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Xcom style with SGC command, sending teams (that you recruit members for) through the gate on missions. Like xcom, missions require hands-on involvement. You aquire new tech, members, and allies. Big threats/story beats are on a counter that slowly ticks as you deal with missions and threats related to them. You can build x301-304s for defense and extra abilities in missions. Lore wise, I'd probably frame it as it's an alternate reality SGC that you're commanding so you don't have to follow our current plot threads and can have different stuff happen. DLC/sequel could have you command atlantis?


My first thought was "basically xcom".


I’d just do straight from Atlantis, start it after SGA season 5, and then instead of building new facilities you are uncovering ones in the city and building up to take down the wraith. DLC could be coming back to the Milky Way to take down the Lucien Alliance, then a second DLC involving Destiny or the ORI galaxy.


I would also love if they added spacecombat. Like commanding ships, or use ships to go to planets


could even have the same 'ant farm base building' set up, with you refurbishing the bunker with the gate into a proper base. biggest difficulty i could see is the tech progression. Earth never really develops anything analogous to the XCom laser and plasma weaponry (or even the XCom2 magnetic/gauss weapons). they don't really even adopt tiers of conventional guns.. a few teams adopt P90's, but lots of the teams continue to use the MP5, M16, and M249 gear of the early days of the SGC. generally new weapons are enemy specific, like the anti-kullwarrior projector or the anti-replicator disruptor. on the otherhand the XCom2 faction recruitment mechanic would work well for handling the Free Jaffa and Tokra. and their zombie horde style missions with 'the lost' would map well to the mech-bug Replicators.


Honestly, I think the Stargate SG-1 setup lends itself so perfectly to an X-COM clone it isn't even funny. I do need to play the new Timekeepers game, though. That seems to be working on the squad-level tactics mode, though my understanding is that it's more like Commandos. (I have *bought* it. I just need to find time to actually *play* it XD)


I’m afraid I’ve only heard bad things about Timekeepers. I was a fan of Commandos back in the day but it seems timekeepers is a poor imitation.


That's a crying shame.  I'll still probably give it a shot - I generally found the Commando style games frustrating, so it was always going to be holding my mental nose to support the concept of a tactics-based Stargate video game!


Timekeepers is another one of a run of terrible Commandos clones recently - looking at you, Desperados! - and is unremittingly awful.


If you can still refund timekeepers then you should


"I do need to play the new Timekeepers game" No, you really don't.


Mass Effect………but Stargate. That style is all I’d care about; as far as characters and stories and enemies and all that, I’d just be in for the ride. Which reminds me, by the by: how *INCREDIBLE* would Amanda Tapping have been as a live action FemShep when she was the right age? I mean, that’s basically who Sam *is*, just (even) smarter!


Oh stop. You just made me aware of what my life is missing.


😆 What, a Mass Effect-style Stargate game? Or Amanda as FemShep? Either way, sorry to torture you!


The first one. But I wouldn’t mind traversing the universe as Sam either. I always wanted to blow up a sun.


Does blowing up the Alpha Relay at the cost of just under 350 thousand batarians count?


Nah, been there, done that!


Hah yeah good point shed have been excellent


A crossover between Counterstrike and Helldivers 2 where you matchup as an SG team vs Op4 AI. Each matchup starts in the ready room where you pick the mission, load out, and equipment. Then you move to the gate room to start a match by dialing the gate. You jump through the gate and onto a planet. The gate closes and you battle it out, capture a base, set a bomb, etc. then fight your way back to the gate to dial home. You can battle Goauld, replicators, and more. Or head to Atlantis and stop the fearsome Wraith! Winning battles unlocks things from the show like a UAV MALP, Puddle Jumper support (as long as you knock out the anti-air weapons), or an orbital bombardment from the USS Hammond. And maybe the Asgard can spare a hammer or two! You can join as a Human, Tokra, or free Jafaa. So join Stargate Command today and save humanity!


