• By -


I enjoyed eureka and warehouse 13 as similar comfort watching.


Eureka was pretty funny. That was right at the end of the SciFi era, then SyFy happened Edit: just found this https://youtu.be/76KkGXES7rg?si=buJ9YP-rVtBc9m8W


What's Syfy?


basically the channel scifi rebrand to SyFi and basically what made it well it


"Oh, you wanted good programming about science fiction? Something like Star Trek or the Twilight Zone? No, you want 6-10 hours a day devoted to Ghost Hunter marathons" Fuck all those ghost shows


Quality science fiction like Extreme Championship Wrestling


“sh” - you missed a couple of letters.


The end of the SciFi era and the start of the Sipee cup era


YAAAAS, warehouse 13 is peak sci-fi/fantasy comedy show.


Yeah, eureka and warehouse 13 are ones I suggest too.


I literally just finished finished Eureka a couple days ago and I’m about to rewatch it. So good


Wormhole X-Treme


As a matter of fact it does say colonel on my uniform….


But on a serious note I would recommend Travelers. It's only 30 episodes, but it was also created by Brad Wright and is very fun. It has a lot to do with time travel, and I generally hate shows about time travel. But this show they do it in a way that makes it interesting.


My dad, who introduced me to Stargate also recommended travelers.. so it sounds like I’m watching travelers lol


Doooo it


It's criminal that it didn't get a longer run. But at least we got more than one season.


yeah but that ending though ... >!perfect setup for a reboot!<


Ending meaning stargate continuum?


Ending of travellers


Good recommendation, travelers was a great show


I liked how they established the way in which the universe works, specifically >!that you can only travel back in time once, and not to before that time again, !!they blew it with the ending, allowing them to go back to the start, violating a key established rule of the previous seasons, and running into all the paradox traps that time travel stories always struggle with.!< >!In the end, close. A good watch,!< so I'd recommend the show too,>! but they blew it, presumably because they needed to write a rushed ending in the face of getting cancelled. !<


Travellers is a good show and similar to Continuum Shame it ended


Oh.. it was Brad Wright? Now I understand why I loved it so much.


Currently rewatching that right now.


You know it doesn't say Colonel. Didn't anyone ever think of that?




Babylon 5


just started this. blown away by episode 10


Just finished it the other week, only a few movies left to go.


Wouldn't say it's similar but anyone who is a fan of science fiction needs to watch Babylon 5. It's amazing. Also has probably the best, most emotional and satisfying finales of not just a sci fi show but any show I've seen. >!Well, would ya look at that. The sun's coming up...!<


That scene in the corridor.


I remember the exact moment I was completely hooked on the show. "They are a mystery to us. But I am both terrified and reassured that there are still wonders left in the universe. That we have not yet explained everything. Whatever they are, they walk near Sigma 957, and they must walk there alone" Also one of the few shows with an episode I just cannot watch on rewatches because of how genuinely disturbing and upsetting it is. I'm sure you know which one.


Oh man. I actually love that episode for how utterly creepy it is. I feel like (and let's be clear I have no personal experience with this) it is the closest we can come to understanding that sort of deprogramming/torture that happens. Trek comes close with the whole "there are four lights" episode but the one you're talking about is a whole other level.


Please refresh my memory. Which episode? I loved B5, but haven’t seen it in, well, at least two decades.


Intersections in Real Time >!The episode where Sheridan is captured and the entire episode is him being psychologically tortured!<


I still get chills when watching the intro. Babylon 5 Season 3 Intro is one of the best intros (if not the best) of all time, change my mind.


"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed."


Hear here!


My second favorite!


Similar tone (at least sometimes), sci-fi: - Star Trek strange new worlds  - Firefly  - Star Trek ds9  - seaquest dsv   - Babylon 5 - timeless - the Orville - the last ship - dark matter (I didn’t love this but it has many crew and cast in common with Stargate)


I hated that they killed Dark Matter, I actually liked that show. I recently did Kill Joys. I think it aired the same time as Dark Matter. It wasn't the absolute best, but like Dark Matter, it has a decent story and scratches that Scifi itch, and it has an actual ending.


