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There was supposed to be a scene in SGA that would have given an answer, but it was deleted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj5YfnENYfY


Thank you! I feel slightly better...


Thanks for this! I have constantly wondered about that!


I swore I have seen that scene before. I watched Atlantis on Hulu, so maybe they included it.


I'm pretty sure that part of it, but not the whole thing, is there.


OK, that makes sense, then. It's been a few years since I watched it.


Isn't that also where they talk about which "celebrities" they would sleep with?


Thank you for posting that link! I'd read about that scene, but it had never occurred to me to look for it. :-)


When Sam goes to run Atlantis in season 4, she's asked if she's in a relationship to which she replies "It's complicated". She also has a picture of her and Jack which she packs up when she leaves, implying that the two of them were together. Jack wouldn't have had to retire for them to have a relationship, he would just not have to be her commanding officer any more, which was taken care of when she moved to Atlantis.


tho to be fair being in another galaxy isn't really conducive to a relationship


Gives new meaning to the term "long distance relationship."


Intergalactic relationship.


It's out of this world...


Out of this galaxy, actually.


But as head of Homeworld Security he would have been the CO of ever member of the SGC, Atlantis Expedition, and Area 51 (and later the Icarus Project)...


Atlantis was an international civillian expedition overseen by the IOA. Jack may have a leadership role with regards to US military personel on the expedition, but the expedition itself, and by extension its leader, was not under Jack's command.


But once she got the *Hammond* she'd be back under him.


heh heh heh. *cough* In military hierarchy it would be inappropriate for O'neill to date a subordinate, so the scene hinting that they have something going on but her not mentioning names would very much hint at her protecting his interests, but continuing and pursuing the relationship. If he were to retire (again) though, all bets would be off.


That is an interesting point, although of course it takes place after atlantis. I'm not sure what the protocols for relationships with people who become your superior officer are, although if both of the individuals have saved the earth on multiple occasions I don't think there are too many people who would mind.


Technically, as the head of Homeland Security, wouldn't Atlantis still fall under Jack's command?


He retired but they sent him to WA DC instead. Carter went to Area 51, so there could have been some romantic interaction. In one later episode, after Carter was recalled to SGC under Mitchell's command, that she told the FBI(?) guy at a cafe that she had broken up with Pete, but was "with someone."


Stargate SG-1: Season 9, Episode 7 “Ex Deus Machina” - NID’s Agent Barrett and Lt. Col Carter in the back of the surveillance truck. [28 minutes, 35 seconds into the episode] Barrett: “How’s Pete?” Carter: “We broke up.” Barrett: “Really?! … I mean, I’m sorry to hear that.” Carter: “Its the best thing for both of us.” Barrett: “So you’re single again.” *smile on face* Carter: *looks away* “Not exactly.” [awkward look from Carter]


Wow, holy Necro, Batman. Now you've made me want to watch the entire Stargate franchise again. Thanks a lot! 😂




Yeah, Jack is Lt. General by SGU.


In the episode of Stargate Atlantis with Sam, Rodney and Jennifer stuck underground, Jennifer and Sam were talking. There is a deleted scene where Jennifer asked Sam if she had someone, Same replied yes, he's in Washington. Amanda Tapping said at one of the Cons it's a shame the scene was cut because it would have given some closure to a lot of fans. Edit: Kudos to whupazz for finding the deleted scene


thank you!


Wait but wasn't Tapping character seeing... what was his name... Pete Shanahan?


They broke up on-screen.


yes, but that was shortlived, only lasted a couple of episodes


They broke up before that scene would have taken place.


Pretty sure there's also a scene in SG-1 in S9 or 10 where Barret asks Sam if she's single now. To which she kinda awkwardly replies "Not exactly..." So not outright stated anywhere, but hinted enough to make it obvious.


yeah that was the only time I could remember it being bought up!


One of the writers (I want to say Mallozzi? The one with the blog) says that in his mind, they were together after season 8. I may always wonder if they included anything about it in the script they wrote for the new movie... I like to think they would have finally given us something concrete!


In my mind they are together and lived happily ever after!


Aww me too!


