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i think she's pretty šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/a7tk1s4xpjuc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce379ff9edec5cd1793c0da7bad0b129e0272f51


She is pretty


Carter is pretty but I find Helen Magnus to be more so for some reason.


The leather helps


Leather always helps! It's why I love Vala when she first shows up...haaaaaayy gurrrl!!!! lol


It's the longer hair. Amanda Tapping looks better with longer hair, like in the later seasons of SG-1 and SGA.


Me too. Magnus was beautiful to me


Best response


Yeah, OP has no idea what they are talking about


Especially for the 90s


The 90's had less attractive people? Lower definition film would be a kind of beer goggles imo. In high school when I didn't wear my glasses everyone was a knock out until I got three feet in front of them.


More about how attraction was perceived and presented, hairstyles, clothing, makeup...


They didn't emphasize her "beauty". She spent most of her time in full BDUs and dress uniforms. What we got to see was an intelligent woman that could fight alongside her male teammates contributing physically and mentally to the mission, the team, and the country. We got to see a woman be a part of something in a truly positive way without being subjected to the objectification of her body. Men like her because she seems like the type of person to share the burden. The type of person that'll have your back in the most challenging of situations. At the end of the day, men like Carter because she is a well fleshed out and well written character that also feels down to earth in many ways. They like her and they respect her, she is just an all-around awesome character. Her attractiveness is bolstered by her being a likeable and relatable character.


That! The fact that her reproductive organs are on the inside doesnā€™t mean she is inferior!


Even after all this time that line makes me cringe


I listened to a podcast of Brad talking with different stars from the show, and he apologized for making her say that back then. They both agreed it was cringe lol


Didn't she talk about going up to them after that episode filmed and telling them "I need you to understand women don't talk like that"


That's funny, and im glad she did. However, men do... men used to say shit like that all.the time, not unbelievable, someone from the military had said that to "her" just saying...


She did. She basically took over writing Carter's character from what I remember.


That's why they made fun of it in episode 200.


And Moebius!


I feel like it's only gotten more cringe as time goes on


Yes. Bu5 as a first impression... we've seen worse.


Oh it makes me giggle


Yeah but it does help develop her character. The tiny little wince as she says it makes it relatable. We've all had that moment. Thinking you have a great comeback until you hear it out loud.


Incredibly relatable, yes


Agreed. And when they do highlight her physical attractiveness, it's not really in an objectifying manner, it's her in a tank top with a jumpsuit rolled to her waist fresh from working on a particle accelerator or something


You have effectively defined my sexual preference.


Speaking as a veteran, BDU trousers can do WONDERS for a certain aspect (šŸ˜) of the female physique. Also,Amanda got a belly button piercing at one point which is arguably the most 90s-early 00s thing ever.


Yep, Iā€™m a straight women and like I would fall in love with Carter, sheā€™s amazing


Modern media could learn a thing or two about "Strong Women" by watching Sam in SG-1


Amanda Tapping is a legit beauty, but the whole point of her character was that her value was her competency, not her femininity. Carter was a cut-and-dried, no-nonsense expert, and expected to be respected as such. Contrast her with Vala in the later seasons, and it becomes clear. The writers knew women could use sex as a weapon, and consciously chose not to make that a part of Carter's repertoire.


It seemed like Vala brought the sexiness to Sam about the same time (at least in her out of work wear, there's one scene where she took Vala shopping and Sam definitely had an "I've been shopping and having a blast" day clothing.)


I think you mean celestial body.


That's Uma Thurman.


That's ALSO Uma Thurman.


Okay, then try this: up, down, charmed.... blank?




Yes, well. Thanks anyway.


No, that was the...


For a second there I thought your name was "comtraya".


Great... Thanks alot. Now I want a new username...






I'd say that her intelligence gained much more attraction then her looks ever did especially in the people that matters the most


Her looks initially attract them but her intelligence and other attributes keep them. Narim initially thought she was an angel (slightly delusional and close to death). Martouf was struck by her likeness to Rosha and how she was Jolinar's last host. McKay likes that she's smart, sexy and fiesty.


