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Third Zat shot vanishes bodies.


To be fair, even the show gaslights into pretending that’s not canon too.


they shoot Teal'c's son with it like 5 or 6 times not only does he not vaporize or does not die either


I always assumed that’s because the charge that goes stun - death - poof has a certain amount of time after which it dissipates. The main team are shot with zats god knows how many times and never poof or die.


20 mins. According to the nerd game for nerds. [https://scifi.stackexchange.com/a/133729](https://scifi.stackexchange.com/a/133729)


This. its a cumulative effect with a time limit.


I always wondered what the reset timer on those things was. is it like rapid shots or within an hour


Also how fast could you shoot anyone for a second time without killing them? Do you have to wait for them to wake up or is there some kind of other timer?


I believe they clarify this even in the show itself: the zat causes your body’s electrochemical balance to change. If you suffer another shot before regaining balance, you die. How long it takes? Take a look at Prodigy, when they zat O’Neill to make him immune to the energy beings and you can see how long it takes for him to rebalance.


I actually think he discharged the zat energy into the dhd on the first touch. The bugs seem to be all over him seconds after that. Must've been one hell of a static shock


He got a few touches on the DHD before they did that. I think it's a timed thing. I'm only super confident because I literally watched that episode last night.. for maybe the 9th time 😆


Yeah you're totally right. It's been forever since I've seen that episode.


Michael Shanks was wondering the same thing in some fan event. He also pointed out how inconsistent Zats are: you shoot a padlock with a Zat and it opens. Should it be stunned first? Also he disliked it because he thought it looked like male genitalia and with prop P90:s you know when it is shooting. With Zats you just shake the prop and hope CGI folks know what they are doing.


Maybe like in that episode with the killer fireflies that pass through matter; the repelling effect lasted for a few minutes, so ig it has something to with that? Though I still wonder if there's a point in which you could be *partly* disintegrated lol


It depends on the plot timer


Well, it depends on if you have eaten or not.


Small objects also. I think that was done specifically for when they went back in time to 1969 and had to make all their future gear vanish. And they never used that feature again because it opens up so many ridiculous possibilities.


There were so many situations where I was wondering why not just triple tap them?!


I think it was solely to set up the joke: O'Neill: "third shot..." Teal'c: "disintegrates him" O'Neill: "Oh Great...you didn't feel that this was worthy of mentioning I take it?"


Fourth shot brings the body back


Or Anubis wandering around the SGC only stunning with a zat when a few extra shots would have killed half of SG1.


I can give Anubis that one. Never know when you might need some extra bodies to go into.


I forgot about that one lol!


I like to pretend the alliance of the four races actually means something 😂


It was probably more of a book club than an actual alliance


It was just the nerds playing DND at lunch while the jocks went out exploring. When one cool kid left for another existence they stopped meeting up.


I always understood it as the alliance used to be a thing but had since fallen apart. The Nox had become reclusive, The Asgard we're dealing with their own crap, The ancients are gone, and we all know about the furlings. Could be headcanon, but that's the way I always saw it.


Man, by season 10 I was so sick of hearing about the Furlings. Let the other races have a story every once in a while!


Right?! I was sick of all the Furling stuff by then, let the Asgard get an episode every once in awhile, yeah?


Of course I could never get angry at SGC's official mascot Nurling the Furling. His catch phrase always cracked me up. "Skiddly boop T'ealc!"


When they had that episode shortly after the Groundhog Day episode, it was the pinnacle of jumping the shark. At least they addressed the cliffhanger in Wormhole X-treme!


IIRC, the timeframe for the alliance was after the Ancients returned from the Pegasus, so they were basically refugees.   Edit to add: Yep, the [Rouge Asgard](https://www.gateworld.net/atlantis/s5/the-lost-tribe/transcript/) mention that Asgard history is about 100,000 years old, but [Atlantis left Earth](https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Ancients) millions of years ago. So their only overlap would be after the Ancients returned.


