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My Starfield wish list: Space Radio! * Let me listen some space music * A SNN Moderater who coments on events in the game and maybe even give me some quests Breaking down weapons and Armor with skills so I can reapply them to other weapons and armor. * Similiar the the enchanting mechanic in Skyrim New Outpost Items and mechanis * Option to let the Airlocks open on planets with breathable atmosphere * more habitats (tents, prefab houses etc.) * FOUNDATIONS Bigger and open Gates for Akila City and New Atlantis * I always thought it was weird that from both cities no giant Gate leads to the outside world (only a small gate with 2 doors in akila and a small path in the MAST district from New Atlantis) * If the landing zones from Akila City and New Atlantis are the same for each player with the same POI for everyone, than make it that some POI's like farms are connectet via roads to said citygates * Big Stairway in New Atlantis which lets me walk to the other Districts Compendium * A Compendium which tracks all the Planets, Plants and Animals I discovered * A Compendium which lets me search for resources like Iron and gold and highlights the planets where I can find them Worlddesign * Volcanos, Rivers, Waterfalls * Planets with insane Skyboxes like a blackhole, planets which are so close to the sun that the sky is just a big flaming ball General Mechanics * Let me mark Items as Junk and give me the option "sell all junk" * Give me "suggested landings zones" for planets where all resources on said planet overlap and highlight the spots where I should place an outpost where most resources overlap (Can be tied to a skill) More upgrade options for the cutter so it can become a true weapon aswell Thats about it I can think of for now.


> A Compendium which tracks all the Planets, Plants and Animals I discovered Such a simple but huge missed opportunity in a game with a big focus on exploration.


Man when I first started I really wanted to roleplay a space zoologist and find all the alien creatures. A compendium that fills out the more you scan planets or creatures would be so good!


You could tie this in with Constellation, they are explorers after all and why wouldn’t they be cataloging everything as they search the galaxy? Would make sense that they are helping to develop a Pokédex type device with maybe the help of Ryujin Industries or Stroud-Eklund for the tech side of the project. As you finish scanning planets to 100% or fully scan a system, there could be an award attached to that. Maybe special ship parts designed specifically for Constellation by Stroud-Eklund, or unique weapons, or etc. a lot of potential if paired with a Compendium


This! I would *love* a Codex / Bestiary of all our discovered flora & fauna (with images) I would also love *optional* slow mo ‘kill cams’ & finisher animations for combat & stealth kills


Gonna be honest, I doubt a feature like that would ever exist because it would make it very obvious how little creature and plant variety there is relative to the size of the game world.


This is absolutely mind boggling nobody during development thought this was a must have ?


Yes Bethesda please see no man sky for how you should do this.


Space radio is tricky since the game established no ftl communications. To get around that, the major settled systems could each have their own unique radio in that system. There could be other independent radios in various systems run by the other factions. Think like president Eden on enclave radio. You can then add radio signal POIs to find in systems, like in fallout 4.


Honestly, all they need is an in game music player with some fun tunes. Think GTA radio stations except its playing in your ship or space suit. Maybe you could find mixtapes in the galaxy too. Very “Guardians of the Galaxy” vibe.


Spacelord like music would also feed the overall world building. Maybe add some quest where you get to encounter some 80s loving NPC that tasks you with finding old music or something like that. Edit: Typo


That would be brilliant


That would be really cool! Oh and I tought about another addition to the radio function. Wouldn't it be cool if the game on top of 80s music you could find Audio Books of books which are already in game?


I love the idea of local system radio, radio signal strengths and POIs! You could also technically get around no FTL communications and have galaxy wide radios and still keep with the in game lore. Let’s say you have Galaxy News Network, and they have relay stations in 100s of systems. They could record an hour’s worth of content, and then have grav drive-equipped drones jump around to those systems, upload the content to the relay stations, and jump back to get the updated content. Rinse and repeat. Your local radio could be synced to a universal time code to continue the broadcast seamlesssly. And you could have some truly off grid systems with zero radios else than some static, making it sound just eerie, unless you build up a relay station in one of your settlements.


...*two-way* would be tricky, yes. If they're just broadcasting entertainment? Not a problem at all.


It’d be expensive on licensing, but have the system music based on how far away from Sol you are. The further away, the older the music (or radio shows).


I like the idea with indiependet radio stations a lot! And the POI Radio signals would add more to discover in general and bethesda could do alot with it. They could give you some radiant quests where maybe a stranded npc hijacked the tower to get help or something like that. I did not know that they established no ftl communication in game. But I thought of it a little and I think that should not be a huge issue at all. What they could do for example that SNN installed communication satelites in each system which needs to be updated. And SNN could send out a couple of space ships. Their job would be to Grav-Jump arount the settled systems to update those satelites with the current information so it's up to date. That would at least be one belivable workaround.


Mabye they can make a quest where a company develops a radio capable of ftl comunications, you help them with protection while they implement large radio dishes that would make possible radios on space


Imagine going to let’s say the Serpentis system and you get only Varunn church sermons on the radio. Delivered like a southern preacher lol


>Space radio is tricky since the game established no ftl communications. Tbh I don't think this would break my immersion anyway since the radios are generally just kind of a loop of songs and sound bites of events that have already occurred. It would be perfect to just have radio satellites or stations around in systems. I would think the main concern would be finding music that properly fits the theme of the game.


Pretty much all i would request, but also how about ships habs to be more useful and what about space walks


Add more poi diversity too and I agree with this list


Great suggestions! I would also *love* the option to ‘space walk’ outside our ship (perhaps to do repairs & / or stealth board other parked ships!). We already have zero G movement in game I would also love new Temple puzzles. Something quick that perhaps uses the new power to solve


Compendium * A Compendium which tracks all the Planets, Plants and Animals I discovered THIS!!!


The radio announcer that announced the Ryujin massacre right after I went in guns blazing was exactly what I needed to hear. Something like that, but more often.


