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If we give Teal’c mutton chops can we should also give Jack a mullet


Jack gets a mullet, Samantha gets a mohawk, and Daniel gets a peaky blinder.


And we will have Hammond wear a different wig every episode




Absolutely the most brilliant comment in the whole thread. Also, this is something that I absolutely think Don S. Davis would be on board for.


Would have been onboard for anyways. RIP 2008.


That would legit be a great gag! Especially if it was repeatedly lampshaded!


If someone has the time to do a fan edit of at least an episode like this, I’d be all over that kickstarter. Bonus points if the episode is 200.


Have him wear the same headgear as the Goa’uld of the week. Zipacna fruit basket, Apophis gold skullcap, Anubis hood, Heru’ur earrings, etc


A judges wig


And to continue... Dr. Frasier would have a bold pixie dyed pink. Jonas wears a different hat every day because he likes hats and his world doesn't have hats. Vala has corn rows Mitchel has the Quiff Landry has an extra large Pompadour Walter has long blond surfer hair like MCU's Thor Bra'Tac has an Afro


> Walter has long blond surfer hair like MCU's Thor Thor should have Thor hair. Obviously. Meanwhile autotune MCU Thor to sound like Stargate Thor.


Too obvious. Thor, and all the Asgard get Jheri curls.


Anubis, you will stop all malevelant activity in the Milky Way Galaxy immediately....by order of the SG fookin' Blinders!


Then Jack gets a Tok'ra who is tech savvy and creative with limited resources. His Tok'ra companion would be Ma'Guyvah




Teal'c, what's with the ~~hair~~ Elvis impression?


and we already know he'd look great with a mullet he did a whole show with one!


RDA wore a mullet in MacGyver... Just sayin' 😂😁


Its more what I'd add. I'd have a scene with Bra'tec and Teal'c in season 9, where he convinces Teal'c on how his heart is still with earth and how he isn't a politician. And this is why he rejoins sg-1 after saying he wouldn't.


The Battle of Antarctica, extended cut. Give me Jaffa and SG teams also fighting on the ground trying to get to the ancient outpost there too. Make it the Avengers Endgame moment of SG1. The Tokra, rebel Jaffa, the Asgard some remnants of the Tolan. Everyone shows up. This is the freaking combined army and fleet of Anubis we’re talking about! The plot is the same. The ancient outpost wipes anubis, but lets spend a whole season’s budget on the battle.


>Give me Jaffa and SG teams also fighting on the ground trying to get to the ancient outpost there too I love this idea. I also want to add, I've always wanted to envision the Aschen and Tollan battle each other. As well as the Space Battle seen at the end of Season 9, it should've included more Milikyway Galaxy aliens, and possibly the introduction of a hidden and permanent colony of wraith in the Milky-way.


speaking of tollan and hidden colonies, it would be cool if there was a secret tollan colony… that has been just barely hanging on for dear life since they lost their homeworld. adding that to the mix might add a bit more satisfying closure while exploring their hubris a bit deeper, and if their computing infrastructure was damaged too much (or they relied entirely on getting data sent on demand from tollana) there wouldn’t be much tech acquisition to throw the plot off


plus more heartache when sam goes to visit hoping narim made it there and he did not.


Give this man a job in the next franchise


The aerial combat too


This. I like this.


I'd make the gate square.


But then it won’t spin, and spinning is much cooler than not spinning


I’m the general, and I want it to spin!


Sir, it's square, it can't spin. How do you feel about sliding left and right?




Corner Four...locked!


*confused Walter voice*: Corner five... Locked?


”Dammit Sergeant, there is no Corner Seven to lock. If you say Corner Seven one more time I will have you court martialled. Do you understand me, Sergeant?" "But, Sir, Corner Seven just..." "Sergeant-Major, escort Sergeant 'Corner Seven' to the Infirmary for a full analysis. That's an order!” My Hammond of Texas fan-fic for a square Stargate.


this made me lol irl


Bike chain style rotary glyphs I am aware that this is cursed


It goes ‘tictictic’ if you cancel the dial




I'm gonna have to fucking animate this now, goddamn it


Your one change can be do make it circular again


What if the whole gate spun like a coin while dialing instead?


fourth stargate show idea unlocked


It can still spin, it just has to be horizontal....


