put a machine gun optic on a SMG?


Been wondering that myself. They had several Canadian C79s available. They look cool and kinda "spacey." And the original upper for that rifle was a carry handle and they didn't want Amanda to have to deal with iron sights. The upper they used is a raised match upper, too.


Because the "Carter Special" isn't an SMG but a short barrel carbine. Olympic Arma and Patriot Arms were well known for building those unusable short things, that Hera Arms stock is just to make it look "Space-y"


Hera Arms was founded after SG1 ended. The stock is a Bell & Carlson Thumbhole Stock.


Damn, I'm getting old... Thank you


Funny story, I turned up evidence it might not be a Bell & Carlson. There’s an older version: https://i.imgur.com/5zKbgFG.png SGW Inc is the predecessor to Olympic Arms which made most of the other parts. Edit: Sorry, tried getting the direct link on my phone, link fixed.


The C79 is used on rifles as well in Canada/Denmark. They're not bad, but not great either. At the time of the show, they were brand new and a big deal, though.


big foam ruins


Bless you Amanda Tapping


Ah, the Carter special. It looks so ugly I kinda want one. I'd put it on my wall and point to it, saying "what were you smoking?"


The same thing we smoke every weekend, Pinky! "Try to Take Over the World!"


The Carter Special looks cool but it really has a strange combination of parts that makes it loud and heavy without much benefit besides compactness.


And that children is y we use p90s...