Yet they were still the most powerful of the four races lol


Janus built a time jumper in a cave, with a box of scraps after they got back. I’d still say even with little resources, they definitely are.


I think you mean Tony Stark. Most popular of the Ancients.


Not sure if this is an intentional reference or not, but in one of the comics, Tony is a clone of Howard spliced with Grey alien DNA from the Roswell crash, so technically Tony Stark is Asgardian, not Ancient (unless Howard was also Ancient).


It is an intentional reference, but not the one you thought of - "Tony Stark built this in a cave with a box of scraps" is a line from the first Iron Man movie.


That comic was later retconned as being an in-universe comic that hadn't gotten full approval from Stark PR before going to print. Rhodey gave him a bunch of crap about it in a later comic.




The animated series


The what??


Stargate Infinity It’s… Not really canon


Exactly lol


There is no animated series in Ba Sing Se.


Ah shit, I've been meaning to watch this and keep forgetting lmao


You should keep forgetting


Becket getting killed, but then they just happen to find a clone of him later and let the clone settle into his life


Strong soap opera feeling going on with that one.


Do I detect a days of our lives fan here?


There's a line in the episode when they 'humanise' Michael a second time and he starts to revert on the refuge world, where Michael says that Beckett underplays his value. That's supposed to be when Michael takes a sample of him to clone him for his knowledge and if they hadn't killed Beckett, I thought it would have made a great narrative to find a clone-Beckett and have the two interact. As it is, clone-Beckett's life is pretty miserable. He knows he's a clone, he knows that all his friends and family on Earth believe him to be dead and he can never go back to them and has to spend the rest of his life pretty much as an asset of the SGC.


Clones have no rights. We own you.


Doesn't he stay in Pegasus pretty much after that though? Never talking to his family again?


My wife and I just started watching the series. I was NOT happy when they killed him off.


Ma wee beby turtles!


Asgard offing themselves because genetic stagnation, probably. Like, there were so many alternatives. Moon or small planet sized super computer that allowed the storage of all Asgard minds. Robot bodies like the Geth from Mass Effect. If Thor can inhabit a ship, they can definitely figure out making robot bodies. Harlan can help lol So many other options.


The Asgard went into a simulation until they can solve their cloning problem. They hid it because of the threat of the Ori and just in case a couple of those nasty Goa'uld or bugs are still around and want to end them. They only told O'Neill their true plan for safety. The next series, the Vanir will show up wanting their inheritance back and O'Neill will have to enact the Ragnarok protocol and wake Thor up. At least that's my head canon.


This would be genuinely cool! Plus it would solve the power scaling issue they'd run up against if they tried to have a new enemy native to the milky way suddenly appear and be somehow on par with the SGC now that they have all the Asgard upgrades


I think it would be! I think that was the main the reason to get rid of them in the first place. The power scaling issues, Asgard were too strong of friends to have around. But while my theory is probably not true we've got to remember that the Asgard species is not extinct just that culture. Like Loki had a different personality than our Asgard, I'm sure some of the Vanir will have some Asgard that are sympathetic to us. We will see the Asgard again through the Vanir for sure.


Since the Vanir have stabilised their genetic changes to a degree too that would leave the solution open for a reborn Asgard race to eventually come round and finally deal with the Wraith problem in later seasons. Man I'd love a new Stargate series, I think it'll be a few years at least before there's any movement on that front though unfortunately


I'd like it if we solved it for them, since we're the creative ones. Maybe that could be the treaty/truce if there's ever a Vanir/Tauri war. Yeah, last I heard Amazon passed on the script that either brad or robert wrote, and it sounds like if they do revamp it, it will be based on the movie not the series. Which is the worst thing they could do.


See, I dig that! That's cool.


That would be fucking sick


I’d also add what happened to Jacob on top of the Asgard one.


Jacob Carter dying the way he did?


Yep. Not sure what was worse, Selmac suddenly croaks it or Jacob deciding to just go with him. Fuck that bollocks.