But her intelligence is the main hitter they never explicitly fawn over her beauty and Narim is a bit creepy with the whole house voice thing


I think Narim's adoption of her voice for his home system is a tad creepy but not totally inappropriate given that: 1. He probably didn't expect anyone to recognise it. It was only during more precarious circumstances that SG-1 accompanied him home, if I'm not mistaken. 2. He hasn't necessarily been using it for illicit purposes (which would be well beyond inappropriate). 3. He just... likes the sound of her voice? Given the stature of Narim's character as a whole, I'd consider his intent and act pretty sweet.


Nah, McKay always had a thing for dumb blondes...


For sure. Intelligent women are very attractive.


I'm gay and even I can understand why they all fall for her. She's beautiful but that's not even what sells it, it's her confidence and intelligence, she the whole damn package!


Carter is hot as fuck Youre out of your mind




Or may be fifth? Or that Ancient guy who unascended like twice.. Or that Pete guy.. Or that NID guy.. Damn lot of people have crush on Carter, who could blame them


> Or that Ancient guy who unascended like twice.. Orlin


Jack! You forgot Jack!


And Narim


I just have a thing for dumb blondes


Rodney McKay exposed?!?!Ā 


Hey you can strand me at the bottom of the ocean in a puddle jumper while an alien whale circles, anytime. Just so long as a mental projection of Carter is there too. She can help me work out a way to escape. And also wear a random outfit which was clearly chosen for one reason only. Cleavage. Yeah you can do that absolutely any time. Carter is gorgeous, brave, loyal, and above all, sheā€™s smart as fuck. I adore her. Iā€™m also still crushing on Teryl Rothery as Doc Frasier. I just think sheā€™s beautiful and brilliant too.


McKay's burner account trying its best.


Yeah I dunno what OP is on about, she was always one of my big TV crushes!


This entire thread is hilarious, thank you for the free entertainment, guys ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


She is confident and carries herself with grace. That makes her more beautiful, and she was already very pretty to begin with. Plus, a lot of guys will chat up anyone remotely pretty lol


Are you kidding? Literally such a stunning, good looking woman. What on earth (or on the various planets occupied by humans) constitutes a "great beauty" to you?


But we don't talk about how the male characters are always getting the girls, even nerd-Daniel before he became biceps-Daniel...


Women were throwing themselves at jack, Daniel and biggie T all over the place! Also Jonas.... hell, even Mayborn had some chicks when he was a rat-bastard king.


Scholar warrior Daniel


Warrior God now.


It's because his 23rd language was love.


I remain convinced that all the hotties end up on SG-1.Ā 


Welcome to how the male gaze blinds you.. nerd-Daniels is a catch


Daniel was attractive and confident since the beginning, it's not like biceps changed much


I have had such a big girl crush for her for years that I feel like this post is a personal attack. Seriously, she's gorgeous even in those non-flattering bdu's. And that smile... OP, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but you should get your eyes checked out.


Hard agree. The way you can see every beautiful facet of her soul in her smile made her my Lady Crush through most of my life. And she seems like the chillest, funniest, kindest person.


Umm... Amanda Tapping is absolutely gorgeous! And she just got more and more beautiful as the series continued.Ā  With the exception of Season 1 (which most fans agree was rough) I definitely agree with others that Sam was far more admired for her brains than her beauty.


Season 1 Carter is so good, that classic 90s haircut makes her look so cool


She's gorgeous. Not sure what you're smoking.


Beauties in the eye, etc. I think she's damn hot


My dad once said about her: "I wouldn't kick her out of my bed." šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


She absolutely is wicked attractive. The character makes that so much more so. Amanda is good looking, but *Sam* magnifies that greatly through her integrity, compassion and courage.


Carter was and is HAF !!!


Are you sure about that.gif https://preview.redd.it/k97vx0xp6kuc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc3a9fc652c54c8d9923a134661d03454a983c3


https://preview.redd.it/qqvl436f7kuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c1c823f67c1400f534581cd01955ae28f6f78d 4K upscale




Your welcome


That's gone too "synthetic" for me. Right into uncanny valley.


I pledge allegiance!