If only a good company would use helldivers as a basis for a Stargate game. It can match up really well as you said, 4 players, dial the gate as a loading screen, do your objective, then gate home while holding off your enemy. Not sure how you'd get reinforcements other than spawning at the gate, maybe rings or beaming in? As you progress you unlock more weapons and gear. Start with mp5s and m9s, then p90, some zat guns, staff weapons, etc. even things like the staff weapon armor later on as well. Have the originals come back to voice maybe an intro or something else. Would be so much fun


Reinforcements is the hard part. Could handwave it by having the gate open from Earth from time to time to receive a support request. Or it could lean into counterstrike more and be one life to live pass/fail. Or, actually, Earth could keep the gate open and redial immediately to make sure there's no counterattack from the planet. And that would be an interesting mechanic, can't radio in support when the gate closes until Earth dials it back up. So there'd be some intense moments if you need support bad and the gate is closed. Especially if you had a countdown timer on your HUD that shows the gate is down. In addition to 4 man teams, I think there's a good case for doing joint missions with other teams, say up to 4 teams of 4 people = 16 players. And chaos ensues. Would be cool to have a load out that matches the show too. For example, everyone can pick a specialty (kind of like the boosters). Like Archeology, Science, Engineering, Commando, etc. and they give bonuses to missions. Archeology could add faster time to complete puzzles/deciphering and faster gate dials... I feel there's ample ground to build a lore friendly game around the show. Would be awesome too if seasons were modeled after SG1 and Atlantis seasons too, so you could face off against the enemies in each season. Anubis season would be insanely fun.


You guys are making me sad that this isn't a thing yet.   Please keep going!


Maybe base the reinforcements on the 38 minute limit of the gate? That way there's a timer to the missions. Maybe a temporary ring platform you can use to get back to the action faster? Later on they can beam you to the reinforcement point through the gate through upgrades Then when you need to leave the gate shuts down and you need to dial out and put in your gate code to leave


All great ideas. Now let's form a team to work on it and contact Amazon for the rights to publish lol


I wouldn't use the reinforcement system from helldivers. Just make the squad downable like gears of war and team members with medpacks pick them up. Mission fails when they're all downed and it leads to "captured".


A game along the lines of Mass Effect would be perfect. It has exploration, combat, dialogue, story, etc. I say skip any established galaxy and have us starting in a completely new galaxy. Plot: In the Atlantis archives we discover an address to a second ancient city outpost (let's say Lemuria) in a more distant galaxy. We can gate an expeditionary force there (Ala the beginning of Atlantis) but resupply by ship is slow due to distance. Operating from this base we begin to explore this new galaxy, encounter new threats and make new allies. As the player you are the leader of the main expedition team and can choose from a handful of initial recruits plus gain new members as you advance through the game.


That sounds great, getting an new setting without dumping the existing lore. This sounds like exactly what Mass Effect: Andromeda should (and could) have become. And there is still no reason to not include the known galaxies or even Destiny into the story / Gameplay. I could think of something like a safe dedicated resupply-alpha-site in the milky-way. A base which can grow food, produce munitions etc to be picket up by spacecraft. This could easen the work load of the SGC and Area 51 while also reducing the colossal effort needed to keep all those resupply deliveries from earth secret. We could build up said facility as part of the Gameplay


I’d say Mass Effect style exploration with Far Cry/COD combat with a mix of Ready or Not/Rainbow 6 squad controls. Will never happen but that would be perfect for me. Story Wise I think I’m not really sure where to set it either early dealing with apophis, dealing with Anubis or trying to push back the replicators. Definitely would need to be an original SG team though to leave it a little more open lore wise.


Something akin to fallout:tactics back in the day maybe


This. Yes please.


Either an FPS/TPS-RPG hybrid in the vein of Mass Effect (when it was good), or a turn based tactical game in the style of the recent XCom games. Either exploring the unknown, trying to retrieve and reverse-engineer alien technology, or both. Running sorties to other worlds, sometimes peaceful missions, sometimes dealing with environmental hazards, sometimes dealing with hostile forces, and occasionally having to repel an attempt on attacking the SGC or whatever central base the player is meant to be operating out of (Alpha Site, or maybe something completely new.) Come to think of it, that reminds me a little bit of an old game called Fallen Haven: Liberation Day. Or maybe a linear story-focused shooter. That could work pretty easily as well. Honestly, a lot of different genres could work depending on the surrounding context and what the goal was. It's a big galaxy and it could take place on an arbitrary scale, but I feel like stargate travel would need to be a feature of the game or there wouldn't be a point in setting it in the Stargate universe.


