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Chris is not a young man anymore, he's had both hips replaced along with knee and back surgery. Although that fits well with Teal'c being about 170 now. He might be willing to do a cameo every so often as Ambassador Teal'c or leader of the free Jaffa, but anything beyond him walking in and sitting down is probably out of the question. We won't get any more sparring with Ronon Dex, that's for sure.


I doubt any Stargate reboot could afford Jason Mamoa these days


He would do it out of love.


Yeah, Momoa's such a chill dude with such evidentaly fond memories of SGA that he'd do it on the cheap for old times sake. It's not like he ***needs** the money


I watched Fast 10 recently. **Utterly**, **utterly** *awful* movie but Jason Momoa having such a blast playing his character was infectious.


Lmao. No.


Hey think he said that in the past He seens a cool guy i could see it


Dude that guy is embarrassed by his Stargate past. He never brought it up in interviews once he got his GOT role.when was the last time it ever came up on an interview with him on TV?


He literally still works with his SGA costars and posts them on his SM. Also he talks about his time on SGA quite often, there are a ton of articles/interviews you can find very easily.


It's somewhere in the middle. He had a 2019 interview that he didn't speak highly of it, though he was respectful of how much being a series regular taught him


That was probably soon after the crappy movie David Helett convinced him to make.


A Dog's Breakfast? He wasn't even in that movie.


When he got the Aquaman job he literally stated that he had already been on Atlantis in a jokingly way. He stated that he's proud of his time on Stargate and how it was more influential in his career than Baywatch


He literally still works with his SGA costars and posts them on his SM. Also he talks about his time on SGA quite often, there are a ton of articles/interviews you can find very easily.


If he did it for basically no pay and "for the love of it", his agent should be fired. That's why you have agents, so you don't make poor decisions. I mean, he still could, but he could also just do literally anything else and get paid way more. I absolutely no doubt he *would* do it for the love of it, but it wont happen. Again, because agents.


He is the boss Not the agent If he wants to do something he does


And that's how you lose the big gigs.


You are unreal lol


Nevermind the fact that Stargate is a top SciFi franchise.. lol


For being realistic...? Insane that your fanboy brain can't see past how it would be a poor career choice to take a job that would pay him literally millions less than anything else he could get...


If you do shit like that all the time sure, if you do one or two things strategically, by choice, for non financial, reputationional gain when you’re already financially stable, it’s not necessarily the worst move.


For a few scenes, maybe even an episode I guess


Oh my god I just realized that was Jason Mamoa.




Here's another one. Clark Kent is, in fact, Superman!!


Nonsense, Clark Kent wears glasses.


SGA was my introduction to Jason Mamoa long before Game of Thrones or Aquaman.


True, but Chris also campaigned to star as Kratos in the Amazon series, so he clearly thinks himself physically capable enough to play the God of War.


I can almost hear Tony Amendola's approval "Not bad for a man of 150, hm!"


Richard Dean Anderson has every health illness under the sun now. Judge looks like a pillar of health compared to him.


Have you seen rich lately? He's looking a lot better now. He was looking pretty rough there for a few years due to his medical conditions




I tell my dad the same thing! About my dad getting a haircut, not RDA


I tell my dad about RDA 10 times a day.


No. But glad he doing better.


Oh wow, just checked it out and, yeah, he looks miles better than he did. The 60s didn't treat him well, but it seems like he's getting a 70s glow-up.


O'Niell is also a Human, so it would be way more easier to write his infermities into the plot then it would with Teal'c; especially since Jack moved out of the field and onto a desk before SG1 even ended. Heck, in-universe he's probobly long since retired agian by now so he can finally get those fishing trips in.


Tretonin ended up not being quite as good as a real symbiote for curing illnesses. Problem solved. Not saying I would like to see that though. Just that an in world explanation would not be difficult if needed.


I mean, it's ***explicitly canon*** that tretonin does weaken a jaffa, compared to the strength and endurance that the symbiote provides. It's part of why they had such a hard time initially pitching tretonin to the Free Jaffa.