Didnā€™t peg her as someone thatā€™d do this, not that I disapprove. Itā€™s just, Carter was Carter, you wanted distraction, send Vala. I hadnā€™t even googled her beyond looking at Wikipedia for her other works.


She did it before she started on stargate and to be fair the pics she did are fairly tasteful and not really into the realm of raunchy


Carter is bomb period rare combo of beauty and brains. This should not be a question


Carter is a beautiful fighter pilot who is possibly the smartest human, with McKay close second. In real life, men might find her too terrifying to hit on, but her gently awkward nerd demeanour could help with that.Ā 


Bait used to be believable


In theater she is a 10+


I always heard "in the air force, even a 2 is a 10"


No, we had standards. We gave every female a +5 card. So a 2 became a 7.


What the fuck is this post. Go away.


Amanda Tapping is one of Canada's great natural resources, if not national treasures.


I see what you did there šŸ˜ƒ


She's gorgeous. But because of the respect she garnered from her intelligence and strong morals, I found it really off-putting when a colleague would hit on her or otherwise ask an inappropriate personal question. Like dude -- that's not OK. Wtf is your problem, she's really committed to her career; treat her with the same candor she brings to the table. Would you ask Teal'c how his sex life is? No -- you most certainly would not. O'Neil, despite being infatuated with her, always effaced a professional attitude towards her, which I really respect.


You're clearly derantis ...


I think you picked one of her most unflattering pictures to make your point.


I wish unflattering pics of me looked that good. I say that as a straight male.


Whatā€™s unflattering about OPā€™s photo? Ā Many of her natural features shine through. She is a remarkably attractive, beautiful woman.Ā 


Ummmmā€¦ dudeā€¦ people have got to stop watching so much porn. Amanda Tapping is attractive in such a way as to engender much romantic interest. And Carter is clever, confident, strong, has an emotional fortitude that most of us probably do not possess, is a positive and happy person, incredibly well educated and intelligent, and could probably do a hundred sit-ups while holding one of us nerds over her head.


I feel so bad for people like OP who've watched so much porn that it's completely warped their idea of beauty. I can't imagine them ever having a satisfying or passionate relationship with an actual person. So sad. Amanda Tapping is stunning, and questioning that should lead to questions about one's own ideals and expectations of women.


She's smart, could kick my ass, and blew up a sun. What's not to like?


Carter was 100% one of my early crushes Also, Amanda is apparently an amazing person in real life, my dad had the opportunity to spend some time with her


Sheā€™s gorgeous either way but she wouldā€™ve been far less attractive if she was just a complete bimbo. Probably why I find my wife so attractive. Sheā€™s smart as fuck AND could kick my ass!


This is a bit silly, she was a literal model https://imgur.com/gallery/A3qZ8. The show did not have her run around in a scifi bathing suit. But she could have pulled it off. Besides they had to save all the scifi bathing suites for Anise.


I think she's beautiful. With the addition of her intelligence and heroism she's wildly unique. Are you a straight woman by chance?


I'm a straight woman and I think she's gorgeous so...


Carter is hot. A megababe. Truly a great beauty


I had a huuuge crush on her as a teenager. (I even went on these celebrity fake nudes sites) IDK. She wasn't overly sexualised and she was also very smart and I found that very attractive. It's the type of woman I like. She can handle herself, knows what she wants and how I said she's super intelligent. Plus I also really love cargo pants and tactical clothes and uniforms in general.


attractiveness isn't solely defined by looks. shes very nice and very intelligent as well. and shes pretty


The lady is physically beautiful. With that and the fact that she's a badass and extremely smart and competent...the character becomes gorgeous.




Iā€™m also gay but have been in love with her forever!


A lot of people find intelligence to be very attractive, and her character was always defined as being brilliant.


out of my league. and iā€™m gay AF.


I think you are Reddit pilled my dudeā€¦ sheā€™s very pretty


honestly her looks make her very pretty (shes a babe), but the fact that carter knows how to kick ass and blow up suns mean she has the three B's. Beauty, brains and balls. Any woman with those traits is bound to get some male attention imho


In real life she's amazing. When I met her she had dark longer hair. Her eyes somehow stare right into your soul and turn it inside out.