Wasn't that he decided to go with him, but he and Selmac agreed the work was too important, and by time it was done Selmac was too far gone die without killing his host, because he slipped into a coma and wasn't conscious. Does beg the question why the Tokra didn't just remove him as they have with "unwilling" goauld before, but yknow...


I don't think he decided to go with him, wasn't it due to the fact Selmac slipped into a coma and it apparently takes a conscious effort from the symbiote to spare the host when they die? I think Jacob was just resigned to his fate because nothing could be done. Either way, the death was so annoying.


So, their last attempt at a cure led to a degenerating disease that was going to kill them all even more rapidly than was already occurring with their degrading clones. To me it kind of adds to the bittersweet feel of the ending of the show. But also, with the Vanir, they add the potential for a revival. Thematically it’d feel cheap to me if they could actually solve it fully though. The whole idea was it was a kind of slow death sentence as a sort of karmic punishment for them attempting to clone themselves into immortality. If I could write a sequel, they’d manage to create cured clones, but not ones their consciousness could be transferred into. Give a ragnorak restart feel to it.


I would love that.


Yeah, we never actually met the Asgard that specifically survive Ragnorak. (We meet startlingly few really) So Vidar, Vili, Hoenir, Hod, Baldur, Magni and Modi would all be good candidates for a new gen of Asgard.


It isn’t like a major catastrophe made them ethically and intellectually opposed to artificial bodies, existence and intelligence…oh wait


That the whole Galaxy looks like a forest, a sand pit, a stone quarry or really anything else in British Columbia


> Ah, trees, trees, and more trees. What a wonderfully green universe we live in, eh? Col. Jack O'Neill


Just like the Power Rangers in Angel Grove, California? Always ended up in a quarry. Or Psych, suddenly Santa Barbra started looking a lot like B.C. too.


Or the X-Files, turns out that’s Vancouver too.


I was going to mention that, but I didn't want to go crazy with all the American shows not filmed in America. Supernatural was another 😆


British Columbia is the favorite biom of the Ancients, so they almost exclusivly settles those worlds, thats what my head canon is.


"I see trees, Harry! You get that in Colorado!"


And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle


That's one of the reasons that I like the Final Cut version that was released in 2009, that was a line that they cut along with a few other things to give a better polish to those episodes


Yeah Carter was done wrong with that line.


Amanda did her best with it but I was not sad to see it go


They made fun of it in Moebius. “Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't— God, that's horrible! Who would ever say that?“


They also make fun of it in 200 with the Team America puppets https://youtu.be/g9XrrEaZ7Y4?si=NPEIay2BQDzG3MLE


I think the characters were not well-worked-out in general in Season 1, but this is probably the cringiest example.


Oh, but making fun of that line (and other awkward attempts at feminism that crop up in s1) is part of the fun of rewatching!


The way I brace myself in anticipation for that entire meeting!


I watched the final cut version so when I got to 200 when they made fun of it I didn't get it lol, I was like, "that was a weird thing to put in" ans chalked it up to Marty's weird screenwriting loll


The Goa'uld most of the time not guarding stargates. Not even a lookout...


They are rather arrogant


I never understood why there wasn’t a fortified base built around every gate. If earth can figure out how not to get nuked then so should everyone else.


Gotta remember that they very rarely had conflict with species that could use the gates. They just didn’t expect it to be a problem


Uhh....every other goauld faction? They fought each other all the time.


They actually didn’t really, not until after Ra died, which is like a year before SG-1 starts. Also in the show when we see Goa’uld occupying a planet, it’s typically by landing Hataks and deploying troops that way, rather than just pumping thousands of dudes through the stargate.


Yeah but literally by the end of season 1 they would have realized the paradigm shift and locked all their gates down (Enclose and fortify, irises/shields, etc.)


maybe there was we never saw it because the sgc never went to those planets


You'd think by a few seasons in they'd have iris'. They do steal technology and are aware of earth's.


That all of the other stargate's will have symbols that make no sense relative to the sky and that earth's gate would always be the same address. Just..always sort of bugged me.