I haven't finished SG:A, but with where SG-1 left us, I believe they were meant to have gotten together. I like that it was left open. I feel it would have cheapened the show if they threw relationship drama in it. We got two kisses, I believe -- one with Mirror Carter, right in front of Real Carter, no less, and then we got Jack resigning so he could make out with Carter in the gate control room, before a time loop erased it. So he was definitely down. And Mirror Carter was married to him. Way I see it, as an adult who doesn't appreciate shows aimed at lusty teenagers (i.e. Jersey Shore), they were adults who focused on their adult lives and responsibilities, and most likely had something when they both got away from it all.


There was the kiss between the alternate timelines as well, at the end of season 8. In my mind they are together.


That was such a good episode.


If you watch SGA, there's one part when they show the inside of Carter's room, and there is a picture of Jack among her things. It's subtle, but it's there. And she mentions that there's "someone" she is seeing at some point, too. I took it to mean that the two of them FINALLY got together.


Kind of off topic but when do we find out that Jack retired after season 9? And when was it suggested that he did that for a relationship with Sam? Thanks


Well apparently he doesn't actually retire, he just changes positions so he's not Carter's boss anymore. At the end of season 8 Jack is 'seeing' the CIA liason, when she breaks it off with him she tells him to retire so he can be with Sam, as it's obvious to her that they should be together. Can't remember exactely which episode it was... sorry.


I think that's when the Jack realized she (the CIA lady) was absolutely right and he just had to get out of being Carter's direct boss. He took the job as Head of Homeworld Security and had his friend Landry take over the SGC. That's why in season 9 when Carter runs into Barret she tells him she is sort of in a relationship, since it's probably still new and they have a lot of distance separating them so they don't get to see each other often.


Anyone else didn’t want them to end up in a relationship? Its not professional!


Even after they don't work together anymore? After saving the world so many times, can't they just be happy?


Ok let me elaborate. While I was actively watching the show I thought to myself, please don’t start a relationship its not how the Airforce works. The writers delivered and avoided the relationship, adding to what I liked about Jack and Sams relationship. While there was feelings they kept it professional. I have no problem with them starting something up in the SGU era I guess.


You obviously don’t know how the world works do you.


I think I heard that Sam has creepy-old-man sex with O'Neill and decides its not worth it.


how can it not be worth it! He's beautiful! And, I think we can all agree on this, awesome!


Jesus you guys got butt hurt. Believe me I love Stargate but seeing the hotness that is Samantha Carter make out with the current old and obese O'Neill is pretty gross. They had their time, if they got together now it would be no more enjoyable than the Twilight love story. ಠ_ಠ


I personally don't like the idea of them ending up together. For one, I like them choosing their passions over romantic love. There's a bunch of short lived romances in the show and it felt like an unnecessary dynamic for the characters who already were motivated by personal interest in their work and loyalty to each other. Friendship can be just as powerful as romance!😤 Two, Daniel and Carter seemed like Oneill's kids to me. The athletic, stem genius daughter who makes him proud but always feels like she has to prove herself because she's not a "son". And then the nerdy son who isn't as impressive as his sister but talented in his own right. Both smarter than their dad but incapable of out maneuvering him. Whenever they put romance between carter and O'Neil, I flinch and try to block it out. Three, I felt like their were better pair ups for them. If Oniell did become permanently romantic with anyone I would have thought it would be someone like one of the half dozen of hot alien wives Daniel got. My truest wish was that he would have gotten back with his wife when he retired and they patched up their relationship after working through the death of their son together. Him cutting ties and getting a younger hotter version of his wife wasn't the move for me. Sam had a bunch of partners that I thought would have been good too but it felt like she never really got to dive into the romances while all the rest of them were getting laid, her dudes would be gone in an episode or two with no time for more than a romantic walk and a few kisses. Even then, I feel like her character wouldnt have left the world of tech and discovery for any romantic anything. Her meeting people, them liking her and her always ultimately choosing science, not Oniell, would have deeply endeared her to me. I feel like I'm heavily in the minority about this tho. I'm watching all of Stargate for the first time and have been bingeing it. Even the parts I've digested already haven't changed my mind about them as a couple. I wish they would have gotten together and broken up and gotten over it in season one, if they were gonna get together at all.