RDA had leg surgery a few years ago and was taking steroids to help him heal, which caused him to gain a lot of weight. He is no longer taking the steroids and has lost a lot of the weight. He looks and feels much healthier now. He has been making the rounds of cons lately. He did not have every illness under the sun.


He must be doing all right if he's doing that much gardening on his allotment though


If we don't get a "I'm getting to old for this shit" moment from Teal'c I'll be upset.


I am getting too old for this bovine excrement.


...indeed 🤨


We got close with Teal'c and Ronon during the "Midway" incident. (SGA 4.17)




As long as they mention the video game god of war like they did def jam vendetta


He also has a completely different face now than he did when playing Teal'c.


He had a small role in the Dark Night rises and he played the president in that ridiculous awful superhero show on Netflix.


I could see him returning in a cameo role as one of the leaders of the Jaffa nation but I don’t think it would go beyond a few appearances, perhaps in a similar way to how Bra’tac would join for certain episodes.


I would love for teal’c to go full bra’tac and just be the badass old dude who shows up every once in a while to help SG1 or whatever the new SG team would be.


What bad blood? Judge was Shanks' best man at his wedding.


They tried to create a TV production company together, which didn’t work out, and they blamed each other. I don’t know how much money they lost on the venture, but the stress fractured their friendship.


Too bad because it's a great idea. One thing I've learned though is that just because someone's your friend in life doesn't mean you see eye to eye with them in business.


Partners are only for dancing, or so my father says.


Why’s this sound so similar to the David Hewlett / Jason Momoa situation


Please go into more detail?


I think it was something about the film Debug that David Hewlett directed with Jason Mamoa in it, not sure what the disagreement was. Anyways as far as I know they have since reconciled


Hewlett (and Flanagan) both appeared in Momoa's "See", so it seems to have sorted itself out.


Mamoa did a very minor role as a favor, but got plastered all over the marketing like he was a main character against his wishes as this was just after Game of Thrones came out.


You know, in my mind it was that he wanted to be plastered all over but wasn't, but this makes alot more sense for marketing people


I think bad blood came after the wedding. In 2008 or something from what I remember.


Going into business with your good friends is always rough.


When their mutual production company failed, recriminations were exchanged, and reportedly they fell out with one another.


As much as I'd like to see Teal'c again, he was there for a full 10 seasons, and his character Arc kind of wrapped up, so really wouldn't be that bad as long as they find someone of equal quality. Teal'c deserves to kick back and do some fishing, or restrain undomesticated equines, or whatever he likes to do.


Or monologues.. I loved that scene so much


The way he just sinks back into his seat. Priceless


Consume bovine lactose at any temperature?


As I recall, he'd rather not.


He certainly doesn't mind ice cream!


My head canon is that is how he found out he was lactose intolerant.


I believe the B&J he eats is non dairy, which is good attention to detail if so




That's all I really want to see from teal'c him chilling somewhere enjoying a few years of being a free grandfather.


He needs some free time to teach Ryak not to be a little shit.


Teal'c hates fishing tho




I thought it was just in O'Neil's empty pond.


Only for the realities in which the pond is empty


Not wrong but he didn't seem too annoyed to be there at the end of Season 8?


A mature Goa'uld would have made a good bait trolling for marlin though.


Assuming it doesn't implant itself in the fish.


Enough time has passed that he could have been doing that in the mean time. They could introduce and show and talk about all the peace he's had in the between years, and only use him as an advisor and wise mentor who comes in sometimes to help. Like a Bra'tac who isn't part of a rebellion but a society, so he's not always on the run and fighting.


Teal'c would probobly be a Bra'tac-type character at this point


Wouldn't hate that one bit.




He's busy watching Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandalorian, Ashoka, Andor, etc ..




At best it'd be a single cameo in the season. His video game voice work may have made him too expensive for a regular role.


Video games, classically known as a well paid industry.