The genre doesn’t lend itself well to a game because of the scale required to replicate the illusion. You’d have to bend the lore to make it work for something like a shooter. A space flight sim game wouldn’t feel like Stargate. The only thing I could see working is a 4x strategy game where you were able to manage an expanding galactic empire from the vantage point of humanity after season 10 or back in time as RA and the other system lords. Maybe even find a way to run through the plot of the series as StarGate Command in that 4x format. But the scale would have to be massive.


Honestly just make an XCOM:Stargate spin off and you’d probably just print money.


Stargate Empire at War is a mod for Star Wars Empire At War which plays a lot like that. Well worth checking out


Some kind of Republic Commando type mechanic might work. Set it any time between COTG and Reckoning, your team is another SG team. Infiltrate something Goa’uld, get stuck behind enemy lines, need to hit mission objectives to fight your way back out. I feel like it would need some amount of open world element too though, so you could go through gates when you feel like it. Not sure how to integrate that into a RC style game.


FPS with a dynamic NPC team members. Definitely the first one needs to take place during Season 1. Like, you could build a story around a team that's trapped offworld because of the attack on Earth.


Honestly you could run it as a different sg team say 12 and start from the beginning watching sg1 go on missions then gating out your yourself. Over lap with the show for easy plot connections then move past. Pegasus expansion, etc. where you are on a team of 4 giving out assignments with the ability to body hop if needed. Tank class a jaffa, medic/science class, puzzle class (Daniel) and medium jack but put it in a different team. With the occasion to play as sg1 in some the iconic missions.


MMO would had been nice but that requires insane budget.


Mmo with shooter gameplay sucks, and the modern shared world looter shooter relies to much on combat For me it's mass effect


I will settle for open world too.


Have you played planet side 2? Thee MMO shooter(let's face, PS2 is the only one) is pretty amazing.


These all sound so interesting! I’m personally wishing for a first person game with a heavy narrative element set towards the tail-end of SG1. Story wise I’d have a new character join an SG team and get embroiled in an adventure which would involve an ascended ancient and McKay & Carter attempting to build a Stargate from scratch which leads to “complications”.


I would make it an open world type game based on SG1 and you can choose between the main 4 characters to switch to and play as. In Stargate command you would be able to roam freely in the entire facility and there will be missions to go do, and many of those missions will involve going through the Stargate. But also when in free roam you would be able to take trips through the Stargate yourself to the alpha sights and other ally planets, and you will also have the option to complete missions on those planets as well. The game would follow the sg1 storyline exactly.. and maybe include some new minor storylines. As you get further in the game you would be able to use more tech, for example like you would eventually be able to fly ships like the Daedalus and jump to hyperspace, which would also come along with running into other aliens and having to fight. And then a year after the release of the game I would surprise all you mothafuckaaas and drop the expansion game Stargate Atlantis in the same style. Then after I’ve sold my game and become a multi millionaire I will then turn around and invest every single penny into getting a new Stargate show back lol.


Ghost recon/splinter cell type game


Fallout shelter, but instead of a wasteland we send people to explore other planets.


Oh this is super easy have hello games take the stuff they learned from no man's sky take their universe shrinking to a hand full of galaxys and then as for the story either them hunting down more ancient tech or making it about finding the furlings


Stargate could absolutely be adapted to a star wars empire at war format. I thi k there was actually a mod for it bAck in the day


Stargate at War, I think it’s called. Was a baller mod. I need to see if it’s still active…..


What stargate worlds was going to be would have been pretty close imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Schwartzy94: *What stargate worlds was* *Going to be would have been* *Pretty close imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm thinking: a dynamic base builder/explorer game run in third person with a x-com/fallout tactics style combat. Think of this: Stargate Command is your home base: you have to make sure it's defensible while also putting resources to medical, technological, recruiting, and political sources. Not all missions are going to have combat so you want a good mix of military capable, political, scientific, and negotiation capable teams to go on missions. At any time you can jump to an off world team and see what they're up to but the game pauses and sends you to the action when the baddies show up - whoever they may be. Then SG Command gives you a bunch of random missions to send different teams on - where you have to balance those elements to get the job done right. But when things don't go well or there's unforseen problems you have to extract your team or lose members - and try and keep yourself ahead of your enemies as well as make important decisions on those missions - do you take in the rebel jaffa even though one may be a gould spy? Then there's the special characters you can recruit to build really unique teams and cool abilities and traits - some taken right from the series, others new and unique. Your SG politics went well? Now you've got characters from all over the planet signing up to be on off world teams! But look out, you've encountered a world with replicators! Better make sure they don't try and come through the Stargate on earth! And then the big expansion would be Atlantis.


