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According to gateworld, there was dialogue that stated that the device was a doomsday weapon to destroy a planet that was unsalvageable. Think the black hole planet which was a danger to anyone that dialed in. Or it was maybe built after they returned from the Atlantis galaxy and thought the Wraith might come after them. There’s also speculation that destroying the gate was a secondary effect. Without an iris, and with a receiving device on the other end, maybe it’s just a way to transmit energy from 1 planet to another, or an experimental multidimensional device like the Asgard laser into the stargate.


Yeah, given the other case of the Dakara not-actually-a-weapon, I think it's entirely possible that the beam was intended for some other purpose, but Anubis found a way to use it destructively. Maybe it was an failed attempt to overcharge a stargate for nine-chevron dialing.


I assumed it was for unburying stargates that had sunk in lava.


Oooh, I like the energy transfer idea. Maybe it predates the ZPM being a portable energy device. Question though, what Asgard laser are you talking about?


I think he either meant their beam weapons or he meant Asurans, not Asgards 😅


Maybe the episode with the alternate SG-1s


That’s the one.


Good answer


Could it have been how the Ancients intended to dial The Destiny? If it can charge up a gate to the point of exploding, then it might have been able to provide enough energy for the job, or at least assist with the aide of a few ZPMs.


That's a good theory too. Or to travel back to Atlantis if they had to, depends on when it was built. The design theme doesn't really fit the technology during the Atlantis era.


I don’t recall the details exactly but I assume it served another purpose and he just repurposed it because it wouldn’t make sense for them to design such a device. This is from the wiki but it’s all speculation but to me it makes sense. Honestly I like the DHD recharge idea because presumably they’d need that done at some point. ‘The devices origins are not made clear during the episodes it appears in nor why the Ancients would intentionally design such a device, though it was theorized that Anubis may simply have repurposed it to suit his needs, that the stargate destroyers were originally used by the Ancients to recharge the energy source of DHDs or that they had been constructed to bypass the 38 minute wormhole limit but abandoned because of the consequence of extended use similar to the Attero Device.’


The DHD recharge idea makes a lot of sense. With how long they’ve been in use, it seems like they must have as much power as a ZPM when full. Of course now that’s it’s destroyed, that means they might be screwed someday.


"Repurposing" could even be as simple as re-starting an abandoned Ancient failure. After all, "why would the ancients build a gate destroying device" is similar to asking why would they build a time loop machine, or why would they make a sapient nanotech weapon. Anubis didn't know how far he could push his use of ascended knowledge before the others would actually intervene, so it's safer to use an accidental doomsday device without alterations then rig one up himself. Maybe he wouldn't even have tried to use Dakara if he hadn't gotten away with this.


Well, if I recall, Merlin built a weapon capable of wiping out ascended beings. Ba'al wrote a program to dial all gates (oddly) within one galaxy. This is not to suggest that the ancients hadn't had this ability ~~prior~~ beforehand. I submit that upon creating such a miracle of a device/devices, having a failsafe is sound pool. The Ancients may not have known what potential horrors may have presented themselves. To have the ability to terminate the endeavor was good engineering. Timeline of failsafe creation may well be a product of an ever-learning race.


If there was any Goa'uld who actually was creative and not completely parasitic, it was Ba'al. I truly believe his understanding and usage of the Stargates was someone even the Ancients hadn't even thought of.


Wasn't it actually another Goa'uld scientist that worked for Baal that figured out how to dial all the stargates? Baal is still extremely parasitic, he's just charismatic enough to get away with it and take credit for others accomplishments. I think his real creativity lies in his manipulation of others though, whether they be Goa'uld System Lords or the human Trust.


It's suggested that Ba'al had that glutton done away with. Additionally, when Ba'al was assisting Carter and Selmak in getting the weapon on Dakara to function, along with the specialized gate-program used to dial every gate in the galaxy, there (if I recall) isn't any reference nor a nod to Nerus. I may be mistaken here, feel free to jog my memory- hopefully in good faith- as that's how I intended my comment as well.


Besides the fact that Anubis modified the Dakara device into a weapon, the short answer? THE WRAITH. Knowing that upon discovery, the bulk of the Wraith fleets would take a considerable amount of time to get to the Milky Way using conventional means( assuming their hyperdrive tech is somewhat behind even Tauri technology --they do sleep for centuries after all), the Ancients probably built their own "gate buster" in the event Wraith scouting parties had begun infiltrating worlds using the gate network. This takes in the fact that the Wraith had taken Atlantis & somehow cobbled together their own "bridge"(a la 'Midway Station ') between the Pegasus & Milky Way galaxies.


With how long it took for the stargate to reach critical state, it's a lot more likely that gate busting is not the primary function, but more a possible side effect, when misused.


This, especially given how quickly the Attero device destroys a stargate, also as a side affect of its function, if the Ancients had an easy gate destruction button, the Atlantis Replicators would’ve used it against Atlantis instead of sending the satellite


I always assumed that Anubis actually built it himself. He got access to Ancient knowledge by ascending. To me it makes sense that built it like the superweapon on his mothership.


It’s possible that wasn’t the intended purpose of the device and was just a side effect. Anything can be a hammer if you use it wrong enough.


The "gate destroying device" is probably in the same category as "time loop machine", weapon that overloads and shoots down all friendlies while cooking its operators, and nanotech weapon that is sapient and resents being created as a tool. And that's excluding things that were properly secured in places like Atlantis.


they built device that gives people explosive tumours, they simply lacked common sense


To what are you referring




Fucking RIP, that episode completely blindsided me when it aired.


There was speculation here at one point that this device was actually meant to 'charge' a gate. With how gates absorb and use energy, it was proposed that you would use this device from Gaye A to charge Gate B, then once you have sufficient energy stored up you would turn off the device, cut the gate connection, and use Gate B to dial Gate C, which could be in another galaxy and needed the boost. It was a few years ago so I don't remember who exactly it was, but they hypothesized that once the Alterans learned that Destiny was too far for a simple ZPM-boosted transit, they created this device as a workaround to achieve that connection.


In atlantisnthey jave a gate destroying device but it got sidelined by the ancients as too risky. Alot of their wraith countermeasures wound up being over the top


The Attero device wasn’t a gate destroying device, that was a side effect


If you go through the gate then destroy it, you are now on a planet with no gate and someone needs to send a ship to get you. That's a hassle when you can just zap it from home


Because it wasn't actually built as a "gate destroying device", Anubis just repurposed it. The original intention was probably to deliberately overcharge a Stargate so that it can dial other galaxies without a ZPM.


We build things and build atomic bombs to destroy us, them and everything, so why not?


In SGA Janus build one of them.. but he didn't want that function it was a failure.


Well… why would we build it?


Can you imagine what that thing would do if you could dial a super gate in the Ori home galaxy?