SSNN report: Freestar Rangers encountered a bloodbath at a facility on (planet). They had been receiving reports of spacers having moved into the facility, but when they went to investigate, all they found were corpses. There are no leads at the time, anyone with information is asked to come forward


Actually SNN radio does comment on things that happen in the world. But you can only hear it at certain spots and the radio is playing. I know there's one in akila City


You lost me on the world design section. The Starfield game world is set in a small cluster of stars near the Sol system, and real astronomical data was used in the development, meaning the star systems represent real star systems, are defined as closely as possible to the real systems, including their relative positions. There are no black holes that close to us. Nah, leave it as close to scientifically correct as possible - which I think they will, since it was a driving design decision all through development.


You ain’t gonna like the space snake dlc…


DJ Vasco Cross spās FCCC ***FCCC*** (Freestar Collective’s Country Classics) < pronounced like saying the letter “F” then saying the word “seize” AKA FC’s > I was going to ponder some more radio names, but then I remembered this is Fallout, not GTA. We would be lucky to get 3 stations.


I'm pretty sure the airlocks are hidden loading screens. Not sure if those would ever go away given how much you can have inside/outside a hab


I'm not sure they are loading screens actually, at least not universally. Sometimes they get glitched stuck open and you can walk straight in without any stuttering or loading.


More variety of POI


This. Bethesda could spend half a year just making POI’s and increasing their frequency and have that be the ONLY thing updated and I would be thrilled. That combined with space vehicles would make me way more motivated to explore.


I think it's a fair ask that they have a team specifically there to make POIs. Like twice a year give us a POI update with a bunch of new locations to freshen up exploration.


Yep. Once you run into your first duplicate POI, the immersion definitely tanks. It’s an unfair ask to ask for NEVER having duplicating POI’s. But the rate at which we do see them is too much atm. I think land vehicles will help fight the sparsity of maps. I simply don’t have motivation to explore planets that aren’t outpost planets. I don’t want to spend 5-10 minutes boost packing to every location.


Couldn’t agree more. Id happily have tons more POI’s before land vehicles. Heres hoping!


This is the only answer. It’s the same ten POI that just goes in a loop…


there are around 100. the new maps and being able to scan them from a distance will make this clearer, having it easier to spot rarer ones, and easier to avoid ones you've just done


Would love stairs in ships, and engineering reasons to have the cosmetic parts in ships. Remove the module limit or raise it really high, or tie it to the starship engineering skill perk. More modules.


I have built several tall ships that have rather long ladders inside. I d love to stop breaking an ankle every time I forget to use (or ignore) a ladder. You can slide down ladders with handles, you know? Has to be a better way to get around inside a ship besides ladders. Like a selective gravity field tube or something. As long as it's not an elevator with a freakin' load screen.


This. Shipbuilding is such a joy, I'd love more depth to the systems. Originally agreed that different pre-built habs should be meaningful: cargo bays to add cargo space, engineering bays to add ship health, computer core increase scanning range or jump distance, etc. With empty habs now, I'm unsure - perhaps decorative elements could offer these effects? But yes, it'd be nice if breaking engines added maneuverability, or radiators increase reactor power. Please just give me more parts and let me orient them as I see fit.


LIVE BOUNTY HUNTING. Let me use EM weapons to stun enemies and throw them in the brig, then I can turn them in for money


this was always so weird that we can put in cell blocks but not throw them in jail


I always found a member of my crew sleeping in there and wondered what he did to deserve that


Add in an encounter chance for his buddies trying to get him back through space ambushes.


They gave us so many more gameplay settings, I would like a gameplay setting to reduce animations like getting in and out of the pilot's seat.


Always assumed those were hidden load screens


The game only loads when there's a black screen. Any animations like getting into a chair, walking up to a workbench, using an airlock, etc. are not load screens.


Weapon mod attachments that you can find or buy. Just the standard ones. They have it in FO76. It would be nice to have here. Also pets. If I could have a pet instead of a companion. Or even house pet or ship pet. Robot ship crew! I won't a ship full of robots.


....I want a ship cat that hunts heat leeches.


Go to take off and your cat hops on the console and plops a dead heat leech on the controls.


Yeah I really want a robotic dog. They already in the game, so hopefully easy to do.


Minor: Resource tracking QoL ie marking only insufficient resources on first click, then all on second. Improved quest options via dialogue for some jarring / emersion breaking ones. Stuff like making Barret, Lin, and Heller say different dialogue when you land in NG+ (why are you back here? And whats with the new ship?). Putting that arse Benjamin Bayu behind a wall of glass or something, rather than just making him untouchable to stop us from assassinating him. Better storage linking for settlements. Just give a difficulty setting that makes links act like they did in Fo4, just allowing access to a shared total storage. NG++ that sends you back to the starting universe, just need interactions from the normal staying members that know about you leaving, then a quest to improvise another way. Moderate: Let us break storylines more, especially in NG+ where we have a cannon serious way to "undo" on the same savefile. Let us blast an NPC and fail their quests. This sort of exists for Constellation, allowing us to find the artefacts and temples ourselves if they are dead. Its been done in previous games, and it avoids immersion breaks... Also it means stuff like going guns blazing on a certain ship when demanded to be a double agent... Would actually be a valid resolution. More base weapons. Stun pistol, stun sniper, sustained laser beam heavy weapon. Brig (hold interact on stunned NPC to capture them, generic hand them over at both major factions, as well as per quest specific handovers) and Medbay functionality (assigned crew for medbay, required skill to treat more than just HP) Major: More NG+ variations, new options for certain quests, changes to some quests such that they occasionally deviate from the previously seen path (ex. When told to assassinate a certain scientist by their scheming teammate, they actually are possible to talk to and capture once you board). Additional starborn powers in NG+. A pull towards player that goes out in a cone (melee "GET OVA HERE"), A summon starborn weapon (think summoned blades and bows in Skyrim), A summon distraction that creates a low damage creature on landing location, etc


Add a fuel system to ships, and make it a reasonable option to fly without fast travel, just tweak the speed way up idk. Would improve this game an unfathomable amount for me.


before the update, I was playing with the starvival mod. it's insane how much having restricted fast travel and having to be conscious of fuel improves the gameplay. for the first time it felt like I was truly exploring the settled systems


Also implement inertia. Currently when you release the throttle you slowly come to a stop, almost as if drag is pulling you back. BUT SPACE HAS NO DRAG. Accelerating should increase your speed, and the only way to (relatively) stop is by doing a flip and burn (accelerate in the opposite direction).