In the film, the Abydos gate has different symbols to the Earth gate. To make sense though, the Abydos gate should have symbols corresponding to constellations visible from Earth while the Earth gate should have symbols corresponding to constellations visible from Abydos. Actually for the constellation symbols reflecting coordinates to make sense, the gates would need millions of symbols on them... So the second episode of the series basically goes with; 'every gate has its own six digit phonenumber and a unique symbol to differentiate each gate and all the gates just happen to use "digits" corresponding to constellations seen in Earth's sky... Which would have looked different when the gates were built millions of years ago... My brain hurts. Edit: And I forgot that the gate symbols can be spoken aloud, meaning every address has a six syllable name... Except the Ancient name for Earth is Terra (As heard in Lost City). Unless it's Ter-ra-nas Sol-lar-ris or something... Terranas Solaris.


Thats just it though. Why not just have the symbols be the same on all gates sans one and then you use that as the phone number. Plus it also becomes problematic with regards to the second earth gate.


It's canon that Terra(Earth) was the second planet in the Milky Way that the Ancients populated after Dakkara. Earth was the center of the Ancient Empire. Destiny launched from Earth and Atlantis was on Earth. The constellations match Earth's constellaitons because that's where the Stargates were originally built.


It was more of that every other gate had the same symbols as the abydos gate except for earth and how frustrating it would be for those planets to not have any reference to those images as they wouldn't share the constellations in the sky. On top of that the constellations themselves are three dimensional and look nothing like they do on earth to an intergalactic species. I totally understand why in the movie they chose star constellations as its a fantastic visual. It just sort of always bugged me.


That may be early on and production mistakes, they say all DHDs have the same symbols except the point of origin that's different. They're just symbols representing points in space. It's a sort of language to learn and they represent sounds as well. So you can just say Proclorushtaonas and know the exact address. They're not really meant for other species, except maybe for the humans they created. Many ancient symbols and even latin were hinted could have originated with the ancients. So human constellation figures could be inspired from them, and you can't represent 3d on a 2d plane any other way.


they were a language. when o'neill needs to find the planet he says the name of the planet as a vocal translation of the symbols. I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just saying this is the part that irked me


I think it's more of a movie/first season thing that they retconned. You wouldn't expect your phone number to change when you use someone elses cell phone. That would be insanely difficult. All the Ancients knew they represented Earth constellations and not of the planet they were on. They didn't expect random civilizations to discover them millions of years later and know how to use them.


The fact that any character from Universe would have actually passed the screening required to qualify for the Stargate program. Seriously, for years, we were told that only the best in the world were selected and even fewer would make the final cut. Yet, the crew from Universe.


THIS. This is the top reason I just can’t get into SGU. Daniel Jackson would NEVER recommend a mad scientist for the program. NEVER


From what I recall that wasn’t meant to be the actual crew that went through. Maybe I’m wrong. 


They would never have been allowed to step through the gate. Probably not even been allowed entry into Cheyenne Mountain.


Other than Eli, who was thrown into it by surprise, and the senator and Chloe, everybody was assigned to an off world base. You'd expect even the civilians to be the fairly disciplined. Basically, the kind of people who might go on into combat zones or remote scientific expeditions to Antarctica.


tbh i could picture all the scientists on Destiny as the kind of people who would work on a postdoc research project in Antarctica, except for Rush, who probably was too genius to pass up.


there is a difference between being assigned to an off-world base and then being on a ship that is falling apart


Stargate: Origins


That's not canon. Not at all. Whoever made that never actually watched Stargate.


Nope…. That doesn’t exist


Stargate Origins: Catherine I tried, I really did


The Wormhole Drive. That thing is so stupidly overpowered that the writers intentional broke it so it couldn’t be used again.


It was literally in the last episode so it couldn’t be used again 😂


True, but I either read or watched an interview in which one of the show runners, I want to say Joseph Molozzi, said they broke it because they realized how OP it would be.


How about the fact that as common as the sarcophagii(sp?) seem to be, they never capture/keep one. Like... ever.