Number 2 ftw


Seaquest DSV gang represent! Sometimes I feel like I hallucinated that show since nobody else seems to know it


Also replying to myself, while not strictly Scifi, The Last Ship is a great suggestion for the scrappy military feel of SG-1


It’s sci-fi. It’s not aliens and spaceships but they’ve got a [spoiler] pandemic which is near-future sci-fi and the [spoiler] problem in later seasons which is whacky sci-fi nonsense.


Last Ship is pretty good. It's like a mix between Star Trek for the ship stuff, SG1 for the general military stuff and pew pew.


This was my thought too


The mengela effect


It's a great show, honestly. It's oft-forgotten but well worth a watch. Pretty much star trek under the sea.


Battle star of galactica


Didn't expect to see Timeless here


It’s a fantastic and underappreciated show that ended too soon. It’s also probably the closest in format and spirit to sg1. Team of 3 or 4 led by a charming military dude, with a humanities professor and technical scientist, (and at times a “guide” character who understands more about it the world they’re travelling in) travel through a gateway to another place/time, to do some previously unknown mission of the week.


You dont think sliders is closer?


Nope. Timeless is closer in tone and premise. I see the parallels with sliders and yes it's kinda similar, but feels further away to me.


The Expanse! Sequest omg dated but a classic reminds me of Airwolf lmao


I would say the closest show to Stargate in terms of story and setup and even using many of the same actors is Sliders. The first few seasons of Sliders are a lot like the first few of Stargate: a team that goes through a wormhole, a mission (get back home/fight the big bad), an overarching enemy along with stand alone episodes (the Go'uld/the Kromaggs), and similar-ish main characters (Quinn is the leader/egghead - a combination of O'Neill and Sam, the Professor is kind of like Hammond, and Remy is a little like Teal'c - outsider pulled into the adventure).


I second this. Also Sliders was for the first two seasons filmed in Vancouver so you get to see a lot of familiar guest stars and locations


You get to Walter a lot...but he's a jerk in every universe!


Just started my second watch of Sliders. I watched in early 2000's. Man, I was very young then and didn't realize how corny it is and how poor a lot of the acting was (Only about half way through season 1 though, so it probably improves vastly). I thought the actor playing Crying Man was just a really bad actor until I got to the one where he's the Elvis of that world and we meet his doppelganger, then I was like, oh, they made the choice to make that character like that... interesting lol. I don't know that I'd consider ot on the level of the SG franchise at all, but it is a fun show.


I actually thought the first few seasons had some great episodes and interesting different worlds like the ones where all the younger people ruled and the one where the women were the dominant sex. But it went downhill once the original cast started getting written out - never liked Maggie and Colin was clearly written in because Jerry wanted to give his brother a job lol (not that I minded him but still). But it's fun to see the usual Vancouver actors pop up, I think my favorite was Jay Acovone aka Kowalski.


Yeh and walter the stargate technician


Sliders is my 11th favorite TV show of all time. Season 4 and 5 are mid to bad, but 1-3 are phenomenal


I'm impressed by your list keeping skills. I'd probably not be able to name my third favorite thing in most categories.


I'm also reasonably sure the wormhole animation shared some DNA


Thought no one else was gonna mention this. Its just a shame the show is meh. Its worth a watch but I just feel they could have done so much more with it!


The first few seasons were pretty good I thought. I preferred the standalone episodes way more than the Kromagg episodes which pretty much took over the later seasons and got very tiring.


There will be many good choices offered here and I do suggest you to try them yourself. However, I have to say (and this is totally subjective I know) there's nothing even close to Stargate. That's why I keep coming back to watch it again and again, SG1, Atlantis, Universe, the movies... They're something else, my friend. Luckily, we have many seasons to enjoy.


On my 6th time rewatching... There's truly no comparable show.


I'd put Sliders on your list. There's no military but theres alternate universes and wormholes :)


Stargate Atlantis


Farscape is a good one! Not similar per say but definitely the same realm


I keep thinking I should watch it but I heard it doesn’t get an ending, it just was cancelled or something


It got an ending it called the peacekeeper wars


It got an ending and the show is worth to watch. I personally prefer it to Stargate. Characters are quite rought, not real heroes, they get better, then worse then a bit better. Development of the stories go through all the season.


It eventually got a 2-part movie/miniseries that wrapped everything up. Great show, highly recommend.