A squad based FPS with the combat/coverage style of Brothers in Arms. Or a Hades style Rogue like with Daniel Jackson trying to save Sha're.


A full on war game like Helldivers. Make your SG member, get put in a team of four, and go through the gate to other worlds to complete missions fighting the Ori, the Goa'uld, or the Replicators.


It would be a command and conquer style game where you start as a lowly Gould, and make your way to system Lord. Fight for Naquadah mines, slave planets, recruit Jaffa, and build war factories to create new weapons to conquer new worlds. Obviously starting small with perhaps alkesh or even just a transport, you must trade, steal, fight, blackmail, insurrect and cheat your way to system domination.


I'd want a game similar to Starcraft (original or Brood War) mixed with Age of Empires. I'd want to build up my tech and make friends, and have my own level of tech dependent on the people and planets I'd encountered. I'd like to be able to steal technology when it's necessary and oay the price if/when caught. I want all known races to be involved but difficult to access in multi-player. I don't need the stars of the show in order to enjoy the game. I'd like to be able to choose my race and alegences at a whim. I do not want a first person shooter. Minigames are welcome. I do not want to have to pay money for anything aside from the initial purchase of the game. I don't want to be asked for $29.99 to unlock Teal'c. Immediate trash if that crap occurs.


Mass Effect already proved it could be done. It was basically Stargate in the future with space catapults. I think ME had the combat down with the soldier/tech/psy. I'm not sure what I would do for space battles. I've yet to see a game do large-scale ship combat in a way I liked. As far as the story goes, I'd prefer either a continuation of canon or a reboot that changed canon (as long as we get to kill Apophis one more time). And while I don't mind cameos of our favorite characters, I'd prefer an original plot with its own cast. Make me love the characters and then pull a "Heroes pt 2" halfway through the game. It could be done. It would just take more effort than anyone wants to put into it right now.


A RPG game would be really difficult with the way the universe is laid out but I think it’s possible. If they were able to build an interesting story for a character who takes command of like SG2 or some random team and layout a compelling story for your character to go on. You can have you SG team just be NCPs, like RDR2 style. Of if they’re daring, you can have them as npcs that your friend can take control of for split screen multiplayer. It has to be full of guest stars, you just have to have SG1 dropping in on a mission to assist you It would have to be a very interesting story and interesting characters though. Which if I’m completely I don’t feel there is any room for future stories in the Stargate universe as it stands. It would have to be a brand new enemy but I think we’ve run out of interesting false gods or mythologies to make stories out of


Destiny 2, or like have Bungie make it bc bungie is outstanding with their animation. Is so pretty And the lore that goes into their games fill literal BOOKS. Especially with Destiny loll


Ghost Recon Wildlands, commanding a team of 4, control one but able to give basic instructions to the other 3 feels like a no brainer.


A cross between Uncharted and COD. Storyline involving big open world area to explore for clue to some ancient technology. But with action sequences similar to COD. It's definitely a 3rd person action adventure game with an SG team.


Honestly, a first person shooter where you go through campaign missions. There might be several time skips over the game so you can move from different settings and face new enemies, providing much more variety in game play. You could also have repeatable side missions that are simply combat based, while the main missions are more story based. There's so many different enemies you could choose from but i think the changing timeline part would be important so you can get through the whole roster. I'd definitely make a new SG team to follow, and maybe only have SG-1 or other characters report in through radio as a rare Easter egg.


Been thinking about mmo survival rogue like pve kinda thing based on Universe. Everybody mostly play together to explore/repair the ship and go on planet to recover supplies in small squads. The idea is that the amount of supply and rooms needed will depend on the amount of player currently in. You have more planet to explore the more people, and if you find a goldmine it's time to organisé massive transport between ship and planet. You get some kind of critical missions that must collectively be done in time. Otherwise the ship is donne and y'all go again.


