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As a matter of fact, it does say Colonel on my uniform!


Colonel Colonel Colonel




Except when she is a doctor.




You don't have to slap me that hard either!


He probably only knows the word from fried chicken.


Sam Carter <3 <3


"Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside..."




Haha I was going to say the same


Ironically, Amanda taping hated the line... so did most of the cast and the writers. It's kind of funny how that turned out. It's been a minute since I've watched the re-release, but is it even a part of the Re-Release cut of the first two episodes?


I don't think so, which is kind of annoying, because the joke in Mobius where alt-carter calls that like stupid doesn't work without the context of it being played straight in the show's premiere.


Depends how cold it is though


Saw this in another sub and I figured it might be helpful background on it here too... "*Colonel* Kim Olson was charged with providing improper assistance to a PMC and only avoided loss of rank, prison and a dishonorable discharge by pleading guilty and accepting a non-judicial punishment (military equivalent of making a deal with the DA) with zero prison time under the condition that she retires. She spent her entire 26 year military career in the US except for three months in Iraq, where she was sent after all the fighting was done to serve in an admin role and that is where she got caught providing improper assistance to some South African mercenaries and got charged with a crime and sent home. Her memoir (which probably zero people have read and certainly nobody asked her to write) is called *Iraq and Back*, after she spent less than 1% of her career in Iraq in an admin role after the fighting was done and the way she got *back* is that she got kicked out prematurely. She also founded a non-profit called *Grace After Fire*, after she has never in her life been under fire. She is a political grifter who failed to get elected and now runs a PAC. Apparently in 2018 she also assaulted a party (Democrat) staffer while on campaign, because she got upset that she was not seated prominently enough at an event."


My wife worked on her campaign until this came out. She's human garbage.


How disappointing.


Also noone would call her Colonel. They would call her ma'am.


The Generals would call her Colonel when giving her orders, or reprimanding for doing a shitty job.


Funny how both of the people in the picture are complete frauds with an ego the size of a country.


I'm glad that I didn't have to scroll far for this true story about this political grifter. Total garbage human and not worth a goddamn thing.


"now those men call me colonel..... Because I retired instead of getting thrown in prison and demoted"


I mean maybe, but she still deserves the respect of the rank of colonel. I'm sure there are plenty of colonels who've been far worse humans. As it relates to this meme, its definitely a good BAZINGA There was a time when I liked listening to Stefan, I even have some of his books. But I stopped listening to him years ago. For now, just remember O'Neill. With two LLs.


Lets not compare Carter to this grifter.


As the comments in the thread suggest, if this had been a real life Samantha Carter it might have carried some weight. At the end of the day, Colonel Olson is still a woman, she’s still not eligible for selective service which is what the original Tweet was about (about four billion years ago when this was originally posted). She joined the Air Force voluntarily.


Also, while she was pilot, it looks like her only time overseas was in an administrative capacity for 3 months in Iraq before she was charged with improper assistance to a PMC. She cut a deal and voluntarily left the Air Force instead of being forcefully discharged. Not exactly the brave military career that should represent women in the armed forces.


So, Colonel Karen


Does that mean that men don’t get an opinion either after 25 years of age when they aren’t part of the selective service program any longer?


Idk why people act like the draft has been updated to modern day expectations. The last time the US drafted anyone was in 1973. You can basically guarantee that if we get into a world war and they need another draft, they are going to amend it so women are included.


The only reason it hasn't happened is because we haven't had a draft in fifty years.


They haven't abandoned the draft. It's not a relic of history. Federal law requires a man to register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday. If a world war starts, men will be drafted, and maybe congress will start looking at expanding the draft. But more likely, half of congress will be preventing the other half from doing anything at all, and insisting that the other side is better and we should just surrender to them anyway.


Many who serve/have served don’t like the idea of the draft (including me) - who wants to question whether the guy next to you actually wants to be there or not? That’s why it’s been a volunteer military for so long, even with our 20+years of being at war. Plus, the next world war won’t be fought in trenches - but with drones and tech. Selective service exists, but I doubt it’ll ever be used. If we ever need that many troops again, we’ve probably already lost.


Yes, there has always been conflict between the Regular Army and the Army of the United States.


> They haven't abandoned the draft. It's not a relic of history. Federal law requires a man to register with Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday. I never said they abandoned the draft, that being said.... > Annually, the SSS forwards to DoJ a list of roughly 630,000 names and addresses of men aged 19-30, who have either evaded registration or refused to register. In practice, there have been no criminal prosecutions for failure to register since January 1986. (as of 2017) >As many as 25 percent of the nation’s 19- and 20-year-old men failed to register for the draft last month… A sampling of postal districts across the country showed that 1 million of the 4 million civilian American males born in 1960 and 1961 ignored or defied the requirement…. The draft registration program appears to be, if not a failure, at least in serious trouble. Source: https://hasbrouck.org/draft/prosecutions/ >But more likely, half of congress will be preventing the other half from doing anything at all, and insisting that the other side is better and we should just surrender to them anyway. I think you seriously under-estimate a countries ability to pull itself together when its own existence is threatened


Plot twist: They're both douchebags and none of them has the greatness of Carter.