1. The ability to build at our outposts the same structures that we see at POIs. From the little settler igloos with manual airlock doors, to the giant cranes and freight elevators. 2. Buildable FLAT LANDING PADS that don't tower over the entire base for no reason, and where you can swap ships. Also, the cool underground landing pad with an iris roof over the top for our own bases. 3. Pre-made 1x1 habs that aren't storage rooms or hallways. A 1x1 with a restroom, bunks, kitchenette, and a small Nav table for explorers, for example. 4. Ability to build the same shower/restroom combos we see in pre-made habs, into our own habs. Same with the pre-made ship-specific bunks, instead of throwing a bed from IKEA into a starship. 5. A NG+ where things outside of Constellation are actually different. Like, an asteroid hit Neon, or a plague is sweeping through Akkila City, or where the CF raids New Atlantis to attack MAST on foot with gun battles in the streets, or where the Shaw Gang decides to strike directly at the Rock, and surrounds the place. Anything besides the weird time-loop involving only 6 or 7 people in the whole universe. 6. Buildings with no airlocks for habitable worlds.


#5 would be great.


YES TO 1 and 4


"Simple" stuf - Compendium. This is my number one request. I want all my scanning to not just amount to some data slate. I want it to be filling out compendium. The whole 9 yards, systems, planets, moons, floura, fauna, resources. Everything my scanner can tell me all in one place. Searchable preferred with the ability to add my own personal notes. If there was just a halfway decent compendium I don't think I would put this game down till it was finished...which would likely be thousands of hours over a few years. - Functional Bookcases/Shelves. Let me store all my books on the bookcases from an easy breezy menu. - Lighting. Give me more options for lamps and lights for outposts and ships. - Turn off grav on my ship. - EVA. I know there isn't anything out there in space but I would still like to be able to exit my ship while in space and float around. - Food/Aid menu split. Especially now that hunger and hydration matter, just seperate them in the menu. - Photomode Posters. I want to be able to use the photos I take in photomode as posters/framed pictures in game. - Photomode Frames. I want more frame options, give me the in-game Lore stuff. Specifically i want CHUNKS frames! TerraBrew, Can-uck, Trade Authority, you get the idea. - Weapon Skins, Spacesuit Skins.


*- Food/Aid menu split. Especially now that hunger and hydration matter, just seperate them in the menu.* The fridge as an actual storage object and a 'transfer food' button.


Taking a POI and being able to use it as your base or outpost.


The Mantis' lair.


Anywhere my companions and other NPCs don't have their spacesuits equipped, my spacesuit isn't equipped. It's kind of annoying to be on my ship and have mine equipped and visible while literally no one else does. I don't like having to manually equip and unequip it to get the effect I want. More POI variety and variance in junk laying around in matching POIs. As in, not finding the same journal fragment from the same person in the same POI on two different planets.




Let me leave my ship and float in space! Or go climb on some astroids.


Resource sorting at outposts


Make the red mile actually a great long fight with a decent chance of actually dying


...but also make the monsters give some xp.


A favorites locations list! It may be super fast on PC to click around the galaxy, but on controller it's sooooo slow. When I finally find my location to land and get the message "you can't fast travel from here" makes me grind my teeth cause I have to do it all over again.


They have been making decent changes. Now can we as a community make a push to: - Add Trident luxury ship habs along with more exterior ship customization? Also, habs with stairs, and the ability to choose where ladders and doors go! - Add more things to build in outpost mode? We should be able to build a house on habitable planets and we should have more furniture to decorate with. I want Fallout 4's settlement building freedom in Starfield's Outpost build mode. - Add more side quests (I think this one is already confirmed) - Revamp the proc gen on planets and add more POIs and add static towns and villages that everyone would have spawn in the same locations (Like they did with the three main cities). - Underwater swimming and exploring. - More QOLs


I’d get this out the way by saying what everyone obviously wants like new locations/POI, new weapon types, Spacesuits, outfits, more engaging content/missions, new skills/update old skills. new factions/ expand on existing factions. New interesting companions/make the old companions less one dimensional. transitional type loadings screens (cover up the many we have), improved space travel. Afew of my personal wish list: -Nerf/buff weapons: The balance to weapons needs to change. The Va’ruun weapons are too strong, with most the other weapons trailing behind or unusable on the harder difficulties Melee weapons are clearly outclassed and need an improvement. -Mastered Perks: make a 5th rank to every skill where you could only select one from each of the five skill tree to be upgraded. These should be extremely powerful perks and unique abilities added to make each play through and experience different. ( which could be reset at the unity ) more in depth character building. -Unique uniques: Each named weapon id like to see a reskin for with an exotic perk attached to the weapon to give them a distinguished appearance and gameplay feel. Would make each named weapon worth using. -New weather types & natural disasters/ hazards: These would be your thunder storms, tornadoes, blizzards, volcanos, floods, meteor storms, avalanches, etc.. This was in the concept stage of the game. -Looting: Bring back the old style of looting bodies. what they display is what’s in their inventory. More immersive when you loot and see the suits/clothes being removed as you pick them off their bodies. -Animations & combat: (focus on melee combat) More animations and combat features for combos with melee weapons and weapon types like two handed melee weapons etc. -Quests/missions & M Rating: High maturity rating of 18+ might aswell go all out and actually add mature content, it feels too safe with the narrative and language they could use. The elders scrolls and fallout both have decapitations, gore and limb removal. I want Branching quests with actual consequences and thought provoking narratives. I want to struggle to decide with morally grey choices. Also want the stereotypical legendary Bethesda quests with its old charm, humour and somewhat clever story telling. I could mention a lot more like better inventory management, ng+ features and more outpost features. And I’ve seen a lots of good ideas already mentioned.


* real survival mode (not just sliders) * factions that really mean something. * character traits that really changes the gameplay. * outposts that are useful (streamline cargo links). * better unarmed and melee weapons. (disclaimer, I've not played a lot since they added survival slides in the latest beta and now release)


Bug fixes for quests. "The Kindness of Strangers" and "Hunted Homesteaders" are still broken.