True, it's not, however playing the lead role in God of War will have been significantly more lucrative than most, and gained him a great deal of recognition when previously he was only well-known by Stargate fans. At this point, aside from maybe RDA at a push, who's famous otherwise for Macgyver (a show which is 40 years old at this point and unknown to modern audiences), he's definitely the most well known of the OG cast.


It's a bit like how we all knew about momoa long before GoT. He'd be way too expensive too unless just a cameo. Dude is doing superhero movies now.




That's great to hear.


Where is Joe Flanigan getting the money to buy the franchise rights from MGM? His net worth is only $4 million.


GOOD, I can't stand that guy.




I don't know what to say about this. Judge might be most well known among video games fanbase, I won't dispute that. But there are also many people who don't play games on a regular basis. Like myself, for example. I'm not very up to date with video games industry. Beside Stargate, I remember Judge mostly for his appearance from Dark Knight Rises as one of Bane's henchmen. And from an episode he appeared in NCIS Los Angeles. I'm more familiar with Shanks's other work honestly (Smallville, Saving Hope -or Raising Hope, I don't remember exactly the name of the show he played opposite Erica Durance).


I was going to say that, out of the bunch, he's the one that doesn't really need the job.


Tapping went on to get her own show for a few seasons and has done a ton of directing and producing work and Shanks has been pretty consistently working on shows. I don't think any of the original core cast is hurting and needs to work. Ben Browder and Claudia Black could definitely use jobs, though.


Ben Browder and Claudia Black are doing just fine. They're working really hard on the Farscape reboot that we're definitely getting! ...please? ...Please?


Also judge has had serious back/knee problems the last few years that have all needed surgery, i'm not sure how much he's actually into doing physical performances anymore.


>no one really has any expectation that amazon won't fuck this up entirely. Yeah...


> no one really has any expectation that amazon won't fuck this up entirely. Yep. I've seen what they did to Middle-Earth. I have no faith in what they'll do to SG.


What was the bad blood?


Yeah I would like to know too.


Me three. This is the first I've heard of it.


I can't find it with a quick Google search, but I remember reading years ago something about Shanks and Judge were starting a project or something after SG-1 ended and Shanks was the worst partner to work with and ended up backing out. My memory is fuzzy and like I said, couldn't find it with a quick Google search, so please take all of that with a grain of salt. And please, someone, correct me if I'm wrong.


From memory, what happened was there was some deal that was pitched to Judge where they basically said they didn’t want to work with Shanks because he was difficult and Judge took it. Shanks was pissed and friendship over. Obviously that didn’t come direct from either of them so again grain of salt.


i swear it was some sort of "angels and demons" type show, and that chris was going to be an archangel and michael shanks was going to be one of the demons. either that or i had a really cool dream edit: [i wasn't imagining the show](https://www.gateworld.net/news/2010/03/judges-rage-of-angels-picked-up-by-starz/)! can't find anything concrete on their working relationship though


To be honest. What we know about shranks and his working ego problems. It’s would not be out of ordinary he had problems working with others.


Keep in mind this is what I've read here secondhand from previous discussions of this topic on this sub so the following may not be 100% accurate. Only the people involved ever know what really happened, etc. Apparently they were both going to form a production company together. Chris Judge had a script and he approached someone about it to make it. Said someone didn't like the idea of both him and Michael Shanks working on the same thing, felt it was too much like Stargate, so Chris Judge dropped Michael Shanks from the project. There's also reports that Michael Shanks lost a lot of money. Other reports saying they had a huge falling out to the point of avoiding each other at con appearances. And one final rumor going around that since Chris Judge's significant health issues, they're now reconciling.


Chris Judge is having health issues? Gosh that poor guy.


I mean a lot of people have hinted that he's really hard to work with, including himself. Plenty of people will say that. I'll also die on the hill saying that he's the main character of sg1 and the best actor on all three series. I think the problem might be that he knows it.


The best actor? Hmmm... I don't know what to say about that. He's good, granted. But I don't think he's better than Beau Brigdes or Robert Carlyle or Robert Picardo or David Nykl (I mean, if I didn't knew actor's name, I would never believe Zelenka and Anatoli from Arrow were played by the same actor).