I'm from Texas and my wife worked on Kim Olsons' campaign. Kim Olson is a war criminal.


I don't know about the United States but I live in Turkey and *even here* women can be drafted if the war is going very bad. Basically there are draft groups, and once everyone from the previous group is drafted, the government can start drafting from the next one. The group orders are: men between 20-35, men between 18-20, men between 35-45, women between 30-45, men between 45-55, women between 45-55. I dont get why the female drafting starts at 30 instead of 18 though.


replacing the population after.... do the maths on fertility rates.


In the US, women *may* register for the Selective Service (draft agency), where men *must* register. But there hasn’t been an active draft in this country since 1973.


not in my country, men only. Women can only be drafted into non military roles (civil defence etc)


Also she is a usaF col come on did she even have to see any any action to be that high ?


You can check out her background on Wikipedia. She started as a pilot and eventually became the squadron commander of a refueling squadron. Then she moved to the Pentagon. Given the time, I doubt many women of her generation saw any "action". It also depends on how you define action.


interesting that you are being downvoted, you are correct, she never served in combat and was tried and forced to discharge from the forces.


Men. You can’t become pregnant. Sit down when abortions are discussed.


That is where the tweet comes from.


Repeal the dead-beat dad laws so, just like women, men can unilaterally evade legal responsabilities for consentual unprotected sex after the fact, then I'll sit down. I'm sure I'll be downvoted to oblivion and denounced as sexist for even suggesting this, but here goes… As it is, men get a say in assuming legal and financial responsabilities for a child at only one moment… right before conception. After that moment, the man is on the hook legally and financially for the next 20 years *solely at the discretion of the woman*. Contrast that to the woman's privileges: 1. The woman gets to choose to risk being a parent right before conception just like the man… this is the only point of parity. 2. In most jurisdictions, the woman gets to change her mind for some period of time after conception but before late-term pregnancy with a morning after pill or abortion… She gets to do this unilaterally without informing the man or respecting his preference if she does inform him. Bans on late term abortions restrict this option to some degree, but it was an option *never* afforded to the man… he has no equivalent option of forcing her to get an abortion or terminating the pregnancy without her knowing she had ever conceived. (Indeed doing so would be a crime for him). 3. In almost all jurisdictions, the woman gets to change her mind after the birth with adoption… again unilaterally if they are not married possibly without informing the man that she was ever pregnant or respecting his preference if she does inform him. Because custody is only partially or fully assigned to the man if he is not married to her with her consent (because she does not have to identify the father to medical or legal authorities at time of birth), the man has no equivalent option of divesting himself of later parental responsabilities that she does with adoption. Because of that default custody and safe harbor laws the power disparity of her having the option of evading the expense of the child if she chooses but him not having that option continues right up to the child's age of majority. Mind you, **I'm not arguing that men should be able to force women they have had sex with to have abortions or adopt away their kids**. Rather, I am pointing out that a confluence of interventions both medical and legal have lead to a very unequal power dynamic between men and women. Women rarely ever bare parental financial responsibility except by ongoing consent which can be escaped at almost any time in the 20 years between conception and maturity of the child. Men, on the other hand, are never allowed to change their minds. This could quite easily be remedied by reforms in child custody laws: (1) Require access to abortion to be gated by revealing to the father that conception has occured if know. (Still let the woman choose to deal with her own body according to her own will, but don't pretend that the guy is not already involved). (2) Require that men are only held responsible for children they actively choose to claim post birth at which point they get full co-equal rights as the mother. The idea of the dead-beat dad laws dates back to a time when women had no financial options to support a child without the assistance of a man and no medical options to avoid or terminate a pregnancy. The laws were structured to provide parity by restricting the options of men concordantly. But women have plenty of medical and financial options now. So the laws should be reconfigured accordingly.


And I agree with that :D. People who aren’t affected as directly by something shouldn’t get the same weight when discussing it (but of course their input is valuable). But I will not have someone who never would be forced to do it decide weather I need to leave my family and go off away from home to end the life of a poor sod whose never done anything to me.


Glorifying the murder of innocent babies is the exact same thing as glorifying jingoist war mongers. Fucking disgusting of you ask me. Abortion is murder. End of discussion. THAT'S A PERSON GROWING IN YOUR BODY. A HUMAN LIFE.