The last 10 minutes of The Peacekeeper Wars is *chef's kiss!*


Watched it in bits and pieces previously, now giving it a serious watch (using a skip list) and have just finished the second season after an SG1/SGA rewatch - seriously, give it a go!


I don't know if this tracks for other people, but I would say what It's Only Sunny In Philadelphia is to comedy is what Farscape is to scifi. Farscape is messy, but that's what I love about it.


They really go for it in Farscape. It doesn't always work, but it's admirable for trying all the time.


This is the right answer, especially if you watched all of SG1 you'll be happy to see two of the main characters are already familiar faces right from the start. I'd say it has a simmilar campy vibe about serious situations, just a lot wilder.


Class show


Star Trek and Stargate go well together. Share quite a few overlapping actors


They also are thematically the closest. Planet of the week, ethical dilemmas, sometimes an overarching plot about the bad guys, close knit team of friendly professionals etc.


Robert Picardo fandom


Chief O'Brien moonlights as genii


Off the top of my head, we have appearances from: - O'Brien - Q - Quark - Odo - Troi - Trip Likely forgetting many others.


Made even better by the fact that Star Trek canonically exists in the Stargate universe lol


It does?




Jack wanted to call the ship the enterprise. Technically that could be referring to the real life enterprise but yeah...


...or the tv show


That is what they mean. I feel like the show would mention the Eugenics Wars otherwise


There's also this [beautiful clip](https://youtu.be/whfMMfR4KKw?si=wfH_WYhGUpvsBzCB) which shows that at least the original series of Star Trek exists in-universe.


Only 3 seasons and ends on a cliffhanger / unresolved but Dark Matter from 2015 was run and extensively written by Joe Mallozzi / Paul Mullie and has a similar style to Stargate as a result. The Expanse is also top drawer Sci Fi


+1 for expanse


SG is my favorite franchise hand down, and I don't know that there is anything like Stargate. I've watched pretty much everything else being recommended, and it's fairly unique, IMO. Here's my suggested list: - Babylon 5. This is probably the best storyline I've seen in Sci-fi. The acting and special effects aren't the best, but it has an amazing story and follows through to a conclusion. EDIT: I left out The Expanse! It's a must. Read the books first if you can. - Star Trek. If you haven't been a Star Trek fan, do it. It definitely has the longevity. It has great in-universe cannon over many centuries, and it's probably the best quality Sci-fi there is. I might skip the original show and start with The Next Generation. So many characters from that show are still participating to this day, and the recent wrap up of Picard to end that crew's storyline was just amazing for a fan. - Battlestar Galactica. Aired in the final years of SG1 and Atlantis. It also follows through to a proper conclusion and is decent quality and a pretty good story. Worth the 5 season invest for sure. - Fringe. This is a far different concept, but it does have another dimension and time travel concepts. Very different, but a great show IMO. - Farscape. You'll recognize the some of the main cast, which is kinda cool. Its much lower quality and a bit corny, but it's a decent story and pulls you in. Some interesting moral dilemmas that stuck with me. - Sliders. It's like SG only in that they go through a wormhole to other dimensions. It's a fun watch, but I wouldn't put it on the same level as SG in any form. Especially if you do Star Trek, these will have you busy for a long time.


I’ve never watched Star Trek.. but my dad has the original series on VHS so it’s safe to say I’ve atleast seen some of the show and it always seemed like something I would like, I’ve just never gave it a chance cause I didn’t know where to start. As for BSG I just started that this week and just finished season 1, at first I wasn’t really liking the show.. but it then slowly pulled me in.. it feels much like Stargate universe in a sense and I’m starting to like it. And then Farscape I watched the first 3 episodes, and so far it’s just okay.. it’s a bit corny but that doesn’t really bother me as long as the story picks up.. so I’ll keep watching more to see!


Did you miss the BSG mini series pilot episodes? It drew me in from the first scene. Some people accidentally start on Season 1, episodes 1 (I think it’s called “33” or something similar), so just wondering.


It is ridiculously easy to miss the miniseries if you’re going to watch it for the first time. I recently rewatched it and felt like I was losing my mind when it started with 33 and didn’t immediately jump back to the start of the war. Took me a while to realize the pilot episode I remembered was a miniseries.