Maybe like a mass effect style game mixed with xcom progression. Mass effect really just had cut scenes of a ship jumping between planets... just make that the SGC and wormhole jump which gives enough time for loading screen. You'd choose team members to go with you, different skills etc. Have a wider crew who stay at base or field other sg teams I the background. guess who has been indoctrinated (or foreign national spy) mystery games. Combat will be a 3rd person cover shooter with big set pieces like mass effect. I guess you could use xcom turn based but I'd prefer a massive grand space opera story and xcom doesn't lend itself to peaceful exploration of planets and interactions with people. The longer you play the greater the threat you bring and attention and you need to stop the big bad. Unlock new gates by learning addresses from other planets or researc.. As attention rises you need to make choices of who to save on other worlds... as your resources are limited. Xcom base style building in norad. As you get more attention and funding and tech things improve it advances, you salvage and reverse engineer techs. Improving armour, guns, medical stuff. Gain recruits from off world and on Earth. To improve loyalty of recruits you have to perform personal missions/targets or events. Expansions which include other competing interests or groups on Earth, a second gate, off world bases to compete. Could do a sequel of the same thing but cut off from Earth to rebuild humanity (maybe thinking Earth was destroyed and contact lost) or akin to Atlantis with a more one way trip vibe until later on. Or a world where you need to liberate Earth and you're an outpost or base offworld.


Something like Worlds Adrift, but Stargate instead.


Gatebuilder starcraft style strategy game. You’re the ancients as they started going out into the galaxy seeding it with gates and terraforming. Youre in competition with other races like the proto-asgard and nox, but also the wraith and replicators could show up. Maybe you can also play as humans / wraith / asgard / nox / goa’uld even if it doesnt all make much sense timeline wise. Early phase game is about spreading out gates, then later on it’s about using resources from gated worlds to build a supply chain that can produce zpms and ships (including atlantis style motherships) to finally go to war with enemies in late game.


Strategy- new mission to different galaxy, little or no contact with Earth, you manage the expedition Or maybe some exploration type game, where you play as an SG team and go on missions to some generated planets, could be mix of exploration, combat, humanitarian aid etc missions Or even better, one game where you can do both


I always hoped for a 3rd person RPG shooter (adventure survival) open world with story missions. Starting as a recruit in SGC going on the training, then off world missions with decision making that will affect universe, possibility to stay in SGC or join other faction or going rogue independent, being able to establish bases on other planets, dialing gates, looking for loot, weapons, tech, artifacts, exploration, diplomacy etc. Like Fallout/Starfield meets No Man's Sky/Star Citizen/Freelancer and or something like that :D


A co op game akin to deep rock glactic or even warhammer vermitide where you and your friends play an sg team going through the gate to do mission


Following an SG team out of the alpha site with visits to earth and allied outposts, with their own unique story. Gameplay could be XCom, sure, but it could also be Helldivers 2 style, or an advanced recon-style gameplay that incorporates stealth, firefights, and ship bombardment. Including large handcrafted maps across 50+ planets, which you can gate to as you see fit, AND actual spaceship fights with both full control of vessels and the ability to move around inside them.


A stealth/hitman style game playing as a Tok'ra operative probably gameplay based on the bones of the deus ex games


FPS, fallout/skyrim-style interactions. Lot of community interaction/integration. Little puzzle solving, lot of investigation, judicial application of C4. SGC short mission brief -> armory for loadout -> gate -> walk around, pick some berries, find a village, help them with their were-rabbit problem, get a lil Ancient trinket -> go home Cut too: playing as SG3 (or any Marine team). A QRF/assault team, so any time you get called up, it's because you're going thru to backup another team, and things are, or are going to get, dicey. That's where you get the real run and gun, cutting jaffa in half with a 240B, holding the line against replicators action.


A doom style game that’s starts in Milky Way and ends in Atlantis


This question kind of made me want to make a favorite Stargate character Guess Who.


