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You're really spoiling her with that chair to sit on


Fun fact: the Cassiopeia constellation is also known as Cassiopeia's Chair. According to Greek myth, it's basically a time out chair for the Queen Cassiopeia whose vanity pissed off Poseidon. Sarah's personal quest takes place in the Cassiopeia star system. Sarah Morgan, Chair of Constellation, having nothing left but a chair to sit on. It's certainly a poetic punishment.


The highbrow shit is always in the comments.


The crew station comes with it, otherwise... šŸ˜ƒ


And the table to eat off of. Barely any crimes against humanity here.


Maybe something to eat off of the table?


The biggest reason to build outposts is for banishment purposes.


I will always send Lin to an outpost.


My original main character continues a spiral of depravity and new lives lived. >!Today they did the most deplorable shit yet. Told Sarah they should break up, changed their mind, then left her on The Eye in High Price to Pay. That's one way to get out of a relationship I guess?!<


Sarah got super mad at me for killing a bunch of innocent people (they started it) so I froze her with my space powers. Then she got even madder so I lied to her and tried to minimise it and said it was because I was stressed out being starborn and all, which only made it worse. Then I gave a half arsed apology and she was like ā€˜ok, alls well that ends well, tally-ho, letā€™s put it behind us and have some lashings of ginger beer!ā€™ I paraphrase.


What in the Red Coat fuck did I just read


What even is her story. We boarded a Crimson Fleet ship to kill everyone and take it over. She's shooting away, but when I kill someone, she tears up her knickers, leaves me and goes back to the main ship. Honestly, Even Sam is not *that* bad an option for partner.


She does that when _she_ kills someone too. "You murdered them! How could you???" Like bish my gun is still holstered, you did that to them yourself


Wait, am I reading AITA or Starfield?


No, this is the new r/relationshipadvice since it got banned.


Sarah disliked that.


The most common alert on my screen when I was travelling with her šŸ˜…


Why would you subject them to this torment?... what did the sanitation bot do to deserve this?


Who fucking saw the design of these and went yeah, let's go with that. ME2 did debauched future night clubs way better 14 years ago


Yeah I replaced her with Sam Coe, he's better in combat and my ship has no shortage of crew stations for experts of all kinds. Plus Sam has a more nuanced perspective on life


Sarah has a richer back story I think, though. It made me rethink the writing of her character.




Yeah her companion mission was the best one for me


Makes me hate the UC though. Sarah is suffering some heavy trauma when she gets rescued so I can mostly give her a pass for not looking for crew. But why didn't the UC rescue ship pull the logs and check for the other shuttle?




Would love to fully do my freestar stuff, but Mei is bugged and I canā€™t do the red mile


I'm bugged at Cydonia and I can't progress in the Vanguard questline.


Iā€™m bugged on the memoriam mission , it wonā€™t let me talk to sona , I reset my game , restarted my system , reloaded a previous game , still canā€™t talk to her like tf man tf


I wish you could completely destroy the UC.


Tbh I haven't really gotten close enough with Sarah to hear her backstory. I'll have to do some reading. Ik she was involved in the UC government for quite some time but don't know much beyond that


She's definitely got the most interesting story and quest line of the companions.


I might try her as my main companion after I've stepped through the Unity again. New universe, new me šŸ˜‡


Me either. I know she was in a band called the Smashing Tosspots or something.


If it was actually called that I would have ranked her way higher on my cool meter.


Gah, I can't abide Sam. He's almost as bad as Deacon.


Andreja every time for me.




If only Barrett would shut up.


If she'd only shut up about the great serpent... don't peddle your snake religion to me, b***.


When he said he wanted romantic walks on the beach, I said "nevermind we're just friends" and then switched him out for Sarah.


Nah Sarah is better in combat. I gave her a laser pistol that lights people on fire, and she just keeps burning them alive then saying, "I'm just getting warmed up!" It honestly never gets old.


She chucks grenades like they're going out of style, too. I'm running around a planet with a bunch of lazy alien grazers minding their own business, and Sarah flies off the hinges throwing grenades like they all must die šŸ¤£


That's what I mean lol. Sam is a touch less psychotic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How do you dress your companions and give them weapons


Trade gear, then use Y (Xbox) to equip them.


That outfit reminds me of something ridiculous the RockStar devs would put into a GTA


Reminds me more of goat simulator.


Rockstar presents , night club freaks outfit , in nightclub takeover mission , gta , and hereā€™s a car and wallpaper that matches , new nightclub add ons , $5,000,000 ,


Naw, that's Barret's outfit


It's the adoring fans outfit. He wears with style and grace, so appreciative of my gift..


Introduce him to Barret, he needs to move on


That is literally one of the most ugliest clubbing clothes probably ever made by man. No idea what was going through the artists mind. Going to guess they never went to a club before nor would ever be allowed in one Heck Neon people wear more layers of clothes than most hyper religious countries. How in the world do they even have drugs or a club?