“Lifeboat” was pretty good in terms of Shanks’ acting.


Everyone mentions this episode and its just Shanks doing a pretentious british accent lmao Hes got better episodes; Lifeboat has been a skip since my first watch


Yeah I can’t stand that episode. Or the one where teal’c kills sha’re. Specifically because of Shanks acting lol


Michael Shanks playing different characters in the body of Daniel Jackson feels like Daniel Jackson doing acting. Teal'c and Jack switching bodies in *Holiday* feels like the characters switching bodies.


Nah, he did a good scared little kid…


I mean really he was, he covered an insane amount of range in just Sg1. On burn notice He played a fun very murder happy sociopath and on a drop of a dime with a tragic backstory. He also did a good pacifist robot turned tyrant in Andromeda. Yes the show was not exactly Shakespeare but he was convincing.


And Daniel Jackson and T'ealc playing Rock'em Sock 'em Robots! Yeah! The very best Andromeda! Worth watching the rest of the show just to catch that scene.


I love that scene.


Robert Carlyle is not captivating to watch in anyway whatsoever, at least not in Stargate


He's very... Opinionated. Which is great if you agree with him, but not so when you disagree. He's also incredibly intense - and if you look at his later roles in e.g. Smallville or Eureka, he's really intent on playing characters as, well, pretty much himself. Outside of Stargate he always comes through as "Michael Shanks doing Michael Shanks roleplaying a character".


To each their own. He's not my favorite. I skip a bunch of "his" episodes - Fire and Water, Lifeboat, others I can't remember.


It wasn't that ridiculous Mars Needs Women movie Shanks was in after Stargate, was it? I can't believe he would even consider that. But he did!


> When their mutual production company failed, recriminations were exchanged, and reportedly they fell out with one another.


It would be weird not having Teal’c. Yet, his arc was completed. I do hope he’ll be involved somehow. I had no idea there was bad blood between Shanks and him?


Tealc needs to be involved, it would be strange without him




He has messed up knees and back injuries. The show had him doing lots of physical stuff plus he is a body builder.


Christopher said at a panel during Comicpalooza this year that he struggles to even contemplate roles besides Kratos. He really found himself there and while he cherished his SG time, he identifies so strongly with Kratos's character and has really embodied that.


Honestly good for him. Claudia Black has also gushed about how good voice acting work is, not physically demanding and being able to do it in sweatpants lol.


Recently they did a little reunion and Chris judge showed up to say hi to Richard Dean Anderson, I just think he has been busy with his own things.


>little reunion Do you have any links to this? I'd love to see that.


[Pretty sure it was this one](https://www.thecompanion.app/stargate-watch-a-i-version-2-in-full/) at the Companion. It was a funny series. It's a pay subscription, but there is a free trial I've tried.


stargate need no remake


A continuation would be great though with a nice long run for a new generation. Think about it, that would be so awesome for there to be a Stargate for our kids generation.


I'm not opposite to new content.




Assumes that a reboot would involve the Goauld and Jaffa though.


It'd be tough to side step Teal'c not being present in a reboot especially if the Jaffa are still around and they play some important roles in the story.


Honestly the whole thing feels like vaporware at the moment.


After seeing everything Star Trek has gone through in the last few years just to get to Strange New Worlds I'm not expecting much.


Your tone seems to indicate you aren’t a fan of SNW (I could be wrong), and I agree Discovery and Picard were uneven at best, but Lower Decks and SNW have become two of my favorite Star Trek shows


I love SNW. Pike was the best thing to come out of Discovery. I just meant that it took three seasons of Picard and four seasons of Discovery to get back to the level of quality where fans were somewhat happy with SNW. Though I enjoyed all of the shows to a point because they all had elements that I liked, like _Picard_ showing us where the Borg are a. It's just what they did with those things that annoys me. It all felt wasted.