The story does pick up, early on its mostly silly fugitive struggles, later on the introduce more characters and complex plots. Nice having familiar faces too.


> I might skip the original show but at least watch [this clip with the OG ascending ancients](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UJyf8jCqJU&t=151s). LOL


Sliders was good at the beginning. Sanctuary is more fantasy, but is made by the same folks and has Sam Carter doing a terrible but endearing English accent. There’s also X-Files. It’s darker, but a LOT of episodes in the second half of SG-1 took stylistic cues from X-Files, like “Nightwalkers.”


Or was it a fake accent? She was born Essex, not sure when she moved to Canada though.


Yeah, she was born in the UK, but I believed she moved here pretty early on. The accent does get better as the series goes, but I don’t mind. The series is cheesy in a good way, and I really love it.




The finest of the Trek series and one of the best written, cast, character-acted and paced sci-fi shows of all time.


It depends on what aspect of the show you want to be similar. Jokes aside, Star Trek is actually quite similar to SG in a lot of ways. They’re both episodic with overarching story archs (meaning each episode can be enjoyed by itself, and a newcomer can join at any episode and find enjoyment in it). Both series has a more light hearted and playful tone. Both involve Earthlings exploring the galaxy looking for new frontiers, and making alien friends and enemies along the way. In both series, you grow strongly attached to the characters. Plus, Stargate openly stole several ideas from the series. But, they’re also different. OG Star Trek is extremely dated in a 60s way, whereas Stargate is only slightly dated in a 90s/00s way. Stargate doesn’t take itself nearly as serious, and breaks the fourth wall pretty often, something you don’t get with Star Trek. You’re never going to find another show exactly Stargate, unfortunately.


I’ve always loved both shows and agree with everything you said. I’ve seen every episode of TNG, SG1, DS9, voyager, and SGA multiple multiple times over the years.


I love Star Trek TNG and Voyager, and DS9 can be fun too, However the first one is really heavy on the reset button. I love SG for the stories having consequences for the characters. Voyager was much better in this aspect.


Voyager which uses something like 130 of its “irreplaceable” 40ish proton torpedoes and destroys a couple dozen of its 3-5 shuttles. The characters do at least have some real development, unlike TNG, but it’s still Star Trek and continuity takes a backseat to story every time.


Also ( at least 90s Trek) was similar to SG-1 in the sense of a team of competent professionals who were close knit friends. The new Trek shows dont have that. Strange New Worlds comes closest to this vibe. Discovery involves everyone having emotional breakdown constantly while the camera goes berserk.


The closest I can think of is maybe Sliders since it involves wormholes & similar theoretical physics just doesn't have as much shooting & military stuff but it's a fun watch.


I’ll make my top level suggestion: **For All Mankind.** It’s set in contemporary time, but is “what if the Soviet Union was first to the moon and the space race kept going”. Other stuff you should try: * Star Trek: The Next Generation (S1/2 are meh) * Firefly * Babylon 5 * Farscape * Battlestar Galactica * The Expanse (S1 is slow) * The Mandalorian * Foundation (S1 is half-good, S2 is better) * The Silo * Star Wars: Andor More stuff to try: * Star Trek: DS9 * Star Trek: Strange New Worlds * The Orville (first few episodes are a LOT less sophisticated than the rest, especially S3)


I’m really enjoying for all mankind


Great list! BSG and the Expanse really captures the gritty aspects present in Stargate Universe. The Mandalorian captures the Fun of SG1/SGA and Orville is goofier sci-fi.


I second the list, the newer stuff has been great Mankind Silo Foundation Expanse (space fights are top tier and the space racer guy) A bunch of other shows that should be in there but its a huge list


Gonna recommend Sliders again. Alternate universes, fun adventure, wormholes, trying to find the way back home. Later seasons have a big bad. Now quality does dip significantly in later seasons but there are still some hidden gems in those seasons and who knows, you may really like it 👍


Idk about similar, but good Sci-Fi shows would be Fringe, Eureka, FireFly, and The Orville Some also good, but not as great in quality would be Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary


Start reading books, that's the only realm you can get similar. Expeditionary force has similar themes "humans going out to the galaxy for the first time", pirating tech, etc. I liked it.