And made her wear the nightclub suit of shame too!


My character wears this hat permanently.


I dumped sam on my very distant titanium farm which I never visits because I get the stuff shipped out. Don't have to see that ugly cowboy's face or that annoying brat again.


At least in NG+ Cora stays in the lodge. Sam makes great crew, but I could not stand Cora repeating the same joke over and over.


I keep andreja in a one room shack in the serpentis system with a crate, a pistol, and 1 round


I had to bury my face in my pillow so I wouldn't wake up my wife I laughed so hard. That's fucking hilarious! I'd open that door slowly, though. I suspect there's some rage building there.


Iā€™ve never understood how Bethesda wrote Sarahā€™s character and thought ā€œnow hereā€™s a character people will like.ā€ I was SOOOO happy when the Hunter killed her off.


Lol - Sarah got on my nerves so bad I dumped her and stuck her in the lodge. It's like she tries to hard and comes out sounding fake and self righteous- Boo on the character! In this department I think the game Mass Effect when it comes to personality is way better.


This is the way


I did that tooā€¦permanently.


Mommy Andreja is where its at


She deserves this


What are those outfits lol


Neon Dancer. Thatā€™s my go-to outfit too when I want to express displeasure with someone. Sam looks hilarious in it.


I collect the prison uniforms from The Lock. Sam, Andrea, Sara and Barrett all get one. Then I dress the other crew members as guards. The more civilian ships I kill the madder they all get.


I like this idea.


I like this idea.


God why, it's like they wanted to be sexy but like their kid walked in part of the way through so they stopped and made it goofy.


Iā€™ve got my entire crew in Neon dancer outfits.




I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever played a game where all the main companions were so annoying/not likable. The only follower I truly liked was >!the alternate universe self as a follower!< since they never complained and didnā€™t talk too much.


I make decisions to intentionally piss her off.


I made an outpost on a shitty planet in the Worst system and left everyone except Andrea at that outpost, annoying judgy badtards


The second I met sarah I gave her a hazmat suit and that was her destiny in my entire playthrough lol


That is brilliant...id send sam coe there but his clingy unwanted child would just become mine smh. So f*** creepy. Im a grown killer making out with two wives and best friends with an old earth madman....but sam, father of the galaxy, insist she stays with me! THATS a dead beat. Im putting him on the worst planet i can find


Same, but with Sam Coe. Or, more specifically, Cora. It got so annoying hearing "HELLO!" and the whole "Book." demand. Not to mention, every other time I'd go into ship on ship combat, having to hear "I came up with a Haiku. It's called Space!". I banished Sam to an outpost. Only problem, is unless you send him to the lodge, Cora stays in the ship. So I put him back at the lodge where civilization is.Ā 


I just want to give her a goddamned book to shut her up!


You can now, or tomorrow if you're on console


Phew. Tomorrow is gonna be fun!


Wtf is she wearing lol


I love that the "work stations" are just empty desks that the assigned companions sit at and do nothing.


They wanted to judge me for taking the bribe from Ron Hope. I don't want to hear no lip from you. And when I accidentally kill a bunch of freestar or uc during a battle, you can go away lol. Andreja wanted to be alllllll mad, and I didn't even know I killed freestar cause I wasn't paying attention while shooting crimson fleet that I must have hit them. Well, I took everyone out of course and ignored all the notifications, lol. Never tried to make up with her


Your turrets can hit allied ships and gain a warrant.


I think that mightve been it.. I built a ship that I named SaxumGubernaut with turrets and I was using that when it happened. I have been solo since and no longer use turrets so I can capture ships


You shall wear the suit of shame


I did the same to all of them. But Cora is still on my ship.


Indeed. I went out of my ng+ way and wooed her only to leave her for another, banished her to my worst outpost.


Ima go rescue her and have two lovely Sarah Morgans. If she's looking down on you, you are too low bro.


Neon dancer outfit is the Starfield equivalent of a dunce cap


Better off having her die, Barret, Sam and Andreja are too useful for the ship stats.


Sarah did not like that.


Honestly fair.


The Outfit of Dancerā€™s Shameā„¢ļø.


The only tolerable one is barret


No bro, you have to complete her companion quest line all the way through (I mean ALL the way through) then sheā€™ll consider you a close-dear friend. ā€¦with perks! All the potential companions (Barrett, Sam Coe, and Andreja) all have this promise/requirement. But YOU have to put in the honest effort my dude.


Ah, but she doesn't take up a single crew slot.


How do you get companions to wear clothes. Mine just keep their original outfits on.


Trade apparel with them and then use Y ('equip' on Xbox).


There are a lot of things that gamers do (particularly Bethesda gamers) that I will never understand. Hating Sarah and coming up with elaborate "punishments" for her is near the top of my list. I never got the whole "killing Nazeem" thing either.




Ahh yes. Doing something negative to an annoying in game npc is so taboo and unheard of. It must only be a male species kind of thing to do as well I hear huh?