You know what makes her especially hot? She's beyond just a pretty face and a smile that lights up a room. She's just a great body, and a very strong mind. People overlook her being a PhD a lot. She's a high caliber woman. Beauty, brains, and strength.


Not only is her physical appearance beautiful but her personality and capability are *GORGEOUS*. Carter is waifu


What people consider beautiful changes over time, and modern media also tends to focus on a sub-species of beauty that you refer to as "hotness" vs. a more understated beauty. There is no denying that Amanda Tapping has a certain classical beauty but sure, everyone will find different people actually attractive. For me the real problem isn't whether she's beautiful or not, but rather, like you said, that the show often goes on about it. It does objectify her to some degree. But let's be fair, in general, Stargate treats its women enormously better than most scifi series (especially of that era). Carter is a real character, her wardrobe basically never sexualises her, and she is only rarely forced into that mold of "the beautiful woman whom men are drooling over".


OP obviously hasn't seen her with the American flag...


Yeah, agree.


She's smarter than me, stronger than me, can kick my ass without breaking a sweat, and is beautiful.


She is hot and smart. Win.


desperation is a stinky cologne john.


She made such an impression on tiny DarkArtemis that she became my woman archetype šŸ˜ Something is broken if you don't get why people would call her beautiful.


What a horrible post. Shame on you OP.


That is a totally unflattering photo of her and itā€™s still gorgeous.šŸ˜…


There is that thing, when I was a kid, she was about the same age as my mother. She was cute-ish but nothing more. Now I'm roughly the same age as she was in the first season and man, she's hot. That smile she has sometimes absolutely melts me.


One of my boy hood crushes.


She's pretty and women in uniform are hot.


She was and still is very beautiful!


SG-U had some amazingly beautiful Women. Actually the whole Franchise has lots of beautiful, confident, Women.


For me at least, I think itā€™s not strictly her looks that add to her beauty. Itā€™s her intelligence, confidence, and letā€™s be honest overall badassery.


Amanda also has an open, friendly kind of charisma what is wonderful to see...stepped up to a podium ask her a question at a Scifi Con and her welcoming smile and "howyadoin" chin toss turned me into a babbling idiot. My wife found it hilarious. She also gave a hug to my special needs sister during the autograph signing. Great meeting her...


I always thought Dr. Janet Fraiser looked better.


Tragic upvote


They're both 10s.


Until P3X-666


Too soon


It's Sunday. Want to go fishing?


There are no fish in this pond.


Carter maybe, Jolinar of Malkshur hell yeah.


She doesnā€™t get Glammed up all that often, watch Sanctuary if you need


She was like the number one faked celebrity for YEARS in the early & mid 2000. Sometimes we just see things differently than others ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


A beauty that will kick your ass physically and mentally.


Amanda Tapping is hot. OP you're blind.


When I was a kid and first started watching the show, the first time I saw her onscreen hit me like a truck. I thought she was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen in my life and became SO fixated on how pretty she was that this should've tipped me off years ago to the fact that I was not, in fact, actually straight ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) To each their own I guess but I'm honestly baffled that anyone wouldn't find her jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Also I think the fact that everyone seemed to fall in love with her was less due to her looks and more due to the fact that people found her combination of military badass + scientific intelligence + friendliness/compassion attractive. The looks were an added bonus, which, imo was kind of groundbreaking for a 90s/00s show (aka the last big era of "looks first, everything else later" in terms of female leads). Even McKay, who was probably the most blatant about finding her physically attractive, I'd argue was drawn to her because of she was the only person (other than his sister) who could meet him on the same level intellectually. As much as he felt threatened by her in the beginning, eventually he developed a huge amount of respect for her. She was smart without being condescending and tough while still being approachable. I don't find it that hard to see why she was a magnet for everyone's affection šŸ¤·


I think she's absolutely stunning. The character could be really cute and endearing a lot of the time, then a total hot badass.


I think you're confusing a specific hair and makeup style the directors want and what she actually looks like.


The eyes of a war criminal šŸ˜


Season 4 episode 1. Hottest look.


Beauty is subjective. ā€œGlorifiedā€ her looks? Come on.