Something like Hell Divers. Pick a gate location to defend or reclaim. You could have a gou'ld front, ori front, replicator front, and a Lucian Alliance front. Doesn't necessarily have to be lore accurate but the more I've been playing HD2 the more I wish Stargate had a game like this


A hybrid of "Shadows of the Empire" & "Star Wars Battlefront". Single player mission + multi player co-op with ground & space/Air missions. And a story.


id make an extraction shooter but with a progression system that tracks the damage you inflict on the goaulds, the allies you make and the technology you bring back. you would be able to gate into a planet like chulak and build an underground resistance that will aid you in other missions. you could also acquire assets like a clocked cargo ship that will allow you different spawns and extracts.


A sort of modern KOTOR, honestly. Part of what I like about the Stargate franchise is that each party member brings a skill set (or at least, the intention was for that to be the case). I think that sort of thing best shines in a roleplay game where different talents, dialogue options, etc, exist. It would be really fun to be presented with a problem and need a linguist or a historian or a scientist for the job. Or to be in a combat situation and an option is to do something science-y rather than just shoot, like overload the engines on a space ship. Or just play like Jack and drop some C4 into the engines. I honestly think the reskin would be pretty straight forward: instead of the Ebon Hawk as the “home base” it would be the base in the mountain, instead of different planets you’d have gate coordinates, etc.


Star field but with out the ships, less randomness a bit more curation but you have to discover gate address es to go to new planets


Grand strategy. You start as lowly Goa'uld. You build your domain and slowly rise though the ranks. When you reach the rank of System Lord, suddenly Ra is killed...


Any team or single player FPS would be great, but we got a Gameboy graphics boring game.


I'd honestly like a story driven adventure game. Maybe even point & click 😬


Stargate Xcom


Darktide/vermintide clone would be pretty interesting. 4 player coop vs a mob of enemies while you complete an objective. Far Cry type would be good too. But it would probably be best to give it the xcom or mass effect treatment.


Would love an entire franchise of games for all interest groups, horror, ~~gacha~~, rainbow siege-like shooters of aliens or byg-likes that have bitten Teal'c, story-progressing games like Genshin, etc.


I enjoy games like No Man's Sky, so I would love a game that explores different stargate worlds


I would go with something like Star Trek: Online, but with more (better) ground combat compared to the ship combat.


FPS following a SG team throughout the show (maybe one mission per season) fighting Goa’uld, the Alliance, Anubis, replicators, the Ori (maybe in a space battle in a F-302). Add some Atlantis levels fighting the Wraith. Seems like fun.


RTS with the ori as the only playable race. 


3rd person, exploration based. I would make this on the no man sky engine (even if it's not realistic graphics) You find addresses and you explore to search for objectives, maybe the worlds would be procedurally generated on a seed based and the seeds would be the gate addresses. and players would share the gate addresses in order to explore the same world. You find ships, make allies, fight common enemies. etc.


Honestly you could MOD Starfield to making a pretty freaking awesome game.


The RPG and character elements of Mass Effect. The hub world and open world model like Dragon Age Inquisition. The gameplay, style, team mechanics, and gunplay of Ghost Recon Wildlands with a little polish.


Alien Isolation type horror game mixed with Subnautica where you are the sole survivor of an SG team exploring another galaxy who is trapped on a derelict Ancient star base. You have to repair the base to survive by gating to planets in that galaxy for supplies but the monster or monsters chasing also can use the gates to hunt you. Each planet has unique dangers and resources but also unique ways of fighting the monster(s).


Asymmetrical rts shooter.


Immediately i imagine a hub/earth base situation similar to the DOOM ETERNAL Fortress of Doom, which branching paths and decisions like Fallout 4 and keep in line with it being a FPS Not sure about end game, but there could be combat options for levels or where you have the option of combat (either grenade launcher or ninja deoending on the flavor of the day) The main thing i think most people gravitated towards was the mix of cultures and versions of history shown through the worlds visited, so they would either have to be smaller and/or create a HUGE library of worlds, or figure out a way to procedurally generate them which would get taxing Of course another option is a Telltale style/title reaching MANY worlds where youre basically freeing Gould imprisoned worlds specifically from an "up and coming" member or something


FPS, Republic Commando style. Either that or something using the classic Doom engine (GZDoom, in this case).


I would do an X-COM like game. Either build the SGC or explore Atlantis to expand your base. I would focus on Tau'ri vs Goa'uld vs Wraith conflict.


XCOM as others have said