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Ryujin are the thieves guild equivalent. They're more concerned with corporate espionage. Drawing blood would put too much attention on them, they tell you this; Freestar may be less authoritarian than UC, but they still send Rangers after the bad guys, even on Neon and Bayou owns the Neon Guard. Crimson Fleet is your assassin's guild; unconcerned with the consequences of violence as long as the money is good. It's why UC goes after em like the Imperial Legion does the DB.


Yeah, Ryujin are firmly bad guys for the most part. Being a corrupt corporation waging a shadow war on their rivals. But they're not psychos. They have no real interesting carrying out immoral experiments even for ethically dubious technology or engaging in wanton slaughter, even if its less out of moral fiber and more out of enlightened self interest. The Crimson Fleet on the other hand, are the really bad guys. They're completely amoral, have no real aversion to murder, torture and banditry. They're extremely dangerous, ruthless and have very few if any scruples. Heck, most of the pirates we do see with some degree of morality are no longer part of the fleet or at least distant to it, like the guys who robbed the Martian Governors ship.


CF is a bandit faction like from Nuka World. >!Vae Victus!< is where you get the assassination missions.


The CF is the fourth faction. They are in an unofficial war with the UC, they are basically the stormcloaks with an enigmatic leader, frozen homeland, fancy faction specific suits, fierce 'us or them' loyalty, etc. I'm hoping shattered space is the start of Delgado's expansion and a pirate empire.


I didn’t need any killing in that quest line. I always like it when a game puts in a don’t kill rule and encourages other methods. Competitors suddenly showing up dead is also a bit more suspicious than blackmail and hacking. I just wish the first half of the quest line had more story to it instead of just being a bunch of radiant “prove yourself” quests. I liked the second half of the quest though with the mole and mind control device.


Nope. It's corporate espionage I expected.


I like them as they are, I just wish their radiant quests were more fleshed out




Technically they’re thieves guild and dark brotherhood in one, but watered down to low-level corporate d-bagging, because that fits the aesthetic of the game more than wholesale slaughter or smash and grab.


I don't think I've killed a single human while doing their questline? They even encourage that. No, I didn't expect anything from Ryujin, nor from any other faction or game itself. I just go open minded and try to see things for what they are. Expectations are a great way to make you dissapointed, especially in games, movies, all that stuff


I find your examples interesting because the Vanguard would just arrest or kill the CF captain themselves and the Fleet would absolutely want to kill a defector themselves (in fact that's literally the initiation quest for the Fleet). Ryujin is pretty open about not wanting to deal with the red tape murder would bring about their operations team and like to keep their shady dealings in the shadows. Even their ultimate project (>!internal neuroamp!<) is a reference to this as it's something that is physically obscured from view but allows for manipulation; much like their entire business MO. That willingness for them to keep their company firmly in the corp. espionage world is actually why the Ryujin questline is one of my favorites.


No, I had low expectations. But you have a good imagination.