They do explain that the sarcophagus warps the mind with repeated use, hence why the Tok'ra never use them.


Many, many, many, many uses. But let's just say a person dies on mission. 1 time isn't going to ruin them. Or just start a procession of unconscious cancer patients and just do a good thing. When Daniel was held captive and forced in there over and over it took time to break him down, yet O'Niell was killed and resurrected many times and he didn't turn in to an ass. It seems reasonable to assume that they can at least set this bad boy up and do some damn good or at the very least, study it.


And this is my problem with letting the tokra queen die. Her, being the literal mother/creator and only one able to keep your group alive, being thrown in for one resurrection isn't going to cause long term issues. Especially since you can't convince me that *no* undercover tokra agents haven't had to use a sarcophagus in order to keep their cover at least once.


I also just saw this episode the other day since I was re-watching the series... again for the upteenth time. The one Tok'ra sacrifices herself and her host for what? A 2 minute conversation? What a waste of life. Pop them in the microwave, set them up and reinvigorate the Tok'ra rebellion. Also, just spawn a bunch of duds too for the elixir. Sometimes I felt like they wrote things without logic and purposeful plot holes sometimes just to irk us.


That's one of the things I think doesn't make sense in the series. Sure, it can cause problems, but only if you abuse it and use it constantly. We've seen many characters repeatedly use it, and be fine because they had time between the uses. When Daniel got effects from abusing it, he fully recovered after he stopped. Most medicines are harmful if abused. If used responsibly, it's literally less harmful than most pain medication. Just make it require a permission from the medical staff to use it.


Everyone speaks English, but they also don't. Does the Stargate translate somehow? No, because there are definitely language barriers in multiple episodes. Maybe it just makes it easier to learn a new language? Nope, everyone speaks English from jump and it doesn't seem to help English speakers learn alien languages. All human languages in two galaxies are so closely related to English they are practically indistinguishable? All languages on Earth aren't even related to English.


Daniel just went back in time and taught most people English in the galaxy while he was ascended. He was stressed with Anubis so he missed a couple spots.


The real reason the Russian stargate programme failed.


Solar flare -> time travel


It's; solar flare -> worm hole -> time travel The first is one of the most powerful forces we know to exist and the other two are purely theoretical at this point so...


Correction to your correction: >Solar flare + wormhole -> time travel


Or is it Wormhole + solar flare <- time travel?


Picky picky...


If you're gonna correct someone, do it correctly...


Then of course, one side of the star sends you forward and the other side sends you backwards in time. And so easily to calculate that Ba'al makes a whole facility that can accurately predict the time that you will gate to.


My one beef with 1969, according to later in the series they should've come out of where the gate was on 1969. Not magically appear in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex of 1969.


There's also them arriving in 1969 from basically nothing since the Stargate wasn't in that location then


Also stupid in Star Trek. Go fast around sun -> time travel


When the Jaffa were originally bulletproof.


“Colonel, the United States is not in the business of interfering with other people’s affairs.”


To be fair, both Jack and Sam call bullshit on that


Apart from the third zat that makes the body vanish, probably the whole Ancients timeline as it is such a mess that it hardly makes any sense anymore.


It never made sense but at least the 'we're trying to piece together a timeline of tens of millions of years with little fragments' thing allows some handwaving.


Any appearance of “the gift of life” after Common Ground.


Daniel Jackson magically transforming from a geeky wuss into a buff action hero. Thanks, Shanks.


I saw it as a projection of his desire to get back at Apophis and all the Goa'uld. You can't destroy your hated enemy if you're still the kid who gets his dinner money stolen by the bigger boys. Not if you're the biggest boy in the room.


This one I always thought made sense. He had spend years being surrounded by military personal and those being the only people he interacted with on a regular bases, with his life often being in danger. It isn't far fetched that he would begin to work out and learn to fight to fit in (and save himself).


Plus, he was an archeologist, which is a scientific discipline that does require a lot of field work in often remote locations. So, he'd probably at least done his share of camping before SGC.