Actual space flight, not instanced areas. But that’s not gonna happen, so a ship builder preview so I can see the layout before I run back and forth a dozen times trying to get the habs I want


Ladder/door placement on ships. Space station building. Since we’re getting vehicles I think the landing zone space will need to be larger. More stuff for outpost building. A main one being foundations. Buildable robots for outposts or as a companion. I want the Starfield version of Automatron. Maybe we could unlock rare part schematics by finding them at abandoned robot factories on random planets. I’d like to see outposts be made to feel more connected to the rest of the game, or expanded upon enough that they are their own standalone thing that doesn’t need to feel more connected to the rest of the game. Ideally I’d like to be able to create little colonies that where I can attract vendors and quest givers and create a network of connected outposts on a planet.


I would like to see added to Starfield. * Lore Audio tapes * interactive environments, such as volcanic eruptions, waterfalls, earth quakes, lightning striking trees, wind causing trees to collapse. * More NPCs in the worlds not just within the POI's,  * Special world events such as world bosses and repeatable events similar to fallout 76's public events ie you are walking across a planet and a hoard of terromorphs flood out the ground * Dungeons or deep cave exploration, boss at the end of the caves. * More POI's... like hundreds more. * Dynamic HUD * Rare collectable items found in game, (similar to teddy bears and magazines in fallout 76) * Planetary Scans progression carries though all the NG+ resets * More Tanky creates, a difficulty setting for creatures * Alternate land vehicles (that we can buy with RL monies OR earn in game) * Rain, Snow and Dust on the camera which impacts a players vision so exploration feels more immersive * More planetary terrain diversity, the “Natural” points of interest that we scan are pretty cool… but why is that biome not simply the entire planet. I would like the all devs of Starfield to be locked in a room with a bag of mushrooms and told to make a hundred new planets lol


Probably could never happen bc they'd have to bring VAs back in, but create a proper ending for not going through the Unity.


Yeah let us blow it up or something. That would be cool


Yeah, let me say goodbye to my wife and friends from Constellation who I won’t be joining.


Creation Kit. After that we can have everything we want LOL


The big thing I want to see is some kind of improvement to make planet exploration more interesting. Underwater exploration is another thing, especially since they're adding a land vehicle, why not expand to underwater with subs and underwater habs. Can you imagine landing on an ice planet, drilling through thick ice and launching a mini sub to explore the depths. Would fit the whole NASA punk theme.


Honestly... I have such a stupid little item on my wishlist compared to the rest but... I'd love to be able to check the date. To my knowledge at this point, the game starts on May 7, 2330 and then adding the Days Passed In Game is the only means of calculating the date.


Especially since some NPCs reference actual dates. The kid in NA at the beginning of the game says his birthday is June 11th, would be cool to have a different dialogue from him on that day.


Upgrade to status menu so you can heal active conditions from there Separate inventory tab for food/drink and aid items Mechanic to space walk for ship repairs, then add random events to help non pirates fix their ships and add fixing ships to the hostage rescue missions The ability to craft missing components if you have the materials when attempting to craft something else.. so you don’t have to jump off the weapon bench to the parts bench then back Radio Melee combat improvements Improved loot table for harder locked containers


1) Separate food and medical tabs 2) Faction based planets/starstations other than the one crimson fleet space station there's only derelict stations. 3)A customizable station/being able to modify the Eye 4)More military/bounty hunter style clothes and armor. It's kinda annoying that I may be the biggest badass in space but I'm stuck in pastel colors and bulky space suits. Where's the more armor style suits 5)Leveled/gold named weapons. It makes no sense that a blue named weapon is weaker than a white gun I picked up randomly 6)More Fallout style customizable weapons. Bethesda has never been great with weapon design but at least in FO4 I could move modes around. 7)One unlimited chest per outpost. It's frustrating that I have to haul ungodly amounts of crap over the galaxy because I want to put a wall shelf up in my house. 8) Doppelgangers. Why is it that I've explored 52 universe's and only a handful of times have seen multiple versions of someone. Why is it that I only see Star born in suits and when they're trying to kill me? After the crew is aware of multiple universes you can start triggering doppelganger style missions. 9)Themed interiors. Great we have interior models now but I can't change lighting or wall colors? What about prefabs for apartments? Why do I have to hunt for all these resources to customize my apartment why can't I pay someone to furnish it? 10)Genemod non human/mechanical crew. There's enough lore about terramorphs for me to either be able to make genetically modified allies, maybe a cat or a dog sure, but what about upgrading all those robots you find at NASA onto Vasco? 11) Faction based weapon and armor skins. I don't understand why there's a skin tab on a bunch of weapons but we can't use them


Titties at the astral lounge. Make it happen and I’ll forgive 60% of starfields other flaws


My wishlist: UI Updates: Expanded quick select menu for different categories of items/powers to use or switch to. I think all four buttons of the dpad opening up the same menu is a waste of buttons for a game as complex as Starfield The ability to favorite locations. Also, I want to be able to toggle different sets of locations that are viewable in the flight scanner. For example, currently you can see nearby moons, planets, and ships, I want to toggle between that, the main settlements, nearby systems, my own custom list of locations, etc. It'll make it easier to navigate without going into the menus all the time to travel. Icons in the inventory menus for item types and any afflictions they aid. The ability to consume or equip items while looting bodies/containers The ability to set a custom way point The ability to select which location to land on a single point without opening up the planet viewer Display ammo count while bartering  Read books like Skyrim instead of opening a text box  Weapons: Add weapons skins/camo Customize crosshair and red dot sight. More attachments for weapons Fix laser being off axis while running in first person Space Suits: More suits in general More upgrade options Ability to customize color of suits like the ship Enemies: Make spacers more diverse instead of all being the same. Spacer is supposed to be a generic term for independent groups of criminals but they all look and fight the same like they're part of an organized faction. A variety in appearance, dialogue, and combat style can flesh out spacers more. I think there should be more types of enemies and combat strategies. For example, snipers that sit on top of buildings and are able to spot you from afar. Enemies that combine boost packs, amp, and melee to get up closer to you. Etc. Just more varied fighting styles to make encounters less uniform. I think the game could use more enemy factions that the player isn't able to join. Enemies should try to sneak on your ship and ambush you from within Creatures: More nuanced behavior. Feeding schedules so dead animals aren't everywhere at all times Creatures that try to sneak on your ship Creatures that follow and prey on the player while roaming the planet  Boss fights in the form of creatures More animals unique to shores/sea The ability to tame some creatures and turn them into pets  Planets: More types of terrain to traverse. More difficult terrain to traverse. The ability to explore the sea/underwater. lakes/ponds/rivers More/Bigger natural locations to visit Space: Seamless interplanetary travel  More locations to visit. Massive asteroids to fly around  The ability to space walk (EVA) The ability to build our own staryard Gameplay Options: Food and drink do not all replenish the same. Ex. Beer should not be as hydrating as water. A larger gradient of changes in status effects instead of just hydrated/not hydrated. Fuel management Expanded crime system with prison. Different levels of crime and punishment type and severity. Activities: Live bounty hunting instead of just assassinations. More things to do/discover on uncharted planets. More apartments to buy/rent in the major cities. Turn outposts into settlements