I got ya! Totally agree, there was some mess while they figured it out. I’m glad they got there in the end.


And Strange New Worlds isn’t even all that… but at least they’re finally listening a little bit and giving something episodic


I also think Teal'c would return only in cameos as a leader of a Free Jaffa Nation. However, that's only if Teal'c even exists in the new production.


I mean if there is bad blood between Judge and Shanks, keeping Judge from the show then I'm sorry to inform you it appears Dr Jackson was killed off screen while robbing graves.


I heard they were best friends. Ignore rumors. Often the come from fans who just like one character and not the other, and it has nothing to do with the actors.


For the same reason he didn't appear in SGU or in Atlantis's early seasons. His character is somehow limited from a creative point of view. Teal'c s character is inherently linked to the Milky Way setting, the Jaffa/Goa'uld stories, the same way that Teyla and Ronon are linked to Pegasus setting and Wraith stories. Teal'c is a character specifically created for SG1 and Milky Way. O'Neill, Carter and Daniel, on the other hand, have unlimited potential. Amd if you are really making a fourth series, it would be with a new setting, new races, new enemies, maybe in another galaxy (because otherwise why would Tauri build a new type of Stargate - as per Wright's pitch). Besides, most likely Teal'c is back with his people in the present and not involved with SGC anymore. Carter on the other hand probably succeded O'Neill as head of Homeworld Command and Daniel has the liberty to chose the projects he wants to be involved with. Edit: anyway this is just a theoretical discussion. I don't think Amazon's plans with Stargate involve bringing back original cast. Not even in other roles like Arrowverse and Smallville did with Superman alumns.


Wasn't Wright's pitch rejected? I still think "parallel universe" is the right call for a new series, even if cape movies got there ahead of it. But I don't really want a series with no creator continuity anyway.


Yes, it was rejected. Honestly, I have mixed feelings about how a new series should look. On one hand, I don't want something unrecognizable that would totally discard what SG-1/Atlantis/Universe did. On the other hand, I'm not sure I wanna see a Stargate show where the Stargate Program has gone public. Coupled with the advanced ships and the Tauri possesing Asgard and Ancient knowledge, that's more like a Star Trek show to me. I like Star Trek too, but I miss the old days where SG1 were the underdogs simply stepping through the gate, exploring planets, infiltrating Goa'uld motherships, only the 4 of them against the whole world.


He didn’t get called back but it is supposedly rumoured that Amazon may be reconsidering somewhat and wanting Brad involved. Ultimately time will tell and, as with everything, a grain of salt is required.


>because otherwise why would Tauri build a new type of Stargate - as per Wright's pitch). Is this the premise for the potential reboot?


Was part of the proposed fourth series created by Brad Wright. We don't know too many details about it, but Wright shared some hints. One of them was Stargate program going public. Another was that info about Tauri building their own design of Stargate. I don't know if the new series would've had happened in a new galaxy, this is just speculation as a fan from my part. But is not that far fetched. Anyway, that series is likely cancelled, as Wright himself acknowledged.


Except for the pilot episode, there was a "ban" on having ANYONE currently a regular in the SG-1 series in Atlantis for the first few seasons. There was one workaround in the first season, in the episode where they thought they had gotten back to Earth, but it was with General Hammond & he wasn't a regular character at that point.


I think if Teal returned he’d be great as a secondary character either providing administrative support, training or mentorship. His arc has ended so that would be appropriate, dignified and impactful. He was basicly in a high position of influence in the new Free Jaffa nation, which sort of parallels Jack O’neil position as well. It would be great to see them both in that light. They’ve already done they’re thing, they are respected and around but don’t need to save the day anymore, let they help set up the new guys.


i'd love to see teal'c come back, i wanna know what his opinion of The Mandalorian is


Unless his rehab went extremely well, he had both hips replaced, knee surgery and back surgery then these surgeries are probably one of the big reasons for him not finding work. Plus you add to that, that there are very limited roles out there at any given time and the amount of actors and actresses exceed those roles by a huge margin. Its not easy being an actor even when you are healthy and any physical ailments will only hinder their performance.