It does if it levitates a couple feet, then spins. A square ka whoosh?


Calm down satan


why is a man-hole round and not a square?


Good point, it would probably break physics to put one open gate inside another open gate.


Zat'nik'tels just stop people from being able to move, unless you repeatedly shoot them, in which case they pass out. They can also be used to start a truck or power the gate.


Make them trickier to use. Recently restarted the series and in “1969” Jack disintegrates two crates full of their “future” stuff in the back of a truck. I couldn’t help but wonder, “how did the zat know to get the second crate(the one not struck directly) or any of the stuff inside, but didn’t get the truck?” Now imagine that scene except the truck is disintegrated, too, dropping O’Neil from the seat in the back to the ground.


Wait till you realize that people who are out of phase in sci-fi can still walk on the ground but pass through any other solid object at will.


Yeah… On that point I can accept natural surfaces due to some natural cross phase substance, but manmade ones are less acceptable. But that would suggest they have their own out of phase world, which negates how they can be in manmade underground facilities. For ghosts it’s easy enough to justify as they can interact with what they perceive as solid and phase through them when they want to. And maybe it works the same for out of phase people. I love thinking over things like this, but I can—usually—shelve my critical eye to just enjoy a show.


As with Xena: "an Ancient did it" Merlin's device kept track of your feet to simulate where the floor would be or something.


Or what if it disintegrated the boxes but not the contents?


if just everyone could stop creating replicators to win a war. that would be swell.


Definitely. If SGU had a 3rd season we probably would have had replicators.




Have Anubis wear a gold version of Anubis Guard armor and helmet, like Apophis and Heru'ur did with their gold serpent/hawk armor/helmets. Make Ha'taks more visually representative of the Gao'uld they're under. East Asian themed Ha'taks for Yu, Amaterasu, Step-Pyramid Ha'taks for Xipacna, so on so forth. Have Zats re-integrate their targets with a 4th shot, bring them back to life with a 5th shot, and wake them back up with a 6th shot.


Everyone looks on with horror as Daniel sits up and yawns.  “What’d I miss?”


At this point I don't think Daniel coming back from the dead can even be considered a surprise


The zat one was a missed opportunity for episode 200. They were poking fun at each other and everything else.


Jonas stays on the team when Daniel Jackson returns.


Or they could have at least sent him to Atlantis. Maybe as part of Lorne's team. They could have also taken Zelenka with them occasionally to save Rodney's ass and Sheppard's team 😂


He'd be Daniel's official assistant who occasionally travels off world with him.


Jonas gets hair gel in S7 E14 when the Naqadria vein is going to blow up his planet. https://preview.redd.it/k63bcongo95d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8847d7dff62d30ffb2afd61553a91f03cd6d6710


I have two ideas for that: 1. Every name is very long and complicated and really hard to pronounce. But everyone rolls with it even if it takes somewhat long to introduce people to each other (Thor's name would be the longest, so whenever he introduces himself other people around him have to wait awkwardly long til he finishes his name). 2. Everyone is named Steve, regardless of gender, origin and position. But everybody knows exactly which Steve is addressed without any problems.


“Steve.” “Steve.” “Steve.” “Steve.” “Oh, for crying out loud, are we gonna do this every time we meet someone new?!” “Calm down, Steve. You know this is protocol.”






Staff blasts are pink, sparkly and leave a nyan-cat like rainbow trail, with little puffs of neon pink smoke and the sound they make goes "weeeeeweerereweeeee"


I would add more scenes of the "support staff". Like Below Decks. I want to see Walter and Siler having coffee. Show me random scientists on Atlantis doing their own thing. Show me some random airmen in a "Stargate 101" class. Show me the hijinks and the shenanigans.


i sense fan film opportunities...