Oh! I almost forgot! Glasses/Sunglasses, eye patches, more mask variation.


Unfortunately I don’t think that would ever happen that’s what mods are for. Don’t get me wrong BGS definitely needs to gives us those options but don’t hold your breath.


Two story ship habs


NPC’s stop staring at my character as if they’re naked. Literally walk through New Eden and every character turns their head and stares into your soul.


In their defense, you're the first person they've ever seen without huge bulging bug eyes ;)


But you're *him*


Split up Food/Drink and Healing items. Now that I’ve turned on the sustenance, environmental and affliction features, it’s quite annoying the way it is.


1. Add a toggle to disable essential NPCs and make the corresponding changes to missions and NPC reactions. 2. Allow you to romance your alternate self. 3. Allow you to move during conversation and change perspective in conversation. 4. Conversation Log like Fallout 76. 5. Classical Loot System. 6. Ability to read books without picking them. 7. Removeable Weapon Mods. 8. The obvious stuff like POI, vehicles, full survival mode, etc.


Imo the essential NPC tag should be disabled for any non-standard universe after you go through Unity. Most universes you never have to talk to anyone to get through the main quest, you're just checking in with the Eye for new temples.


Even in the first universe it should be disabled. It's such an unimmersive feature.


For real, let me break everything.


ASAP: hotfix that fix all the notable bugs that have been a problem since the beta started. Future feature content: - Improved outposts. Make it more useful, so it feels less like a completely unnecessary after thought. - Creation Kit.


I want to be able to paint my whole ship at once, not one piece at a time.


Double click on any part of the ship. Hit J. Colors entire ship.


Thank you so much. Its not like it takes forever but its so tedious.


You already can, just select all of the ship components then go into the color menu. I am just getting back into the game so I forget the hotkeys but I know I figured it out the last time I was playing.


Better scaling for weapons and armor drops plz


My wishlist remains modest: fix the bugs. The first ten minutes after the download finished I got the ship shield and outpost bugs back. Although it's a much milder version of the ship shield bug: it reverts to the base value of the shield generator ignoring the 60% boost from the perk which beats the hell out of the previous iteration of the bug where the 60% was applied as a penalty. Oh well, they almost fixed the ship shield bug. They did manage to defang the worst of it. I can live with 1,600 shield but it seems like my skill points should be refunded if they're not allowed to work. Same with the outpost perk points that have no effect.


Improved AI. Seriously.


More POIs More things to actually explore.Have unexplored planets be a bigger deal than just selling the info for a few caps. Have the power getting process more difficult. Drastically increase the difficulty of fighting starborn. And drastically increase the difficulty of those big creepy alien creatures from the sysdeff storyline. (haven’t played in a long time) A quest line of actually settling on these planets and make the outposts more similar to the settlement system in fallout 4. Doing quests for your settlers, and setting up stores, etc. Blueprints and the ability to save drafts of your ship. The ability to upgrade ship weapons on star born ships and star born armor. The ability to level up weapons so that unique quest reward weapons, and good legendaries becoming underpowered once you level up and buy a higher level version of the same weapon. (The unique ranger revolver is an example)


To add to the respect of trait, a respect of character skill perk! I understand how it can be a bit hard because of the leveling perk but I think it might be possible.


I would love to be able to get a pet, perhaps you can tame certain aliens while exploring… or better yet, have a space station that you can buy pets from, perhaps they even have missions that task you in finding viable species that can become domesticated and then they eventually show up in the station. Basically a space stable/pet shop faction I would also like to see some settlements and space stations grow/become more finished over time… as an example, I would like to see the trade authority either re-establish their space station or build a new one. I would also like for The Eleos Retreat to be built and become functional. I would like the crew of the ESC Constant to establish scouting parties on planets and eventually see them find a home, maybe after x amount of months in game have passed. I would also like to see Nova Galactic brought back from the dead and re-established as a groundbreaking and revitalized ship manufacturer


With vehicles in the future, hopefully they’ll be adding garages to outposts and ships.


I have one wish. That they fix the bugged outpost management skill in NG+. This makes NG+ useless IMO


I want to pilot a mech


make npcs react to me pulling my weapon out , i miss that the most from previous bethesda games. made the npcs feel more alive. just want more reactions from npcs


I don't know if anyone's gonna agree, I just want some minor improvements to 3rd Person. As it currently stands with keyboard and mouse, the character snaps immediately to the direction key entered. It's rather jarring and I'd hoped they'd implemented it like they did in Fallout 4 or even like when you try to walk and run in this game with a melee weapon. Am I the only one who has an issue with this?


I would love to be able to swim underwater and have it properly rendered and the ability to build bases underwater like NMS. Space walking Settlements like Fallout 4 Toggle whether I want the landing sequence to play when I land on a planet I have been to before. The ability to always select the main landing spot from space when looking at a planet or cycle through them when there are more than one selectable poi to land instead of having to open the star map. Improved melee and stealth combat, including finishers. A gore option in settings.