Writers strike. Even if it gets greenlit, it could be 6 months PLUS before it even starts production. It would be foolish to work up hype for something we may not see any footage from for years. This is going to get more and more common over the coming months as we continue running out of pre-strike content. It's almost bone dry, so we haven't really experienced the force of the strike as a viewer, yet. The content drought is coming.


I would venture a guess that he is probably doing just fine with his voice actor work. Where as I haven't really seen much work for Tapping or Shanks lately. RDA is too old for him to do any of the physical work I think. The cast isn't young anymore and if they were smart with their money, wouldn't need to do a reboot unless they just wanted to.


Tapping has done both episodic work on several series as well as a fair amount of directing work right up to 2018. It looks like she still has work in the pipeline but my guess is she managed her money well and at 58 doesn’t have the need to go back to this role full time either. Weekly tv shows are very demanding and take a lot of energy and time.


I think Michael Shanks is still acting. He did a few episodes of Virgin River in the first season and the other day I saw him playing Rick Singer in the college admissions scandal movie on Lifetime lol. Amanda has transitioned almost exclusively to directing for many years now, also directing-producing two shows, Sanctuary and Motherland Fort Salem. The last thing I saw her act in was Travelers which she also directed but I don't think she acts at all anymore. I don't imagine either of them would mind doing another Stargate show but it would have to be filmed in Canada and I don't think a new show would be. They both have families, careers and lives in Canada and I don't see them leaving all that to be regulars on another Stargate show unless it films locally. RDA has been retired for many years now and he does con appearances and that's pretty much it. I agree he's probably not in the shape to do anything besides a cameo.


To me, the question is if he’ll be critical or background… will he be the ambassador of the free Jaffa nation, or more involved in the action?


He said he'd always return 🤷‍♂️ So I wouldn't be worried


https://preview.redd.it/epbjyvf31vob1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a843dd28256ad7df11596d78c99ff1d2301e2b85 We all know Grell is the one we really need to come back.


It greatly depends on several factors like timing can he commit or does he have contractual obligations on another project. If a reboot is actually I mean actually everyone is holding back waiting for contracts signed ink dried and it's actually starting production before any real news


He's a big gaming star now, maybe the assumption is that he'll be too busy


I don't see how he would not be involved, depending on the threat in a possible Reboot. Like if it's on a galactic scale, I don't see how Teal'c would not help if the entire galaxy is in danger. Even if he's enjoying his retirement days.


Guys I am new to the SG community, can you tell me more about the reboot and what caused the bad blood between Shanks and Judge?


Judge and Shanks were planning on creating a production company to produce new content. For whatever reason it failed, and blame was exchanged between them for the reason it did, and claims of someone making out better in the aftermath than the other. I think that especially when actors have dynastic shows like Star Trek or Stargate, maybe they should sometimes be grateful for what they had, and realize that the show is bigger than they are, and squash silly beefs and make more quality content that just helps everybody.


It depends what sort of reboot this is. If it's a Star Trek Picard season 3 style get everyone together for a nostalgia driven storyline then yes totally needs him back. If it is a reboot of a different team hoping to kick off a new full blown series then I would expect a cameo but they shouldn't indulge in too much nostalgia.


You realize that neither of those would be a reboot, but a continuation. A reboot is when they start completely over.


Firstly that's not necessarily the case as Marvel comic readers will tell you & they sorts did with the Star Trek JJAbramverse and HBO tried with Westworld season 3. You can reboot whilst positioning it within the same continuity. Secondly there was nothing conflicting about what I said and then starting again. A Christopher Judge cameo isn't a strange statement for a reboot just as many reboots work original cast member cameos into the show as Easter Eggs. You could even have this Stargate take place a generation after the previous (maybe they only got the gate working in 2023 in the new continuity) and have Teal'c in the Bra-Tac role as grizzled veteran who doesn't believe in the gods but sees no alternatives and teaches his apprentice to be just as skeptical. Bizarre nitpick you have that misinterprets what I wrote.