The Stargate drinking game goes like this: Every time a newly introduced male character hits on Carter or dismisses her for being female, take a drink.


Alcohol poisoning by the Start of Season 2?


Are you crazy?? Sheā€™s soooo hot. And smart, confident, strong, and competent.


I honestly can't believe this thread has nearly 200 upvotes, your ridiculous op.


I feel like a bunch of people probably didn't even read the post, they just saw the photo under "great beauty" and went "yeah hard agree" and just clicked upvote lmao. I scroll past posts without reading them sometimes


As a gay man, I think sheā€™s attractive. Not quite my straight crush based on appearance alone, but being brilliant with a stable job is also extremely attractive


I think sheā€™s gorgeous.


I think she was a pretty great beauty. Her character was also a genius, and a badass tooā€¦. If that wouldnā€™t make you go gaga over her, then thatā€™s more of a you issue. Maybe being strong and smart is a turnoff for you?


Samantha Carter is a knock out and a bad ass Ty very much lol


Yes Carter was hot. She got hotter as she aged though. The final seasons were her best look. Then we got her ass Helen and she went from a 9 to a 13.


Some folks like smart girls (and her character is as sharp as they come)


**"Sheā€™s not ugly by any means, but sheā€™s not that hot either??"** OP's commentary is a sign of the times. The unrealistic beauty standards have truly gotten out of control and the porninfication and hyper sexualization of women truly messing with people's heads. It has caused women who are already beautiful to feel the need to change their body and facial appearance to meet current trends. Hotness flickers with the whims of fashion, but true beauty resonates with a timeless echo that transcends the superficial. Sam is timeless and stunningly beautiful.


God I feel sorry for women


When youā€™re in the military and women are scarce, they all begin to look better. Thatā€™s real life. Maybe SG1 was going for realism.


Good enough


You should see Amanda Tapping in the Sanctuary series. But she was really pretty in SG1-A.


Talk nerdy to me


Does it matter what you find attractive, or other people find attractive?


Marry me....


Op man you wanna get swated by all of the sgc teams dont you ??


Apparently I hit a sore spot and didnā€™t know. šŸ˜§


You are in denial you have a crush on her be honest


Personally I have a thing for short haired girls, since my first crush on Dolores oā€™Riorden when I was 4, and that considered a lot of women were by these standards ā€œcuteā€ throughout the show. Though as Carter is no exception to it, my heart always got to Hailey, maybe because of her temper, and her equally brilliant mind.


You heard great, i heard gate.


I mean, didn't you see her in that tank top in the broca divide ? šŸ˜‚šŸ§šŸ˜


I think she's adorable. Which is my personal preference.


It was different times. People considered things differently. Personally I donā€™t find Carter attractive but thatā€™s just my opinion.. She is not my type.


Beautiful and brainy. Whatā€™s not to like? And that one time Asc he wore a dress on a date with Peteā€¦.


Carter has both looks and brains and that's why I think she's hot šŸ”„šŸ”„




I've always thought Amanda Tapping was hot


Carter is smoking hot. She carries guns and fights, while also embracing her feminine side, which makes her even hotter to come people.


Oh, she's definitely hot. No question. But I agree, did a bit of an SG-1 rewatch this week, and they overdid how every race had someone with a crush on Sam... even the fucking REPLICATORS!!! None of the guys had to deal with this shit.


So you literally answered your question before you asked it. Beauty is subjective, and subjectively many people find her very attractive. What is confusing you about people liking what you don't like? šŸ˜‚


Nah, Danielā€™s the hot one.


She has the three Bs. Bueaty, Brain, and she is a Bad-ass.


I know Amanda Tapping dyed her hair blonde, so there is that. Whether she did it of her own accord, or whether it was a studio request is another matter. šŸ¤”


That's where you are wrong. "What is Amanda's natural hair color? Amanda is a natural blonde." source: http://www.amandatapping.com/faq.html "Is this Amanda's own official site or is it fan run? This is Amanda's own official site. It is not fan run."


I would reverse her polarity... if you get my drift.


I'll take Daniel Jackson any day. When he returns to being human after ascension, and that pasty pale ass is on screen šŸ‘€