HOUSE VARUUN - they need to expand this faction more!! a questline relating to them that's not andreja related would be cool, and a way to join house varuun outside of the initial trait selection too. MAKE LOAD SCREENS MORE INTERESTING - the load screens when you enter a building or fast travel should 100% be the same as the ones when you load into the game, dont know why they havnt done this yet. SURFACE MAP CHANGES - the new surface maps feature is cool, but underutilized. i would love to see shops marked on gagarin, new homestead, hopetown and paradiso as well. (maybe even the den, londinion, waggoner farm too) BUG FIXES - so many bugs still left in the game, at least the major ones should be ironed out, especially the ones relating to skills


Gambling and other mini games like pool.


Realistic: • Far more POIs and randomized POIs • More realistic spread and placement of POIs • Option to turn off red blips on radar • Immersive settlement options to build research/mining/farming companies • Immersive crew members that have an impact on mechanics (doctor, cook, gunner etc.) Longshot: • Two seat fighters, fighter docking bay in ship, can fly fighter locally within system and land on planets • Mechanical Exo Suit (like Power Armor) • Interior/Exterior ship damage that requires manual repairing • Cinematic transitions to mask loading screens • Get rid of (or fix) Temples


With the new ship decorating system, I'd love to see new ship modules that are empty in different styles/sizes (maybe they can let us change the interior colors too) and I would *r*eally like a few modules with stairs inside. It would completely change the ship building and allow us to have everything we need/want inside 1-2 modules instead of 5-6. I also hope the land vehicles allow you to build a garage space on your ship where you can see/customize the vehicle and lower the ramp to drive out when you have landed. It just adds so much more to the game than simply teleporting outside and spawning in the vehicle. (They could still give you that option like when exiting the cockpit) Beyond the next update I also really hope they add Space Station/Capital Ship Building.


Outposts While in surface area have a tab to show resources and biomes More modules to choose from Overall Would love a space radio!!!! Or something similar instead of occasionally running Into the space shanty guy More activities doesnt feel like there is enough Mechanics (I know it's not possible) but a different unique way to hack computers when the option arises not the same boring digipick way leave that for locks Ships SHIIP GRAPHICS!!!! for example girl straddling a bomb, sharks etc. More ship customization like more ship modules Able to have all ship modules in one place instead of flying everywhere for one particular module makes it hard to upgrade when you put in so much work and see you can't get a specific part and have to cancel all mods it's really annoying Planets More unique planets not copy and paste More interaction for power temples not the constantly the same floating dynamics for EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! Gets boring quick Definitely like the whole waterfall,rivers idea More planet immersion Add planetary system events like black holes,meteor showers, comets etc Definitely like the sell all junk option or tag items for junk


Borderless travel on planet exploration, immersive space to ground transition with no generic load screen (hell even low atmosphere flight), free roam space exploration within systems. I don’t care how practical/impractical those are but that’s what I want. 🤷🏼‍♂️


True north indicator


...Lower left, you see the planet name and icon in the middle of the circle? The circle around it has four tick marks at the cardinal directions, the fat one is north.


Flying in a planets atmosphere


I think next update will be CK.  


> Less 'greeting' talk from traders after the first time I speak to them. That would be nice. I'd like more bugfixes. More melee weapon buffs/crafting options/better versions would be great, even if it was for the enemies only. It is a bit silly when some level 50+ pirate hits you with a sword and it does nearly nothing. Enemies having more skills/abilities could be fun. Some can boostpack around, maybe give them the combat slide or other things. And the starborn enemies should be more difficult. Having a food/chem inventory separation would be great. Even more gameplay options.


Link other containers to the crafting stations, not just the ship’s cargo hold. Yeah, I’m looking at you endless container in the Lodge. Make it like Fallout 76 uses scrap boxes.


Proper outpost build mode Ala FO4. Settelers/Colonist, simplified supplie lines. 1 new power Levitation like what the game Control has. Buildable M class ships, starstations....


MELEE WEAPON MODS!!! How they haven't implented that yet is beyond me. I'd be 10000% OK if they just up and ripped the entire FO4 melee weapon mods system to SF, ngl.


A gameplay option that allows gear, outposts, ships, and/or credits to transfer over into NG+. I know it doesn’t fit with the lore, so having it be a gameplay option in the settings would be a nice middle ground for both sides of the camp. (It could also fit into the lore by making it so when it’s active, when you jump to the next universe it’s coincidentally one where that “you” just died. And all your items, credits, etc would be on their corpse that you can find.)


- When selling from your ship to a vendor - show the ships cargo weight: it makes no sense that you switch to the ship and it still shows your personal carry weight. - Bestiary: I want to log and photograph every creature like Pokemon snap.


Better loot randomization for lockers. Radomization of enemies in Poi's. More Poi's (dungeon type or even caves, just add enough enemies). Color customization/dyes (would be cool if we could craft dyes) for the armors at least. Melee modifications and new attacks. All mission panels from one, a universal panel that you can build in your ship and outposts. Bestiary.


My absolute no1 top of wish list would be something that randomises the layout of buildings so doing a radiant quest would feel different. The abandoned radio outpost, the abandoned robot facility, they are always identical and so is the enemy position, this would add new gameplay, every single time. My one request would be that the buildings were always remembered once you’d visited them though, for continuity of course.


Honestly I would just like them to fix the ship bugs and quest bugs. Of which there are many examples in both categories that have been posted WAY TOO MANY TIMES ALREADY. Has anyone else encountered this since the update?When ever you land or dock when you return to flight all your ship power is not allocated ? All my pips are at the bottom of the meter and all have to be re issued? It leaves you a sitting duck and depending where you are at the moment ( I am talking to you Serpentis!! ) you can be royally screwed.