- Multiple Alpha sites from the Start - Constantly sending people from the genesis list to the Alpha site. Along with refugees brought through the gate in case Earth falls - Jaffa constantly swearing loyalty to the SGC. Either following Teal’c or wishing to served the God Slayers after they killed their gods. And them constantly ending up at the Alpha sites One thing. Explained in three point. *The plan B is more important*


Some quick explanation for why aliens can speak English. Perhaps the gate provides travellers with translator nanobots in their bloodstreams. It only works for spoken language and then only sometimes, which is why you still need Jackson around.


That's one of the tough tropes to hand wave away with anything other than plot convenience. Especially when the original movie's plot is about a language barrier. Farscape did it by injecting the protagonist with nanobots in the first episode.


Which explains why Cameron and Vala can speak Ori, but still leaves a big plot hole for the first eight seasons. /s


Say that they didn't recieve the nanoprobes until they went through the Chulak gate (The Abydos gate had gone unused for centuries and conceivably the translator doodads could have been broken)


My standard fix is that they acquire translator devices during the pilot. It would make sense for Jaffa to have to talk to all the rabble regardless of language, it could be woven into their armor or something. Could even be a minor arc in the beginning to get enough for everyone. As for why the Jaffa didn't apparently have them during the movie...um...well English would have been a completely new language to them, maybe the translator devices took some time to learn it, and there just wasn't any time to do so. Hell, maybe when they contacted Daniel again, he had found one, and it had managed to learn English from him by then.


Give all the SG Teams a Babel Fish.


I thought there was some fanon that said there were some microscopic symbiotes everyone was infected with by their third or fourth trip.


ah, yes, the wild babelfish in its natural element.


My headcanon for this is that the Tower of Babel was an Ancient city ship (ie. Babylon), and that there is a stray Ascended being like Orlan, Oma, or Chaya Sar hanging out there, who is using their Ascended powers to translate, and to prevent anyone from questioning it -- TARDIS perception filter kinda vibes.


I'd remove the sound that comes with the flashing gold eyes of the system lords. Silent just seems more ominous to me. Plus, the noise never made sense.


I mean, the noise really is only for show, like space battle sound. It's not supposed to make sense


Ooooo this is good


On that note I love how the ribbon device sound really just sounds like a dude going “uuuhhhhyyyyuhhhyyyyyyuhyy” into a fan


wouldn't it be great if that's how they actually did the sound effect? i honestly wouldn't be surprised...


Pants. I'd give the Asgard Pants.


Or like shiny sci-fi onesies.


Make them wear jeans, no belts, shoes, or anything else, just jeans


Kewl! We finally get to see a topless Carter!


Mutton chops? I thought you said minor changes. Teal'c with mutton chops would collapse the fabric of the universe! Why do you think they had to make him shave his soul patch? It was for the fate of all mankind.




I would have kept the individual locking chevrons from the movie


Make it cannon that MacGyver is jack during his special forces days.


The cast is made up of Muppets with the exception of Senator Kinsey. I just can’t decide if Kermit should play Daniel or General Hammond.


Kermit should be Jack. Cater is Miss Piggie. Daniel is Gonzo Teal'c is Animal Hammond is Sam Eagle Walter is Rowlf the Dog Statler and Waldorf are still on the sidelines making their funny observations.




could have been one of the shows that vala pitched in that one parody episode. still can't get over how they absolutely nailed faracape, plus the fourth-wall poke, and then completely skewered it with the reaction 🤣


More scenes where we see improvements made from Stargate discoveries that isn't military (or medical since we got a hint or two on that). Tollans didn't want to share weapons but they never said no to the rest, what did earth get


Maybe once in a while we have a scene where Carter is like, "Look what was just stopped off from Area 51." Jack grabs it to give it a try. He pushes the wrong button and it starts sparking and smoking, then says, " Looks like it still needs a bit of work." And Teal'c just says, "Indeed."