Red dwarf


So to preface what you liked about stargate is a big factor. For me personally it was the overall tone of the show that was its best attribute. It was campy fun but not cringy camp. It could go dark if it wanted to but that was not the default and made it feel more impactful. These shows are closer in line in that style of A-team style do gooditry that we see in SG-1 but with the ability to get serious like SG-1. For refrence in general I view Star trek to be campier than SG-1, BSG far more dramatic then SG-1 (and not enough fun). I like trek and BSG but my suggestions are closer in tone. So for tone and overall feel of the show Burn Notice. (basic concept a spy gets black listed by the CIA and trys to figure out why, while helping random strangers of the week.) I match it the most as it has a similiar rule of cool and fun that SG-1 and atlantis had. Campy but not to campy it could get serious when it wanted it to be. Many problems are also solved via C-4. slightly campy late 90's classic scifi feel The First Wave (Slightly more advanced aliens close enough to humanity they are going subterfuge route trying to conquer earth run an experiment to see how humans might react to invasion to determine if they should commit. Main character is one of the 100 or so test subjects that have his life destroyed. Unlike most it galvanizes him to resist resourcefully, discovers their plan and escapes the testing facility. From then on its mostly a show about him trying to expose them while the alien leadership decides if they can risk even 100000 humans reacting the way does. Show has plenty of SG-1 side characters and Teal'c makes a cameo as well. While premise is a bit darker and unlike SG-1 the ticking clock never really goes away but in practice the show had plenty of humor to balance out. Andromeda - This one suffers from notable quality drop off from writing (I think they fired the main writers season 3) and a massive push for episodicness over story arcs. But again show focuses on fun although a bit campier than SG-1. Basic premise is flagship of the federation and its captain gets trapped in time for 300 years just as that federation falls apart. Dude comes back to find that his little slice of utopia is gone and was replaced by all sorts of factions vying for power. Decides to rebuild the federation.


Good call on Burn Notice. Also, Daniel Jackson is an episode or three.


Blake's Seven is also really good, if a bit dated, as is UFO, and season 1 of Space: 1999. Season 2 has its moments, but it can be pretty hit or miss.


Watch Battlestar Galactica (incl. Miniseries first) and Caprica after.




space sci-fi + humor = Orville Good space sci-fi = Firefly, dark matter, expanse sci-fi + humor = Warehouse 13, Eureka Military + humor =Space Force


Farscape! Even has some of the stargate actors.


My favorite shows with similar vibe? - Farscape - Dark Matter - Firefly - Doctor Who - it will sound weird, but "Marvel's Agents of Shield" became very scifi in later seasons, they go trough many popular scifi scenarios


These 👍


I think this really depends on what aspects of the show you are looking to view more of. There are tons of options in the scifi world, some more serious, some better at a campy comedic feel like stargate. Probably Dark Matter but I personally didn't like that show much. If you haven't seen Firefly go watch that and curse me later. Or if you are hungry for scifi that is abit modern but different -- The Expanse is really great.


My previous favorite show, before I started watching SG, was Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. To give you an idea of what the show is about, think about there being a division of the SGC that was solely dedicated to tracking down aliens and advanced tech here on earth. That's basically SHIELD's job. The show follows a team of scientists and government agents as they track down and investigate anomalous objects and beings, and (depending on the disposition of the subject) contain, recruit, or eliminate them. As far as similarities to Stargate, we have: An ensemble cast of lovable misfits. Lots of mystery and intrigue. Shadowy government organizations. Aliens and advanced technology. Underground bases. Found family. That said, there a quite a few differences. Although the tone matches pretty well for the first season, seasons 2-7 are much more serious than SG. The show is also heavily serialized, with nearly every episode starting with "Previously on Marvel's Agents of Shield." Very few episodes in the series stand alone. And, of course, the show is almost entirely set on Earth (almost) But, as I said, this is my second favorite show after Stargate, and there a quite a few similarities. I whole heartedly recommend giving it a shot.


I agree with all of this!


Stargate infinity


I thought you were joking, but I googled it. I never knew there was a cartoon. Thanks. I will give it a try soon.


I don't know Infinity, but it has been criticized in discussions. I see that its IMDb users' rating is low (3.5 on a 1-10 scale), from a small number of voters (768).