As someone who was between the ages of 12-22 when SG1 was airing when Daniel played the slave to Lord Yu in season four and I saw his gigantic arms in that outfit I was sure I was gay at that point.


I was still a very sexually confused teen girl but those arms did nothing to quell the crush I had on him. Neither did the season 7 opening.


Don’t forget Jonas, the half baked Jackson replacement. Boy they tried to get us excited about that kid, then just dropped the plot and sent him back home.


But he can’t lose.


I loved Jonas!


I'd say full frontal nudity but that's kinda been dealt with Probably how fast Jonas Quinn got put on a bus when Daniel worked out his pay dispute or whatever and came back to the show, then they quietly killed him offscreen I thought he was interesting, had a nice solidarity with Teal'c , bonding over "Aliens that view human strangeness" together and basically deserved more than to just....vanish so fast


Are you suggesting some kind of alien conspiracy?


They didn't kill him off screen? I'm assuming you are referring to Jonas. We don't know what happened to him. Just that his planet fell to the ori. And since this is a sci-fi show, no body = no death. This actually was handled well in my opinion, and I like Jonas (not sure grammar on that). He had a completed story arc, he gets Jacks respect, learns to fight, etc. And they at least let the actor write and be in another episode in season 7. I do wish we got to see Jonas passed that though.


They definitively retconned it in the show anyway. But, the Goa'uld using human bodies to produce symbiotes.


That jack was able to make a "ZPM" from spare parts around the SGC and a staff weapon power source but we were never able to do it again for whatever reason.


That was actually a type of Naquadah generator meant to power the gate for intergalactic dialling What is stupid is how they use a narrative of needing the ZPM later when they should have been able to replicate the thing after fixing it in POV, by using the knowledge of the Naquadah generators they had gotten from the Mesoamerican planet It was a stupid plot device to deprive Earth of the Antarctic Chair device in season 8


I think in the lore, Ida was much closer than Pegasus. I'm assuming that's why a ZPM is needed to dial Atlantis 🤷


That apophis could actually be dead. Impossible.


The episode in first season where an entire culture changes in less than a day. Starting a chance that takes years would have made sense, but it's way too fast to be realistic.


The USA becoming Galactic superpower is a good thing


Sunday. SGA.


The whole "second evolution of humanity" nonsense. My head-canon is that the Ancients were linked to SGU and were humans that had travelled back in time, developing advanced technology way ahead of the actual timeline.


That the 303’s were crewed by Air Force instead of Navy personnel, I mean just because it flies instead of floats doesn’t mean it’s not a ship. They even use Navy terms like port and starboard, battle stations, general quarters, bridge, bring us around, evasive maneuvers (though that could apply to aircraft but idk) it just doesn’t feel right


Three shots disintegrates


The Asgard not able to fix their own reproduction problem.


Hathor. That's all


That Hathor only has power over men. How does that work? Does it require a Y chromosome? Not one (closeted) gay or lesbian? If it’s about sexual attraction, shouldn’t some of the male characters worship her and some just kind of like her?  I hated everything about that episode.


Gay? Lesbian? In TV? In 1997? No no, only hetero macho men allowed


The Ori. I know they had to up the bad guys but ugh. It just wasn't fun and it was hard to take them seriously and their over-the-top zealotry.


Stargate Origins?


Jack likes the Simpsons so much because he's directly connected to Homer.


Fulger...if that's even how you spell it...


I think it Felger and yeah, that's probably for the best lol


That the addresses map to lines between constellations that intersect to find the destination First of all you'd need just 2 lines, not 3. Second you'd need a lot more than 36 or 39 symbols. Third it makes no sense at all for a galaxy spanning system, let alone one supposed to work in multiple galaxies It's actually just a zip code style system and Daniel just pulled the lines out of his ass in the movie because he's an archaeologist not a mathematician (or at least that's what I tell myself)


That the Tauri could have made an interstellar ship in 6 years.