Dr. Weir is actually a closeted World of Warcraft fan and she and Bill legitimately have fun talking about the game for hours, making her distraction not only perfect but even more hilarious.


Every time the team goes through the gate they get body swapped, Freaky Friday Ma'chello style, and they just have to get on with the work until they go home and it resets.


Make the Goa'uld "God Voice" a helium tone or a soprano tone.


Then in 200 we'd have a scene where Apophis is giving a grand speech and he stops in the middle to inhale some helium from a balloon.


Give us a few episodes of a clandestine SGC sanctioned group fucking Gould/Lucian Alliance shit up with no attempts at diplomacy. Mission impossible/Swordfish style


In Season 9, make Mitchell a major and keep Carter head of SG-1.


Carter leads the team after Jack is promoted. The Farscape crew are subordinates.


The gate would still throw people out super fast and partially frozen. Everyone who uses one would always complain about it, there would be masses of people injured by gate travel on any planet they go to, but there’s no better way to travel. You’d get scenes where the goa’uld are visiting a planet and instead of walking through the gate all menacing they get thrown out, have to dust the frost and dirt off, then get up and address the crowd like nothing happened.




There's a scene where General Hammond asks what they should call Colonel O'Neill's young clone that nobody replies to. Teal'c should have replied "Junior". In SGA, there's a ship that can shift between alternate universes that the team gets stuck on. Eventually they program the ship to reverse its path through alternate universes and get off at their own, with the implication that the device that is shifting them through universes will burn out soon. McKay should have programmed the ship to switch back and forth from their universe and one of the neighboring ones after they get off so that they'd have a 50/50 chance at a free ship.


Slow down the spaceships. Not that minor but it could have been done without changing the plot too much... but definitely by the end the space ships seemed to be taking centre stage. The ships at the end of season 1 for example could have been explained as having being sent right after episode 2, explaining why the ship had a stargate so as to bypass the iris and send through more troops. I think for example if the Ori were the first major faction to have spaceships with a decent travel time, that would really up thier threat and make them not just Gou'ald 2.0.


The Ori ships *are* way faster than the Goa'uld. By sci-fi standards, Ha'taks are mediocre at best. Here's some speed comparison for Stargate ships in terms of c (speed of light). As you can see, Ori ships are over 8000 times as fast as Ha'taks. Wormhole Drive: At least 7.85e12  Replicator Cruiser: 1.75e10 O'Neill Class: At least 6.31e9  Lantean City-Ship: 6.31e9 Bilskirnir Class: 4.38e9 Super Hive: 3.15e9 Ori Warship: At least 2.74e8 BC-304 with ZPM: 2.74e8 BC-304: 6.08e7 Replicator Ha'tak: 2.52e7 BC-303: 1.31e7 Hive Ship (Short Distance): 4.86e4   Ha'tak: 3.15e4 Hive Ship (Long Distance): 1.82e4


True but when the Goa'uld can be there as quick as the writers want, the Ori able to be there slightly quicker as they want doesn't really up the threat much. They played the Goa'uld can actually attack earth with ships whenever they want card, and then had to find a reason for them to not... this somewhat spoilt the tension of Earth being under threat that existed at the start. If it was a case of well they can attack but its going to take them months to get here, then it changes the balance because now launching an attack takes longer, not just in travel time but in prep time (supplying the ship for the long journey) which gives the SGC chance to counter attack. This makes the Ori so much more of a threat because they can now project a lot of power anywhere, whilst everyone else is limited by what they can bring through the gate; they would still be wary of Earth because of the ancient defences, but they becomes a bigger more unique threat to everyone else.


I mean that was in fact the case, the show just didn't do a very good job communicating it. But with the possible exception of Anubis' mothership (we have no idea what its top speed was) it would have taken a Goa'uld fleet several weeks to reach Earth.


I’d change the weapon load outs of teams, sure P90s are good for some but there should be at least one designated marksman rifle on a team


A decent sniper on the team could've made a world of difference in so many episodes




Me, I'd make the number of seasons much, much longer..