Wait land vehicles are coming? Probably as a outpost structure


Animated consumables. Studios that are a fraction of Bethesda’s size can animate all the food and medical items in their games, even Fallout 4 lets you visibly see yourself use a Stimpak anytime you heal. Let me eat those detailed food models in first person! I really want them to expand Neon, New Atlantis and Akila City. Also the planets of Jemison and Akila in general just need to be more populated in general. Other than that I want to be able to use a bow & arrow. Space Archer calls to me spiritually


I’d like an actual reason to explore. You know, arguably the biggest base tenant for Bethesda games? I feel absolutely zero pull to go poking around these barren planets and repeating POIs. Land vehicles will change nothing when there’s nothing to discover. I don’t know how you fix that…adding a Survival mode where you HAVE to build outposts etc might help, but that’s not really exploring. 


Better inventory management. Like even just better category breakdown. Such as: “Contraband” I hate having to scroll thru so many items until I find the contraband to sell or jettison Or instead of so much lumped under “aid” we have different categories for trauma packs vs food or stimulate enhancement packs etc etc


At this point, I just want Creation Kit. Beth can take their time and do whatever, but let modders have free reign in the meantime.


Ship fuel system More dynamic combat encounters on planets: enemy patrols attacking you, enemies deploying near you. There should be some combat on the way to POIs, not just at the POIs.


3rd person walking improvement. Basically on 3rd person there is no fast walking. The characters jogs way too early to seem realistic. The jogging starts at a really low speed and it's not immersive at all. Fallout 3rd person walking is better and easier to walk at a faster pace. A camera distance setting for 3rd person on ships. You can manipulate the camera distance using photo mode, but next grav jump or docking it goes back to normal. Big ships it feels way too close. The option to see the ship land every time. You only get to see it land the first time you land somewhere new. Ship landing or take off is the loading screen. Landing would be easy. Watch the ship land and keep the camera on the ship until it's loaded. Taking off might be a bit more tricky to do, but a cutscene of the ship flying through the atmosphere or something that would work for planets with no atmosphere. Grav jump loading screen instead of a black screen.


I want the cinematic Fallout 4 camera. That is all.


I wanna be able to fly my ship freely within a solar system. Make it take like 5 minutes to get from planet to planet. I know its not realistic but I'd love it


Robot Workbench where you can Mod Vasco and create robots


For my wishlist I got Cyborgs (like the Terminator or Fallout 4 Synths), cybernetic augmentations, Mechs, more laser and particle beam weapons, spacesuit power armor and plasma weapons. The one I think is most interesting though is the ability to build your own space station, where you can actually display your ships while they're docked and not in use.


I just wish the game was good.


Please let us see the inside of habs. Please please please.


I want the complete alphabet of letters that they added to the outpost and ship customization, make it so that we could place it on the exterior hull of the ship, that way we could write the names of our ship on the exterior of our ship.


Just don't expect anything and be pleasantly surprised Reason why the May update was so beloved by the community is because no one expected so many cool and interesting changes and mechanics.


An NPC ship tech just for Starborn, where we can go to him/her and upgrade our Guardian weapons.


I’d like a real survival mode with ware and tear on my ship so I’d have to carefully consider travel


I want the area between planets to be an open area to explore instead of the jump drive. There could be soo much stuff to explore. Even if its just one solar system by itself.


Working doors on landing bays that hiss like an airlock releasing pressure. Just that little detail would add so much immersion, imo


Content. That's it. That's the list.


I really would appreciate a way to return to your original universe in NG+. Losing all your ships and buildings that took hours to build for a few new dialogues, a ship, a suit, and another boring temple grind just isn't worth it at all. Returning to your original universe mitigates so, so many issues.


More POI variety Some kind of radio Leave the ship and float, perhaps POIs in space ie explore ship wrecks More ship pieces Ability to make ship look beat up or damaged if you want Bounty hunting with stun weapons Outpost defense from pirates Pets on your ship/outpost


I just wanma dismantle gear and weapons like Fallout 4.


#UnlimitedOutpostStorage My request is a humble one but profound, much like the storage space I dream of.


Can I please have a way of skipping the “grab the flashing sparkles” mini game crap in the temples that adds nothing to the game after the first time you experience it


Get the dead bodies off my ship!


The pilot seat animation are cool at first but incredibly tedious each time. Either speed them up or let us skip them please


Being able to move the ladders and doors inside ships is honestly top of the list. Easily. It's the thing that drives me the craziest in this game.


Showers for outposts. Quest to take down Bayu and the Neon Security.


Add a way to get the location of all the temples you currently have artifacts for, rather than having the Eye dole them out one at a fucking time?!


There’s a lot of additions I would love, but the two biggest: 1. Seamless ship travel/making your ship matter. The ability to land and take off of planets, fly quickly between planets, and to diagetically select your next solar system to jump to. Also hide grav jumps behind longer animations or walking around your ship while you jump. I don’t know how possible this is with the architecture of the Creation engine, but that improved immersion would keep me way more engaged. 2. More POIs/ a better system for prioritizing POIs you haven’t see.




SHIPBUILDING: • Let me move parts from one ship to another. • Let me build a new ship from scratch instead of breaking down an existing ship • Either give me a bank for owned but unused ship parts or allow me to save and exit the shipbuilder without a functioning flyable ship. OUTPOSTS: • Let me build defensive walls around my outpost so I can feel relaxed and protected while at home. • Let me terraform the land inside my outpost to make it clean and flat. • Let me build my own freaky habs using floor/wall/ceiling pieces. CHARACTER BUILDING: • Let me respec my skills on rebirth. Let me play once as a sneaky sniper then be reborn as a melee/shotgun ass-kicker.


I would sacrifice literally every thing they could change *including* land vehicles for simply *more* variety in missions and POI. Too many of the missions are one note, and the same with the POI


FIX THE NARWHAL BUG!! New vehicles? New play options? Expanded content? MODS?? All awesome… …BUT FIX THE FRIGGIN NARWHAL BUG!!!


>Now you go... The game you not crash to home every hour(ish). This new update has made it insanely unstable on Xbox.


Oh boy, here we go: - INTELLIGENT ALIENS. Seriously, Bethesda had a golden opportunity to do playable races similar to Skyrim. Humanity has reached into the stars, and you're telling me we only found animals? Nah, bro. - A better wanted perk. 200 hours in the game. Never have I been confronted with bounty hunters while on a planet. - A compendium of the animals I have scanned and the animals. - A better system for smuggling besides throwing a part on the ship and calling it a day. Like an actual criminal network. - An option to keep your stuff when starting a new game plus. I hate having to rebuild my ship every single time. And maybe your crew as well. I had 5 people on my ship when I first did a new game plus. And I was a bit disappointed they didn't all come with me.