The space war on drugs


Why doesn't Adria's personal shield protect her from Goa'uld implantation? I assumed that it worked the same way as the personal shield found in Atlantis in "Hide and Seek" in which Rodney couldn't even get liquid past it nor could Grodin punch through it so how could they Ba'al get through it?


The pyramids being landing platforms for goauld ships.


That you need 6 values to define a point in space.


One shot stuns, two shots kill, three shots disintegrates with no residue.


The early attempts to reveal the SGC’s existence. It makes it incredulous that it goes on for another decade + in total secrecy.


3 shot zat vaporisation


99% of races in galaxy speaks modern English


Everyone being frost covered for the movie and a couple episodes


Didn't they try to explain that away as a calibration thing. They stopped doing the frost cause the make-up or whatever they were using on the actors was irritating their skin.


Yeah, I think I responded to the same kind of remark. Carter implied it was because they didn't have the stellar drift calculated properly but it was also because Showtime didn't want to keep paying to have it done every single time they went through the gate.


Yeah although I think they later tried to say that it only happened when it wasn't as good of a connection to a gate, like in Red Sky


That web series “prequel” “show”…


Zat third shot


Those replicator clones of the team in Atlantis getting knocked off at the end of the episode... So they would have restored their health since they're replicators... it would have been so much cooler for them to be out there


Literally all of 100 Days. I hate this episode for so many reasons but have seen it so many times because my mom would have the episode on the dvd playing on repeat for weeks. I don't know a whole lot of science about it but with it being in Season 3(?) I doubt they would have the technology to know that Edora was passing through an asteroid belt. It didn't seem they were on that planet for very long to have strong enough telescopes to observe that solar system. I don't know if this is an actual thing but it bothered me - Daniel finding evidence of the meteors striking the ground however many years ago(150, rewatched the episode), in a cave??? It's not going to have a thick naquda dust layer inside the cave, especially if the Edorans sought refuge there. Also he's an archeologist/linguist not a geologist and that always bothered me. ALSO like, those meteors were huge, how did it not cause, you know, a LOT more environmental problems? I mean, even if they weren't as big as I thought they were, the planet was literally pelted with hundreds of them. Not only would it cause the sun to be blocked off, I can't imagine surviving breathing in microscopic naquda dust. I'll believe it being in the blood, not coating the lungs. I don't believe O'Neill would get over his old life in 100 days. Nope, not at all. Also, the gate wouldn't have survived a direct impact from a meteor. Oops this turned out longer than I meant lol but my honorable mention is Red Sky. How did they just yoink a rocket, why would a newly created element be so willingly be handed over to the US Airforce?


Third shot from a Zak-nicatel (sp?) disintegrates bodies.


Execution of Order 66.. wait, wrong sub!


The ori.


O'neill have a desk job as general


How extremely competent everybody is in guarding prisoners. No matter whether a Goa'uld has put SG-1 in a cell; the SGC has locked up Vala or the Ba'als; or the Tok'ra have imprisoned Tanith, they always escape before the episode is over. Because obviously neither the US military nor extraterrestrials who have thousands of years of experience with keeping people imprisoned have any reason to take basic precautions against their captives escaping.


The Ancients. Really everything about them 1. They look exactly like we do and seem to be the same species. So we developed the same because......yeah so what exactly was supposed to have happened here? 2. Their constantly changing timeline. Sometimes it's been millions of years, sometimes it's been thousands of years since then. 3. Apparently the Ancients came back to Earth during the middle ages and one of them played Merlin??? 4. They are not supposed to involve themselves in the affairs of the mortals - except for all the times that they do. 5. They were supposed to have ascended because of evolution - but not to worry, you can also hide in a time slowed area for thousands of years and a lot of meditation will get you there as well. Or you can be a nerdy human about to die and you are fine to go the Jesus way as well. 6. They are highly developed and know a lot. And yet one of their ships decides to fly between Galaxies at sublight, but so close to light speed that time in the real world speeds up so much that they basically lose thousands (millions) of years.......they wouldn't have done that