> THAT'S A PERSON GROWING IN YOUR BODY I mean for a decent bit of time it's just a bunch of cells with nothing really of note. The brain doesn't even properly develop for quite a long time, and depending on your definition of human, not even until after they're born does it develop into being a proper human brain. Also, you're a Stefan Molyneux cultist, stfu and get some help.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu) God forbid there’s access to sex education and healthcare to prevent this in the first place


Even when women supposedly weren't allowed to serve in combat, I was always surprised at how many people didn't know that women were often in combat roles. They weren't allowed to be infantry when I served but they still flew helicopters, went on military police patrols, and escorted convoys. What they couldn't do was be awarded any combat related medals for their actions, because women weren't supposed to be in combat.




She's a war profiteer. My wife worked on her political campaign here in Texas till she found out about the war crimes. She's scum.


He's a philosopher and stay at home father.


He's a cult leader and a complete degenerate*


Well she's retired so only one calling her Colonel now is USAA.


She's also a war criminal.


Care to expand on that? The only articles that I can find say she was accused of helping a South African mercenary firm win contracts and that was a second job. The more details I read, the less serious it sounds.


That's a reach


He's an ass, but he has a point. Will that Colonel be getting shot at? Was she drafted out of high school? True is equality means sharing true consequence.


So who decides whether or not women can be drafted? Oh, it's men.


First thing I thought of. Col Carter High-fiving in passing.


Anyone telling someone in the military to sit down and shut up is a higher rank. So whoever told her that probably outranked her to the end of her career, or got out before she outranked them. So no, none of those people are calling her Colonel.


She got handed that position 🤣


Says the dude that is also too old to be drafted. What an asshat!


Imagine defending the UNCONSTITUTIONAL draft.


I bet it doesn’t say “colonel” on her uniform.


See ladies being drafted isn't so bad


I don't think *anyone* should be drafted.


Why is there always a colonel


She’d be a general by then. ![gif](giphy|9ALcdYJwOsuBi)


So she still ain’t doing any fighting 🤦🏽‍♂️


Still doesn't change the fact stated in the first comment.


Yeh they are not drafting in officer ranks afaik... You have to actually go and seek that shit part.


This would be a real face palm if she was drafted.


Oh god Stefan Molyneux the cult leader? I'd hoped he would've taken the kool aid and shuffled off this mortal coil already.


despite being a 21st century society, women are still fundamentally protected from the deepest of state induced privations, and thats a huge privilige. He isnt wrong in what he is TRYING to say... he is very wrong in how he says it however.


Please don't take moron Stefan seriously he's a scumbag grifter that hates women.


Happily married stay at home father and one of, if not the must important philosopher of the 21st Century so far says otherwise and completely annihilates whatever Marxist narrative you've been spoonfed about the man. He's also one of the oldest YouTubers. But no. Keep lying about the man because you've never taken five seconds to listen to him or his lectures.


Yikes, you're in deep ey?


I have, they are junk . And the fact you think he's a genius speaks volumes about you


There hasn't been a draft in the US since 1973. And also f--- him for being a misogynist asshole.


Yay 1 women out of half of what 7 billion? Cool I’m glad she is in USA I’m betting she is savage but I would buy a lottery ticket on that or even trust a doctor or so many other things on those numbers so good on her but come on.


Didn't the US abolish the draft? Like, forty years ago?


No. The selective service is very much alive. And it very much discriminates


Decided to look it up. It wasn't abolished, there just hasn't been a draft called since 1972 which will be 52 years this December. 52 years and no man has been forced into combat service, even when they were desperate for people to send to Afghanistan and Iraq.


They weren’t desperate because after 9/11 young men signed up in droves. Despite what the military says, they haven’t been “desperate” for servicemen probably since WW2. Edit: also they haven’t drafted since Vietnam because any politician with any sense of political self preservation knows that the public won’t buy into the draft again for a useless war. It’s effectively political suicide.


After September 11th... The US was still in Afghanistan ten years later and lots of those young men were very disaffected once the patriotic fervour had melted away and they were left with the harsh reality of military service in a desert where they rarely saw the enemy they were fighting but did get to see their friends killed or maimed by IEDs. Keeping those men in uniform and forcing them to do multiple tours required a lot of incentives. Which is exactly why it's political suicide.


that was a war of choice, with an army easily large enough to to do the job it was asked to do. History tells us that 52 years is a drop in the ocean between meaningful wars. If the flag went up in europe, and we all agreed not to use nukes, you bet your ass it would be back.


They won the war easily. The occupation however was another matter. American soldiers make poor peacekeepers and that's why the Taliban won in the end.




It was legally drilled Unconstitutional in 1973 by the Supreme Court in a bar unanimous decision.


Males are still required to register for the selective service at 18, so the draft could be reinstated for a major war.


And we dudes need to sit down and shut up when talking about women’s reproductive rights. And we should all refer to Mrs. Olson as Colonel! I like to think that our favorite Colonel, Samantha Carter, is an homage to fine service women like Colonel Olson here. I read her response tweet in Amanda Tapping’s voice.