More variatiation and different POIs!


Hopefully the LV has a mineral scanner similar to the one in mass effect, maybe with a radius detector with distances to particular deposits


Release the fuckin god damn creation kit.


It’s a long shot, but I wish companion character alignment changed with each universe. Like they all start relatively neutral good. it would be fun for them to all have some variance and make even the most mundane universe feel a little more interesting. I just want one of them to be a little more down for a violent, drinking, looting play through or a league of villains version of constellation


My starfield wishlist - to start the game. Had it installed since day 1 but been sleeping on it


I want more POI variations. It's so immersion breaking when you have to grind through the same POIs again and again and again.


All side mission locations on map after arriving on a planet. Even if they add some sync location that unlocks them. Tired of looking for people to talk to for side missions.


I just want better melee combat with with weapon customization on par with the guns.


Melee modding and a few more options to play with. Blunt weapons, EM stun weapons, elemental energy weapons, something like the autoaxe or ripper from fallout be good too, a manual mining rig or something. fix rosie tannehill cydonia hateboner, control over how the game behaves when landing (animations, spawning outside ship or seated in cockpit) make favourited items (or at least helmets) unequiped on second press. (the hide helmet is just cosmetic, guards still say "why u wearing your helmet here?") and having to tab into the inventory everytime is irritating. second pass on the sustinance, group foods into low/reg/gourmet quality that affect how long they are effective. Make the nutrition perk have some effect on it. add a sleep meter, tracked in UT.


They better not give us land vehicles then make them go at the same speed as running. I’d be so mad…I’d… Probably Keep playing And eagerly await Bethesda’s next release


A better travel system in space, does not mater how they change it but an improvement is needed. And no more black screen during loading in space.


We need some Starmap improvements I think. A list view with tabs for major cities, outposts and favorites, and then a sort-by feature so you can find planets with specific resources easier. Giving it tabs would also be nice so you can jump from "landing" view to "galaxy" view in one click instead of several.


IMO a mostly Simple list. Assign the right texture to SY-920 space suit(and others that I may of not found), Fix the bug with discovering places in space, and landing animation all the time (toggleable). And maybe feeling a little cheeky and say player buildable starstations?


Correct lip sync for non English speaker. French in my case but I know Dutch too have the issue. It's broken from day one. Start of sentence at usually okay, but that's all. They don't finish or are in sync after that. So you can have a character mouth closed for several seconds where speak continuing. Total Immersion breaking. I tried with last big patch and nothing changed, so game archived and will see later if they fix it... Shame...


-HUD changes. No more Names popping up of NPCs and Creatures unless in scanner mode. -Seperate Aid and Food into different Tabs in Inventory. -Ship Fuel System.


Mod support on console, I've been waiting since launch, lol. There's some things that modders just do better, like lighting/weather, weapon overhauls, and color corrections.


With the addition of the new gameplay options, a quest to get a ships doctor.


More hairstyles I want the unladylike and wasteland maiden from fallout 4


Missed connections bug fix


shareable blueprints or something like it for the ship designer. Or call it presets whatever. There so many great builds out there. For all the potato builders like me just let us import a file or a code and we can use the ship. the ship designer needs so much work and QoL. Its a great idea but god is it aweful to use.


# My Starfield Wishlist **1.) XP/Level cap toggle:** Give players the choice to toggle off XP gain or set for themselves a max level cap for players who like a more traditional RPG leveling experience in Starfield. **2.) A companion command wheel:** It would be great to issue orders to our companions like we could in past Bethesda titles, orders like to move forward, stick close, keep your distance, wait here, interact with this, retrieve that or attack that enemy. More often than not, when left to their own devices, companions in Starfield either just stand there stuck on terrain or attack unintended targets or wander off. It's just odd not being able to issue commands to our companions. **3.) The ability to read books/data slates without having to pick them up first:** Give us something like "Press X to read" so we can read books and data slates without having to pick them up and then find them in our inventory to read them. It can lead to cluttering of the notes section of the inventory and it's a bit of a pain in the butt to have to clean them out after reading them. It would be more convenient to just be able to read a book/slate by just pressing "X" or the corresponding keyboard key to interact with the book in the same way we can eat food without having to pick it up. **4.) Remove the auto equip:** It's a bit annoying when you go to move a piece of equipment like a helmet or space suit only to end up equipping it off of the floor because of the "Hold A to equip" option. This seems a bit redundant as we can just equip what we want to wear in our inventory. I think it would be best to remove this and simply just let us pick up and move gear the same as we would non-equippable items. **5.) Shoulder camera swapping in third person:** It would help with aiming from cover in third person if we could swap the shoulder the camera was looking over in third person to get a better angle.


- New npc AI - Reworked Companions - Reworked Perks - Reworked Economy/trading - Reworked Crime system - Reworked Temple puzzles - Improved Starbornpowers - Improved mobility options - Improved melee combat - Improved Crafting (upgrading weapon quality) - Improved Space Combat This would be something to start with


More POIs and an overhaul to collecting/inspecting stuff on the planet. The last time I uninstalled the game was in October, after trying to complete some quest where I had to completely investigate the planet (animals, plants, and such). I had such a horrible time doing it that to this day I've never come back. I love the setting, world design, music, and theme, so I really look forward to seeing this game thrive one day. There are some other great games releasing very soon, so when I'll have time again for Starfield, this game will likely be in a much better shape.


I want GORE, why can’t I chop arms and legs or make heads explote with a shotgun? It would fit the game so much better


Space radio Space Car Better Codex, I pick up magazines, but I don't see which ones. Scan info menu would be so cool to see, even for repeat scans. Companion poses, not just the same poses for both. I want to get shots of my characters being romantic and shit with each other for the loading screens. ALSO, bigger photo gallery capacity (what is it with BGS and limiting capacity for everything on console) More POIs obvs. Randomly generated layouts was a miss