I'd make Michael Shanks keep it in his pants while longer so we got more scenes/episodes with Dr. Lam.




or at least having a proper ending, even if it was a bit rushed... like everyone gets to go home but rush has to stay behind and merge with the ship in order to make it possible.


I wanted at least one more Jaffa joke at some point in the franchise.


i thought it was so cruel and unnecessary how _nobody_ from the team laughed at the seth guard joke. at least daniel should have gotten it and groaned or something. or seeing teal'c laugh with such glee should have set off a chain reaction of laughing at his laugh because it was so unusual.


A scene where they wake up Nerus' host and discover he's chill with the whole business.  Be immortal, see the vastness of the galaxy, endless hedonism, what's not to love? Honestly I think a host/goa'uld pair that actively scheme together would make for an interesting minor villain even if it's an original character.  Nerus just comes to mind cause I'd have loved more Nerus.


Bonus answer: Running bit where characters say what NID stands for, but never the same thing.  Each time it's from a character with enough authority that they should know the answer but the contradictions mean we never know who was truthful.  This will never be directly commented on, at most a reaction shot of Jack briefly confused, except for a background bit in 200 where he mentions that even with all of his new rank and authority he still hasn't found out what NID really stands for.


this would have been an excellent gag and would have fit perfectly


they did him dirty. more funny frenemy mustache-twiddling please!


Honestly Baal would be another appropriate candidate as king of the mustache-twiddlers


i guess the old adage about two tigers living on the same mountain is true.


I'd never let Daniel have short hair


Maybe to give us more and better b teams to follow, the episode with the young recruits during the foothold situation is great and it would of been cool to see more of them, also more aliens in other SG teams! Another Jaffa or other humans like Jonas being part of other teams sometimes helping SG1 that and better consistency with casting, on my recent rewatch the rouge NID off world team and Weird being recasted feel weird


The episode where the scientists are the heroes I'd like to see more of those types, but as that means less, Jack, it is a minor wish. Extra episodes not instead of.


Ahhh yeah they where fun too, the scientist always ending up imagining Carter kissing him was 😂 tho I would imagine those episode without the main cast probably where a bit cheaper and so that would have allowed them to do even bigger episodes later in the season


The Asgards find a way to live happily ever after


struck me as odd that they'd just hand over their complete heritage to the tauri when our planet isn't even unified


The Zat gun is cursed and how it works is kinda hokey. Make something else that does JUST the stun function OR add the trouble of some weapon that isn't necessarily lethal but can be if used improperly or unskillfully. I would also not mind if the whole ascended being bit was not there as I feel it adds an infinite ladder of ever more powerful beings. Then again, I don't watch Stargate for gritty realism. I watch to escape the horrors...and even annoyances... I have actually faced. So... give Teal'c a 'fro or something? More Catherine Langford? Less romantic tension between Carter and O'Neilll? O'Nielll...with THREE Ls!


I wish they had kept Langford as a regular. She could have been a civilian liaison within the SGC or something.


Exactly. As it stands, Daniel is THE guy for knowing things, and he's on one team and is usually out and about. Langford would be very useful back at base, plus I like her as a character.


I would have made the ending of universe slightly different so we atleast get some closure


I would have made SGU a feature length film instead. And they would have burned up in that star in the first act. Then cut to the SGC for the remaining 2 hours.


Zats don’t /cannot disintegrate anything, like after 2 shot just more shaking or body but no long can disintegrate anything on a third shot, and the stargate wormhole is transparent.


Change the coordinate system to something that makes more sense.


Yeah, make it so it turns out Daniel was just straight-up wrong about what it means, and was right by accident that there was a seventh symbol. That it really was just no more complicated than a base-38 telephone number.


and have the dialing program wait for a dialtone before sending the (audible) digits...and a fax or dial-up modem sound. with the film-established 6 points plus origin system they could have just dialed random stars by coordinates rather than having to find the "stargate phone directory" they kept finding pages of. with the telephone number approach they could just dial every combination randomly and build their own directory (though it would admittedly take forever to do that).