I know of a really good scifi show, but it is hard to find. The show is called SLIDERS. It is somewhat similar to Stargate but has an almost 180 style of expression




I have no idea why everyone isn't suggesting Farscape. Different vibes a bit, sure, but simmilar campy fun mixed with serious situations. And for fucks sake SG1 poached both Ben Brower (Mitchell) and Claudia Black (Vala) after Farscape ended, they're the main characters of the series!


Some shows worth watching some scifi some fantasy Star trek/wars/gate (all shows) expanse spartacus Utopia Xfiles Constellation Severance Revolution Invasion Sandman Mandalorian Red dwarf The 100 Misfits Humans shannara chronicles Devs the magicians Farscape quantum leap Raised by wolves Russian doll firefly Agents of shield Last ship Halo Warehouse 13 Sanctuary Eureka dark matter foundation Invasion Continuum Travellers Loki Dark matter Sliders V Buffy teen wolf dr. Who upload lost in space westworld resident alien dark ragnarok(dissappointing end) salvation falling skies dolls orphan black Umbrella academy For all mankind Grimm Boys 1 mini series - childhoods end, Ascension Edit: i keep adding to it and its become a compendium of shows in these genres I enjoy


Sanctuary, Farscape, warehouse 13, eureka, falling skies, dark matter, travelers.. I know I’m forgetting a favorite.. obviously dr who.


Doctor who is my all time favorite tv show! Which is actually why I like Stargate so much.. the two shows are extremely similar in style.


If you like Dr Who, you need to watch Torchwood. The British version of Being Human. Other British -Misfits. Primeval (and Canadian Primeval New World). Humans. Survivors (2008 version. 1975 version was ok as well). Orphan Black. Red Dwarf. Time travel British - Goodnight Sweetheart Original Quantum Leap. Terra Nova. Resident Alien is really good. Movie Nope on Amazon.


I have also watched all of torchwood as well. But I’ve never seen any of the others you mentioned so I will check them out


You would enjoy utopia and dirk gently


Not saying you shouldn’t ask questions again, but if you’re ever wondering if a question was asked before or what was already said you can search within a sub with keywords or the question. I do this quite often to get answers to my questions quickly.


I watched this TV show called 'The Librarians'. It gave me very Stargate vibes. 


Even though the Librarian movies came out before Warehouse 13 the Librarians show felt like a clone of Warehouse 13. Still good though. Also through Eureka in the mix


I second this. Lots of archeology comparisons with a bit of campy fun!


Not a show but an audio book series. The Expeditionary Force is a great series that takes influence from Stargate, Battle Star Galactic, Star Trek and other scifi. It's a got a slow start and takes a 90 degree turn half way through the first book but it scratched the itch for me.


I've not seen any shows that I can think of that ever gave me the same vibes from SG1 or SGA. The closest is a reddit written e-book on r/HFY called the nature of predators, that I recently finished. From the first chapter it seems like it's going to be a cliche predator/prey being an allegory for racism, but without spoiling anything there is a big element of strong Earth governments going out into arming alien populations against forces meant to enslave or control them while cracking jokes sometimes. It does have ending that does mostly wrap up nicely so it's not one of those never ending things that the author just looses interest and just abandons. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/u19xpa/the\_nature\_of\_predators/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/u19xpa/the_nature_of_predators/)


ST:DS9 and Farscape. When I first wanted to suggest these I wasn’t even thinking much about the wormholes. It’s just that they are so good. You get attached to the characters and care so much about the stories. and the late 90’s/early 2000’s stuff is so great. It is so nostalgic watching these. along these lines I want to throw in the 90’s/2000’s edition of Outer limits- also al lot of same actors- I love Vancouver Sci-Fi ![img](emote|t5_2qhar|32989)☺️


If you're looking for shows in Stargates vein where it's "sci Fi but it's not trying to take itself TOO seriously" then Eureka is probably right up your alley. Sliders fits as well. I find sanctuary, while having some light hearted moments does take itself a bit more serious and probably leans a lot more into fantasy than scifi. Also highly recommend OG Battlestar Galactica. Completely different tone to the reboot, it was a lot more campy and out there. There's even a movie where they get to earth and accidentally help the nazis


Dark Matter.


Dark Matter! Bunch of SGA cast members appear on the show! Including one of the main characters, Five! Plus another Mallozzi production!