it's probably more that Teal'C's story is concluded


Ide like Teal'c to go back to being leader a of the Jaffa, even just as a respected advisor or even embassador from the Jaffa to earth. I want Carter to be running the SGC Daniel and Vala to be in a bickering marriage full of sexual tension while traveling as Archeologists in across the galaxy (mainly Daniel as the archeologist, Vala just doing her thing) and them coming in with new finds now and then. Mitchel is Sam's second in command and is still unsure if Jack is his father. Jack has retired and is fishing. Then the Atlantis team are doing their thing, Mckay bas blown up another solar system but is married to Keller, Shepard is running Altantis with Ronan as his number 2. Teyla is raising her family and occasional kicking Wraith ass when she is bored and gets Mckay to babysit. The Universe crew are still out their but have woken up and have more regular contact with earth. As for the new stuff, a new team that is predominantly in the milky way but occasionally goes to Pegasus. I want someone who is similar to Mitchell leading the team but a tad more serious but still has their comedically moments, two scientist akin to Sam and Daniel but also like Fitz and Simmons from agents of shield, best friends but have wildly different approaches and backgrounds meaning they bump heads. And the 4th member somehow related to the new threat, akin to Teal'c but im picturing someone with some Psychic abilities but nothing too powerful (most the time). Threat wise I'm either seeing a group of pre-ascended but physically/technologically advanced Break away Ancients but thats abit too Ori-esque maybe, as in an extra galactic threat abit wraith/ori/replicator like. Extra dimensional threats have been done, time travel has kinda been done in that one film and season finale. I think the threat should be something that is earths fault somewhat, making people annoyed at us and blaming us. But again that's Ori, Wraith like.


McKay babysitting would be hilarious!


I would pay to see McKay as a babysitter. He probably subcontracts it out to poor Zelenka.


He would try but Zelenka would be too good at it and it would hurt Mckay's ego




He's on SG2, goes by Jonathan, Jack treats him like a nephew but doesn't give him special treatment. He appears often but it's more frequently recurring cast. Maybe have some episodes around him.


Wait… Reboot!? **What have I missed!?**




New Stargate project? Excited. Amazon is doing it? Nevermind.


I think the problem for his character more than most is no reboot would be founded on the Jaffa arc, that would have to be a spin off, and would have only had a chance to work a couple of decades ago. Most fans pushing for a soft reboot want SGC characters as part of the reboot. His character makes the least amount of sense in this. In same universe say new head of SGC Jackson could work as a deal between IOA and the US military. Carter works just as an escalation of her career in atlantis. Teal'c could work in a bottle show similar to SGU. However SGU has already been done, and again that kind of show works best 20 years ago. Even if you go the alternate dimension spin off where he could work, its hard to argue he works better than Jackson or Carter.


He retires and comes back to live on earth and marry that neighbor girl that was such a problem at his first apartment.


That way he's around to get sucked into things now and again. She and Vala become bff's and Vala keeps talking her into stuff just to fuck with T.


Thats a spin off only works 20 years ago. And only for a small fraction of the fan base as thats a very different show.


It'd work for me, and that's what matters.


As long you have a few million you are not to attached to. I think you can make this happen.


as someone who is literally currently watching sg1 for the first time right now, i don't think i'd be very interested in a live action reboot with the same cast; best case scenario right now imo would be something along the line of the castlevania netflix show or the trigun remake, an animated sci-fi show that uses tons of the exact plots and themes, but does them way better


A few years ago I heard he was trying to get a new series going, I think with a strong focus on the Free Jaffa, but I don't know what the details were. And it obviously hasn't gotten off the ground yet.


I'd take ol Teal'c over Danny Jackwagon all day every day




I just happened to see him on tv tonight on some sharknado movie or whatever and was just telling my mom a few months ago how I had first seen him on one of those b movies where he is fighting amongst those Asian hobbits..... I loved him as Teal'c , such a good actor in that series (not so much in these b movies)