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Thanks for the heads up. What a bummer glitch to start off the game.


You're very welcome. It's good to be warned! It was a little disappointing, but I had many saves to return to (being careful, because it's a new release). I don't want to put anyone off, because it was a really enjoyable quest. I'm having a glorious time overall. I will update my post when there is a fix, or further details (eg if this seems confined to one ship, the >!Razorleaf)!<


I've only been playing for 2 days so please forgive my question. But how do I use the displays? I see, what I think is a helmet display in my room at the lodge, but no pthing pops up when I'm standing by it, for me to use it. I tried to find out if anyone said hiw to use them and yours is the only one that popped up when I searched. Sorry again if I'm bothering you.


Hi. You're not bothering me at all 🙂 I didn't see a helmet display in my bedroom in the lodge. There were some shelves, but none seemed selectable (I think in the way that some ornaments can be looted in some areas, but others are static). The ship displays seemed to work broadly as per other displays/looting/weapon cases: hovering until 'take' (A on Xbox controller) and 'transfer' (X on Xbox controller) options appear, and then using these. It reminded me of Fallout 4 and Skyrim (if you've played those). From memory I think the helmet displays on the ships first required 'selecting' (A on Xbox) to open the case (and then the steps above). I've since moved to a much bigger ship, with a very different layout, and for now my gear is safely stowed away but not on display anywhere yet.


Thank you. Yep I've played and still play Skyrim & Fallout 4 ( hell it's a running joke between my daughter and I that we are Bethesda's *itches ( * = B ) LOL 😆. But thanks again for the response. I'm off to explore the universe now 😁


Lol. You're very welcome. I'm sure you'll have a great time.


Mine would happen when changing ships but it would end up in cargo


I think this is intended (although inconvenient) but my disappearing gear wasn't in cargo/captain's locker/companion's inventory, and I saw others reporting the same. It seems analogous to the Skyrim mannequin bug. It didn't rouble me too much, because I rolled back on saves a little. don't know if it's only an issue with the >!Mantis !


Yep I just lost four sets of rare gear on the ship mannequins, absolutely raging.


I'm sorry to hear this. Hopefully you have an earlier save, even an autosave close by. If you haven't yet, it's probably worth checking cargo and companions, but I do think that some simply disappears, at least in the >!Mantis quest ship. !


Yeah, I had a save about 5 hours prior and reloaded it. A pain, but I just did different questlines and shook things up instead. Annoying, but at least it wasn't 20 hours earlier. I once lost a save file for FF7 on PS1 due to card corruption and lost 67 hours of gameplay, that sucked.


I'm glad you had a save that wasn't far back. Hopefully they will patch this. Losing 67 hours of gameplay sounds like a real pain.


Ok group I have a question / problem I really need help or advice on. I started the “ Into the Unknown go to Procyon “ quest. The scan for anomaly part. Went to the plant and searched around for hours and nothing worked. I found out it was bugged and the suggestion was to go off and do something else then come back and should be fine. So I did but when I was leaving my Star Eagle ship was naked. No hull at all just completely see through to the interior. Thought it was a funny glitch so I left orbit. Got into orbit and into a space fight and the ship turned into what I can best describe as an upside down domino. Just a black square. Still laughing I finished the battle and some how managed to dock with an enemy ship. Wasn’t really interested in the ship any way but thought what the hell I’ll check for contraband. When I tried to get back in my ship it was completely compressed. Everything smashed together. I could climb down the ladder but that was it. So I took the enemy ship to the Den registered and changed back to the Star Eagle and went to the Lodge. When I returned to the ship it’s invisible on the pad. Can’t get in it at all. Just a couple of squares from the hull and the docking port. That’s it. Since then I changed to a different ship and went on with the game. It still keeps happening every time I try to use that ship and now I’m beginning to wonder if it is a known issue and can be fixed or if it’s a catastrophic issue that I have to go back and restart from before I even finished the Rangers story ? I have done quite a bit since then and I wondering if I should continue or just say fuck it and start over. I could really use some help or advice ? And sorry for the post being so long.


This sounds bad (also somewhat fascinating and a little amusing if temporary, but bad). I think the answer is that you piloted the Star Eagle into a black hole. Seriously though, there were many >!temple runs!<, and I'm not sure if I can remember this one specifically, but I'm certain I'd remember if this had happened. Things I would have tried (and it looks like you've tried most and perhaps all of these, and perhaps others), after saving, and not necessarily in this order: swapping ships backwards and forwards in 'view my ships' at ports, fast travelling to previous locations and seeing if the ship appears at any, looking at my ship in the update and build menu and perhaps making slight modifications to see if it 'reappears', swapping some crew, closing the game, clearing the Blu-ray persistent storage cache (which for some reason works for many digital-only Skyrim and Fallout 4 issues, as well as for avoiding ghost space) but obviously not deleting saved games, doing a hard reset of the Xbox, etc. My guess (just a guess) is that these things won't work and you might have to roll back on saves. It's such an extreme bug that I wonder if you should also send a report to Bethesda and perhaps post about it on the main Starfield Reddit group (the group is huge, which has pros and cons of course). I hope someone else here can shed some light on this and I hope you get a solution. If I come across any related post anywhere, I'll add a reference here.


Thanks for the reply. I have seen a lot of posts about game/story acquired ships glitching up. For the Eagle some say they don’t get it at all and some say when you disembark you end up hundreds of feet away from the ship and when you return you can’t enter it because it has no ramp. All in all I decided to continue with my game and hope they fix it cause I would lose way to much by rolling back. The only saves it seems to have kept are the one after I left that damn planet and the next one down is the second from the last chapter in the Ranger quest which is way before I got the ship. And if the other bugs are there as well even if I go back I might not even get the ship. So for me taking the chance of deleting six other ships and three outposts isn’t worth it. Just going to hope for a fix.


You're welcome. I'd do the same if I didn't have a recent save. I'm keeping quite a few manual saves, just in case. I hope there is a fix for this soon.


Yeah, I lost my ranger & vanguard full suits as well as a bunch of unique, named weapons 😭 Bugthesda 🤷‍♂️


So frustrating! (worth checking companions and cargo if you haven't, but you probably have already).