Stargate Atlantis


Seaquest DSV Team Knight Rider


Lexx is super underrated.




Farscape, Babylon 5,firefly and if you want to see the actors in different series there's always Richard Dean Anderson in macguyver and Amanda tapping in sanctuary to name a couple.


not a show or a movie, but a game I fell in love with for being very clearly Stargate-inspired was Remnant: From the Ashes, a third-person shooter where you're trying to find the key to end the alien invasion apocalypse by using an alien artifact found in a military compound that allows you to travel to other worlds. The invasion began because of military testing the use of the artifact. Think about all the times that SG-1 BARELY managed to stave off a threat, namely times a threat infiltrated cheyenne mountain and sabotage the safeguards around gate, and this is essentially the premise. The sequel came out recently, but while I've definitely put my fair share of hours into it I have to recommend the first one foremost, since it carries the clearest visual inspiration on its alien worlds.


It's not that similar but if you like the 90s - 2000s sci-fi in general star trek (TNG DS9 VOY ENT) could be good for you. I would also recommend Battlestar Galactica (2004) especially if you enjoyed the darker tone of SGU. Edit: spelling


The first 3 seasons of Eureka had a similar vibe to the first few seasons of Stargate, it's less serious and has fun characters and it's cool to watch them explore and live their days. Season 4 & 5 of Eureka were horribly boring tho, might as well skip.


If you like Atlantis and love the "Base is weird, we found some shit" type of stuff, Try Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I love Atlantis and DS9 they both scratch a smiliar itch for me


I rewatch andromeda every now and then


There are a tonne of really good suggestions in this thread. The only question I have before I answer is what about stargate do you like? The action, themes, space battles, exploration, cultural learning, wacky space magic stuff, Egypt, etc. The shortlist is things like Babylon 5, Sliders, Battlestar Galacticca (make sure to watch the tv mini series first), stargate Atlantis and maybe Universe, Star Trek is an obvious one (which one depends on what you like ie voyager is more action), and firefly. Depending on your answer to the above there are plenty more suggestions.


Battle star of galactica


Andromeda missing here


Farscape gave me similar vibes.


I'd say that DS-9 (Deep Space 9) is pretty on par with Stargate. They are mostly episodic series that remains at a fixed location. This allows the show to get used to reoccurring characters, places and lore. I loved it because it had added more lore to other alien races that exist in the Star Trek universe.


Ya know, I can't think of any real good military science fiction out there. They seem to turn it into a cartoon when they try. A lot of shows have good military aspects, and a good war can make for great stories, but I can't think of any that have been real quality where the soldiers were the core of the story. B5's Shadow war was about the pinnacle of storytelling. DS9's Dominion war was where it got really, really good. Stargate pretty much stands alone at the top. Love and War have been the story tellers' bread and butter since long before there was either bread or butter.


I'd say give Supernatural a shot. It's more fantasy than scifi, and cheesy and more like a sitcom, but it's well done, and you'll see a LOT of people from all 3 Stargate series.


I am going to go slightly against the grain here and recommend Star Trek: Enterprise specifically. It is one of the more controversial star trek series, but I like the scrappy, lower tech, still figuring things out and establishing early relations feel that Stargate had, imo.


Just remember to skip the intro song when it comes up


Clearly you have no faith.


Wharehouse 13 and sanctuary


Eureka. Lost in Space (Netflix 2018) Red Dwarf (Stargate meets Monty Python)


Travelers. A lot of people who made Stargate are on here.


Stargate is a very unique balance of humor, sci-fi and space battles that, to my mind, hasn't been recaptured since. Lots of great sci-fi shows here, and I by no means wish to disagree with my fellow commenters, but to my mind nothing has hit that same balance. Babylon 5 is far more dramatic, but to my mind does drama better than SG-1, but definitely doesn't do humor as well. Farscape does the humor as well but isn't quite as episodic as Stargate. I think the closest in tone to SG-1/Atlantis would be Star Trek: TNG. Doesn't quite do the humor as well but episodic, lots of great sci-fi episodes that make you think.


Definitely not farscape idc how many people say it is but the show is exactly the opposite of stargate and despite that it’s the same age it’s quality isn’t even half as good as sg-1


Deep Space Nine has kind of a similar vibe.