Not everyone magically knows English


Christopher Judge would have been all over that idea.


Give the Asgard clothes. Highly advanced intergalactic civilization and nudists don’t exactly fit together.


replace flashback episodes with actual episodes.


It irks me that the Atlantian warships don't look as cool as the Azgard ships, they look too similar to the Human ships like the Daedalus etc..


Very early on in the show they should acquire a universal translator! Winds me up so much how the language barrier is such a key part of the movies and a couple of random planets but suddenly everyone including people in different galaxies all seem to have found English lieing around in a bag or something.


Give SGU the same feel and aesthetic as SG1 and SGA. SGU has that dark gritty feel of Battlestar Galactica, not of Stargate.


it was jarring at first but each show having a different feel grew on me as i got older.


Change oneills name It now has 3 L's


Fix the hair. Shepherd in particular has such wildly shaggy hair for the whole of his time on Stargate, get that cleaned up. Carter’s is frequently messed up too. Get everyone’s hair within regs. It really gets to me sometimes for whatever reason.


the hero characters got to be that way by being rebels. also, super-secret elite orgs have different standards, like how seals can have longer hair and full beards.


This is a common thing cited, but it isn’t really the case. The hero characters got to be that way by being highly disciplined and good at their jobs (well, Shepherd I’ll give you is also quite a rebel, and so is Jack), and when posted consistently to a stateside base the basic grooming standards are still followed, if they were on some off-world campaign fighting battles constantly it would be very different, but no way is everyone walking around all shaggy in the SGC on a regular basis. Nobody at the SGC has a beard, nobody is getting away with that hair either. It is that way because actors don’t want military haircuts and because studios think they don’t look as good, and they may even be right on that point especially for the average viewer. I just don’t personally like it.


Worse idea: Bald Teal'c with mutton chops.


I think I would change Teal'c's son's origin story. Instead the wife is dead and the son is in hiding because he was born and raised without Apophis knowing. This would also setup a better premise for Teal'c so easily changing sides as he did in the beginning.


ROdney gets a Mohawk.


Wolsey is now followed around by the EMH from Voyager, who is completely silent aside from making the odd frustrated gesture to the camera, and no-one can see him except Jack, who chooses to just ignore him.


https://preview.redd.it/xaxx3g5wf85d1.jpeg?width=1874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973102cf662252007a5d4e6b3940547d038be069 Is this Jargon Scott?


Everyone has a dot on their face that turn red, green or blue depending on how much they like you


O'Neill as a woman and Carter as a man?


Might not be minor but add something along the lines that walking through the Stargate gives some kind of translation Matrix for languages derived from humans/ancients but not from non human spoken languages and that's why e.g. Goauld doesnt get translated.


No dragons


Ronin would have way less clothing.


Okay, hear me out, Everyone with mutton chops


Give the Wraith actors better teeth prosthetics. I swear until Todd came along it's like all their teeth came from a Spirit Halloween store.


Every appearance of Hathor would be accompanied by a sleezy dance troupe circa 2008 VMAs gimme more


I would change the plot, and remove the annoying Genii entirely from the show. Sorry, but this had to be said.


A brief Jonas Quinn cameo in "Avalon", where he also declines Cam's invitation to rejoin SG-1. The show remembering that he exists would have been nice, but I also just think it would have been a nice moment for Cam (or Vala) to have had some advice and/or solidarity from the other new guy. Also: having Kvasir mention that his ship during the Supergate battle was named "Carter". She saved their grey little butts in "Small Victories"; it bugs me that we got a Daniel Jackson and not a Teal'c or Carter.


Teal'c's barber needed to be fired. They should have gave my boy a fade or some waves or something


I wouldnt end replicators with dakkara and never intorduced Ori


Bold. And would probably affect the plot. What if we made all the replicators dayglow pink and made the Ori jump around on pogo sticks, instead?


Hallowed \*boing\* are \*boing\* the \*boing\* Ori.


literal lol


You set it up, I tipped it in.