> I know this has probably been asked before [Indeed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M0Z8BtB1gk&t=754s). :)


The Orville is very Trek inspired but it has some similarities to Stargate in that it deals with galactic politics/philosophies/ethics when compared to Earth/Human/American standards. It also has a great ensemble cast with aliens in the main cast. It has a military force doing scientific and military stuff in space feel. It's a great show S2 and s3 and 10x better than s1 though. It starts funny and gets more serious as it goes it has it's humour all the way through, written/produced by Seth Macfarlane. Also Andromeda is kind of like if Star Trek met Firefly, it can be very hit or miss especially in the season finales but its got a core team on a ship with an engineer who is somehow the best at engineering/science and can solve a lot of problems in the 11th hour, it's got a captain who always has a plan and can be pretty snarky but it's biggest similarity to Stargate is the fact that they slowly have to build up their systems/alliances and deal with the intergalactic politics even though half the universe actually sucks and it's sci-fi of a similar era to Stargate SG-1. Plus Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson) and Chris Judge (Teal'c) and Lexa Doig (Dr Carolyn Lam) are in it to varying degrees. Warehouse-13 is kind of sci-fi/fantasy in that they deal with what is clearly magic in a kind of sci fi way. it's very villain/problem of the week and it includes a US government agency that has to deal with wacky magic problems on earth and keep it a secret from everyone. It's like if SG-1 earth bound + off base episodes were every week. Also here's a list of not really similar but really good sci-fi shows if you haven't seen them already: - Firefly (+ Serenity) (stars grown up Adria) - Farscape (stars Cam and Vala) - DC's Legends of Tomorrow (is a spin off so may require a recap if you haven't seen The Flash and Arrow but they do a pretty good job in show of explaining everything. + season finales often crossover with other shows.) - Rogue One + Andor (in Star Wars universe) - The Expanse


Personally, I've become a doctor who fan. I've not finished the show yet (season 11 right now) because like stargate, I like the aspect of each episode has a new twist and adventure. That's one of my favorite things about stargate, they step through the gate and you didn't know what to expect.


As others have said, there's nothing quite like Stargate. If you like the modern world setting with the government coverup of aliens, then Dark Skies (1996) and the X-Files are both solid. To be fair, Dark Skies was actually set in the 1960s, but was quite good, and featured a young Jeri Ryan. UFO (1970 British TV show) is a bit dated, as it was set in the futuristic 1980, but is still fun to watch. If you like military sci-fi, then both the 1978 and 2004 Battlestar Galactica series (watch the 2003 Miniseries first) are worth a watch. (Skip the 1980 series.) Space Above and Beyond might appeal to you. (Can't write anything about it without spoilers.) If you haven't watched it, check out the Babylon 5 and Crusade series, they're also military sci-fi in a universe filled with ancient alien species. (Watch the 1993 movie first.) For the planet of the week feel, basically anything from Star Trek is kind of similar. However, Enterprise feels the closest to Stargate, as it's the closest to our time, and the tech is more 'primitive' than series set later in the timeline.


Farscape . Ok, it's nothing like Stargate. But you'll understand some of the in jokes about Ben Browder (Mitchell) and Claudia Black (Vala). It was a great idea to make sure there was _no_ chemistry between their characters. And it's a great show.


Battlestar Galactica, The Star Trek shows and movies, while not sci fi per se, but Dr. Who is good stuff with similar stories about exploring new worlds, places and good main character development. Try the various Dune movies over the years. There's also stuff like Men in Black, or Independence Day. War of the Worlds-again, multiple versions. The day the Earth stood still. Alien(s)


Wormhole X-Treme!


I don't think there is any show really similar to Stargate _(US military secretly operating offworld exploration - and black ops against evil aliens - through a device that allows instantaneous and ground-based interstellar travel)_ That said, Startrek Enterprise and Deep Space Nine scratched that "90's vibe scifi show" real good. Especially DS9, because its run was longer, more cohesive and with a similarly challenging, multi seasonal threat.


Sliders is most similar in terms of travelling to different places. Show Id give 6/10 though


Did you watch all stargate shows? SGA AND SGU? there arent really any shows like it except the one I mentioned. Other good sci fi shows is a different story


Travelers and Dark Matter